Konflikti Kiinan merellä

Miksi Kiina vetää tästä niin suuresti herneen nenään? Xi Jinping saa jatkaa kolmannelle kaudelle, kahden kauden rajoitus kumottiin viime vuoden marraskuussa. Hänen toinen viiden vuoden kausi maan johtajana päättyy nyt syksyllä ja seuraavasta johtajasta päätetään suurkokouksessa. Xi on myös melko iäkäs, 69-vuotias. Olen nähnyt kirjoituksia molempiin suuntiin: jatko on varma juttu JA toisaalta että hän on vaikeuksissa monen viime aikojen huonon päätöksen takia. Liekö tämä "konflikti" asemien parannusta?

Aikalailla juuri tätä. Pari sivua aiemmin ctg linkkasikin videota Kiinan tämänhetkisestä pankkikriisistä:

Tuolla 136 sivulla on myös muutama muu hyvä video Kiinan tämänhetkisestä taloudellisesta tilanteesta ja miten se saattaa muuttua tulevaisuudessa. Samalla tavalliset kiinalaiset ovat varsin pahalla päällä totaalisista koronalockdowneista, jotka ilmeisesti vieläkin ovat päällä ainakin joissain kaupungeissa. Tässä tilanteessa Xi hakee siis lähinnä jotain yhdistävää tekijää, kun oma (ja puolueen) valta meinaa vähän horjua. Ihan perinteinen käsikirja siis käytössä: jos sisäpolitiikassa ahdistaa, löydä ulkopuolelta kansan yhdistävä tekijä.
Yhdysvaltojen edustajainhuoneen puhemies Nancy Pelosi saapui Taiwanin pääkaupunkiin Taipeihin tiistaina alkuillasta Suomen aikaa.

Pelosi on puhunut tänään Taiwanin lainsäätäjien kanssa ja jatkoi suoraan tapaamiseen presidentti Tsai Ing-wenin kanssa.

Pelosi kertoi Taiwanin presidentille, että hänen vierailunsa saarella tekee yksiselitteisen selväksi, ettei Yhdysvallat hylkää Taiwania. Pelosi sanoi tapaamisen jälkeen tiedotustilaisuudessa, että Yhdysvaltojen solidaarisuus Taiwania kohtaan on entistäkin tärkeämpää.
Kiina ilmoitti keskiviikkona asettavansa Taiwaniin kohdistuvia talouspakotteita Yhdysvaltain edustajainhuoneen puheenjohtajan Nancy Pelosin Taiwaniin tekemän vierailun vuoksi.

Kiina asetti vientipakotteita luonnonhiekalle ja tuontikieltoja hedelmille sekä kalatuotteille. Luonnonhiekkaa käytetään muun muassa betonin valmistukseen.

Kiina on Taiwanin suurin kauppakumppani. Maiden välisen kaupan arvo oli viime vuonna noin 328 miljardia dollaria.
Kiinan Britannian suurlähettiläs Zheng Zeguang kommentoi tiistaina, että myös Britannialle tulee vakavia seuraamuksia, jos maan lainsäätäjät vierailevat Taiwanissa.
US House speaker Nancy Pelosi has pledged America’s “crucial” solidarity with Taiwan, in a historic meeting with Taiwan’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, who vowed not to back down in the face of military threats from China.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Pelosi questioned the motivations of Chinese president Xi Jinping when asked about his strong response to her visit. China has vowed “consequences” and has said it will begin live fire drills close to Taiwan on Thursday.

“Its really important for the message to be clear .. [the US] is committed to the security of Taiwan ... but it’s about our shared values of democracy and freedom and how Taiwan has been an example to the world … Whether there are insecurities of the president of China relating to his own political situation I don’t know.”
“Our delegation came to Taiwan to make unequivocally clear we will not abandon Taiwan, and we are proud of our enduring friendship,” Pelosi said on Wednesday. Now more than ever, US solidarity with Taiwan was “crucial”.

Pelosi said 43 years ago the US made a “bedrock promise to always stand with Taiwan”. “On this strong foundation we have built a thriving partnership,” she said.

Earlier on Wednesday, Pelosi told Taiwan’s parliament the delegation came “in friendship to Taiwan [and] in peace to the region”.

Pelosi, the US’s first woman speaker, praised Taiwan’s growth into a leading democracy, now led by its first woman president. “Out of a crucible of challenge you have created a flourishing democracy.”

In her remarks, Tsai said Taiwan “will not back down” in the face of heightened military threats, and would “do whatever it takes to maintain Taiwan’s peace and stability”.
The Solomon Islands’ government has prompted outrage by ordering the censorship of the national broadcaster, forbidding it from publishing material critical of the government, which will vet all stories before broadcast.

On Monday the government announced that the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC), a public service broadcaster established in 1976 by an act of parliament, would be brought under government control.

The broadcaster, which puts out radio programmes, TV bulletins and online news, is the only way to receive immediate news for people in many remote areas of the country and plays a vital role in natural disaster management.
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has tied her controversial visit to Taiwan to an alleged barrage of China-directed cyber-attacks against the territory.

Pelosi's main reason for visiting Taiwan, as explained in a press release, is "reaffirming our support for our partner and … promoting our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region."

"America's solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important today than ever, as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy," the document adds.

In a Washington Post column, she explained that the visit "should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, as it defends itself and its freedom."

The column details many Chinese acts that Pelosi alleges Taiwan has had to defend – including some in cyberspace, where she accused China of "launching scores of attacks on Taiwan government agencies each day."

Perhaps coincidentally, the website of Taiwan's president became unavailable on Tuesday afternoon, apparently due to a DDoS attack initiated by unknown parties.

In a government statement, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has described Pelosi's visit as "a serious violation of the One China principle", stated it "seriously infringes upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity" and "gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait."

is this all you can do, dDoSSing websites?
China insisted Wednesday its military exercises around the Taiwan Strait were "necessary and just" in the wake of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to the self-ruled island.

"The Chinese military's conducting of military exercises in the sea near China's Taiwan are a necessary and just measure to resolutely protect national sovereignty," foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular briefing.

"In the current struggle surrounding Pelosi's Taiwan visit, the United States are the provocateurs, China is the victim. The joint provocation by the US and Taiwan came first, China's just defense came after," she added.

China's leaders have expressed fury at Pelosi's Taiwan visit, painting it as threatening the fragile cross-strait status quo.

In response, China has announced a series of live-fire military exercises around Taiwan, with the Eastern Theatre Command saying that "joint naval and air exercises will be conducted in the northern, southwestern, and southeastern sea and airspaces" of the island.

It is also set Thursday to begin further live-fire military drills in zones encircling Taiwan -- at some points within just 20 kilometres (12 miles) of the island's shore.

The drills will include "long-range live ammunition shooting" in the Taiwan Strait, which separates the island from mainland China and straddles vital shipping lanes.

Taipei's defence ministry has warned the plans threaten key ports and urban areas.

Several US warships were cruising in waters near Taiwan on Tuesday, US military officials said, amid Chinese anger over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's controversial visit to the island Beijing claims as its territory.

As China announced it would hold live-fire military drills in the Taiwan Strait in response to Pelosi's visit, the US Navy's Seventh Fleet said the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan was operating in the Philippine Sea, south of Taiwan.

The US Navy published images of the usually Japan-based Ronald Reagan conducting maneuvers with the cargo ship USS Carl Brashear on Sunday.

The Ronald Reagan was accompanied by the USS Higgins, a destroyer that is part of its strike group, a US Navy official said on condition of anonymity.

The aircraft carrier and its group are "on a routine operation in the Western Pacific," a US official said on condition of anonymity.

Additionally, the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli was operating east of Taiwan, the US Navy official said, confirming reports from the United States Naval Institute (USNI), a professional association with close ties to the Navy.

The Ronald Reagan and the Tripoli are both carriers of the latest generation F-35 fighter jets, according to the USNI.

US officials have sought to reassure Beijing that the positioning of these two ships in the region was not linked to Pelosi's visit, who became the highest-ranking elected US official to visit the island since predecessor Newt Gingrich traveled there in 1997.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told CNN that Washington would make sure Pelosi had a "safe and secure visit."

Vielä odotellaan vahvistuksia muutamalle sotaharjoitusalueeksi aikaisemmin ilmoitetulle alueelle.

Taiwan sanoo myös että voi joutua tekemään meri- ja lentoreitteihin muutoksia harjoitusalueiden takia, ei vielä vahvistusta muutoksille.

Nyt on saatu NOTAMS vahvistukset kaikille aikaisemmin ilmoitetuille alueille. Tieto piti siis paikkansa:

Parempi kuva kartasta ja koordinaateista:

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Rauhallinen, mutta terävä lausunto G7 mailta:




Olen keskittynyt Ukrainan sodan seuraamiseen mutta ei ole jäänyt huomaamatta, miten paljon twitterissä on kiinan botteja ja muita trolleja kaiken tähän Taiwanin "tilanteeseen" liittyen.

Toinen havainto: intialaiset ovat myös aktivoituneet ja näkee paljon heidän vastakommentteja ja Kiinan pilkkaa näissä samoissa ketjuissa. Intia ja Kiina ovat käyneet rajallaan vuoristoseudulla kahakoita, tosin aseellinen konflikti on toistaiseksi puuttunut. Kiina miehittää parhaillaan palasta Intiaa, toki nämä rajaseudut ovat kiistanalaisia ja molemmat sanovat olevansa oikeassa. Kiina on myös rakentanut alueelle vahvoja puolustusasemia ja käyttänyt muutenkin rahaa.

Kiina ja Intia eivät todellakaan ole hyvissä väleissä. En odota että riita Taiwanista näkyisi tuolla rajalla, kunhan vain tuumailin että mielenkiintoista nähdä tämä kiista twitterissä.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Mikko pohtii, että nyt alkavat PLA:n sotaharjoitukset ovat Lännelle ainutkertainen tilaisuus seurata Kiinan laivastotaktiikoita, operaatiotaitoa ja aselajien yhteistoimintakykyä - sekä mahdollisia heikkouksia. Kiina on yhteistoiminnan johtamisessa Länttä paljon perässä, mutta kuinka paljon.

Mick Ryan, AM

The aggressive behaviour of China, the PLA and the Eastern Theatre Command, as shown in this graphic, will provide valuable insights into Chinese military thinking and capacity in the days ahead. 1/14 🧵


2/ First, the coming days will permit us to observe how China and the PLA might think about conducting a naval blockade of Taiwan. In essence, they are telegraphing their operational approach so we can war game ways to subvert it in future.

3/ The map, with the live fire areas published by the Eastern Theatre Command, clearly plots out where the Chinese think the key operating areas are for their strategic intimidation of Taiwan and for the conduct of an illegal blockade in the future.

4/ The groupings of naval task forces, and their readiness for sea for this activity, will provide good insights into levels of short term responsiveness, command styles, and contemporary Chinese naval tactics (and how good they are with their own doctrine).

5/ The coming days and weeks will allow observations about the sustainability of large scale PLA naval deployments. Just because you have a lot of ships, it doesn’t always mean you can coordinate them, or sustain all of them at sea over long periods.

6/ Second, the coming days will allow observation of PLA air-sea integration, as well as how they integrate these operations with space-based capability and EW.

7/ Given their almost automatic response to react in this way (which makes the Chinese predictable), how the air and naval capabilities interact will provide insights into exploitable weaknesses.

8/ Third, the coming days and weeks will provide lessons on the effectiveness of PLA joint capability and the capacity of their Eastern Theatre Command. This is a relatively new ‘combatant command’ (formed in 2016), and it is the one responsible for Taiwan.

9/ How well this new command is able to command and control the variety of forces (naval, air, cyber, missile, etc) that will be deployed to intimidate Taiwan over the short to medium term will be an area of great interest to multiple military and think tank observers.

10/ Reports such as annual U.S. DoD report to Congress on China are invaluable sources of information on PLA developments. But nothing provides better insights into the actual capability of a military than seeing them deployed ‘in the field’ (or at sea).

11/ You can read the latest DoD report here: media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/03/20…

12/ The highly predictable surge in Chinese military units, and their likely aggressive posture, is full of potential for incidents with U.S. and Taiwanese forces. Recent behaviour of PLA towards Australian and US aircraft and vessels provides a baseline for their approach.

13/ Beyond the strategic messaging about ‘don’t mess with the PLA’, the PLA will almost certainly use this as an opportunity iron out issues with its joint command and control. They are decades behind the west in these kinds of operations.

14/ But, we have been given a priceless opportunity to learn about the Chinese joint military capability in real time, and to assess its strengths and weaknesses. The Taiwanese, Americans, Japanese, Australians and others will be watching closely. End