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Muutamalla kuolonuhrilla ei ole väliä, jos sillä estetään totaalinen tuho. Ydinaseiden leviäminen on todellinen uhka.No ei nyt kuiteskaan. Mitä jos kaikki suhtautuu asioihih näin. Aika tyhjää elämää. Valehdella voi, mutta se ei ole kenkään etujen mukaista.
Noiden aseiden leviämistä varsinkin radikaakeleille ääri ihmisille tulee estää. Iran varmasti tuota tulisi käyttämään enemmältä poliittisena aseena siinä kuin kaikki muutkin kyseisen aseen omaavat valtiot. Voin tosin olla väärässäkin.Muutamalla kuolonuhrilla ei ole väliä, jos sillä estetään totaalinen tuho. Ydinaseiden leviäminen on todellinen uhka.
Noiden aseiden leviämistä varsinkin radikaakeleille ääri ihmisille tulee estää. Iran varmasti tuota tulisi käyttämään enemmältä poliittisena aseena siinä kuin kaikki muutkin kyseisen aseen omaavat valtiot. Voin tosin olla väärässäkin.
Eipä tuohon mitään lisättävää.fi, muuta kuin se että löydetty 37 prossasia jäänteitä, joka osoittaa sen jotta sitä kehitetään ja ovat melkoisen lähellä jo. Nyt saivat vähän lisäaikaa taas kehitellä uusia suunnitelmia. En jaksa uskoa vilpittömään toimintaan missään nimessä, päälinjat raapustettu paperille ja uskonnolisen johtajan päähän aikapäiviä sitten, eikä siitä luovuta.Ydinase on aina poliittinen ase. Jopa AQ:lle, koska sille sakille autopommi on politiikkaa.
Mutta siitä huolimatta en usko, että Iranille pitää antaa mitään mikä vahvistaa sen nykyistä hallitusta. Ja sitten pitää muistaa, että Saudit ja muut lahden toisella puolella olevat valtiot tutkivat ydinpommien hankkimista, koska Iran on saamassa omansa. Tämä taas on ihan yhtä huolestuttavaa, ellei pahempaakin, kuin Iranin pommi, koska sitten pommi löytyy jokaisesta maasta tuossa maankolkassa. Voitte olla ihan varma, että asia ei jäisi siihen ja voisi melkein ruveta täälläkin miettimään, että mistä meille löytyy pommi. United States has an obligation to pursue nuclear negotiations with Iran before it considers going to war with Tehran to force it to give up its nuclear activities, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Wednesday.
"I happen to believe as a matter of leadership, and I learnt this pretty hard from Vietnam, before you send young people to war you ought to find out if there is a better alternative," said Kerry, who served in the Vietnam War as a young U.S. naval officer.
"That is an obligation we have as leaders to exhaust all the remedies available to you before you ask people to give up their lives and that is what we are doing" with Iran, he added.
Gideon Rose, editor of Foreign Affairs, interviews Robert Jervis, Adlai E. Stevenson Professor of International Politics at Columbia University. Jervis discusses ongoing nuclear talks with Iran, the prospects for an agreement, how scholarship on nuclear weapons has evolved, and the possibility of an Iranian-Israeli nuclear standoff.’s defense minister said the U.S. is projecting “weakness” on issues ranging from Iran to China to Russia and Ukraine, so Israel must rely on itself to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
Hinting at possible action against Iran, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said, “We have to behave as though we have nobody to look out for us but ourselves.”
Israel is still preparing for a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, including a specific military budget running to NIS 10 billion ($2.89 billion), despite the developments in talks between world powers and Tehran.
Details of the budgeting came to light during Knesset joint committee sessions on IDF plans that were held in January, Haaretz reported on Thursday.
Three MKs, who were present during the hearings but asked to remain anonymous, said that the funding was to cover preparations throughout 2014 and was similar in size to the Iran strike budget for 2013, the report said.
According to the report, some of the legislators present at the sessions grilled Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot, and Brig. Gen. Agai Yehezkel of the IDF’s Planning Directorate, about the necessity of a strike plan despite talks between world powers and Iran. Those talks led to an initial agreement in November 2013 for Tehran to scale back its nuclear program, and are still ongoing.
The IDF officials responded that they had received instructions from the highest levels of government, apparently Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, to continue with preparations for a strike, the report said.
Haaraetz noted that both the Prime Minister’s Office and the IDF’s Spokesperson declined to comment on the report.
Ja lisää....:
Israel’s security forces have the capability to carry out military operations in virtually every part of the globe, including Iran, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz said Wednesday, adding that Israel had already conducted dozens of covert operations in foreign and enemy countries.
“Last week, the navy returned from a distant operation,” said Gantz, during a discussion with high school students, referring to the interception off the coast of Sudan of an alleged Iranian arm shipment aboard the Klos-C cargo vessel, later towed to Israel. “Our Air Force is wherever we want it to be,” he continued.
“I did not even mention the dozens of secret activities, some of which took place last week, and [some] just as we speak,” he said. ”I am talking about close range operations and long-range ones — Iran, and so on. These are not areas that are beyond the IDF’s reach.”
He also went on to assert that the IDF would have to reoccupy the Gaza Strip if Israel wanted to halt all rocket fire from the Hamas-run territory. ”If we want no [rocket fire] to come out of there, or close to none for there’s no such thing as none, then you have to invade Gaza,” Gantz said. ”It’s a dilemma we deal with every week; we have the ability to do so… That requires a strategic decision.”
Mielenkiintoinen tarina, suosittelen kiinnostuneita lukemaan.The aircraft chosen for the job became available by chance. Israel had F-16s on order from the United States with delivery due in 1982. However, Israel leapt at an offer to buy F-16s earlier when a sale to Iran was canceled when the Shah was overthrown. These aircraft began arriving in July 1980, and Israel had 53 of them on hand at the time of the Osirak mission.
The speed and small size of the F-16 limited its vulnerability to enemy fire. With internal fuel capacity plus centerline and wing tanks, the F-16 could go the distance without refueling.
Israel had precision guided munitions, but "smart" weapons introduced complications, such as the effects of weather and the requirement to fly a stabilized pattern for delivery. Planners decided to keep the mission simple. They calculated that eight bombs directly on target would destroy it, and that 16 well-aimed gravity bombs dropped at low level would have a 99 percent probability of success.
The F-16’s superb computerized bomb sighting system supported the decision to conduct the attack with conventional gravity bombs. The strike force would consist of eight F-16s, each carrying two Mk 84 2,000-pound bombs, with F-15s flying air cover for them.
King Hussein of Jordan, aboard his yacht in the Gulf of Aqaba, saw the F-16s pass by, headed east. Hussein, a pilot himself, recognized what they were. He sent a warning message to Iraq, but it was never received by anyone in authority.
Syy saattaa olla paljon arkisempi. Iranilaisten mukaan kyseessä on elokuvalavaste.![]()
Usan satelliitit/laivaston uav:t nappasivat kuvan Iranin kaartin telakalta viime viikolla. Analyyisen jälkeen jenkit olivat ihmeissään. Kyseessä on kopio Usan Nimiz luokan lentotukialuksesta ja pelkkä kulissi.
Motiiveja voidaan vain arvailla. Tämä kelluva proomu on ollut rakenteilla jo pitkään.
Syitä moiseen voidaan vain arvailla. Niitä ovat mm. harjoituskäyttö. Joko laivastolle tai harjoitusrakennelma omaa lentotukialusta varten., Iran on useasti kertonut tarvitsevansa ydinteknologiaansa ydinkäyttöisiin aluksiinsa,jota sillä ei tosin ole.¨
Niin tai näin. On ne kummaa porukkaa nuo Persialaiset.