Greatest Leader
Pikku-uutinen joka ehkä valaisee sitä, miksei 3. maailman maat välttämättä halua asevoimiensa olevan kokonaan amerikkalaistekniikkaa. Usein lukee ihmettelyjä, miksei vaikka Intia vain osta F-16:tta ja F-35:ttä niin saisi paremmat ilmavoimat halvemmalla kuin kehittämällä omia räpellyksiä tai ostamalla venäläistä/ranskalaista. Pakistanin noin 70 F-16:n myötä tulee 30 amerikkalaisen 'takuumiehen' joukko joiden tehtävä on varmistaa ettei Pakistan käytä koneita amerikkalaisille epämiellyttäviin operaatoihin, tai auo järjestelmien sinettejä tai tongi niiden sisuskaluja yms.
Luke Airman recieves service-level award for security of PAF F-16 technology
Wilson and his team also prevented the loss of technology on the F-16. They checked every component of the fighter jet and observed the avionics and guidance-type components of the aircraft.
While preventing the loss of technology, the military members provided 24/7 enhanced end-use monitoring (EUM) of the PAF F-16’s military weapons and technical data. This ensured both nations complied with the letter of agreement, which outlined those steps with which Pakistan was tasked in order to protect the aircraft’s technology.
Luke Airman recieves service-level award for security of PAF F-16 technology
Wilson and his team also prevented the loss of technology on the F-16. They checked every component of the fighter jet and observed the avionics and guidance-type components of the aircraft.
While preventing the loss of technology, the military members provided 24/7 enhanced end-use monitoring (EUM) of the PAF F-16’s military weapons and technical data. This ensured both nations complied with the letter of agreement, which outlined those steps with which Pakistan was tasked in order to protect the aircraft’s technology.