Tässä vielä toinen samasta aiheesta:
Traditional electronic warfare reprogramming focused on defensive systems. But in the F-35, data is required for offensive capabilities, as well.
The data packages — the Air Force is working on 12 data files for 12 geographic regions — hold terrain and enemy threat information, including enemy radar, surface-to-air missiles and fighters, along with data on friendly forces, non-belligerents and commercial aircraft — all that the pilots need for battle space awareness.
The F-35s will go into battle packed with more data than other fighters.
“If you take two other Air Force platforms, the F-22 and the F-15, our mission data loads that we’re building are, in rough terms, about twice as big as that of an F-22 and about 10 times as big as that of an F-15,” said Perez.
Ja erittäin sekava kuva jossa koitetaan kuvata tuon sensorihavainnon retkeä aina uhkakirjastoon päätymiseen saakka:
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