Korean Sota Osa II ?

US President Donald Trump has been urged to avoid adopting a confrontational stance when he meets with Kim Jong-un to discuss North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programme as tensions escalate on the Korean peninsula.

Now it’s Tokyo’s turn to be the third wheel.

As recently as last fall, it was Seoul that appeared sidelined by Washington in its approach to North Korea, as President Trump made fiery threats and accused South Korea of “appeasement” for advocating dialogue. Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, was Mr. Trump’s closest friend among world leaders.

But now Japan, which has hewed closely to the hard-line American posture toward North Korea, is scrambling to remain diplomatically relevant as Mr. Trump moderates his tone in preparation for a possible meeting with the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, and South Korea takes the lead in brokering talks.
North Korea’s foreign minister is expected to meet his Swedish counterpart for a second day on Friday after making a surprise trip to Stockholm that has fuelled expectations about a possible meeting between Donald Trump and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.

Ri Yong-ho landed at Stockholm’s Arlanda airport on a flight from Beijing late on Thursday and spent several hours at the Swedish foreign ministry before returning to the North Korean embassy.
The Swedish foreign ministry has said the talks will focus on “Sweden’s consular responsibilities as a protecting power for the United States, Canada and Australia” and will also address “the security situation on the Korean peninsula”.

It said a statement summarising the talks would be made available on Friday after Ri’s talks with the foreign minister, Margot Wallström.

Ri briefly met the Swedish prime minister, Stefan Lofven, on Friday. Details about their talks were not revealed.

Ri once served as a diplomat at the Stockholm embassy. Sweden has had diplomatic relations with North Korea since 1973 and is one of the few western countries with an embassy in Pyongyang. It provides consular services for the US in North Korea.

Trump last week said he had accepted an invitation for talks with Kim but North Korea has so far not responded.
Onko tässä syy PKn hyvänolon vetoihin? Sähkön tuotantoon tuosta ei ole, mutta päärakennus on tarpeeksi korkea sisältääkseen hissin ja maanalaisia kerroksia. Tuo kupolimainen rakennus alaosassa on iipojen simonan reaktorin kaltainen rakennus. Google löytää tuon suoralla karttahaulla.


North Korea has begun testing a nuclear reactor that could be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium, according to intelligence analysts.

The country has been developing an experimental light water reactor at the Yongbyon Atomic Energy Research Centre for several years, but activity is said to have increased in recent months.
Experts say recent satellite imagery shows the reactor has been structurally finished and there is evidence testing has begun.

According to a report by intelligence analysts Jane's Intelligence Review, the imagery showed emissions on non-condensable gases from a stack at the reactor.

Although the reactor could be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium, North Korea is believed to already have enough fissile material for several nuclear bombs.

Construction of the experimental light water reactor was completed in 2013 and it was optimised for civilian electricity production, but is not operational.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Noin kilometri itään, kuvan allalainassa, keskellä peltoa oleva pikkukukkula minne menee yksittäinen päälystetty tie, joka päätyy kukkalan kupeeseen kaivettuun tunnelinalkuun. Ehkä varauloskäynti maanalaiselle laitokselle?

Joen toisella puolen päälystetty tie, joka päätyy keskelle metsää naamioituun tunneli sisäänkäyntiin ja valtion laitos antenneineen.


For a Hong Kong company managing a small fleet of cargo ships, Union Link International hoists an exotic array of flags, from China and Tanzania to the Pacific island nations of Niue and Palau.

But one stands out: a five-pointed red star on broad horizontal stripes of red and dark blue. It is North Korea’s national banner and the vessel that flies it, the Dolphin 26, is just one in a vast network helping Pyongyang survive the international sanctions that target its rapidly advancing weapons programme.

The UN Security Council on Monday imposed another round of tough sanctions on North Korea and reiterated an agreement to identify and inspect vessels suspected of transporting proscribed goods from the country. But the opacity of the web of ships, people and businesses perpetuating such trade flows suggests the international community faces a huge challenge if its clampdown is to succeed.

Hundreds of the vessels involved are owned and managed by companies based in Hong Kong, where it is not illegal to do business with North Korea. Some of the companies are operated by North Koreans, corporate records show, although most are backed by Chinese nationals.

“These networks have to be important to North Korea because the North Korean economy has been able to do something no Soviet economy was ever able to do before, and that’s stabilise the balance of trade and the currency,” says Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank.
Etelä-Korean ulkoministerin Kang Kyung-whan mukaan Pohjois-Korea on luvannut, että maa sitoutuu ydinaseriisuntaan. Asiasta kertoo brittilehti The Guardian.
Etelä-Korean mukaan lupaus on tullut suoraan Pohjois-Korean johtajalta Kim Jong-unilta.

Yhdysvaltojen ja Pohjois-Korean on määrä neuvotella toukokuussa historiallisessa tapaamisessa. Pohjois-Korea ei ole vielä virallisesti vahvistanut osallistumistaan.

Suomessa käydään tällä hetkellä epävirallisia neuvotteluita, joissa keskustellaan Pohjois-Koreasta. Neuvotteluiden osanottajista ei tiedetä kaikkia yksityiskohtia, mutta ainakin pohjoiskorealainen diplomaatti Choi Kang Il on saapunut Suomeen.

Ylen saamien tietojen mukaan vastaavia, epävirallisia Korea-tapaamisia on järjestetty vuodesta 2011.
Three U.S. officials, two current and one former, confirmed American intelligence has already established a back-channel contact with North Korea and that the CIA has been leading the U.S. effort to directly engage the rogue regime.

Mike Pompeo is said by these officials to favor the type of quiet diplomacy conducted through these back channels. This bypasses the existing diplomatic channel maintained by the State Department at the United Nations.

"I don't think we're being sidelined," South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Wha said to "Face the Nation" when asked if diplomats are being bypassed by this process. "I think when you are trying to create something as momentous as this and requiring the political will of the leaders at the top best level you need to tread carefully."
Yhdysvallat ja Etelä-Korea aloittavat vuosittaiset sotaharjoituksensa huhtikuun 1. päivänä. Harjoituksia lykättiin tänä vuonna Pyeongchangin olympialaiset ja paralympialaisten yli.

Lykkäyksen jälkeen Pohjois-Korea suostui etelänaapurin kanssa ensimmäiseen viralliseen tapaamiseen yli kahteen vuoteen.

Etelä-Korean puolustusministeriöstä kerrotaan uutistoimistoille, että harjoitukset jäävät tänä vuonna kuukauden mittaisiksi eli puolta lyhyemmäksi kuin esimerkiksi viime vuonna.

Foal Eagle -niminen kenttäharjoitus kestää kuukauden, ja huhtikuun puolivälissä alkava Key Resolve -simulaatio kaksi viikkoa. Harjoituksiin osallistuu 300 000 eteläkorealaista ja vajaat 24 000 yhdysvaltalaista sotilasta.

Pohjois-Korea on yleensä reagoinut voimakkaasti harjoituksiin ja pitänyt niitä sotavalmisteluina. Yhdysvaltain puolustusministeriön mukaan harjoituksissa keskitytään puolustamiseen, eikä Pohjois-Korealla pitäisi olla syytä nähdä niitä provokaationa.
Tykit vs ohjukset.

Uuden sotilasyksikön tehtävänä on tuhota rajavyöhykkeelle sijoitetut tykit, jotka uhkaavat Soulin miljoonakaupunkia.

Etelä-Korea on perustamassa uuden tykistön torjumiseen keskittyvän prikaatin lokakuuhun mennessä. Yksikkö varustetaan uusilla ohjuksilla, jotka Hanwha-yhtiö on kehittänyt yhdessä puolustushallinnon kanssa.

– Prikaatin vastuulla on erityisesti pitkän kantomatkan tykkien tuhoaminen. Uusi ohjusmalli pystyy tuhoamaan tykistön piilopaikat, kenraaliluutnantti Shin Won-sik toteaa.

”Tykistöntappajaksi” kutsutun ohjuksen kantama on yli 120 kilometriä. Hanwha-yhtiön mukaan ohjus osuu kohteeseensa kahden metrin tarkkuudella.

Diktaattori Kim Jong-unin hallitsema Pohjois-Korea on sijoittanut maiden rajavyöhykkeen tuntumaan huomattavan määrän tykistöä, joka voisi konfliktitilanteessa aiheuttaa laajaa tuhoa Etelä-Korean pääkaupungissa Soulissa.

Suurelle osalle tykeistä on rakennettu bunkkereita ja muita suojia, mikä vaikeuttaa niiden tuhoamista.

– Puolustusministeriö esittelee suunnitelman huhtikuussa presidentti Moon Jae-inille osana ”Defense Reform 2.0”-ohjelmaa. Prikaatin tehtävä on tarvittaessa tuhota Pohjois-Korean tykit nopeasti ja tehokkaasti, puolustusministeriön lähde kertoo Defense Newsille.

Satelliittipaikannusta hyödyntävän KTSSM-ohjuksen kolme vuotta kestänyt kehitystyö saatiin vihdoin valmiiksi viime vuonna. Kiinteästä laukaisualustasta voidaan ampua lähes samanaikaisesti neljä ohjusta.

Ohjukset kykenevät läpäisemään bunkkereita ja iskemään monen metrin syvyydessä piileviä kohteita vastaan.

Pohjois-Korealla arvioidaan olevan noin 8600 tykkiä ja 5500 raketinheitintä, joista 70 prosenttia on sijoitettu rajan tuntumaan.

Rajalla on myös ainakin 340 pitkän kantomatkan tykkiä, joiden on arvioitu voivan ampua tunnin aikana 15000 tykistökranaattia Soulin metropolialueelle.


Kiinteästä laukaisualustasta voidaan ampua lähes samanaikaisesti neljä ohjusta kohti bunkkereissaan piileskeleviä tykkejä. Koreaa.
On Thursday, Donald Trump replaced a man who built the case for war with North Korea as a last resort with a man who just made the case for war with North Korea as more of a first resort. Trump announced that National-Security Adviser H.R. McMaster will be succeeded by John Bolton, the George W. Bush-era United Nations ambassador who has advocated for U.S. military action to prevent Saddam Hussein, Ayatollah Khamenei, and most recently Kim Jong Un from amassing weapons of mass destruction.
The two Koreas are to hold high-level talks on 29 March to prepare for an April summit between both countries’ leaders, Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in.

South Korea has announced that its unification minister Cho Myoung-gyon will lead a delegation to the border village of Panmunjom, where they will meet Ri Son Gwon, chairman of the North’s agency for inter-Korean affairs. Officials will discuss the date and specific agendas of the April summit.
Seoul is pushing for Gangnam Style star Psy to perform in next week’s historic concerts by South Korean artists in the North’s capital, according to multiple reports.

A team of at least nine South Korean pop acts are set to visit North Korea next week for two concerts in Pyongyang, the first of their kind for more than a decade.

The shows – part of reconciliatory moves ahead of a planned inter-Korean summit in April – feature stars including K-pop girlband Red Velvet.

Rajat auki, sillä tämä ongelma ratkeaa ja PKn ihmiset pääsee kuuntelemaan naapureiden popstaroja. Niin se puna armeijan kuorokin kävi Leningrad Cowboyssin keikalla laulamassa kun NL tuli alas.
North Korea shares a border with three countries — South Korea, China and Russia.

The one with Russia is just 11 miles, following the Tumen River and its estuary in the far northeast. There is one lone crossing, dubbed the “Friendship Bridge.” It opened in 1959 and offers the two nations a fairly basic rail connection. This week, amid a period of relative calm on the oft-tense Korean Peninsula, Russian representatives traveled to North Korea to discuss an idea: They should open another bridge.

Though the planning appears to be at a preliminary stage, it may show that Russia and North Korea are looking toward a trading future beyond sanctions and military tensions.

The two nations have long suggested a crossing that would allow vehicles to go between them without a lengthy detour through China. And Wednesday, the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East announced in a statement that the two sides would create a working group on a new crossing.

“There are 23 automobile checkpoints between [North Korea] and China, and not one with Russia,” the ministry quoted Ro Tu Chol, a North Korean minister, as saying during the meeting. “Currently, when importing goods from [Russia’s far east], they do not come across the border with Russia, but through China. This greatly extends the path.”

Ro suggested expanding the existing bridge, according to the statement. The Russian representative at the meeting, Alexander Galushka, the minister for the development of the Russia’s far east, suggested building a semi-permanent bridge of pontoons.

The Russia-North Korea summit caught the attention of NK News, which reported that the two nations would “push ahead” with the new border crossing. Anthony Rinna, an analyst on Russian foreign policy in East Asia for Sino-NK, told the North Korea-watching publication that the new border crossing could be used to “alleviate any unforeseen problems, such as logistical or technical glitches that may undermine North Korea’s rail links.”