Korean Sota Osa II ?

Security experts and defense industry personnel interviewed by The Security Ledger say that probes and attacks by hacking groups known to be associated with the government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) have increased markedly as hostilities between that country and the United States have ratcheted up in the last year. The hacking attempts seem to be aimed at gaining access to intellectual property belonging to the companies, including weapons systems deployed on the Korean peninsula.

“As the situation between the DPRK and the US has become more tense, we’ve definitely seen an increase in number of probe attempts from cyber actors coming out of the DPRK,” an official at an aerospace and defense firm told Security Ledger. The so-called “probes” were targeting the company’s administrative network and included spear phishing attacks via email and other channels. The goal was to compromise computers on the corporate network.

According to the official, the attackers were not able to penetrate a separate and more secure network on which the company stores information on its weapons systems and other sensitive information. He asked that his name and his company’s name not be mentioned because he did not have permission to speak about the matter publicly.
Oletin että ymmärsit cybersota termejä, deface tarkoittaa sivuston haltuunottoa ja sen julkisten sivujen kokonaista turmemelista joko päällemaalatuin iskulausein, kuvien taikka muiden vastaavien keinojen avulla.

Ymmärrän nörttimaailman asioista täsmälleen saman verran kuin virtahepo viinin valmistamisesta. Enkä tarkoita sitä olohuoneessa olevaa virtahepoa.

Tärkein ja ainoa tietoteknisen tietämyksen ja osaamisen kykyni on se, että osaan tehdä varsin maistuvaa ruokaa. Ja kokemus on opettanut että hyvin iso osa atk-orientoituneista tutuista taas ei. Eli jos jokin vähänkin tietotekniikkaa sivuava asia vaatii huomiota, niin gourmet-kokkaaminen pystyyn ja sopiva kaveri kylään sellaisella yhteisymmärryksellä, että mä tarjoon pöperöt ja se auttaa mua selviämään ongelmistani.

Yleensä eivät ole kokeneet tuollaista osaamisensa hyväksi- ja väärinkäyttämiseksi jos pöperöt ovat tarpeeksi hyviä ja riittoisia.
An unknown hacker has allegedly hijacked North Korean short-wave radio station, 6400kHz, and is broadcasting the 1986 hit song from ’80s Swedish rock band Europe, “The Final Countdown.”

News of the incident was posted on Twitter by vigilante hacker, “The Jester,” who has in the past gained fame by hacking jihadist websites, and who in October 2016 defaced the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the message, “Stop attacking Americans.”

The 6400kHz station is based in Kanggye close to the North Korean border with China, and is used by North Korean radio station Pyongyang Broadcasting Station (Pyongyang BS), which also broadcasts on the 621, 1053, and 3250 frequencies.

The North Korean communist regime has in the past used the 6400kHz radio station to broadcast coded messages. Strategic Sentinel, a Washington-based nonpartisan geostrategic consulting company, noted that North Korea often broadcasts messages on the station ahead of provocations.

On Sept. 23, Strategic Sentinel stated on Twitter, “Radio Pyongyang has broadcasted coded messages on 6400kHz. Usually when they do this it signals an up coming provocation.”

THE United States' top negotiator with North Korea arrived in South Korea today, a visit that comes as hopes rise for an easing of tensions on the peninsula in the wake of President Donald Trump's visit and a lull in missile testing.

Special Representative for North Korea Policy Joseph Yun will meet South Korean and international officials, according to the US State Department, although there is no indication his visit will include talks with the North.

Seoul's foreign ministry said Mr Yun is scheduled for talks with his South Korean counterpart Lee Do-hoon on Friday on the sidelines of an international conference on disarmament, jointly hosted by the ministry and the United Nations on the resort island of Jeju.

South Korea-born Mr Yun has been at the heart of reported direct diplomacy in recent months with Kim Jong Un's regime in North Korea, which accelerated its programme of nuclear and missile testing earlier this year.

Using the so-called “New York channel,” he has been in contact with diplomats at Pyongyang's United Nations mission, a senior State Department official said in early November.
North Korea’s state media has criticised Donald Trump for insulting leader Kim Jong-Un, saying the US president deserved the death penalty and calling him a coward for cancelling a visit to the inter-Korean border.

North Korean soldiers fired about 40 rounds at a comrade fleeing into South Korea and hit him five times, the south’s military has said.

South Korean soldiers did not fire their weapons, but Monday’s incident occurred at a time of heightened animosity over North Korea’s nuclear programme. The north has expressed intense anger over past high-profile defections. It was the first shooting at the jointly controlled area of the heavily fortified border in more than 30 years.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Etelä-Korean puolustusministerihän oli haukkunut omiaan toiminnasta ja sanonut että Etelä-Korean joukkojen olisi pitänyt vastata tuleen. Syystä että tuli kohdistui etelää kohti, vai tulitukea sotilaalle, sitä ei tarina kerro.

Kummassakin tapauksessa ongelma on eskalaatio. Ei ole mikään yksinkertainen yhtälö, kun tiedossa on kuinka kireät välit nyt on maiden välillä. Loppukädessä homma on päivystävällä upseerilla. Avaatko tulen vai toivotko että kaverilla on enkeli suojelemassa kun tulee linjojen läpi. Montako kertaa Berliinissä ammuttiin toiselle puolen kun kaverit yrittivät päästä länteen muurin yli?
Kummassakin tapauksessa ongelma on eskalaatio. Ei ole mikään yksinkertainen yhtälö, kun tiedossa on kuinka kireät välit nyt on...

Yksinkertaistan vähän:

Rauhansopimusta ei ole. On tulitauko. Toinen osapuoli rikkoo tulitaukoa ampumalla aselepolinjan yli toisen maan puolelle.

Jos tulitus ei uhkaa korealaisia, niin varoituslaukaukset ampujien eteen olisivat varmaan paikallaan.

Jos tulitus uhkaa korealaisia niin tappava tai vahingoittava tuleen vastaaminen olisi varmaan paikallaan.

Toki on mahdollista, että jostain ylempää on tullut sellaisia määräyksiä, joita ei saa rikkoa missään tapauksessa ja joiden keskiössä on se, että Kiinalle tai Pipilälle ei saa antaa riittävää tekosyytä.
Tarkoitin tilanteessa missä näet vihollisen soturin tulevan kohti rajan yli. Missä kohtaa päätetään että hän ei ole enään vihollinen?

Siinä kohtaa kun hän heittää aseensa santaan, ryntää kohti tyhjin kohotetuin käsin ja joutuu kollegojensa negatiivisen huomion kohteeksi? Aseeton antautuja ei ole vihollinen vaan vanki.

Toki noissakin voi olla ja varmaan onkin kaiken maailman soluttautujia joukossa. Ja provokatiivinen tilanne voi olla provokaatio.
Siinä kohdassa soluttautujan voi laskea pois kun viisi luotia lävistää kehon :DTietenkin siinä kohdassa on jo vähän myöhäistä suojatakkin :rolleyes: Onkos tietoa selvisikö? Ilmeisesti sisuskalut ammuttu aika tohjoksi, vaikka välittömästi helikopteri veikin leikkauspöydälle.

Pullukka traktoritehtaalla. Näyttää lihonneen. Stressisyömistä?
Following President Donald Trump's visit to Beijing, China said Wednesday that it would send a high-level special envoy to North Korea amid an extended chill in relations between the neighbors over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile programs.

Song Tao, the head of China's ruling Communist Party's International Department, will travel to Pyongyang on Friday to report on outcomes of the party's national congress held last month, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

Xinhua said Song, as president and party leader Xi Jinping's special envoy, would carry out a "visit" in addition to delivering his report, but gave no details about his itinerary or meetings. It also made no mention of Trump's trip to Beijing or the North's weapons programs, although Trump has repeatedly called on Beijing to do more to use its influence to pressure Pyongyang into altering its behavior.

Taitaa tulla marssikäskyjä Xiltä.

Donald Trump should “under no circumstances” take military action against North Korea without the consent of the government in Seoul, the chairwoman of South Korea’s ruling party said on Wednesday.

“President Trump often emphasizes that he put all options on the table,” Choo Mi-ae told a Washington thinktank. “We want to make sure that this option of another war is not placed on the table. Under no circumstances should the US go ahead and use a military option without the consent of South Korea.

“We must seek a peaceful resolution of the matter in any manner that is available to us.”

SEOUL: A North Korean soldier shot multiple times while defecting to the South is in a stable condition but riddled with parasites that could complicate his chances of survival, his doctor said on Thursday (Nov 16).

The soldier dashed across the border at the Panmunjom truce village on Monday, as former comrades from the North opened fire on him, hitting him at least four times.

He was pulled to safety by three South Korean soldiers who crawled to reach him, just south of the dividing line.

The young man was rushed to hospital in South Korea by helicopter where he has undergone two rounds of emergency surgery.

"Vital signs including his pulse are returning to stability", attending doctor Lee Cook-Jong told journalists.

However, he warned, the un-named soldier could rapidly deteriorate at any moment.

"We're paying close attention to prevent possible complications," said Lee, who on Wednesday said "an enormous number of parasites" including roundworms had been found in the small intestine.

"I've never seen anything like this in my 20 years as a physician", he said, adding the longest worm he removed was 27 centimetres (11 inches).

Artikkelissa myös

Singapore has suspended trade relations with North Korea, the latest of Pyongyang’s major trade partners to cut commercial ties under toughening UN sanctions over its weapons programme, a customs notice obtained on Thursday showed.

The move comes about two months after the United States imposed North Korea-related sanctions on a number of firms and individuals, including two entities based in Singapore.

“Singapore will prohibit all commercially traded goods from, or to, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK),” the city-state’s customs said in the notice sent to traders and declaring agents last Tuesday, referring to the country by its official name.
This joint Technical Alert (TA) is the result of analytic efforts between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Working with U.S. government partners, DHS and FBI identified Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and other indicators of compromise (IOCs) associated with a remote administration tool (RAT) used by the North Korean government—commonly known as FALLCHILL. The U.S. Government refers to malicious cyber activity by the North Korean government as HIDDEN COBRA. For more information on HIDDEN COBRA activity, visit https://www.us-cert.gov/hiddencobra.

FBI has high confidence that HIDDEN COBRA actors are using the IP addresses—listed in this report’s IOC files—to maintain a presence on victims’ networks and to further network exploitation. DHS and FBI are distributing these IP addresses to enable network defense and reduce exposure to any North Korean government malicious cyber activity.

Pohjoiskorealaisessa loikkarissa valtava määrä loisia - lääkäri ole ei ole nähnyt mitään vastaavaa

Lääkärin mukaan esimerkiksi ohutsuolesta löytyi suuri määrä jopa 27 senttiä pitkiä matoja

Leen mukaan potilaan kunto on niin huono, että hänelle ei voida antaa loislääkitystä.

Loikkarin arvellaan olevan parikymppinen. Hän oli pahasti aliravittu ja hän menetti ampumahaavojen seurauksena 1,5 litraa verta.