Epidemiat maailmalla

ISIS on epidemia, joten tänne (enkä muutakaan sopivaa löytänyt).


CAIRO -- An Islamic State affiliate in Egypt has published photographs it says show a dramatic attack on an Egyptian naval vessel off the coast of the Sinai Peninsula on Thursday.


(SITE Intel Group)
A series of three photographs show what appears to be a missile or rocket fired on the boat, which was patrolling near the Egyptian town of Rafah, the Egyptian army said. The second picture captures the moment the vessel was hit, causing a fiery explosion. A third shows white smoke and the apparently damaged vessel.

[One year ago, Islamic State stepped into the global spotlight. Here's what has happened since.]


(SITE Intel Group)
It was unclear how far the vessel was from the shore, or from the militants who claimed they launched the attack.

In a statement, the Egyptian military confirmed an attack on the ship, but said no sailors had been killed. It gave no other immediate details.


(SITE Intel Group)
The militants, known as Sinai Province, said in an online statement that they had used a guided missile to fire on the boat. If true, the militants' possession of such high-tech weapons, which can also be used to fire on tanks, would present a significant challenge to Egyptian security forces who have already struggled to contain attacks by Islamist fighters on army and police personnel across Egypt.

Egypt is home to the Suez Canal, one of the world's most important waterway.

Terror hits the high seas: Egyptian navy vessel erupts in fireball as ISIS carries out its first rocket strike on patrol ship in the Med

  • Patrol ship spotted ISIS jihadis on the Sinai shoreline and fired at them
  • The group of Islamic extremists returned fire using high-powered rockets
  • At least one of the rockets struck the ship, causing it to burst into flames
  • Several patrol workers suffered burn injuries, but there were no fatalities

Extremists loyal to the Islamic State in Egypt have attacked a naval patrol ship in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to burst into flames.

The Egyptian military said earlier a coastguard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just two miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip.

There were no fatalities among the vessel's crew in the shootout with the terrorists, according to a Facebook message posted by military spokesman, Brigadier General Mohammed Samir.

ISIS declared their presence on Sinai - a peninsula popular with British holidaymakers - last November when up to 2,000 members of the already established jihadi group Ansar Bait al-Maqdis swore allegiance to ISIS' leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

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Explosion: Extremists loyal to the Islamic State in Egypt have attacked a naval patrol ship in the Mediterranean Sea, causing it to burst into flames


Attack: Eyewitnesses said a boat patrolling the Sinai coastline spotted a group of ISIS jihadis on the shore and engaged them. A rocket fired from the shore (circled) struck the vessel moments later


Smoke: A witness, fisherman Abu Ibrahim Mohammed from the neighboring Gaza Strip, said the vessel was a gunboat that was about a nautical mile off the coast when it was struck by the rocket

Eyewitnesses said a boat patrolling the Sinai coastline spotted a group of ISIS jihadis on the shore and engaged them.

At some point during the fire fight the vessel was struck by a rocket, causing it to burst into flames and withdraw from the battle.

The military said it suffered no casualties although it is understood several patrol workers suffered minor burn injuries.

An AFP photographer and a witness in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, just across the border, said the boat was struck at least two miles from shore.

'We were sitting on the beach and suddenly there was an explosion,' said Ahmed Nofal.

Other navy boats came to rescue the crew as their vessel spewed a plume of smoke.

A witness, fisherman Abu Ibrahim Mohammed from the neighboring Gaza Strip, said the vessel was a gunboat that was about a nautical mile off the coast when it was struck by the rocket.

He did not hear the explosion but saw two smaller boats later trying to put out the fire and that a third, larger one later arrived and towed the burned vessel away.

Two speed boats were seen later combing the area as gunshots occasionally rang out, he added.

Smoke billows from Egyptian Mediterranean patrol ship hit by ISIS


Location: The Egyptian military said earlier a coastguard vessel had exchanged shots with militants just two miles off the coast of northern Sinai, an area bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip


Blast: The military said it suffered no casualties although it is understood several patrol workers suffered minor burn injuries


A Palestinian boy watches smoke rising from the Egyptian patrol vessel off the coast of northern Sinai

Authorities refused to officially confirm whether or not the vessel was hit by a rocket but said they are looking into both that possibility as well as theory that ISIS jihadis could have swam out to the patrol ship and placed explosives on it, which were later detonated by remote control.

In his Facebook message Samir did not say how much damage the vessel suffered and gave no details on the type of ship or the size of its crew.

The vessel, according to the security officials, routinely patrols Egyptian territorial waters and has frequently been used to transport army and police personnel to mainland Egypt.

The sea route avoids the overland journey through Sinai, where ISIS targets government forces.

Jihadis loyal to ISIS have killed scores of soldiers and policemen in the peninsula since the army's overthrow of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

The militants have also carried out attacks west of the Suez Canal, which separates the Sinai from the rest of Egypt.


Stricken: Authorities refused to officially confirm whether or not the vessel was hit by a rocket but confirmed that they are looking into the possibility


Palestinian fishermen go about their business as an Egyptian naval vessel approaches the stricken patrol ship

Yesterday, the military said it foiled an attempted attack on a military post on a highway linking Cairo with the Red Sea coast.

The driver of a car that was carrying 1,100 pounds of dynamite refused to stop at a checkpoint, drawing fire from the troops, the military said.

The car then swerved off the road and the driver was killed, the military said in a statement.

Egypt faces threats from multiple insurgent factions, including the ISIS affiliate in Sinai, which the military says killed at least 17 soldiers in a July 1 assault there.

Officials from several branches of Egypt's security forces previously said that that attack killed dozens more.

In another attack claimed by ISIS, Egypt's state prosecutor, Hisham Barakat, was assassinated in Cairo by a car bomb in late June.
The number of suspected cases of Ebola has risen to 29 from nine in less than a week in an isolated part of Democratic Republic of Congo, where three people have died from the disease since April 22, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.

The W.H.O. was criticized for responding too slowly to an outbreak in West Africa in 2014 that left more than 11,000 people dead, and Dr. Peter Salama, the executive director of the organization’s health emergencies program, said at a briefing that it was essential to “never, ever underestimate Ebola” and to “make sure we have a no-regrets approach to this outbreak.”

The risk from the outbreak is “high at the national level,” the W.H.O. said, because the disease was so severe and was spreading in a remote area in northeastern Congo with “suboptimal surveillance” and limited access to health care.

About a week ago, in addition to the nine suspected cases, 125 patients who had come into close contact with the disease were being monitored. Now about 400 patients are being followed, even as nine new cases were reported on Thursday, according to the W.H.O.
Viimeksi muokattu:

MALAWI is the tenth country in Africa to be put on high alert over fears the Black Death plague could be spreading.

The nation has joined South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tanzania, La Reunion and Comoros Islands to be the latest country to be put on high alert over fears the pneumonic plague could spread.

Authorities fear the plague could spread from Madagascar, where it has already killed 140 victims and spread to more than 2,000 people in the region, to neighbouring Malawi.

Some locals in Madagascar have blamed the plague outbreak on villagers digging up their ancestors for a burial ritual.

Maailma kylässä.

Saksan Hannoverissa epäillään Ebolaa
12.12.2018 21:08
Juha Hämäläinen

Hannoverissa perheen epäillään kantavan Ebola-virusta.
Saksan Hannoverissa eräässä kerrostalossa epäillään Ebola–tapausta. Pelastuslaitos ja poliisi ovat eristäneet alueen ja liikkuvat talossa suoja-asuissa puhdistamassa tiloja. Viranomaiset eivät usko, että Ebola–tartunta johtaa epidemiaan.

Ebola on viruksen aiheuttama verenvuotokuume, joka usein johtaa nopeasti kuolemaan. Ebolan itämisaika on noin 2–21 päivää. Oireet alkavat yleensä äkillisellä korkealla kuumeella, voimattomuudella, mahakivulla, kurkkukivulla, päänsäryllä ja lihassäryllä. Taudin edetessä oireisiin liittyvät oksentelu, ripuli, erilaiset ihottumat, nivelsärky ja sisäelinten vauriot. Sisäinen ja ulkoinen verenvuoto voimistuvat taudin loppuvaiheissa. Usein juuri tämä aiheuttaa kuoleman. Taudin puhkeamisesta kuolemaan tai tervehtymiseen kuluu tyypillisesti 6–10 päivää. Loppuvaiheessa uhri saattaa saada voimakkaita epileptisiä kouristuskohtauksia. Tällöin ravistuksen seurauksena uhri saattaa levittää tautia ympärillä oleviin eläviin olentoihin.

Alueella on toiminnassa useita pelastuslaitoksen yksiköitä ja kemiallisen sodankäynnin erikoisjoukkoja. Aamulla paikalle hälytetyn pelastushenkilökunnan mukaan talossa on perhe, jolla oli todettu korkea kuume. Ebola–epäilyn taustalla on perheen ulkomaanmatka, joka on suuntautunut Kameruniin.
Sairaista otetut laboratoriotestit selvittävät myöhemmin illalla, onko kyseessä todella Ebola–tartunta.
Lähde: Ostsee-Zeitung, Hannover Allgemeinen Zeitung
Kongossa hyökättiin ebolaklinikkaa vastaan – maan historian pahimman tautiepidemian hoitaminen hankaloituu entisestään
Ihmisten epäluulo viranomaisia kohtaan saa sairastuneet piilottelemaan kotona.
9.3.2019 klo 17:09päivitetty 9.3.2019 klo 17:33

Nainen pesi käsiään välttääkseen ebolatartunnan. Kuva on otettu Kongon luoteisosassa Mbandakassa viime vuoden toukokuussa. Tuolloin aluetta vaivasi ebola.EPA

Minna Kurki

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Kongon demokraattisessa tasavallassa on meneillään maan historian pahin ebolaepidemia. Viime elokuussa alkanut epidemia on tähän mennessä vaatinut jo ainakin 560 ihmisen hengen.
Ebolan hoitoa hankaloittavat kuitenkin iskut hoitokeskuksia vastaan.
Lauantaina yksi ihminen sai surmansa, kun aseistetut miehet hyökkäsivät Butembon hoitokeskukseen Kongon itäosassa. Keskus oli avattu uudelleen alle viikko sitten.
Maaliskuun alussa Lääkärit ilman rajoja -järjestö (MSF) joutui keskeyttämääntoimintansa Butembon hoitokeskuksessa, kun siellä sytytettiin tulipalo. Pari päivää aiemmin oli hyökätty toista keskusta vastaan Katwassa. Tuolloin henkensä menetti yksi ihminen.
Butembon pormestari syyttä iskusta "terroristeja", jotka haluavat tappaa sairaita.
MSF:n mukaan paikallisten ihmisten epäluulo hoitoa ja viranomaisia vastaan on kasvanut yhä suuremmaksi, mikä vaikeuttaa epidemian hillitsemistä. Hoitoon ei uskalleta hakeutua, koska viranomaiset käyttävät kovia otteita ja esimerkiksi seuraavat hoitoon hakeutumista.
MSF:n mukaan jännitteet alueella ovat kasvaneet, koska konfliktista kärsivällä alueella rahaa on suunnattu vain ebolan hoitoon. Asiaa ei auta, että Kongon vaaleja siirrettiin ebolan takia vuoden vaihteessa. Presidentti Joseph Kabilaperusteli tuolloin, että ebola tarttuu äänestyskoneiden kautta. Tämä lisäsi epäilyjä siitä, että ebola on vain poliittinen ase.
Lisäksi alueella toimii useita erilaisia aseistettuja ryhmiä.
Tapauksia jo lähes 900
Kongon viranomaisten mukaan ebolatapauksia on jo melkein 900.
MSF:n mukaan meneillään on Kongon pahin ja historian toiseksi pahin ebolaepidemia. Pahin oli Länsi-Afrikassa vuosina 2014–2016. Guineasta alkanut epidemia tappoi yli 10 000 ihmistä.
Ebola on viruksen aiheuttama verenvuotokuume. Tauti on usein kuolemaksi.
Kongon edellinen ebolaepidemia oli julistettu loppuneeksi vain hieman ennen uuden alkamista.
Lue lisää:
Ebolaa nitistetään Kongossa nyt myös rokotteilla – Eristyksistä karkaavat potilaat pahin uhka
MPONDWE, Uganda (AP) — Several well-trodden paths crisscross this lush area where people walk between Congo and Uganda to visit nearby family and friends and go to the busy markets.

The problem is that the pedestrians may unknowingly be carrying the deadly Ebola virus, and hindering efforts to control the current outbreak in eastern Congo, which has killed more than 1,400 people.

The busy border post is open 12 hours a day from 7 a.m., but after dark people walk along the “panyas,” or “mouse paths,” as the narrow dirt trails are known in the local Kiswahili language.

The footpaths show the close kinship between the two countries, where most people have relatives on both sides of the border. But as Ebola rages they are a source of worry for health workers and local authorities trying to prevent any further cross-border contamination. Eastern Congo has battled the Ebola outbreak since last August and last week the disease spread to Uganda, where two people died of the hemorrhagic fever.

“This border is very porous,” said James Mwanga, a Ugandan police officer in charge of the Mpondwe border post. “You will not know who has passed if the person went through the unofficial border posts, in most cases. Now there is anxiety and so on. We have heightened our alertness.”

The Ebola deaths in Uganda happened after a family of Congolese-Ugandans traveled to Congo to care for a family elder suffering from the disease.

Authorities believe members of that family, including a 5-year-old boy and his 50-year-old grandmother who have since died of Ebola , took a footpath back into Uganda. In doing so, they may have exposed many Ugandans to the viral disease.

The current outbreak in eastern Congo has become the second worst, after the West Africa epidemic of 2014-2016 in which more than 11,000 people died.

The virus can spread quickly via close contact with bodily fluids of those infected and can be fatal in up to 90% of cases.

Despite new anti-Ebola vaccines, non-biological factors have made the outbreak difficult to control.

Eastern Congo is one of the world’s most turbulent regions, and rebels have attacked medical centers. Community resistance based in fear and mistrust has also hurt Ebola response work.

Identifying people who might have been exposed is crucial. The World Health Organization says at least 112 Ebola contacts have been identified in Uganda.
The year-long Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is on the edge of spiralling out of control and the World Health Organization should declare it an international emergency, Rory Stewart, the UK’s international development secretary, has said.

Stewart is on a two-day visit to the DRC visiting emergency health centres and victims of the disease to assess the issues hampering efforts to bring the epidemic under permanent control. So far in the outbreak 2,400 people have contracted the disease and 1,606 have died, according to the WHO.

Militia groups have attacked health workers, and some community leaders say there is resentment over the mass arrival of UN agencies to combat Ebola in a large remote region where for decades more curable diseases such as cholera or measles have been left untreated.

In a Guardian interview, Stewart said: “We are on the edge with this crisis. We keep pulling it back from the brink but it is very dangerous. The very worst-case scenario is if it broke out of the numbers that you could vaccinate. Due to the insecurity, areas that appeared cleared of the disease, such as Beni, have seen the population struck again.”

Tarvitaan vain yksi lento nigeriasta tai kongosta tänne ja WHOn painajaisesta tulisi totta.
Health workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have launched an urgent measles vaccination campaign in Ebola-hit regions, after almost 2,000 deaths from the preventable disease, two-thirds of them among children under five.

At least 1,981 people died from measles in DRC this year, surpassing the 1,641 deaths from Ebola, according to the UN children’s agency, Unicef. The “unprecedented” humanitarian crisis is putting the health system under strain, UN staff said.

“The combined threat of Ebola and measles for the thousands of families living in overcrowded and unsanitary displacement camps is unprecedented,” said Edouard Beigbeder, a Unicef DRC spokesman. “We have a small window to prevent a potentially massive loss of life.”

Nearly 115,000 cases of suspected measles have been reported for the six months to 23 June, almost double the number recorded for the whole of 2018.

“Cases of measles have accelerated in Ituri in the past year, mainly due to fighting and mass displacement,” said Jerome Pfaffman, a Unicef health specialist based in Bunia, a town in the north-east province. “People go into camps, which are overcrowded and unsanitary. With the Ebola outbreak, it puts the health system under a strain and poses a major challenge for government, health officials and partners.”

The measles vaccination campaign is targeting 67,000 children in Ituri, which is at the centre of the second deadliest Ebola outbreak on record. As of 8 July, there were 2,428 cases of Ebola, roughly 30% of which were among children.

Fighting has escalated in Ituri, with a massive influx of families forcibly displaced by conflict in recent weeks. An estimated 400,000 people have been displaced, the vast majority women and children.

Pfaffman said an additional 250 specially-trained staff have been mobilised to tackle the outbreak in Bunia. Extra measures were needed to protect workers and patients from Ebola and to screen for it, he said.

“You have to have additional protection for frontline workers, to protect against infection, and you have to have meticulous triage,” said Pfaffman.

The rollout of the programme will be further complicated because some of the early symptoms of Ebola, including fever, redness around the eyes and diarrhoea, are virtually indistinguishable from those of measles, malaria and cholera, all of which are common in camps.

The first sites to be targeted for the programme are four displacement camps in Bunia. The boundary of one of the camps is less than 100 metres away from an Ebola treatment centre and less than 3km from parts of Bunia where there have been five Ebola cases since the outbreak began, two of them in the past three weeks.

Measles campaigns are also being planned for Tchomia and Nyankunde health zones.

Kaikki lennot tuolta suunnalta pitäisi ohjata jollekkin eristetylle saarelle missä EUn ja Brittien viranomaiset tekisivät terveystarkastuksen ennen jatkolentoa. Ebolan tapauksessa ei tarvita kuin yksi sairastunut saapuvan Lontooseen, Pariisiin, Berliinin taikka Roomaan ja homma voi karata käsistä.
Onneksi ebola on paljon huonommin tarttuva kuin usein ajatellaan. Useimmissa euroopan maissa terveydenhuolto-organisaatiot ovat tarpeeksi ajan tasalla että pystyisivät pysymään epidemian perässä ja rajoittamaan sen leviämisen. Silti toki sairastuneita olisi paljon ja kuolleitakin tulisi vähintään kymmeniä. Silti se jäisi lähemmäs Nokian vesikriisiä kuin maailmanloppua.

Mutta jos ebolan tappavuus yhdistyisi influenssaan tarttuvuuteen...
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Onneksi ebola on paljon huonommin tarttuva kuin usein ajatellaan.

Pisaratartunta, epähygieenisyys, seksi. WHO myös sanoo

The Ebola virus can also be transmitted indirectly, by contact with previously contaminated surfaces and objects. The risk of transmission from these surfaces is low and can be reduced even further by appropriate cleaning and disinfection procedures.

Vaikka se on alhainen, niin se on mahdollinen, varsinkin lentokenttä tapauksessa missä sairaustunut voi esimerkiksi pyyhkiä suunsa kämmeneen ja laittaa se liukuhihnalle, taikka kaiteelle, taikka jollekkin vastaavalle. Taikka sairastunut menee vessaan ja kusee lauteille ja sitä kautta tartuttaa toisen. Vaikka Ebola tunnetaan niin sen tartunta metodit ovat vielä haussa.

Saliva and tears may also carry some risk. However, the studies implicating these additional bodily fluids were extremely limited in sample size and the science is inconclusive. In studies of saliva, the virus was found most frequently in patients at a severe stage of illness. The whole live virus has never been isolated from sweat.
Pisaratartunta, epähygieenisyys, seksi. WHO myös sanoo


Vaikka se on alhainen, niin se on mahdollinen, varsinkin lentokenttä tapauksessa missä sairaustunut voi esimerkiksi pyyhkiä suunsa kämmeneen ja laittaa se liukuhihnalle, taikka kaiteelle, taikka jollekkin vastaavalle. Taikka sairastunut menee vessaan ja kusee lauteille ja sitä kautta tartuttaa toisen. Vaikka Ebola tunnetaan niin sen tartunta metodit ovat vielä haussa.
Muistaakseni Ebola kestää elimistön ulkopuolisia olosuhteita. Toisin kun esim Noro.
Muistaakseni Ebola kestää elimistön ulkopuolisia olosuhteita. Toisin kun esim Noro.

Finally, the study found that the virus could survive in dried blood for up to five days, and in liquid blood (outside the body) for as long as 14 days. The study shows that, in a blood sample from an Ebola patient, "the virus would remain viable for a long time, Munster said.

Researchers tested how long the Ebola virus could survive on plastic, stainless steel and Tyvek, a material used in Ebola suits. The researchers also simulated different environmental conditions, including a climate-controlled hospital at 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) and 40 percent humidity, and the typical environment of West Africa, at 80 F (27 C) and 80 percent humidity.

On ehkä mahdollista että arktisissa olosuhteissa pakkanen tappaa viruksen.
tää on hyvä ketju, onkin kulunut kauan siitä kun oli epidemiahysteriä.
ilmastopsykot ovat ottaneet TILAN HALTUUN!
Vaikka se on alhainen, niin se on mahdollinen, varsinkin lentokenttä tapauksessa missä sairaustunut voi esimerkiksi pyyhkiä suunsa kämmeneen ja laittaa se liukuhihnalle, taikka kaiteelle, taikka jollekkin vastaavalle. Taikka sairastunut menee vessaan ja kusee lauteille ja sitä kautta tartuttaa toisen. Vaikka Ebola tunnetaan niin sen tartunta metodit ovat vielä haussa.
Tämä se alhaisemman tarttuvuuden syy juuri on. Pelkkä oleskelu sairastuneen lähellä ei riitä. Pitää saada kosketus virusta sisältävään eritteeseen. Sittenkään jokainen altistus ei johda tartuntaan. Oireettomat kantajat eivät tartuta ollenkaan. Kyllä ebolan tartuntakanavat tunnetaan jo kohtuullisella tasolla. Sitä on tutkittu nimenomaan koska se on niin pelottava. Normaali eristyshuonehygienia suojaa jo hyvin.

Epidemian alkuvaiheessa tietysti tartunnat leviävät helpoiten. Kun tartuntalähteitä aletaan selvittää ja altistuneita poimitaan eristykseen ennakoivasti niin leviäminen hidastuu todella tehokkaasti. Kun vielä matkustaminen vähenee ja hengityssuojia yms. aletaan käyttää massamaisesti tartuntapelon vuoksi niin homma alkaa olla hallinnassa.

Kyllä sairastuneita ja kuolleita tulee paljon. Siitä ei ole epäilystäkään. Epidemia haittaisi yhteiskunnan toimintaa rankasti viikkojen ja kuukausien ajan. Vaikutuksia tuntuisi luultavasti vuosia. Mutta WHO:lla on pahempiakin painajaisia kuin nykymuotoinen ebola. Esimerkiksi influenssan tappava mutaatio leviäisi satakertaisella nopeudella ebolaan verrattuna. Siinä olisi jo haastetta pysyä perässä.
The Ebola virus has reached the Congolese city of Goma, home to two million people, for the first time since the epidemic began nearly a year ago.

The Congolese health ministry said a man who had arrived in the regional centre on Sunday had been quickly transported to an Ebola treatment centre.

Authorities said they had tracked down all the passengers on the bus the man took to Goma from Butembo, one of the towns hardest hit by the disease.

“Because of the speed with which the patient was identified and isolated, and the identification of all the other bus passengers coming from Butembo, the risk of it spreading in the rest of the city of Goma is small,” the health ministry said in a statement.
WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus today declared the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

“It is time for the world to take notice and redouble our efforts. We need to work together in solidarity with the DRC to end this outbreak and build a better health system,” said Dr. Tedros.

“Extraordinary work has been done for almost a year under the most difficult circumstances. We all owe it to these responders -- coming from not just WHO but also government, partners and communities -- to shoulder more of the burden.”

The declaration followed a meeting of the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee for EVD in the DRC. The Committee cited recent developments in the outbreak in making its recommendation, including the first confirmed case in Goma, a city of almost two million people on the border with Rwanda, and the gateway to the rest of DRC and the world.
This was the fourth meeting of the Emergency Committee since the outbreak was declared on 1 August 2018.

The Committee expressed disappointment about delays in funding which have constrained the response. They also reinforced the need to protect livelihoods of the people most affected by the outbreak by keeping transport routes and borders open. It is essential to avoid the punitive economic consequences of travel and trade restrictions on affected communities.

“It is important that the world follows these recommendations. It is also crucial that states do not use the PHEIC as an excuse to impose trade or travel restrictions, which would have a negative impact on the response and on the lives and livelihoods of people in the region,” said Professor Robert Steffen, chair of the Emergency Committee.

Since it was declared almost a year ago the outbreak has been classified as a level 3 emergency – the most serious – by WHO, triggering the highest level of mobilization from WHO. The UN has also recognized the seriousness of the emergency by activating the Humanitarian System-wide Scale-Up to support the Ebola response.

In recommending a PHEIC the committee made specific recommendations related to this outbreak.

“This is about mothers, fathers and children - too often entire families are stricken. At the heart of this are communities and individual tragedies,” said Dr. Tedros. “The PHEIC should not be used to stigmatize or penalize the very people who are most in need of our help.”
Drug-resistant forms of malaria-causing parasites are spreading across south-east Asia leading to “alarmingly high” treatment failure rates of frontline medication, researchers have warned.

In twin studies published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, they revealed that in parts of Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia up to 80% of the most common malaria parasites were now resistant to the two most common antimalarial drugs.

The Plasmodium falciparum parasites have also acquired resistance linked to the failure of treatment in half of cases to one of the newest and most potent frontline drug combinations, they said.

“These worrying findings indicate that the problem of multi-drug resistance in P falciparum has substantially worsened in south-east Asia since 2015,” said Olivo Miotto from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and University of Oxford, who co-led the study. “This highly successful resistant parasite strain is capable of invading new territories and acquiring new genetic properties.”