Isku Iraniin

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Tämä on niin kulunut Venäläisten vääntämä aihe aina. "USA LAITTAA tukikohtiaan ja NATO LAAJENEE meidän rajoja kohti" .

Käsittääkseni yhtään tukikohtaa ei USA ole laittanut ilman kyseisen maan suostumusta, oppositiota lukuunottamatta ja NATO tuskin voisi laajentua rauhanomaisesti "kohti" Venäjän rajoja, ellei Venäjä olisi niin agressiivinen paskamaa. Venäläiset voisi kysyä itseltään että minkä takia ne NATOon menevät maat haluaa sinne, eikä heidän kanssaan liittoon?

"Mut Krimillä asuvat ihmiset halus Venäjän tukikohdan sinne"...

Samalla tuosta propagandakuvasta jätetään tarkoituksella pois Venäjän tai tässä tapauksessa Iranin tukikohtien paikat. Montakohan Proxypaikkaa Iranilla on tälläkin hetkellä Syyriassa tai muualla lähi-idässä?
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tämä on niin kulunut Venäläisten vääntämä aihe aina. "USA LAITTAA tukikohtiaan ja NATO LAAJENEE meidän rajoja kohti" .

Käsittääkseni yhtään tukikohtaa ei USA ole laittanut ilman kyseisen maan suostumusta, oppositiota lukuunottamatta ja NATO tuskin voisi laajentua rauhanomaisesti "kohti" Venäjän rajoja, ellei Venäjä olisi niin agressiivinen paskamaa. Venäläiset voisi kysyä itseltään että minkä takia ne NATOon menevät maat haluaa sinne, eikä heidän kanssaan liittoon?

"Mut Krimillä asuvat ihmiset halus Venäjän tukikohdan sinne"...

Samalla tuosta propagandakuvasta jätetään tarkoituksella pois Venäjän tai tässä tapauksessa Iranin tukikohtien paikat. Montakohan Proxypaikkaa Iranilla on tälläkin hetkellä Syyriassa tai muualla lähi-idässä?

Tarkkaan ottaen Irak, Afganistan, Saksa, Japani, Syyria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Kuuba ja Panama eivät ainakaan senhetkisten hallintojensa puitteissa ole USA:n tukikohtia pyytäneet:).
En tiedä oliko Saddam Hussein kuinka iloinen kuullessaan että jenkit ovat taas tulossa vieraaksi joukkoineen?:unsure:
No hyvä että täällä ollaan kärkkäitä korjaamaan, myönnän osittaisen virheeni niitä yksilöimättä. Tuskin kukaan diktaattori kovin iloinen on kun USA tuo demokratiaa hyvällä tai pahalla. ;)
Ero Venäjän ja liittolaisten tukikohtien perustamiselle vs länsiliittouman ja NATOn vastaaville on kuitenkin selvä. Ainakin minulle.
Kas kun sattui sopivasti

The Trump administration has formally invoked an exemption that allows the White House to clear $8.1 billion in weapon sales for Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates over congressional objections, in a move that could create trouble for the defense industry.

For the last year, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has held up the sale of precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, over concerns of how they will be used as part of the Saudi-led actions against Iranian-backed fighters in Yemen, an operation that has led to a humanitarian crisis in that country.

Now, the administration is pushing through those weapons, as well as a mix of unmanned aerial vehicles and aircraft maintenance, using an obscure exemption to circumvent Congress’ ability to say no to foreign weapon deals.

The Arms Export Control Act contains an exemption to sell weapons to partners in case of an emergency, something designed to speed up the process amid a crisis. In this case, Trump appears to be using the tense situation with Iran — based on intelligence reports that have been widely questioned by Democrats, but supported by the Pentagon — as a reason to push through the weapons.

Around noon on Friday, Menendez said the administration officially informed the Senate it will use what his office called an “unprecedented and legally dubious” move to push the weapon sales through, breaking years of tradition where the Senate has a say over whether other nations can buy American defense goods.

Ei edelleenkään todisteita

Less than a thousand U.S. troops consisting of intelligence aircraft, engineers and fighter pilots are heading to the Middle East as a “prudent defensive measure” against Iran, the Pentagon announced Friday afternoon.

Together with a Patriot missile defense battalion that was deployed to the region earlier this month, the Defense Department will have about 1,500 troops based in the Middle East for the purpose of defending itself from Iran.

“Today, I informed Congress that I approved the combatant commander’s request for the deployment of additional resources and capabilities to the Middle East to improve our force protection and safeguard U.S. forces given the ongoing threat posed by Iranian forces, including the IRGC and its proxies,” Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan said in a statement Friday.

The White House and Pentagon began warning of an increased Iranian threat earlier this month, but have yet to lay out solid evidence of that threat to the American public.

During a Friday briefing, Joint Staff Director Rear Adm. Michael Gilday said the recent movement of U.S. assets into the Middle East was spurred by Iranian behavior that has grown increasingly “troubling, escalatory and dangerous.”

Gilday cited public declarations by Iranian leaders to close the Strait of Hormuz, attacks on oil tankers allegedly conducted by Iran, attacks on a Saudi oil pipeline allegedly conducted by Iranian proxies in Yemen, and “multiple, credible reports” that Iranian proxy groups “intend to attack U.S. personnel in the Middle East.”

But when pressed for substantive evidence of Iranian involvement in those incidents or its intent to attack U.S. forces, Gilday said he could not reveal the source of that intelligence “except to say, in very high confidence, we tie the Iranians to those” events.
1500 ukkelia turvaamaan tilannetta ja john kerrylle maanpetossyyte. Haetaan tampio kotio ja loppuu se iranissa häslääminen. Rikkoi Logan Actia.
Minä pelkään sitä, että Jenkit sössivät asiat nyt oikein tosissaan. Jos he lähtevät Iranin kanssa vääntämään, he päätyvät tilanteeseen, missä he eivät voi mitenkään voittaa mutta todellakin hävitä paljon.
Olen samaa mieltä. Lähi-Idän alueella ei oikein mitenkään saa istutettua demokratiaa paikalleen vaikka se olisi miten jenkkien ja muiden länkkäreiden ajatuksena. Alueella pörrätään öljyvarojen takia. Se kaiketi on ainoa totuus.
Mitä nopeammin USA ja muu maailma voivat siirtyä muiden energioiden pariin, sen nopeammin hiekkamaista voi sotilaallisesti irtautua. Ehkä...
Donald Trump has said he would support Shinzo Abe’s efforts to act as a mediator between the US and Iran, as reports suggested the Japanese prime minister would visit Tehran next month for talks with the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani.

Speaking at a press conference on the penultimate day of his state visit to Japan, Trump also gave his backing to Abe’s attempts to set up a first summit, without preconditions, with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, hours after the regime described the US president’s national security adviser, John Bolton, as a warmonger.

Tehran says it has no interest in talking to the US administration, which has imposed tough sanctions on the country over its nuclear programme and last week sent 1,500 troops to the region.

“I know that the prime minister and Japan have a very good relationship with Iran so we’ll see what happens,” Trump, who has offered Tehran direct talks, told reporters before a working lunch with Abe.
Responding to President Donald Trump’s claim that Iran is ready to negotiate, the country’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi told reporters on Tuesday, “We currently see no prospect of negotiations with America.”

“Iran pays no attention to words; What matters to us is a change of approach and behavior,” said Mousavi.

And the Trump administration’s approach to Iran has veered from heated to bizarrely inconsistent.

While on a visit to Japan this weekend, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo offered to mediate talks between Iran and the United States. Asked about this proposal, Trump said Monday, “The prime minister has already spoken to me about that. And I do believe that Iran would like to talk. And if they’d like to talk, we’d like to talk also. We’ll see what happens… Nobody wants to see terrible things happen, especially me.”
Last weekend, he said, U.S. officials placed a phone call to their Iranian counterparts. “We sent a message at that time to Iran just so they understood we would hold them accountable should something take place in the region, that there was not an opportunity for them to do things and then claim that it wasn’t attributable to Iran.”

Dunford said the intelligence suggested that Iranian leaders believed that they might be able to strike U.S. forces without risk of retaliation. That’s why he conferred with Gen. Ken McKenzie, who leads U.S. Central Command, and by Sunday morning had recommended to acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan that Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group in the Mediterranean be immediately sent to the CENTCOM area of responsibility.

He added, “We averaged more than two carrier strike groups on station in 2012 in CENTCOM at any given time. We had zero on third, fourth, and fifth of May. We also sent bombers there as well as some Patriot missile systems.”

On Friday, Shanahan told reporters that the 900 troops would head to Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

On Capitol Hill, Democratic lawmakers have been loudly questioning the administration’s approach and motives toward Iran. On May 21, Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, complained about how the administration had presented threat intelligence to lawmakers.

“I‘m listening to Republicans twist the Iran intel to make it sound like Iran is taking unprovoked, offensive measures against the U.S. and our allies. Like it just came out of nowhere…I’ve read the intel too. And let me be clear: That’s not what the intel says.”

Lawmakers have expressed worry about being excluded from the decision-making on Iran.

“Everybody is deeply, deeply concerned about Congress getting cut out of what’s transpiring over there, and they weren’t able to give enough assurance that we would be consulted,” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, told Defense One earlier this month after a closed-door session with National Security Advisor John Bolton. “I think that’s a huge, huge question that’s going unanswered.”

Without naming any particular lawmaker, Dunford pushed back on the notion that Trump administration political rhetoric was driving his decision-making. “People can question the veracity of the intelligence. All I will say is, since that weekend, there have been ships that have been hit with mines. There have been UAV strikes. There have been rocket strikes in the proximity of the U.S. embassy in Iraq. All that activity has happened since the weekend of the third, fourth, and the fifth. So I view this purely through a military lens.”

Dunford did not touch on why Iran seemed to be becoming more aggressive.

But Murphy has expressed his view that the increased regional tension stems directly from the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, and to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. “U.S. military leaders told Trump not to withdraw from the Iran deal, and not to designate the Iranian military as a terrorist group, and he ignored them. Why?” he tweeted on May 15.
Viime kuussa Persianlahdella öljytankkereihin tehtyjen iskujen takana oli valtiollinen toimija, ilmoittaa Arabiemiirikunnat.

Se ei kuitenkaan nimennyt Irania iskujen tekijäksi tai esittänyt todisteita maan osallisuudesta iskuihin luovuttaessaan tutkimuksensa YK:n turvallisuusneuvostolle torstaina.

Sekä Saudi-Arabia että Yhdysvallat ovat syyttäneet iskusta Irania, joka on kiistänyt toistuvasti osallisuutensa.

Arabiemiirikuntien mukaan iskut vaativat huipputason navigaatio-osaamista. Lisäksi merimiinojen asettaminen tankkereiden pohjaan vaatii sukeltajilta äärimmäisiä taitoja, käy ilmi tutkimuksen alustavasta raportista.

Arabiemiirikuntien neljä iskua olivat osa monimutkaista ja koordinoitua operaatiota, jonka takana on suurella todennäköisyydellä valtiollinen toimija.

Öljytankkeri-iskut tapahtuivat toukokuun puolivälissä Arabiemiirikuntien rannikolla lähellä Fujairahin satamaa. Iskuissa vaurioitui kaksi Saudi-Arabian, yksi Arabiemiirikuntien ja yksi Norjan tankkeri.
Taustalla oli analyysi että se ei päätyisi Neuvostoliiton leiriin, epätoivoinen ajatus mutta nythän se on Venäjän tärkein liittolainen alueella.

Mistähän tämmöinen analyysi on heillä keksitty. Neukkula ja Iran eivät kyllä olleet sydänystäviä, ei shaahin eikä ajatollahin aikana. Lähellä kävivät sotaa ja NL syyti Irakille aseita sodan aikana.