F-35 Lightning II

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Mitäpä muutakaan F-16 käyttäjät... toki yllättävää oli, että vuosi F-16 käytettyjen lisäoston jälkeen.
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Mitäpä muutakaan F-16 käyttäjät... toki yllättävää oli, että vuosi F-16 käytettyjen lisäoston jälkeen.

On. Toisaalta, ex-norjalaiset F-16:t olivat tapetilla jo 2021 (ennen Ukrainaa). Eikä tässä tilanteessa varmaan halutaa lyödä jäihin jo suunniteltuja hakintoja, vaikka määrärahoja löytyisikin yllättäen myös F-35:een.

Hyppy MIG-21 koneesta F-35 koneeseen on huima. Mistäköhän rahat näihin?

Onhan siellä se F-16 välissä, hankkivat jo viime vuosikymmenellä ensimmäiset. MiG-21 --> F-16 --> F-35. Tilanne on verrattavissa Suomen ilmavoimien konekaluston kehitykseen. Draken/MiG-21 --> F/A-18 --> F-35.

Mistä rahat? Romania on rikas maa, kuten Suomikin. Jos halua on, rahaa kyllä on.

Romaniasta vielä:

Now, the ministry has expedited an initiative that involves procuring 32 additional F-16 jets from Norway. The procurement will help the country to raise two additional air squadrons.

The ministry was quoted by the news agency as saying: “The available resources of the aircrafts from the three squadrons ensure … their operation for a minimum of ten years and will form an air capability of transition to fifth-generation F-35 jets.”

Alongside, Romania will continue to operate the older jets received from Portugal.

Romania secured Nato membership in 2004.

Last month, Romanian President Klaus Werner Iohannis said that the country will increase its military spending to 2.5% of its GDP next year from existing levels of 2%.--

On. Toisaalta, ex-norjalaiset F-16:t olivat tapetilla jo 2021 (ennen Ukrainaa). Eikä tässä tilanteessa varmaan halutaa lyödä jäihin jo suunniteltuja hakintoja, vaikka määrärahoja löytyisikin yllättäen myös F-35:een.

Onhan siellä se F-16 välissä, hankkivat jo viime vuosikymmenellä ensimmäiset. MiG-21 --> F-16 --> F-35. Tilanne on verrattavissa Suomen ilmavoimien konekaluston kehitykseen. Draken/MiG-21 --> F/A-18 --> F-35.

Mistä rahat? Romania on rikas maa, kuten Suomikin. Jos halua on, rahaa kyllä on.

MIG-21 tuli tonttiin ihan taannoin. Pelastushelikopteri joka oli matkalla paikalle putosi sekin
JPO officials are weighing alternatives, from modernising current weapon test plans to issuing rapidly integrated clearances or interim clearances for weapon systems, to dramatically ramp up weapons integration into F-35. The effort is “a huge focus area” for the programme officials, said F-35 Program Executive Officer US Air Force Lieutenant General Michael Schmidt.

“When I look at what are some of the limiting factors to weapons integration for all the Block 4 [variant] capabilities, you quickly run into limited numbers of flight sciences airplanes, which are really old,” Lt Gen Schmidt said during a 3 April briefing at the annual Navy League Sea-Air-Space 2023 conference held in National Harbor, Maryland...."
Eli instrumentoituja F-35ia ei ole tarpeeksi vastaamaan nykyisiin aseintegraatiohaluihin. Sekä ne ovat jo turhan varhaista mallia.
Eli instrumentoituja F-35ia ei ole tarpeeksi vastaamaan nykyisiin aseintegraatiohaluihin. Sekä ne ovat jo turhan varhaista mallia.
Ei näe kaikkea. Kaiketi tuo vanhaa ohjelmistoa käyttävä kalusto on liian kallis päivitettäväksi? Kohta ekat tuotantokoneet osuvat MLU-aikaan, jos sellaista enää tehdäänkään. F-35 on tarvinnut jatkuvia ja suuriakin ohjelmisto- ym. päivityksiä jo pitkään.

Liekkö tuo 5.gen koneiden suurin ongelma? Myös F-22A:n kaikkien versioiden tuominen block 3.2 tasolle eli ns. etulinjaan on todettu liian kalliiksi. Toki tuotantomäärä jne., mutta silti. F-35 päivitykset ovat huisin kalliita suunnitella ja toteuttaa.
Sen verran on projekti edennyt että lentävät jo F-16:lla

Ovat lentäneet jo ainakin neljä vuotta. Kuten aiemmin todettua, Romaniahan hankki jo viime vuosikymmenellä ex-portugalilaisia koneita. (Vai tunnistaako tuon kuvan koneen jostakin nimenomaan ex-norjalaiseksi?)

NATO’s Allied Air Command announced that the 17th aircraft was delivered to Borcea Air Base. This completed an order that commenced in 2016 when Romania acquired 12 F‐16AM/BM Block 15 fighters (nine single-seat and three twin-seat), with a further five F-16s (four single-seat and one twin-seat) following for a final tally of 17.

Initial operating capability (IOC) was declared in March 2019.
Mistä rahat? Romania on rikas maa, kuten Suomikin. Jos halua on, rahaa kyllä on.
Rikas on vähän kyseenalainen termi, paremminkin suurilukuinen kehittyvä talous. Suomen GDP per capita 53k usd. Romaniassa 15k. Tosin 2015-2023 kasvua romaniassa 50% ja väkiluku 19miljoonaa.

Puolustusbudjetit molemmissa maissa noin 5 miljardia euroa. Kasvun jatkuessa tätä tahtia heidän puolustusbudjettinsa kasvaa vähintään 300 miljoonaa joka vuosi, joten kolmen vuoden kuluttua ollaan 6 miljardin tietämillä. Kyllä sieltä 24 f35seen löytyy rahaa, mutta löytyykö osaamista ja halua?
US ‘behind’ in electronic warfare, and personnel are the key to catching up: EW officer

WASHINGTON — The commander of the Air Force’s new Spectrum Warfare Wing recently warned that the US is “behind” its rivals when it comes to electronic warfare (EW), and said he needs more people, and a better way to train them, to improve the service’s non-kinetic weapons....

...The F-35 Project
One of the wing’s many assignments, carried out specifically by its 350th Spectrum Warfare Group, is reprogramming all assets in the Air Force, along with “every single F-35 in the world,” Koslov said. With three variants across the Air Force, Marines and Navy, along with an enterprise of 17 countries that is slated to grow, the Joint Strike Fighter is representative of the challenge the wing has to meet for creating an accessible data architecture that can benefit a range of platforms, he added.

“If I could solve the F-35, I can pretty much solve this whole problem,” he said, cautioning “that’s not 100 percent true.

“The F-35 is a coalition platform. It’s a joint platform, and it’s an acknowledged SAP’d up platform,” he said, referring to Special Access Programs. “So if I can use F-35 data down to like a secret level system, I’ve solved a lot of my challenges, specifically with the new stuff that the Air Force is buying coming down the road.”

With the Air Force keen on fielding families of systems that can be connected across all domains, Koslov pointed out that fielding a particular capability won’t cut it if it can’t be leveraged by the joint force.

“It’s not enough to buy a capability. You have to know how to employ that capability with the rest of the joint force in order to achieve the joint force commander’s objectives,” he said. “And we can do that today in the spectrum.”
That’s okay for now, its commander says, but his service may need to change how it trains and manages EW officers.

The Air Force’s two-year-old electronic warfare wing is more than 400 people short, and that’s okay for now, its commander said Wednesday. But if the wing is going to reach and maintain full operating capability, the service may need to overhaul how it builds its cadre of EW experts.

“It's actually good that I have all these vacancies, because I only have about 50 more seats to give in the facilities that I have today,” said Col. Joshua Koslov, who leads the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing. “I don't have enough people. I don't have the right facilities, and we're working with the Air Force and [Air Combat Command] to get there.”

But, Koslov added, “I worry that sustaining the wing is going to become hard from a personnel perspective as we divest platforms. We build electronic warfare officers based on platforms, right, when that's not the best way to do that. As we divest platforms, or divert crew members off of platforms, your pool of electronic warfare officers gets a lot smaller.”

Founded in 2021 to focus the service’s electronic warfare efforts, the 350th started with about 1,200 military and civilian personnel plus plans to add about 2,100. Currently, the wing has more than 400 civilian and military vacancies to fill, its commander said at an Air and Space Forces Association event on Wednesday.

Koslov, who took command last summer, said he needs people who aren’t just technically skilled, but who can teach the rest of the U.S. military how to put their esoteric capabilities to use...

...Moreover, the wing’s 513th Electronic Warfare Squadron, which focuses on F-35 mission data, will work closely with the United Kingdom, Australia, and other partners to fine-tune their approach, he said.

One unit in particular that needs more people is the wing’s planned 950th Spectrum Warfare Group, Koslov said. Slated to stand up in fiscal 2027 at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, the 950th will take over the Combat Shield effort, which tests aircraft EW systems.

“And that group is going to be solely focused on EW assessment across the Air Force's enterprise,” he said. “That'll be things like large-force exercises, a much greater fifth- and sixth- gen. capability of assessment and then truly an end-to-end assessment, from a war reserve mode being detected, through the process of getting reengineered and put back into the jet as a piece of combat capability.”

The 350th has three main priorities: assessing its own EW capabilities, developing waveforms for offense and defense, and rapidly reprogramming weapons and systems to close vulnerabilities and add capabilities. So far, it has reprogrammed more than 70 types of aircraft, weapons, and other equipment in at least 27 countries, he said.

“Just to put it in perspective for you, we do every single F-35. We reprogram every single F-35 in the world: allies, friends, partners, etc.,” Koslov said.

The unit also upgrades older aircraft, and maintains a subunit, the 850th Spectrum Warfare Group, to develop and manage databases and tools used to reprogram Air Force assets...."
Ei hyvä yhdistelmä tuollainen henkilöstövajaus tämän kanssa:
“Just to put it in perspective for you, we do every single F-35. We reprogram every single F-35 in the world: allies, friends, partners, etc.,” Koslov said.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kanadalla ei ole riittäviä henkilöresursseja siirtymään.
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) is dealing with a high number of inexperienced personnel, as well as shortages of staff in key jobs, while at the same time trying to bring in new-generation stealth fighter jets and drones.

The result is going to be “significant disruption to the RCAF” and an unsustainable situation for the future, according to a Nov. 15, 2022, briefing package for senior air force leaders.
The introduction of the F-35 jet, the purchase of a drone fleet, and the modernization of fleets of other existing aircraft will transform the RCAF, the generals were told.
But those initiatives will also create an unprecedented challenge and a “significant internal demand for talented and experienced people” as well as “significant disruption to the RCAF.”

“The RCAF is under-resourced with a high inexperience burden resulting in an unsustainable model to deliver expected outcomes and capabilities for current and future demands,” leaders were told.
...Recruitment and retention is an issue all elements of the Canadian Forces are dealing with.

007 ja lupa tappaa
Multa on menny ihan ohi, että F-35:n kikkapakissa on tuollainen hinattava dildo tutkahakuisten ohjusten hämäämiseen. Onko muille uusi juttu? Tässä videossa kohdassa 08:30 alkaa sen esittely. Sitten noin 20 minsan kohdalla hyvää juttua keulan tutkasta ja muutenkin aika hyvää masturbaatiota F-35B:n tekniikasta.

Multa on menny ihan ohi, että F-35:n kikkapakissa on tuollainen hinattava dildo tutkahakuisten ohjusten hämäämiseen. Onko muille uusi juttu? Tässä videossa kohdassa 08:30 alkaa sen esittely. Sitten noin 20 minsan kohdalla hyvää juttua keulan tutkasta ja muutenkin aika hyvää masturbaatiota F-35B:n tekniikasta.

Eurofighterissä on myös hinattava Towed Radar Decoy.
Ilmeisesti ei kuitenkaan yhtä monipuolinen kuin tuo F-35:n.

Myös Britecloud:ista on 2 versiota joista toinen hinattava.
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