Sarde ei ole ilmeisesti tietoinen, tai on unohtanut, että Carlo Kopp on suuri länsimaisen kaluston ja Lockheed Martinin fani? Hän on ehkä Internetin suurin F-22-fanittaja.
Tuosta lukemaan.
Tuosta vaikka yksi.
The Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor is without doubt the most capable multirole combat aircraft in production today, and the only design which combines all aspect wideband stealth capability, supersonic cruise capability, high supersonic and subsonic agility and a fully integrated avionic suite. It also has the dubious distinction of being the most maligned combat aircraft design since the 1960s TFX – its critics in the US and elsewhere concocting untruthful stories about its capabilities, utility and cost.
There can be no doubt that the Raptor will remain unmatched in capabilities and combined stealth/aerodynamic performance for decades to come. The number of new technologies used in its design compares only to the radical break seen in the 1960s TFX program, and only comparable investment in developing analogous technologies can produce an equivalent design in the EU or Russia. The Raptor seems destined to remain in a league of its own for decades to come.
By any measure, the development of the F-22A was revolutionary - in the technology employed and from a stealth design point standpoint - and this produced a combat aircraft that has no equal.
The raw aerodynamic performance of the F-22A was without precedent.
For Australia, the F-22A continues to represent the single best choice as a replacement new build combat aircraft for the RAAF, as it is the only type which will be strategically credible in the post 2015 PacRim environment.
Hän fanittaa F-22 ihan syystä. F-22 on ylivertainen.
Se jääköön lukijan arvioitavaksi, millä perusteilla hän kritisoi jotain muita koneita. Mutta länsimaalaisuus, amerikkalaisuus tai Lockheed Martin eivät ole syynä.