F-35 Lightning II

Niin...eiköhän se tapahdu jokaisessa laskeutuvassa lentokoneessa... :D

Jos ei tapahtuisi, kävisi varmaan aika huonosti... :P
Olen ollut kuulevinani kiitotien lähellä seuratessani, että F-16 vinkaisee kaksi kertaa äänekkäästi aivan hetkeä ennen kosketusta, ja olen aprikoinut sen olevan ehkä jousimekanismi, joka laittaa päätelineet pyörimään kulumisen vähentämiseksi. En ole muissa koneissa havainnut vastaavaa, mutta voisi olla aika hyvä ja kohtuu yksinkertainen idea. (Ja voi toki olla jotain aivan muutakin kuin päätelineet.)

Voisiko olla, että tuo vinkaisu oli sittenkin se, kun renkaat koskivat asfalttiin? Kuuluuko sitä miltään youtube-videolta sitä vinkaisua?

F-16 tulee laskuun noin 270 km/h. Aikamoiset jouset täytyisi olla, että saisi pyörimään sellaista vauhtia. Ei siellä valitettavasti taida sellaisia olla.
Voisiko olla, että tuo vinkaisu oli sittenkin se, kun renkaat koskivat asfalttiin? Kuuluuko sitä miltään youtube-videolta sitä vinkaisua?

Käsittääkseni se ääni on juurikin se rengas joka koskettaa asfalttiin. Myöskin toisinaan kun näkee videolta tai tv:stä kuvaa lentokoneen laskeutumisesta kameran ollessa koneen alla, niin kiitoradassa on usein kohta jossa on kasa mustia jälkiä oletettavasti siitä, kun kaikki koneet koskettavat kiitorataa juuri sillä kohdalla.
Ääni(kuulo) on huomattavasti valoa (näkö) hitaampaa. Jos kerta ääni on kuulunut jo ennenkuin on nähnyt koneen koskettavan kiitotietä? Tiedän renkaan vinkaisevan osuessaan asfalttiin. Mutta tässä tapauksessa se saattaa olla muutakin, jos tosiaan ääni kuuluu ennen kosketusta. Ja renkaan kiihdytys edes puoleen nopeudesta säästäisi sekin huomattavasti nollasta lähtemiseen verrattuna.
Ääni(kuulo) on huomattavasti valoa (näkö) hitaampaa. Jos kerta ääni on kuulunut jo ennenkuin on nähnyt koneen koskettavan kiitotietä? Tiedän renkaan vinkaisevan osuessaan asfalttiin. Mutta tässä tapauksessa se saattaa olla muutakin, jos tosiaan ääni kuuluu ennen kosketusta. Ja renkaan kiihdytys edes puoleen nopeudesta säästäisi sekin huomattavasti nollasta lähtemiseen verrattuna.
olisiko mahdollista muotoilla renkaan vanne siten, että ilmavirta saa sen pyörimään vinhasti menosuuntaan? Jonkinlaiset siivekkeet siis vanteeseen?
olisiko mahdollista muotoilla renkaan vanne siten, että ilmavirta saa sen pyörimään vinhasti menosuuntaan? Jonkinlaiset siivekkeet siis vanteeseen?

Voisi aiheuttaa ongelmia lennettävyyden kanssa? Lisäisi epäilemättä vanteen painoa. En tiedä sitten, että heikentäisikö tuollainen rakenne myöskin jarrujen toimintaa?
Voisiko olla, että tuo vinkaisu oli sittenkin se, kun renkaat koskivat asfalttiin? Kuuluuko sitä miltään youtube-videolta sitä vinkaisua?

Tässä kuuluu hiukan, kohdassa 07:36:

Itse kuulin tuon ekan kerran Pirkkalassa Adex 2005:n laskukierroksia seuratessani. Silloin oli kuulas toukokuinen päivä ja täysin tyyntä. Hyvin kuului jokaisessa F-16-laskussa. Ja selkeästi ennen kosketusta.
Toi vihellys kuuluu moottorista kun lentäjä säätää tehoa. Ominaista Pratt&Whitneyn moottoreille, General Electricin moottoreilla varustetut F-16:a eivät vislaa.

"The whistle you hear is engine bleed air moving the variable exhaust nozzle. The exhaust nozzle's diameter changes automatically based on several variables (such as throttle position) to maintain proper engine parameters."
Viimeksi muokattu:

"The Trump administration should “rigorously and comprehensively review” Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 jet, the Pentagon’s costliest program, the Defense Department’s director of combat testing said.
Michael Gilmore, who will leave the post as testing director when Donald Trump takes office as president next week, cited the fighter’s “significant, well-documented deficiencies in critical combat capabilities” in a letter Monday to House Armed Services Committee Chairma"

Vuosiraportin pitäisi ilmestyä lähipäivinä tai viikkoina tänne http://www.dote.osd.mil/annual-report/index.html

Ja lapsi on syntynyt: http://www.dote.osd.mil/pub/reports/FY2016/pdf/dod/2016f35jsf.pdf
Palaan siihen tarkemmin huomenna.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ja lapsi on syntynyt: http://www.dote.osd.mil/pub/reports/FY2016/pdf/dod/2016f35jsf.pdf
Palaan siihen tarkemmin huomenna.

Oli kyllä valaisevaa luettavaa ja vielä on kohtia hiottavana. Pitää kunnioittaa koko F-35-ohjelmaa avoimesta raportoinnista ja ongelmien rehellisestä käsittelystä. Vaikka raportin mukaan koneessa on puutteita ja ongelmia vielä melko paljon, niin ainakin minun kohdallani vikojen avoin käsittely lisää luottamusta koko hommaa kohtaan. Kaikissa hävittäjissä on omat ongelmansa ja ainoastaan testaamalla, testaamalla ja testaamalla voidaan viat löytää ja korjata ajoissa. Jälkikäteen korjaaminen voi koitua todella kalliiksi.

Raportista käy ilmi, että jo pelkästään AMRAAMin kantaminen ja laukaisu ei ole mikään läpihuutojuttu, ja jokaisen asejärjestelmän integraatio ja käyttötestaus vaatii aikaa, rahaa ja tupakkia. Tätä taustaa vasten esim. Saabin kommentit siitä, että asejärjestelmien integrointi onnistuu käden käänteessä vaikuttavat hieman optimistisilta.

Minulle ainakin yksi ilahduttavimmista hommista raportissa oli se, että F-35:n paino on saatu näköjään pidettyä todella hyvin kurissa ja kone on nykyvarustuksella jopa alle tavoitepainon. Ylipaino voisi suorituskykyongelmien lisäksi aiheuttaa rakenteellisia ongelmia. Siis myös hävittäjälentokoneissa.

Raportista käy ilmi myös se, että kehittynyt sensorifuusio ja jaettu tilannekuva tuovat omat haasteensa yhtälöön eikä niitäkään voi ajatella suoraviivaisena ratkaisuna kaikkiin tilanteisiin. Noissa ongelmat ovat kuitenkin lähinnä softapuolella ja ne saadaan varmasti hiottua kuntoon ajan kanssa. Raportissa mainitut rakenteelliset ongelmat (sivu-/pystyvakaajien lämpö/kuormitus, moottorin lämpö, asejärjestelmien toiminta kovemmassa vauhdissa, polttoainejärjestelmä, EOTS jne.) vaikuttavat ainakin maallikolle hitaammilta korjattavilta.

Huolestuttavinta hommassa on se, että vikojen korjaaminen voi venyttää aikatauluja ja toivottavasti tuo ei vaikuta HX-hankkeen arviointeihin. F-35 ei varmasti ole ainoa kone, jossa asiat ovat jonkin verran kesken kun HX-kandidaatteja arvioidaan, vaan todellisuudessa varmaan kaikki valmistajat tarjoavat HX-hankkeeseen konetta, jossa kaikkia järjestelmiä ei ole testattu loppuun asti, vaan osa perustuu tulevaisuuden lupauksiin. Ja ehkäpä ihan hyvä näin - täysin käytössä koeteltu tuppaa olemaan usein jo vanhempaa teknologiaa.
Presidentillistäkin painetta on saada kulut kuriin ja muutenkin tuote valmiiksi. Kone on kuitenkin IOC-vaiheessa ja se sentään lentää - samaa ei voi sanoa kaikista ehdokkaista.

Tarjoukset pitäisi saada kahden vuoden kuluttua ja valintapäätös tehdään 2021 eli runsaan neljän vuoden kuluttua. Valintapäätöksen jälkeen toimitukset alkavat vuosien päästä. Vaikka tällaisessa vuodet kuluvatkin nopeasti niin onhan tuossa vuosia aikaa hioa ja korjata vikoja. Paljon riippuu millainen sopimus saadaan, sisältyykö esim. mahdollisuuksia ottaa käyttöön mahdollisia parannuksia joita tulee tarjouksen spesifikaation/hankintapäätöksen ja toimituksen välisinä vuosina? Hulluahan se olisi jos toimitettava kone ei olisi uusimmilla optioilla kun se toimitetaan. Harmittavaa olisi jos kaikki on jäädytetty siihen mitä speksi sanoi tarjouksentekohetkellä 2019 kun eka toimitus tapahtuu mahdollisesti alkaen 2025, tämä erityisesti koneessa joka elää juuri tuolloin todella voimakasta kehittymisen vaihetta.
First Marine Corps F-35 Squadron Deploys to Japan

The Marine Corps' first operational F-35B Joint Strike Fighter squadron is en route to Japan, where it will prepare for a wide-ranging deployment in the Pacific.

Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 departed its former headquarters at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, on Monday en route to its new base at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, officials with 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing announced Tuesday.

VMFA-121 received its first F-35B in November 2012, well ahead of the Marine Corps' announcement of initial operational capability for the program in July 2015. For the squadron, the F-35 replaces the F/A-18 Hornet. Ultimately, the service plans to replace all its Hornets, AV-8B Harriers and EA-6B Prowlers with Joint Strike Fighters.

Tieto on julkista, koska ohjelma kustannetaan USA:n verorahoilla, LM ja Pentagon eivät tätä julkisuutta ymmärrettävästi toivo. Kone lentää ilmassa, mutta todellista IOC kykyä, sellaisena kuin se on tarkoitettu, ei ole.

Raportin valikoitua sisältöä:
"Overall ineffective operational performance with multiple key Block 3F capabilities"
"Continued low aircraft availability and no indications of significant improvement"
"...IOT&E could be delayed to as late as CY2020"

"The Services have designated 276 deficiencies in combat performance as “critical to correct” in Block 3F, but less than half of the critical deficiencies were addressed with attempted corrections in 3FR6."
"Independent estimates from other Pentagon staff agencies vary from March 2018 to July 2018 to complete mission systems testing....which does not yet include the activities needed to correct the Services’ remaining high-priority deficiencies."
"Flight sciences testing continues to be a source of significant discovery, another indication that the program is not nearing completion of development..."
"Fatigue and migration of the attachment bushing in the joint between the vertical tail and the aircraft structure.."
"Higher than predicted air flow temperatures were measured in the engine nacelle bay during flight testing in portions of the flight envelope under high dynamic pressure...thermal stress analyses are required to determine if airspeed restrictions will be needed"
"Overheating of the horizontal tail continued to cause damage..."

"In spite of the importance of the mission data to both IOT&E and to combat, the Program Office and Lockheed Martin have failed to manage, contract, and deliver the necessary USRL upgrades..."
"Block 3F MDLs will not be tested and optimized to ensure the F-35 will be capable of detecting, locating, and identifying modern fielded threats until 2020..."
"Block 3F weapons delivery accuracy (WDA) events are not complete....As of the end of November, only 5 of the 26 events (excluding the gun events) had been completed and fully analyzed. Several WDAs have revealed deficiencies and limitations to weapons employment"
"..program’s ability to deliver gun capability with Block 3F before IOT&E is at risk.."

"Operational and training units must rely on contractor support and workarounds that would be challenging to employ during combat operations."
"Reliability growth has stagnated and, as a result, it is highly unlikely that the program will achieve the ORD threshold requirements at maturity for the majority of reliability metrics, most notably Mean Flight Hours Between Critical Failures, without redesigning components of the aircraft."
"The program acknowledged in August 2016 that it could not execute the ALIS 3.0 schedule.."
"U.S. Navy directed a proof-of concept demonstration of an F-35C engine change while underway, a process that took several days to complete.."

"The program’s plans for Follow-on Modernization(Block 4) are not executable for a number of reasons.."

"In the review in the fall of 2016, the stakeholders reviewed the approximately 1,200 open deficiencies..."
"The assessment noted unacceptable problems in fusion and electronic warfare and, concerning the CAS mission, determined that the Block 3i F-35A does not yet demonstrate equivalent CAS capabilities to those of fourth generation aircraft..."
"Trend items from both the OT and IPT briefings were limitations and problems with multiple Block 3F system modes and capabilities, including Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS), Distributed Aperture System (DAS), radar, electronic warfare, avionics fusion, identification capabilities, navigation accuracy, GPS, datalinks, weapons integration and mission planning."

"Progress in verification of Joint Technical Data (JTD) is behind plans to complete within SDD, particularly those for troubleshooting aircraft fault codes and for support equipment."
"It currently takes up to 20 months for the program to build the TES after new mission data files are available.."

"Both the Air Force and the Navy conducted independent studies in 2016 to determine what infrastructure and test periods for FoM would be adequate...Air Force has refused to provide them"
"For Block 4.1, the program plans to add multiple new capabilities to the TR2 avionics hardware, even though this architecture already has memory and processing limitations running the full Block 3F capabilities, resulting in avionics stability issues and capability limitations."

"Limitations to the carriage and employment envelope of the AIM-120 missile above 550 knots may be required due to excessive vibrations on the missiles and bombs in the weapons bay."
"..inflight structural temperature...The outcome may result in restricting fielded operational aircraft to 600 knots airspeed below 5,000 feet altitude or a structural change."
"All F-35 variants display objectionable or unacceptable flying qualities at transonic speeds.."
"In operational fleet aircraft, g limit exceedances are annunciated to the pilot and, in peacetime, result in subsequent restricted maneuvering, mission termination, and a straight-in approach and landing to recover the aircraft."

"(F-35B painon kehitys) may prevent these aircraft from being upgraded to the Block 4 configuration."
"Without the redesigned outer wing structure, the F-35C will have a restricted flight envelope for missile carriage and employment"
"...oscillations during catapult launches make the F-35C operationally unsuitable for carrier operations"
"Overheating of the Electro-Hydraulic Actuator System (EHAS) occurs under normal maneuvering in the F-35C."
"Deficiencies continue to be discovered at a rate of about 20 per month,..."

"Many pilots assess and report that the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) on the F-35 is inferior to those currently on legacy systems"
"F-35 pilots can only use basic rules-of-thumb when attempting to engage moving targets with the GBU-12"
"the program plans to develop and field lead-laser guidance in Block 4.2, which would be delivered in CY22, at the earliest."
"Problems with Variable Message Format (VMF) and Link-16 datalink messaging"

"Pilots using the Gen III helmet for night operations report that visual acuity is still less than that of the night vision goggles used in legacy aircraft, which makes identification of targets and detecting markers more difficult, if not impossible."
"Block 3i F-35 has no mixed weapons load capability"
"Pilots report that inadequacies in Pilot Vehicle Interfaces (PVI) in general, and deficiencies in the Tactical Situation Display (TSD) in particular,"
"the F-35 has high fuel burn rates and slow air refueling rates"
"Unresolved Block 3i deficiencies in fusion, EW, and weapons employment continue to result in ambiguous threat displays, limited ability to effectively respond to threats, and, in some cases, a requirement for offboard sources to provide accurate coordinates for precision attack. "

"The current reprogramming hardware and software tools are so cumbersome that it takes months for the USRL to create, test, optimize, and verify a new MDL."
"The program has mismanaged sustainment and upgrades of the USRL to the point that it currently does not have the ability to start creating MDFs for Block 3F.."
"...either course of action will likely restrict these fielded Block 3F aircraft from use in combat."

"AIM-9X and AIM-132 ASRAAM seeker status tone problems"
"Out-of-date launch zones for AIM-120 missiles
"Ongoing radar and fusion deficiencies affecting air-to-air target track stability and accuracy"

"Pilots consistently rated the Offboard Mission Support (OMS) mission planning system as cumbersome, unusable, and inadequate for operational use."
"Aircraft fleet-wide availability averaged 52 percent for 12 months ending October 2016,"
"At any given time, from 10 to 20 percent of aircraft were in a depot facility or depot status at the home base for major rework or planned upgrades. Of the remaining aircraft not in any depot status, on average less than a third were able to fly all missions of even a limited capability set"

"The cure time for some LO materials can be as high as 168 hours"
"F-35 diagnostic capabilities continue to demonstrate poor accuracy, low detection rates, and also have high false alarm rates."

"While the proof-of-concept demonstration showed that an engine could physically be swapped at sea, it also revealed that such a major maintenance evolution would be very difficult, time consuming, take up a large amount of space, and be a drastic change from the engine R&I on legacy aircraft."

"...These estimates add up to an additional $1.125 Billion required to complete SDD"
Tieto on julkista, koska ohjelma kustannetaan USA:n verorahoilla, LM ja Pentagon eivät tätä julkisuutta ymmärrettävästi toivo. Kone lentää ilmassa, mutta todellista IOC kykyä, sellaisena kuin se on tarkoitettu, ei ole.

Raportin valikoitua sisältöä:
"Overall ineffective operational performance with multiple key Block 3F capabilities"
"Continued low aircraft availability and no indications of significant improvement"
"...IOT&E could be delayed to as late as CY2020"

"The Services have designated 276 deficiencies in combat performance as “critical to correct” in Block 3F, but less than half of the critical deficiencies were addressed with attempted corrections in 3FR6."
"Independent estimates from other Pentagon staff agencies vary from March 2018 to July 2018 to complete mission systems testing....which does not yet include the activities needed to correct the Services’ remaining high-priority deficiencies."
"Flight sciences testing continues to be a source of significant discovery, another indication that the program is not nearing completion of development..."
"Fatigue and migration of the attachment bushing in the joint between the vertical tail and the aircraft structure.."
"Higher than predicted air flow temperatures were measured in the engine nacelle bay during flight testing in portions of the flight envelope under high dynamic pressure...thermal stress analyses are required to determine if airspeed restrictions will be needed"
"Overheating of the horizontal tail continued to cause damage..."

"In spite of the importance of the mission data to both IOT&E and to combat, the Program Office and Lockheed Martin have failed to manage, contract, and deliver the necessary USRL upgrades..."
"Block 3F MDLs will not be tested and optimized to ensure the F-35 will be capable of detecting, locating, and identifying modern fielded threats until 2020..."
"Block 3F weapons delivery accuracy (WDA) events are not complete....As of the end of November, only 5 of the 26 events (excluding the gun events) had been completed and fully analyzed. Several WDAs have revealed deficiencies and limitations to weapons employment"
"..program’s ability to deliver gun capability with Block 3F before IOT&E is at risk.."

"Operational and training units must rely on contractor support and workarounds that would be challenging to employ during combat operations."
"Reliability growth has stagnated and, as a result, it is highly unlikely that the program will achieve the ORD threshold requirements at maturity for the majority of reliability metrics, most notably Mean Flight Hours Between Critical Failures, without redesigning components of the aircraft."
"The program acknowledged in August 2016 that it could not execute the ALIS 3.0 schedule.."
"U.S. Navy directed a proof-of concept demonstration of an F-35C engine change while underway, a process that took several days to complete.."

"The program’s plans for Follow-on Modernization(Block 4) are not executable for a number of reasons.."

"In the review in the fall of 2016, the stakeholders reviewed the approximately 1,200 open deficiencies..."
"The assessment noted unacceptable problems in fusion and electronic warfare and, concerning the CAS mission, determined that the Block 3i F-35A does not yet demonstrate equivalent CAS capabilities to those of fourth generation aircraft..."
"Trend items from both the OT and IPT briefings were limitations and problems with multiple Block 3F system modes and capabilities, including Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS), Distributed Aperture System (DAS), radar, electronic warfare, avionics fusion, identification capabilities, navigation accuracy, GPS, datalinks, weapons integration and mission planning."

"Progress in verification of Joint Technical Data (JTD) is behind plans to complete within SDD, particularly those for troubleshooting aircraft fault codes and for support equipment."
"It currently takes up to 20 months for the program to build the TES after new mission data files are available.."

"Both the Air Force and the Navy conducted independent studies in 2016 to determine what infrastructure and test periods for FoM would be adequate...Air Force has refused to provide them"
"For Block 4.1, the program plans to add multiple new capabilities to the TR2 avionics hardware, even though this architecture already has memory and processing limitations running the full Block 3F capabilities, resulting in avionics stability issues and capability limitations."

"Limitations to the carriage and employment envelope of the AIM-120 missile above 550 knots may be required due to excessive vibrations on the missiles and bombs in the weapons bay."
"..inflight structural temperature...The outcome may result in restricting fielded operational aircraft to 600 knots airspeed below 5,000 feet altitude or a structural change."
"All F-35 variants display objectionable or unacceptable flying qualities at transonic speeds.."
"In operational fleet aircraft, g limit exceedances are annunciated to the pilot and, in peacetime, result in subsequent restricted maneuvering, mission termination, and a straight-in approach and landing to recover the aircraft."

"(F-35B painon kehitys) may prevent these aircraft from being upgraded to the Block 4 configuration."
"Without the redesigned outer wing structure, the F-35C will have a restricted flight envelope for missile carriage and employment"
"...oscillations during catapult launches make the F-35C operationally unsuitable for carrier operations"
"Overheating of the Electro-Hydraulic Actuator System (EHAS) occurs under normal maneuvering in the F-35C."
"Deficiencies continue to be discovered at a rate of about 20 per month,..."

"Many pilots assess and report that the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) on the F-35 is inferior to those currently on legacy systems"
"F-35 pilots can only use basic rules-of-thumb when attempting to engage moving targets with the GBU-12"
"the program plans to develop and field lead-laser guidance in Block 4.2, which would be delivered in CY22, at the earliest."
"Problems with Variable Message Format (VMF) and Link-16 datalink messaging"

"Pilots using the Gen III helmet for night operations report that visual acuity is still less than that of the night vision goggles used in legacy aircraft, which makes identification of targets and detecting markers more difficult, if not impossible."
"Block 3i F-35 has no mixed weapons load capability"
"Pilots report that inadequacies in Pilot Vehicle Interfaces (PVI) in general, and deficiencies in the Tactical Situation Display (TSD) in particular,"
"the F-35 has high fuel burn rates and slow air refueling rates"
"Unresolved Block 3i deficiencies in fusion, EW, and weapons employment continue to result in ambiguous threat displays, limited ability to effectively respond to threats, and, in some cases, a requirement for offboard sources to provide accurate coordinates for precision attack. "

"The current reprogramming hardware and software tools are so cumbersome that it takes months for the USRL to create, test, optimize, and verify a new MDL."
"The program has mismanaged sustainment and upgrades of the USRL to the point that it currently does not have the ability to start creating MDFs for Block 3F.."
"...either course of action will likely restrict these fielded Block 3F aircraft from use in combat."

"AIM-9X and AIM-132 ASRAAM seeker status tone problems"
"Out-of-date launch zones for AIM-120 missiles
"Ongoing radar and fusion deficiencies affecting air-to-air target track stability and accuracy"

"Pilots consistently rated the Offboard Mission Support (OMS) mission planning system as cumbersome, unusable, and inadequate for operational use."
"Aircraft fleet-wide availability averaged 52 percent for 12 months ending October 2016,"
"At any given time, from 10 to 20 percent of aircraft were in a depot facility or depot status at the home base for major rework or planned upgrades. Of the remaining aircraft not in any depot status, on average less than a third were able to fly all missions of even a limited capability set"

"The cure time for some LO materials can be as high as 168 hours"
"F-35 diagnostic capabilities continue to demonstrate poor accuracy, low detection rates, and also have high false alarm rates."

"While the proof-of-concept demonstration showed that an engine could physically be swapped at sea, it also revealed that such a major maintenance evolution would be very difficult, time consuming, take up a large amount of space, and be a drastic change from the engine R&I on legacy aircraft."

"...These estimates add up to an additional $1.125 Billion required to complete SDD"

Jokuvaan postauksista iso osa käsittelee F-35:n kannalta kielteisiä uutisia ja näyttää siltä, että tuossapa on motivoitunut kirjoittaja etsimään heikkouksia niin on kai turvallista olettaa, että tuossa on raportin pahimmat puutteet tiivistettynä? Monet puutteet liittyvät tarkasteluajan eri block-softien asteisiin, projektiin, tuotannon takkuiluun ja esim. C-variantin moottorin vaihtoon tukialuksella. Ainakin osa noista puutteista näyttäisi olevan Suomen kannalta epäolennaisia, esim. ilmatankkauksen kestoaika ei ole Suomelle kovin kriittinen tekijä.

Mites tämä valikoitu sisältö suhtautuu Suomen mahdolliseen valintaan? Mitkä listassa ovat pahimpia puutteita meidän valintaa ajatellen?
Gilmoren raportissa esitetyt arviot eivät ole välttämättä aina kivitauluun hakattua jumalan sanaa. Aikaisemmissa raporteissa on esimerkiksi mainittu jo korjattuja vikoja ja Joint Program Officen näkemykset korjausaikatauluista voivat olla hyvinkin poikkeavia raportissa esitetyistä. Joskus Gilmore on ollut veikkauksissaan tarkempi, joskus JPO. Jos haluaa asiasta mahdollisimman tarkan kuvan, kannattaa odottaa kenraali Bogdanin vastineen julkaisuun.