Isku Iraniin

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Myöskin jos tämä pakolainen on tullut suomeen, niin selkeästikin Suomi on parempi maa asua.

Hyvä pointti...sillä samat ongelmat ikään kuin "seuraavat" mukana joita pitää sitten esim.Suomessa ruveta "vastaan taistelemaan" ja/tai puolustamaan uskontoaan ect..... eli muissa on aina vika/ongelma..ei itsessä .... :eek:
Päteekö tämä Suomenkin tataarien keskuudessa? Kyse on nyt uskonnosta, ei maista.

En ole tavannut. Ei välttämättä ole kyse uskonnosta, vaan voi myös johtua heimokeskeisestä kulttuurista.

Ja kun puhutaan Islamista, niin kyse ei ole ainoastaan uskonnosta, vaan myös poliittisesta aatteesta.
En tunne mitään heimokeskeistä maata niin hyvin kuin Suomen. Ei ole kauaa, kun suomi oli heimoihin jakautunut. Muistan yhden satavuotiaan savolaisen herran joka tätä 80-luvulla kaihoisasti muisteli. Kuinka ei todellakaan naitu vieraisiin heimoihin.

Jostain syystä metsäläinen heimokansa omaksui länsimaiset tavat. Muslimimaailma erottuu myös siinä että farkkuja kyllä näkee, mutta vähemmistöllä. Kun katsoo siis Pakistaninkin katuvilinää. Samoin musiikki jäi tulematta rajojen ylitse isosti. Heillä on edelleen omat kaavut ja joikut.

By: Anonymous/Finland.
Jenkkien tehokas ilmaisku Talibaneja vastaan:

US airstrike kills 15 Pakistani Taliban fighters in eastern Afghanistan

The US killed 15 fighters from the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan (TTP) in an airstrike in the eastern Afghan province of Paktika earlier this week. Both the TTP and its ally, al Qaeda, have stepped up their presence in eastern Afghanistan over the past several years.

The Pakistani Taliban fighters were killed on Sept. 9 in what was said to be a drone strike in the Gomal district, which directly borders Pakistan’s Taliban-infested tribal agency of South Waziristan, according to Khaama Press. It is unclear if the CIA or the US military executed the airstrike, or if remotely piloted Predators or Reapers or conventional aircraft were used to conduct the attack. The US military operates both manned and unmanned aircraft inside Afghanistan.

Intelligence officials in the region said that the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan fighters belonged to “the Gandapur faction,” Reuters reported. “Fifteen dead bodies of killed militants will be shifted soon to their native areas in Dera Ismail Khan,” an intelligence official told the news agency.

The “Gandapur Group” is a Taliban faction that is known to operate in Dera Ismail Khan in Pakistan’s northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This faction assassinated Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s law minister and nine guests at his home in Dera Ismail Khan in October 2013.

Dera Ismail Khan borders the tribal agency of South Waziristan, which is home to numerous Taliban groups and is used as a jump-off point for jihadists to enter Afghanistan to fight US, Coalition, and Afghan forces. The Haqqani Network, a powerful Afghan Taliban subgroup that is allied with al Qaeda, administers Paktika province and allows the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan to operate in areas under its control.

The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, al Qaeda, and other jihadist groups that operate in the tribal areas have shifted some of their operations into Afghanistan as the Pakistani government began targeting the so-called “bad Taliban,” or groups that overtly threaten the state, in North Waziristan. The Pakistani military has not targeted the “good Taliban,” such as the Haqqani Network, as they are considered to be assets to the state.
"Come Mr. Taleban, tally me bananas,
daylight comes and we wanna go to the war.
One bomb, two bombs, three bombs, war!
Daylight comes and we nanna go to war!"

Mukaillen Harry Belafonten laulua. :D

Argentiinan presidentti Christina Fernandez de Kirchner esítti syytöksen YK:n areenalla puhuessaan, että presidentti Barack Obama syyllistyi valtio-petokseen vaatiessaan, että Argentiinan tulee toimittaa uraania Iranille vuonna 2010. Obaman agenttina toimi Gary Samone, joka toimi Valkoisen Talon koordinaattorina asevalvonnan ja ydinaseiden levittämisen estämis-neuvotteluissa. Hän vastusti USA:n ja Iranin välistä ydinsopimusta.
Iran testasi tarkkuusohjattua pitkän matkan ohjusta ja uhmasi YK:n kieltoa
Iranin puolustusministeri arvioi, että uudet ohjukset lisäävät Iranin puolustusvoimien strategista pelotekykyä alueella ja vakuutti, että niihin ei sijoiteta ydinkärkiä.

Hieman kyseenalaista testata tämmöisiä ohjuksia varsinkin tässä vaiheessa. Tuskin tuohon mitään pientä pommia olisi tarkoitus laittaa kiinnii, jos jopa 500m heittää osumatarkkuus...
Iran testasi tarkkuusohjattua pitkän matkan ohjusta ja uhmasi YK:n kieltoa
Iranin puolustusministeri arvioi, että uudet ohjukset lisäävät Iranin puolustusvoimien strategista pelotekykyä alueella ja vakuutti, että niihin ei sijoiteta ydinkärkiä.

Hieman kyseenalaista testata tämmöisiä ohjuksia varsinkin tässä vaiheessa. Tuskin tuohon mitään pientä pommia olisi tarkoitus laittaa kiinnii, jos jopa 500m heittää osumatarkkuus...

Ydinaseen ohjuksiin sovittaminen on ollut käynnissä jo kauan ja sytyttimiä siihen kehitettiin ainakin meidän mpkk:n dosentin mukaan. Kuljetusalustan kehitystä on pakotteet hidastanut, mutta nyt valo näkyvissä. Pääsevät rakentamaan kunnon varastot. Toki sitä harhautukseksi aina länsimediassakin saattaa olla juttu että ydinasetta ei ole tai on vielä niin ja niin monen vuoden päästä. Henkilökohtaisesti pidän varmana että vain ydinohjus puuttuu. Pommi on.
Obama teki aikautemme Neville Chamberlainit Iranin kanssa...

..ja avasi pandoran lippaan...

UAE to US lawmaker: We have a right to enrich uranium, too
Gulf nation’s previous commitments not to enrich, seen as ‘gold standard’ for nonproliferation, may be weakening after Iran deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid fears of an atomic arms race in the Middle East, a senior United Arab Emirates official has told a top US lawmaker that it too might seek the right to enrich uranium that Iran has asserted under the recently signed nuclear deal.

The landmark Iran accord to curb its nuclear weapons in exchange for economic sanctions relief allows Tehran to enrich uranium. In barely noticed testimony last month, Rep. Ed Royce (R-California), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the UAE’s ambassador in Washington, Yousef al-Otaiba, had informed him in a telephone call that the country no longer felt bound by its previous nuclear agreement with the United States.

“He told me, ‘Your worst enemy has achieved this right to enrich. It’s a right to enrich now that your friends are going to want, too, and we won’t be the only country,'” Royce said in a phone interview with The Associated Press this week, elaborating on his testimony.

In a 2009 pact with the UAE, the United States agreed to share materials, technology and equipment for producing nuclear energy. In the accord — known as a 123 Agreement — the UAE made a bold pledge not to enrich uranium or reprocess spent fuel to extract plutonium, two pathways to an atomic weapon.

Asked to respond, the UAE Embassy in Washington sent a one-sentence email that said the “government has not formally changed its views or perspective on the 123 Agreement or commitments.” The UAE has said in the past that it welcomes the nuclear deal reached with Iran.

However, Royce said al-Otaiba told him that the UAE “no longer felt bound” by those provisions of the agreement. While he said al-Otaiba did not explicitly state that his country was walking away from them, Royce said, “I took that to mean that they had the right to do that and that it was under consideration.”

The State Department declined requests for comment.

Royce and other opponents of the Iran nuclear deal have repeatedly warned that the accord will unleash a cascade of proliferation in the unstable Middle East or set off an arms race in a hotbed for terrorists. Proponents say it will make the region safer by preventing Tehran from having the means to produce bomb material for more than a decade or longer.

At a House subcommittee hearing on Sept. 10, Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) quizzed Frank Klotz, administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, about whether the UAE had contacted the US about wanting to forego the part of the 123 Agreement that restricts it from enriching uranium. Klotz said he had no knowledge of it.

A week earlier, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, pressed the Obama administration for details on whether any nation had asked to renegotiate or alter obligations in 123 Agreements signed with the United States after the Iran deal.

In a Sept. 3 letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz and National Intelligence Director James Clapper, the two GOP lawmakers wrote: “The committees require the administration to provide details regarding whether any state party to a 123 Agreement with the United States has notified the administration that it intends to renegotiate or otherwise alter its obligations under such an agreement due to the” Iran nuclear deal.

“Similarly, the committees require the administration to provide any other information it may have concerning the intentions of allies with respect to their civil nuclear capabilities,” the letter said.

The United States has signed similar 123 Agreements with about 20 countries. The name comes from Section 123 of the US Atomic Energy Act, which requires such accords when the US is transferring significant amounts of nuclear material, equipment or components to other nations for peaceful energy production. The goal is to prevent further proliferation of material that also can be used to build nuclear weapons.

The UAE’s pledge not to enrich has been dubbed the “gold standard” in 123 Agreements. Other nations have resisted making legal commitments that would forever prevent them from being able to enrich.

“The UAE, which has a strong commitment to nonproliferation and global nuclear disarmament, is a notable exception,” said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the independent Arms Control Association, which supported the Iran deal.

“If the UAE were to seek to back out of its commitment not to pursue enrichment and reprocessing, it would be a symbolic setback to the longstanding goal of preventing the spread of enrichment and reprocessing technologies — which can be used for civilian or military purposes,” he said.

But even if the UAE backed away from its pledge not to enrich, Kimball said it doesn’t mean it has aspirations of building a nuclear weapon.

The issue still rankles Sen. Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey), who opposed the Iran nuclear deal.

In a lengthy speech to announce his opposition in August, Menendez said: “Imagine how a country like the United Arab Emirates — sitting just miles away from Iran across the Strait of Hormuz — feels after they sign a civilian nuclear agreement with the US … to not enrich or reprocess uranium?”

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press.
Wall Street Journalin alkuperäinen artikkeli näyttäisi olevan maksullinen.


The Israeli Air and Ground Forces performed a simulated attack raid on one of the major Iranian nuclear sites in 2012 INSIDE Iranian airspace, according to sources to the normally well-informed Wall Street Journal.

The dummy strike / assault is said to have taken place in 2012 and it apparently involved commando units that in theory could attempt to infiltrate the Fordo (Fordow) nuclear facility deep inside Iran. What type of aircraft were used is not certain, but according to US intelligence sources to the Wall Street Journal the aircraft was not equipped to destroy the location – hence the idea that it was a simulated raid.

Analysts say the Israeli actions – if true – could have served two purposes: to show Iran what Israel in theory is capable of and to put political pressure on the United States government to act on the Iranian nuclear program before Jerusalem would choose to go to war over it.

Recently things have eased a bit, with Iran meeting the world’s other nations on opening up and restraining the country’s nuclear program.
Olisiko Israelin isku Iraniin taas lähempänä?

Report: Iran implemented ballistic missile test

Tehran continues to violate UN Security Council Resolutions. Fox News reported that according to American sources, Iran implemented a ballistic missile test near the Pakistani border.
Dec 08, 2015, 10:37AM | Rachel Avraham


On November 21, Iran implemented a ballistic missile test for medium range missiles in violation of two UN Security Council Resolutions, American officials told Fox News yesterday. The officials stated that the test was implemented near the Pakistani border.

It is forbidden for Iran to test ballistic missiles since 2010 and this remains for the time being until the nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers will be activated. According to the agreement signed in July of this year, Iran is banned from engaging in these kinds of tests for eight years. When the agreement will come into force, most of the sanctions against Iran will be removed in exchange for fulfilling these conditions and freezing their nuclear program.

At this time, no action is being taken at the UN following this act by Iran. UN Security Council officials stated yesterday that they have not received any official request following the violation of the UN resolutions by Iran. Last October, the US, Great Britain, France and Germany called upon the UN Security Council to act against ballistic missiles tests that violate the nuclear agreement.
Olisiko Israelin isku Iraniin taas lähempänä?

Report: Iran implemented ballistic missile test

Tehran continues to violate UN Security Council Resolutions. Fox News reported that according to American sources, Iran implemented a ballistic missile test near the Pakistani border.
Dec 08, 2015, 10:37AM | Rachel Avraham


On November 21, Iran implemented a ballistic missile test for medium range missiles in violation of two UN Security Council Resolutions, American officials told Fox News yesterday. The officials stated that the test was implemented near the Pakistani border.

It is forbidden for Iran to test ballistic missiles since 2010 and this remains for the time being until the nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers will be activated. According to the agreement signed in July of this year, Iran is banned from engaging in these kinds of tests for eight years. When the agreement will come into force, most of the sanctions against Iran will be removed in exchange for fulfilling these conditions and freezing their nuclear program.

At this time, no action is being taken at the UN following this act by Iran. UN Security Council officials stated yesterday that they have not received any official request following the violation of the UN resolutions by Iran. Last October, the US, Great Britain, France and Germany called upon the UN Security Council to act against ballistic missiles tests that violate the nuclear agreement.

Iranin Ydinvoimateknologian kanssa ei ole mitään tekemistä näiden ohjusten kanssa...Hyvin etenee Obaman soppari...