Tuskin siinä mistään itseluottamuksesta on kyse, vaan siitä, että F-35:n kyseinen sensori ei täytä Israelin olemassa olevia vaatimuksia, eivät halua ottaa askelta taaksepäin tekniikassa.
Sillä välin Australiassa:
"US Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan, the head of the JSF Joint Program Office, is set to appear before an Australian Senate inquiry into the Federal Government's acquisition of the F-35A jets in Canberra on Thursday."
Siihen liittyen, tänne kertyy kaikenlaista mielenkiintoista
"In my career I also worked at Air Force Tactical Command and was responsible for the operational requirements for new fighter aircraft. In this connection I repeatedly took part in simulated flights with Joint Strike Fighter at Wright Patterson AFB in the United States and also in England.
We also simulated Joint Strike Fighter against Russian fighter aircraft where we flew two against two.
In the afternoon the first thing the test pilot and I noticed was that the Russian fighters was not loaded with the best air-to-air missiles as the Russians have in real life. We therefore asked about getting some better. It was denied us. We two pilots complained but it was not changed.
My test pilot and I decided in our simulated Russian combat aircraft to fly “line abreast”, but with 25 nautical miles distance. Then at least one of us could with radar look into the side of the Joint Strike Fighter and thus view it at long distance. The one who “saw” the Joint Strike Fighter could then link the radar image to the other. Then missiles could be fired at long distance at the Joint Strike Fighter. It was also denied us, although we protested this incomprehensible disposition.
It was now quite clear to us that with the directives and emotional limitations simulations would in no way give a true and fair view of anything."