Epidemiat maailmalla

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Italiassa on jo 1835 sairastunutta. suurin osa heista kotikaranteenissa, 149 tervehtynyttä. 59 menehtyneitä. Tähän mennessä tehty 30 000 testeja.
Italialaiset puhuvat nyt sitä että Ranska ja muut Euroopan eivät testa ihmisiä yhtä tehokkaasti, he näkevät että sairastuneiden määrä riippuvat suoraan testatujen määristä, ja kun juuri heidän talous kärsi matkustajien määrän vähenemisestä, ne pitävät tätä vääryytenä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
- Etelä-Korean sairaanhoitojärjestelmä ei enää kestä. Potilaita kuolee jonoihin. Siirrytään valitsemaan keitä hoidetaan - etenkin tehohoidon suhteen.
- Iran täysi katastrofi.
- Italian tehohoitokapasiteetti alkaa käydä riittämättömäksi juuri nyt.
- USA:ssa saattaa olla piilossa etenevä epidemia länsirannikolla.
- Eristämiseen, karanteeneihin, kokoontumisen ja liikkumisen rajoittamiseen perustuvat toimet Kiinassa näyttävät tehoavan.

Passengers from Australia, New Zealand and the UK on board a Princess Cruises liner have been met by violent protests in Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean due to fears over coronavirus.

Police at Pointe des Galets used teargas on the protesters who had tried to block the cruise ship, which had already been turned away from nearby Madagascar.

The Sun Princess docked early on Sunday with 2,000 passengers on board. It is owned by Princess Cruises, the same company that owns the Diamond Princess which quarantined by Japanese authorities with 3,700 on board in Yokohama after a passenger tested positive for Covid-19.

China reported an increase Tuesday in cases of the new coronavirus coming from abroad, as the country where the disease first emerged now worries about importing infections.
In total there have been 13 confirmed cases of the virus being imported to the mainland -- all in Chinese nationals returning from overseas.

The leader of a religious sect in South Korea could face a homicide investigation over some of the country's coronavirus deaths.

The city government of the capital Seoul has asked prosecutors to charge Lee Man-hee, the founder of the Shincheonji Church, and 11 others.
Poimittu naapuriin liittyvistä tietolähteistä, en laita linkkejä.

Moskovassa varmistettu tapaus, tartunta tuotu Italiasta. 24 henkilöön yhdistettyä eristetty sairaalaan ja useita kymmeniä muita karanteenissa kotona jne. toistaiseksi. Pietarissa parikymmentä ja Voronezhissa kymmenen tarkkailussa sairaalassa epäilyjen vuoksi.

India has suspended all visas issued on or before Tuesday to travelers from Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.

The move came a day after India confirmed two more coronavirus cases, bringing the total in the country to five. All three of the patients reported earlier have now recovered.

Other countries have also started restricting or banning travelers from nations with large clusters of the virus. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, lists about 50 countries and territories on its website that already have advisories, including Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Vietnam and China.

More foreign governments are moving to restrict entry from coronavirus-hit South Korea, with the tally reaching 81 as of Monday.
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23 kansanedustajaa Iranissa CV diagnoosipaperi kourassa
Italiassa Lombardy- ja Venetossa yliopistot, koulut ja jopa jotkut supermarketit kiinni, ja kaikki missä ihmiset kokoontuu liika, sairaalat ovat auki tietenkin. Jos alueella sairastuu flunssaoirein niin kotiin tulee suojapukuinen henkilö ja ottaa puikkotesti. Jos testi on posit. ja oireet kevyet pitää vain olla karantenissa ne 2 vkoa - istua kotona.

Authorities in China are tightening quarantine rules and urging citizens overseas to put off trips home as the country reports more cases of incoming travellers with coronavirus.
A local cleric from the Iranian city of Qom has suggested a novel cure for the new coronavirus - the pre-bedtime rectal administration of violet leaf oil. Users on Twitter describe how the Ayatollah Tabrizian has publicly denounced Western medicine as "un-Islamic". In a post to over 120,000 followers on the social messaging service Telegram, Tabrizian, a purveyor of traditional Islam medicine, listed several alternative techniques for fighting the spread of the contagious disease, known as Covid-19.

Share costs in Asia have actually turned around very early losses after Japan’s central financial institution assured to support markets.

It follows main information revealed that Chinese manufacturing facility task dropped in February at the fastest price on document.

China’s key export and manufacturing base of Zhejiang province, which was the first to declare the highest level of emergency in response to the coronavirus outbreak, downgraded its alert status on Monday.
The coastal province of 57 million residents declared a Grade I emergency on January 23, a day before the epicentre of Hubei province, but is the latest in a number of provinces to ease restrictions in a bid to ramp up economic activities.

"This will not be contained, this has not been contained," said Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease physician at Toronto General Hospital.

WASHINGTON — The Federal Emergency Management Agency is planning for the possibility that President Donald Trump could make an emergency declaration to bring in extra funds and personnel to assist the administration's coronavirus response, according to internal documents obtained by NBC News.

FEMA officials are preparing for an "infectious disease emergency declaration" by the president that would allow the agency to provide disaster relief funding to state and local governments, as well as federal assistance to support the coronavirus response, according to agency planning documents reviewed by NBC News.

The Trump administration would have to use the 1988 Stafford Act to enable FEMA to provide such disaster assistance. Emergency declarations are most often used in the event of natural disasters but can be used to help manage disease outbreaks.
An overwhelming majority of doctors fear the NHS is not well prepared to deal with a major outbreak of coronavirus, a survey has found.

More than 99% of 1,618 NHS medics questioned appear not to agree with the assurances given by Boris Johnson that the service will cope if it is hit by a surge in the number of people falling ill.

Doctors are worried that the NHS is already stretched and under heavy pressure, and especially that it has too few intensive care beds and that GP surgeries are struggling to meet patient demand.

A familial cluster of 5 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Anyang, China, had contact before their symptom onset with an asymptomatic family member who had traveled from the epidemic center of Wuhan. The sequence of events suggests that the coronavirus may have been transmitted by the asymptomatic carrier. The incubation period for patient 1 was 19 days, which is long but within the reported range of 0 to 24 days.4 Her first RT-PCR result was negative; false-negative results have been observed related to the quality of the kit, the collected sample, or performance of the test. RT-PCR has been widely deployed in diagnostic virology and has yielded few false-positive outcomes.5 Thus, her second RT-PCR result was unlikely to have been a false-positive and was used to define infection with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

One previous study reported an asymptomatic 10-year-old boy with COVID-19 infection, but he had abnormalities on chest CT.6 If the findings in this report of presumed transmission by an asymptomatic carrier are replicated, the prevention of COVID-19 infection would prove challenging. The mechanism by which asymptomatic carriers could acquire and transmit the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 requires further study.

23 kansanedustajaa Iranissa CV diagnoosipaperi kourassa

Seems like a good time to invade Iran.
Seems like a good time to invade Iran.

Ei ehkä "boots on the ground" mutta oikein kunnollinen pommituskampanja Iranin ydinaseohjelmaa, sen henkilöstöä, materiaalivarastoja, tuotantolaitoksia... vastaan.

Pöpö saattaa tarjota myös kyberiskuille hyviä mahdollisuuksia.

Persianlahti voisi pitkällä aikavälillä muuttua seesteisemmäksi jos Iranin laivasto pikkupaatteja ja suklareita myöten siirtyisi pystysuoraan, alaspäin suuntautuvaan liikkeeseen.

Mielenkiintoista nähdä leviääkö pöpö isosti Irakiin, Libanoniin - etenkin Hezbullahiin ja muihin Iranin satelliitteihin.
Kaveri Jenkeissä väittää ettei virus tartu mustiin laisinkaan. Kuulemma niin siellä uskottelevat.

Iran vapauttaa 54 000 vankia

Eletään mielenkiintoisia aikoja. Ymmärrän silti ettei sairaanhoitoa haluta haaskata vankeihin. Toisaalta minnehän nuo menevät siviilissä.


Ei ikätestejä, ei vaadita papereita, rikoksista ei rankaista (iranilaisiin vankiloihin verrattuna)...

Kyllä Malmöön mahtuu vielä helposti 18-38 -vuotiaita alaikäisiä turvapaikanhakijoita parin Valkeakosken väkiluvun verran.
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