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The United States and China have publicly clashed during their first face-to-face high-level talks since Joe Biden took office, with one senior Chinese official urging the US to address “deep-seated” issues such as racism, and accusing his American counterparts of “condescension”.

Any hopes that the meeting, in Anchorage, would reset bilateral ties after years of tensions over trade, human rights and cybersecurity during Donald Trump’s presidency evaporated when the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, and the national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, opened their meeting with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and the state councillor Wang Yi.

After Blinken referred to rising global concern over Beijing’s human rights record, Yang said: “We hope that United States will do better on human rights. The fact is that there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the US itself,” he said in a 15-minute speech that appeared to irritate Blinken.
No niin, konflikti...

The Philippines’ defence chief has demanded more than 200 Chinese vessels he said were manned by militias leave a South China Sea reef claimed by Manila, saying their presence was a “provocative action of militarising the area.”

“We call on the Chinese to stop this incursion and immediately recall these boats violating our maritime rights and encroaching into our sovereign territory,” defence secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a statement on Sunday, adding without elaborating that the Philippines would uphold its sovereign rights.

A government watchdog overseeing the disputed region said about 220 Chinese vessels were seen moored at Whitsun reef, which Beijing also claims, on 7 March. It released pictures of the vessels side by side in one of the most contested areas of the strategic waterway.

The foreign secretary, Teodoro Locsin, said late on Sunday that the Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest over the Chinese presence.

The reef, which Manila calls Julian Felipe, is a boomerang-shaped, shallow coral region about 175 nautical miles (324km) west of Bataraza town in the western Philippine province of Palawan. It is well within the country’s exclusive economic zone, over which the Philippines “enjoys the exclusive right to exploit or conserve any resources”, the government watchdog said.

The large numbers of Chinese boats are “a concern due to the possible overfishing and destruction of the marine environment, as well as risks to safety of navigation”, it said, although it added that the vessels were not fishing when sighted.

... tästäkö se alkaa?
Britain and the EU have taken joint action with the US and Canada to impose parallel sanctions on senior Chinese officials involved in the mass internment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province in the first such western action against Beijing since Joe Biden took office.

The move also marked the first time in three decades that the UK or the EU had punished China for human rights abuses, and both will now be working hard to contain the potential political and economic fallout. China hit back immediately, blacklisting MEPs, European diplomats and thinktanks.

The US and Canada also imposed sanctions on several senior Chinese officials as part of the coordinated pressure campaign.


imagery shows significant progress on the construction of what is, by every indication, a massive new military heliport in China very close to the Taiwan Strait. Continued work on the facility, which is around a half a mile from the water's edge, only some 150 miles from Taiwan proper, and even closer to various islands that Taiwanese authorities control, comes amid a surge in charged rhetoric between officials in Beijing and their counterparts in both Taipei and Washington. This makes it strategically positioned to support any future operations to control the Strait or even invade Taiwan.
The Chinese threat to invade Taiwan is serious and more imminent than many understand, the US admiral chosen to lead the Pentagon’s Indo-Pacific region has warned.

China considers recovering control over Taiwan its “No 1 priority”, Adm John Aquilino, nominated to become commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, told the Senate armed services committee on Tuesday.

A military takeover of Taiwan is the top concern in the Indo-Pacific, according to the admiral nominated to lead the region’s combatant command.

During his confirmation hearing to lead U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, U.S. Pacific Fleet commander Adm. John Aquilino told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he concurs with former National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster’s assessment of the threat posed by China potentially seizing Taiwan.
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No fewer than 20 Chinese People’s Liberation Army aircraft flew within Taiwan’s southwest air defense identification zone today, in a significant expansion of activity within this area, which covers most of the highly volatile Taiwan Strait. In what seems like a deliberate escalation over other recent incursions, today’s mission included bombers and airborne early warning platforms, as well as the more familiar fighters and surveillance aircraft.

According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft that entered the air defense identification zone (ADIZ) today comprised four H-6K bombers, 10 J-16 multirole fighters (Chinese-made derivatives of the Russian Su-30 Flanker), two J-10 fighter jets, two KQ-200 anti-submarine patrol planes, one Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft, and a KJ-500 airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.

Nyt siellä eteläkiinanmerellä harjoittelee kaksi jenkkien lentotukialusryhmää.


Intercepted communications suggest Chinese bombers conducted mock attack on USS Theodore Roosevelt​

Posted on January 30, 2021

Financial Times reported that intelligence collected by the U.S. and its allies on Jan. 23 found that China had carried out a mock attack on U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt that day when the warship transit the Bashi Channel south of Taiwan.

Graphic: Taiwan Ministry of National Defense

Intercepted communications of the H-6K crew revealed confirmation of orders to simulated targeting of the carrier and release of anti-ship missiles.
Data provided by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense on that shows eight H-6K bombers heading towards the direction of the carrier. Four J-16 fighters and one KQ200 anti-submarine aircraft participated in the drill as well.

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Ja seuraava lähde kertoo että USS Nimitz laitettiin kaveriksi Theodorelle pian tämän simuloidun hyökkäyksen jälkeen, vastoin aiempia kotiutussuunnitelmia:

Chinese leaders have endorsed a sweeping overhaul of Hong Kong’s electoral system, cutting the number of directly elected seats and ensuring that a majority of the city’s lawmakers will be selected by a reliably pro-Beijing committee.

The measures, which bypassed Hong Kong’s legislature and were imposed directly by Beijing, are the latest move aimed at quashing the city’s democracy movement after huge protests.

The changes to Hong Kong’s basic law – the mini-charter that gifted the city special freedoms after its handover by Britain in 1997 – were agreed by China’s top decision-making body, the standing committee of the National People’s Congress.

The committee has amended Hong Kong’s constitution to pave the way for the changes. The Hong Kong government is now tasked with revising its electoral laws and holding an election.

Under the measures, anyone hoping to enter Hong Kong’s political scene will need to be vetted by a committee to ensure the city is governed by “patriots”, and the number of directly elected seats will be reduced from half to less than a quarter.
Ja seuraava lähde kertoo että USS Nimitz laitettiin kaveriksi Theodorelle pian tämän simuloidun hyökkäyksen jälkeen, vastoin aiempia kotiutussuunnitelmia:

Nimitzillähän myöhästyi kotiutus lentotukialusten puutteen vuoksi. Se oli jo saanut käskyn lähteä Lähi-Idästä kotia kohden, kun käsky peruutettiin ja komennus Lähi-Idässä jatkui vielä kuukauden. Nimitz seilasi yhteensä 99 000 mailia (nautical miles?) mikä on laivaston mukaan pisin matka jonka amerikkalainen lentotukialus on tehnyt toisen maailmansodan jälkeen.
Vähän samaa meininkiä kuin pienissä vihreissä miehissä. Kukaan ei pysty sanomaan taikka tekemään mitään, koska se merkitsisi konfliktia, vaikka ollaan suoraan jo konfliktissa.
Seven of Hong Kong’s most senior and prominent pro-democracy figures, including lawyer and former legislator Martin Lee and media tycoon Jimmy Lai, have been found guilty over their involvement in an unauthorised protest rally.

After a four-week trial, the defendants were convicted on Thursday of organising and participating in the rally, joining two others who had pled guilty earlier. They could face up to 10 years in prison though their sentences are likely to be shorter than that.

The defendants included 82-year-old Lee, considered the father of democracy in Hong Kong, Lai – who is also facing a separate trail over alleged national security offences, former legislators Margaret Ng and Cyd Ho Sau-lan, lawyer Albert Ho Chun-yan, veteran activists Lee Cheuk-yan and “Long Hair” Leung Kwok-hung. Former legislators Au-Nok-him and Leung Yiu-chung had pleaded guilty earlier.

Sentencing will be decided at a later date. The maximum penalty for each offence is five years.
Voiko tuolla rautatiellä kuljettaa sotamateriaalia?

Jos on kiskot ja tukeva penger, niin varmasti. Ukkoja ja kevyempää rautaa loputtomasti. Samoin keskitysleirivirkailijoita "rauhoitettaville" alueille.
Voiko tuolla rautatiellä kuljettaa sotamateriaalia?

Voi kuljettaa. Kiinassa on noin 2000 lavettivaunua ja ne saadaan armeijan käyttöön 3 päivän varoitusajalla. Kiskoverkoston kantavuus ja kuormatilan korkeus/leveys speksit ovat neuvostoliittolaisia, mutta raideleveys on amerikkalainen 1435mm.

Helpommalla pääsee kuitenkin pyörämarssilla, kuten hongkongin varuskunnan tuplaamisen osalta nähtiin.

Jos oikeasti kiinnostaa niin mulla on jossain täydet speksit kiinalaisista rautatievaunuista ja kiskojen luokittelusta tonneittain. Karttakin saattaa löytyä.

edit: Ja tuolla highspeed radalla ei rahtia kuljeteta, vaan se korvaa lentoliikennettä (vrt japani). Tavallista rautatietä uudistetaan nopeuden kasvattavamiseksi ja rahti kulkee siellä. Ongelmana kiinassa on vapaan rataslotin vähäinen määrä. Yhdellä modernisoimattomalla rataosuudella kulkee 1 juna per tunti kun suomessa vastaava luku on 6 minuuttia. Tavarajunan maksimipituus on tavallisella rautatiellä 45 vaunua, joten panssariprikaatin liikuttamiseen tarvitaan jo useampi juna.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on Thursday refuted US allegations of militarizing the South China Sea and undermining the international system.

In response to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s address at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday, Hua told a press briefing that labels like “militarizing the South China Sea” should never be pinned on China.

China was not the first one to start construction or deploy necessary armaments in the South China Sea, nor is it the one to deploy the most weaponry, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said

China was not the first one to start construction or deploy necessary armaments in the South China Sea, nor is it the one to deploy the most weaponry. The United States cannot use the so-called militarization to deprive China of the right to defend its own territory, Hua said.

She said it is the United States which has actually militarized the area and threatened freedom of navigation, adding that the country, over 8,300 miles from the South China Sea, has built several military bases with offensive weapons around the area, and frequently sent aircraft carriers and strategic bombers throughout the year.

In his remarks, Blinken said China threatens NATO security, calling for a joint approach to counter China as the country “is working to undercut the international system” and the values the United States and its allies share.

“There is only one system in the world, which is the international system with the United Nations as its core. And there is only one set of rules, which are the basic norms of international relations based on the principles of the UN Charter,” Hua said.

Noting that the United States has withdrawn from a number of treaties over the years, Hua said it has now wielded the stick of sanctions, and imposed unilateral and illegal sanctions on other sovereign countries.

“The label of ‘undermining the international system’ belongs to the United States,” Hua said.

“We hope the United States will correctly understand itself and others, abandon zero-sum game and cold war mentality, truly learn to deal with other countries based on equality and mutual respect, and assume the important responsibilities of major powers for world peace and development,” Hua said.
Eli teoriassa mahdollista mutta käytännössä vaatisi kikkailua. Ainoa sotamateriaali on ukot ja niiden henkilökohtaiset asiat.
Käsittääkseni ainoa tarvittava kikkailu on matkustajajunaliikenteen keskeyttäminen tai pakottaminen ajamaan sotilasjunien välissä samalla nopeudella. Hitaahkosti ajava raskas tavarajuna kohdistaa kiskoon voimia jotka vertautuvat varsin hyvin kevyen mutta erittäin suurella nopeudella ajavan junan aiheuttamiin. Kuten meilläkin Lahden oikoradalla samoilla kiskoilla ajaa vuorotellen matkustajajunia 220km/h lasissa ja raskaita venäläisiä säiliövaunuja täynnä öljyä 100km/h.

Kiinan kaltaisessa maassa siis tuon suurnopeusrataverkon käyttäminen sotilaskuljetuksiin on pelkkä valtionhallinnon ilmoitusasia.