Korean Sota Osa II ?

Mites tämmöinen vaihtoehto:
P-Korean korkein johto alkaa tajuta maansa tulleen tiensä päähän ja näkevät sodan ja P-Korean marttyyrikuoleman olevan ainoa ulospääsykeino. Napisevan kansan huomio saataisiin pois johtajista, jotka pakenisivat melskeen aikana muualle (Kävikö Kim neuvottelemassa itselleen turvapaikan Kiinasta?) ja Pohjois-Korean ongelmat siirtysivät Etelä-Korealaisten harteille. Siinä samassa saataisiin tapettua muutama riistokapitalistikin

En oikein itsekään täysillä uskoisi tuohon, mutta heitänpä vaan ilmaan

Edit: Pohjois-Korea tuntuu nykyään aina uhkaavan täysimittaisella sodalla!
Hairysteed kirjoitti:
Mites tämmöinen vaihtoehto:
P-Korean korkein johto alkaa tajuta maansa tulleen tiensä päähän ja näkevät sodan ja P-Korean marttyyrikuoleman olevan ainoa ulospääsykeino. Napisevan kansan huomio saataisiin pois johtajista, jotka pakenisivat melskeen aikana muualle (Kävikö Kim neuvottelemassa itselleen turvapaikan Kiinasta?) ja Pohjois-Korean ongelmat siirtysivät Etelä-Korealaisten harteille. Siinä samassa saataisiin tapettua muutama riistokapitalistikin

En oikein itsekään täysillä uskoisi tuohon, mutta heitänpä vaan ilmaan

Edit: Pohjois-Korea tuntuu nykyään aina uhkaavan täysimittaisella sodalla!
Mahdollista ja jopa todennäköistä. :a-smiley: Hyvä huomio.
BBC juuri uutisoi että Kiina pisti juuri kapuloita rattaisiin ja EK on viemässä asian UNn turvallisuusneuvostoon. Kimi on tällä välin kutsunut parlamentin istunnolle. Saa nähdä mitä tapahtuu.
Aika mahtipontinen uutistenlukija muuten Pohjois-Korean uutisissa näkyi olevan :D
juhapar kirjoitti:
Aika mahtipontinen uutistenlukija muuten Pohjois-Korean uutisissa näkyi olevan :D

Ja hiustyylitkin on kohdallaan:


SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea said on Friday the peninsula was heading toward war and it was ready to tear up all agreements with the South after it accused the reclusive state of torpedoing a navy ship near their disputed border.

South Korea said on Thursday it had overwhelming evidence that a North Korean submarine had entered its waters in March and attacked the Cheonan corvette, killing 46 sailors.

President Lee Myung-bak, whose 2- years in office have seen relations with the North turn increasingly frosty, was scheduled to hold a rare emergency National Security Council meeting to discuss how to respond in the wake of the findings on the sinking from an international team of investigators.

"From this time on, we will regard the situation as a phase of war and will be responding resolutely to all problems in North-South relations," the North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said in a statement. http://ca.reuters.com/article/topNews/idCATRE64I26F20100521
"I think it's important to send a clear message to North Korea that provocative actions have consequences," Clinton said Friday as she began a week-long Asian tour in Tokyo, Japan. "We cannot allow the attack on South Korea to go unanswered by the international community http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/21/south.korea.clinton.warship/index.html?hpt=T1
Pyongyang sees US role in Cheonan sinking By Kim Myong Chol

Despite its strong denial of any involvement and expressions of sympathy for lost fellow Koreans, fingers are being pointed at North Korea over the tragic sinking of the 1,200-ton South Korean corvette Cheonan in the West Sea or Yellow Sea on the night of March 26.

"A North Korean torpedo attack was the most likely cause for the sinking of a South Korean warship last month," an unnamed US military official told CNN on April 26. Up to 46 of the ship's 104 sailors were killed in the sinking.

Apparently, North Korea is being set up as the fall guy in an incident that is so mysterious that a Los Angeles Times April 26 story datelined Seoul was headlined, "James Bond Theories Arise in Korean Ship Sinking".

So far, no hard evidence has been produced linking North Korea to the disaster. However, this has not stopped media and experts from holding the North responsible. The South Korean daily Chosun Ilbo wrote on April 29, "It is difficult to imagine a country other than North Korea launching a torpedo attack against a South Korean warship."

Revealing circumstantial evidence

Is it possible that North Korea carried out the daring act of torpedoing a South Korean corvette participating in a US-South Korean war exercise? The answer is a categorical no. The circumstantial evidence is quite revealing, showing who is the more likely culprit.

Mission impossible

There are four important points that make it clear that a North Korean submarine did not sink the South Korean corvette.

Fact 1. North Korean submarines are not stealthy enough to penetrate heavily guarded South Korean waters at night and remain undetected by the highly touted anti-submarine warfare units of the American and South Korean forces. A North Korean submarine would be unable to outmaneuver an awesome array of high-tech Aegis warships, identify the corvette Cheonan and then slice it in two with a torpedo before escaping unscathed, leaving no trace of its identity.

Fact 2. The sinking took place not in North Korean waters but well inside tightly guarded South Korean waters, where a slow-moving North Korean submarine would have great difficulty operating covertly and safely, unless it was equipped with AIP (air-independent propulsion) technology.

The disaster took place precisely in the waters where what the Pentagon has called "one of the world's largest simulated exercises" was underway. This war exercise, known as "Key Resolve/Foal Eagle" did not end on March 18 as was reported but actually ran from March 18 to April 30.

Fact 3. The Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise on the West Sea near the Northern Limit Line (NLL) was aimed at keeping a more watchful eye on North Korea as well as training for the destruction of weapons of mass destruction in the North. It involved scores of shiny, ultra-modern US and South Korean warships equipped with the latest technology.

Among the fleet were four Aegis ships: the USS Shiloh (CG-67), a 9,600-ton Ticonderoga class cruiser, the USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG-54), a 6,800-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, a 9,200-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer and Sejong the Great, a 8,500-ton South Korean guided-missile destroyer.

The four surface ships are the most important assets of the two navies, and have multi-mission platforms capable of conducting various tasks, such as anti-submarine warfare. There is every likelihood that they were supported by nuclear-powered US submarines and a South Korean "Type 214" submarine that uses AIP technology.

The sinking of the Cheonan has made headlines around the world. If indeed it was a US accident, it is an embarrassing indictment of the accuracy of the expensive weapons systems of the US, the world's leading arms exporter. It has also cost the Americans credibility as the South's superpower guardian. Ironically, this has made North Korean-made weapons more attractive on the international market.

The South Koreans and the Americans charging the North Koreans with the sinking of the naval vessel in South Korean waters only highlights the poor performance of their expensive Aegis warships, as well as the futility of the US-South Korean joint war games and the US military presence in Korea.

Fact 4. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg said on March 30 that he doubted there was North Korean involvement in the sinking: "Obviously the full investigation needs to go forward. But to my knowledge, there's no reason to believe or to be concerned that that may have been the cause."

General Walter Sharp, US Forces Korea (USFK) commander, also saw no link between North Korea and the sinking. In an April 6 press conference, he said: "We, as Combined Forces Command and the ROK [Republic of Korea] Joint Chief of Staff, watch North Korea very closely every single day of the year and we continue to do that right now. And again, as this has been said, we see no unusual activity at this time."

No motivation for vengeance

There have been misplaced reports that the sinking was an act of retaliation for a naval skirmish in November last year "in which the North came off worse", as reported by the Times of London on April 22.

As a North Korean navy officer, Kim Gwang-il, recalled on North Korean television on Armed Forces Day, April 25: "[In that incident] a warship of our navy single-handedly faced up to several enemy warships, to guard the NLL ... [The North's warship] inflicted merciless blows on them in a show of the might of the heroic Korean People's Army (KPA) Navy."

The first duty of the KPA is to prevent war while jealously safeguarding the territorial air, sea and land of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as this safeguards the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula.

The Korean People's Army Navy would not attack South Korean or American warships unless provoked, since these vessels carry innocent soldiers on the high seas. True, the KPA Navy would be justified in torpedoing a US Aegis ship or a nuclear-powered submarine if one were caught red-handed. But the KPA Navy would not stoop to infringing on South Korean waters to attack a South Korean ship at random, unless it had returned there after committing hostile acts against North Korea.

Friendly fire

Seven facts indicate friendly fire as the most likely cause of the naval disaster. It may be no exaggeration to say that the South Korean president and his military leaders have shed crocodile tears over the dead South Korean sailors.

A torpedo could have been launched from any of the American or South Korean warships or warplanes taking part in the Foal Eagle exercise alongside the hapless Cheonan.

The four Aegis ships and most South Korean warships carry Mark 46 torpedoes, which have improved shallow-water performance for anti-submarine warfare and anti-ship operations.

General Sharp had issued on March 4 a five-point safety message warning that "a single accident can undermine the training benefits you will receive during KR/FE '10. Remain vigilant and engaged."

It appears that Sharp's warning came true, and the US repeated the kind of friendly fire incident for which it is notorious in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After the ship disaster happened on the night of March 26, Sharp promptly cut a visit to Washington to testify at congress to fly back to Seoul, according to the March 30 edition of Kyonggi Ilbo.

President Barack Obama then called his South Korean counterpart on April 1, ostensibly to express condolences over the ship disaster, but also to offer him the privilege of hosting the next nuclear security summit in 2012, as was reported by Joong Ang Ilbo on April 14.

Obama made this offer one week before he and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a nuclear arms reduction treaty in Prague, and two weeks before the 2010 nuclear security summit took place in Washington.

When Obama announced his decision to select South Korea as host of the next major nuclear security summit in 2012, Agence France-Presse reported that "the announcement surprised many". Most observers presumed that Russia would lead the next meeting.

The most plausible explanation is that Obama offered South Korea the summit due to an overriding need to mollify otherwise possible South Korean resentment at the friendly fire sinking, while covering up the US's involvement in a friendly fire torpedo attack. Most probably, Sharp reported to Obama the potentially disastrous consequences of the public discovering the true nature of the incident. This would likely lead to a massive wave of anti-American sentiment and put Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in an extremely awkward situation.

Obama must have felt relieved at the South Korean president's ready acceptance of his offer of compensation. One article carried in the April 14 edition of Joong Ang Ilbo was headlined "Veep Biden Says LMB [Lee Myung-bak] Is Obama's Favorite Man". The comment was made by Biden on April 12, one day before the nuclear summit.

Sharp unexpectedly attended the April 3 funeral of a South Korean rescue diver, Han Ju Ho, who died while participating in the search for missing sailors from the corvette. Sharp was seen consoling the bereaved family in an unprecedented expression of sympathy.

Joong Ang Ilbo reported on April 27 that the South Korean government would deal strictly with rumors rampant on the Internet that a collision with a US nuclear submarine had caused the sinking.

The best solution is for the South Korean government team investigating the ship disaster to find an old mine responsible. It is easy to falsely accuse North Korea, but public pressure will mount for military reprisals against North Korea, which will promptly react by turning Seoul into a sea of fire in less than five minutes. North Korea would not flinch from using nuclear arms in the event of US involvement. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/LE05Dg01.html
US vows punishment for North Korea over ship sinking

"Clearly this was a serious provocation by North Korea and there will definitely be consequences," said US State Department spokesman PJ Crowley. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia_pacific/10134613.stm
Henkilökohtaisesti näen tässä Cheonanin upottamisessa aivan liian monta selkeän epäselvää aspektia ollakseni juurikaan mitään varmaa mieltä sen todellisesta upottajasta tai uppoamissyystä.

Ensinnäkin tuntuu epätodennäköiseltä, vaikkei tietenkään mahdottomalta ettäkö PK:n käsittääkseni varsin vanhentuneet sukellusveneet olisivat kyenneet upottamaan tuon EK:n aluksen ilman etteikö se olisi ehtinyt huomata laitteistoillaan torpedon laukaisua tai etenemistä kohti maaliaan. Jos näin kuitenkin on käynyt, niin siinä tapauksessa sanoisin että EK:n ja jossain määrin myös USA:n paljon kehuttu "teknologinen ylivoima" on saattanut hyvinkin syystä tai toisesta tällä kertaa kokea vesiperän. Inhimillisiä virheitä sattuu esimerkiksi Jenkeillekin, vaikka hekään niitä eivät usein kovinkaan helposti myönnä.

Toisekseen sitten jos pohditaan tuota PK:n motiivia ylipäätään upottaa EK:n sotalaiva tuolla tavalla. Tuntuisi melko typerältä provosoida EK:ta tuolla noinkin konkreettisesti, mutta suoraan sanottuna sitähän ei tiedä että kenen käskyttämänä se mahdollinen torpedo on sitten ammuttu tuota EK:n alusta kohti. Sikäli siis jos se on ammuttu alunperinkaan PK:n aluksesta, eikä nyt ole kyse jostain sotaharjoituksen piirissä tapahtuneen harhalaukauksen salaamisesta tai vastaavasta operaatiosta.

Minusta tämä asia on aivan liian avoin ettäkö voitaisiin varmasti ryhtyä osoittamaan PK:ta sillä syyttävällä sormella vielä tässä vaiheessa. Tietysti onhan liikkeellä käsittääkseni jonkin verran todistusaineistoa PK:takin vastaan tässä jutussa, mutta jälleen siinä tapauksessa minusta tulisi sitten ryhtyä pohtimaan sitä että olisiko PK:lla ihan oikeasti motiivi ja halu ampua EK:n laivoja ottaen samalla sen riskin että siitä voisi pahimmillaan seurata sota joka pitkittyessään todennäköisimmin kaataisi koko PK:n nykyhallinnon peruuttamattomalla tavalla.

Tuntuisi että Kim Jong-Ilin perimmäisin tarkoitus olisi kuitenkin säilyttää oman dynastiansa vallankahvassa, eivätkä tällaiset provokaatiot kaikesta retoriikasta sun muusta huolimatta suinkaan tulisi siksi juuri kysymykseenkään.
Tornisteri kirjoitti:
Tuntuisi että Kim Jong-Ilin perimmäisin tarkoitus olisi kuitenkin säilyttää oman dynastiansa vallankahvassa, eivätkä tällaiset provokaatiot kaikesta retoriikasta sun muusta huolimatta suinkaan tulisi siksi juuri kysymykseenkään.

Olen samaa mieltä! Kim Jong-Il tuskin on tyhmä ensinkään ja tajuaa varmasti, että aseellinen konflikti lännen kanssa veisi häneltä lokoisat olot ja vallan nopeasti.
Lisäksi muistutan uudelleen siitä, että sen enempää Kiina kuin USA:kaan ei voisi vähempää tällä hetkellä kaivata aseellista konfliktia alueella. Molempien ehdoton intressi on tällä hetkellä säilyttää alue niin rauhallisena kuin suinkin ja siksi siellä tuskin on mitään kahinaa odotettavissa.

Kim Jong-Il muuten käväisi yllättäen Kiinassa melko pian tuon uppoamisen jälkeen. Hyvin todennäköisesti Kiinalaiset hänet sinne..eivät kutsuneet, vaan käskivät..ja kertoivat mitä nyt tehdään ja mitä ei tehdä. Aivan varmasti linjat ovat olleet kuumina myös USA:n ja Etelä-Korean johdon välillä ja USA:n johto on tehnyt saman kuin Kiinakin, eli kertonut mitä tehdään ja mitä jätetään tekemättä ja sanomatta.

Samoin kuin Tornisteri, epäilen vähän minäkin, että mahtaako tapahtumien todellinen kulku sen upotuksen osalta olla ollenkaan selvillä? Torpedo upotuksen aiheutti joo..mutta kenen ja missä olosuhteissa ja missä tarkoituksessa, onkin jo toinen juttu. Alueella liikkui tuohon aikaa 100% varmasti monen valtion sukellusveneitä..Kiinan, USA:n, kenties Brittien, mahdollisesti Venäläisten...vahinkoja sattuu jos jonkinlaisia ja sen on historia osoittanut, että niitä vahinkoja osataan tehokkaasti myös peitellä.

Sitä pitäisin siis kuitenkin todella suurena ihmeenä, jos alueella jonkinlainn konflikti lähitulevaisuudessa puhkeaisi. Siitä ei hyötyisi kukaan ja erityisen suurta haittaa siitä olisi alueen mahtitekijöille Kiinalle ja USA:lle. Siksi sitä kriisiä tuskin tulee..ajatteli esim Etelä-Korea asiasta han mitä tahansa.
Kansalaiset, medborgare...

Special Address to the Nation by The President Lee Myung-bak

May 24, 2010

Fellow Koreans,

I am standing here today, keenly aware that the Korean Peninsula is facing a critical turning point.

My fellow citizens,

The Cheonan was sunk by a surprise North Korean torpedo attack. Again, the perpetrator was North Korea. Their attack came at a time when the people of the Republic of Korea were enjoying their well-earned rest after a hard day’s work. Once again, North Korea violently shattered our peace.

The sinking of the Cheonan constitutes a military provocation against the Republic of Korea by North Korea.

Since the end of the Korean War, the North has perpetrated incessant armed provocations against us, including the bombing attack against the presidential delegation at the Aung San Martyr’s Mausoleum in Myanmar and the bombing in midair of Korean Air Flight 858. The North Koreans, however, have never officially admitted the crimes they committed. This time is no different. They continue to insist that my Government fabricated the sinking of the Cheonan.

I am not surprised by such North Korean behavior and this was the reason why I emphasized, from the very beginning, the importance of conducting a thorough and objective scientific investigation into the incident. I also asked the nation to exercise patience and self-restraint. It was important for us not to come to any hasty conclusion until the results of the investigation came out.

Finally, on May 20th, the international joint investigation group released their conclusive findings, backed by definitive evidences. With the release of the final report, no responsible country in the international community will be able to deny the fact that the Cheonan was sunk by North Korea.

Fellow citizens,

We have always tolerated North Korea’s brutality, time and again. We did so because we have always had a genuine longing for peace on the Korean Peninsula. But now things are different. North Korea will pay a price corresponding to its provocative acts. I will continue to take stern measures to hold the North accountable.

From this moment, no North Korean ship will be allowed to make passage through any of the shipping lanes in the waters under our control, which has been allowed by the Inter-Korean Agreement on Maritime Transportation. The sea routes meant for inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation must never again be used for armed provocations.

Trade and exchanges between the Republic of Korea and North Korea will also be suspended. We still remember the killing of an innocent South Korean tourist by a North Korean armed guard at the Geumgangsan resort. More recently, North Korea unilaterally confiscated South Korean assets at this same resort. Worse yet, the North sank the Cheonan taking the precious lives of our young sailors. Under these circumstances, any inter-Korean trade or other cooperative activity is meaningless.

However, we will continue to provide assistance for infants and children. Matters pertaining to the Gaeseong Industrial Complex will be duly considered, taking its unique characteristics into consideration.

From now on, the Republic of Korea will not tolerate any provocative act by the North and will maintain the principle of proactive deterrence. If our territorial waters, airspace or territory are violated, we will immediately exercise our right of self-defense.

The North’s military provocation against the Cheonan on March 26 violated the Charter of the United Nations and contravened the existing agreements reached for the sake of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, including the Korean War Armistice Agreement and the Basic Agreement between South and North Korea.

In close consultations with the nations concerned, the Government will refer this matter to the UN Security Council, so that the international community can join us in holding the North accountable. Many countries around the world have expressed their full support for our position.

I solemnly urge the North Korean authorities to do the following. Apologize immediately to the Republic of Korea and the international community. Immediately punish those who are responsible for and those who were involved in the incident. These are basic measures that the North has to take before anything else. If the North continues to make excuses and wild assertions as it has always done in the past, they will not find any place to stand in the world.

My fellow Koreans and our compatriots in North Korea,

The overriding goal of the Republic of Korea is not military confrontation. Our goal has always been the attainment of real peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. Our goal is to bring about prosperity for all Koreans. Our vision is to realize the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War. The Republic of Korea is no longer what it once was—an impoverished nation, suffering from the scars of war. Rising above the ruins of war, the Republic of Korea has achieved an impressive miracle of progress guided by the constitutional foundations of liberal democracy and a free market economy. The Republic of Korea is continuing its confident march toward the center stage of the world.

All countries across the globe are competing with one another to ensure the prosperity of their own citizens. At the same time, all nations are working together for the sake of co-prosperity and peace in the global community. The entire world is changing. Changes are taking place faster than ever.

But, what is the situation in North Korea? Nothing has changed over the last sixty years. It is a country still holding onto an empty ambition of forcefully reuniting the Korean Peninsula under the banner of communism. It is a country that still believes in making threats and committing terrorist activities. North Korea’s goal is to instigate division and conflict.

For what reason and for whom is it doing what it does?

As compatriots, I am truly ashamed.

It is now time for the North Korean regime to change.

Today, no country can maintain peace and make economic development on its own. It is imperative to conduct exchanges and cooperate with the world and to join the path that everyone else is taking. It is time to look at reality and make that courageous decision. It is time for the North Korean regime to start thinking about what is truly good for the regime itself and its people.

The Korean Peninsula must not be left standing as the danger zone in Northeast Asia. The two Koreas must take the initiative and resolve this problem. The Peninsula must become a new cradle of world peace.

Fellow Koreans,

Permeating this War Memorial of Korea are the spirits of the soldiers of the Republic of Korea and United Nations who shed blood on this land. Also dedicated here was the monument memorializing the 46 fallen warriors of the corvette Cheonan.

Through the Cheonan tragedy, we learned a painful lesson once again. We had been forgetting the reality that the nation faces the most belligerent regime in the world.

We have to admit that our Armed Forces made mistakes as well. On the occasion of this incident, the Government will solidify the national security readiness. The discipline of the Armed Forces will be reestablished, military reform efforts will be expedited and combat capabilities will be reinforced drastically. The ROK-US joint combat readiness will be further strengthened on the basis of strong ROK-US alliance.

Public awareness of the importance of national security will be strengthened as well. We must never waver in the face of threats, provocations and divisive schemes by the North. We must become one when it comes to national security.

Fellow citizens,

Regardless of how rough the storm may be, we will continue to walk steadily on the path toward a prosperous nation, a compassionate society and a strong country.

The great people of the Republic of Korea will build an even greater country.

Fellow Koreans,

Let us all join forces and march forward together.

Thank you very much.
President Barack Obama has directed the U.S. military to coordinate with South Korea to "ensure readiness" and deter future aggression from North Korea, the White House said on Monday.

The United States gave strong backing to plans by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to punish North Korea for sinking one of its naval ships, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100524/pl_nm/us_korea_north_obama
Ja edellinen melkein suomeksi:
Obama kertoo sotilaallinen: valmistella Pohjois-Korean hyökkäyksen

NKorea kiistää rooli laiva uppoaa Play Video Reuters – NKorea denies role in ship sinking Play Video Reuters - NKorea kiistää rooli laiva uppoaa

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama has directed the US military to coordinate with South Korea to "ensure readiness" and deter future aggression from North Korea , the White House said on Monday. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - presidentti Barack Obama on ohjannut USA: n armeijan koordinoimaan Etelä-Korean kanssa varmistamaan "valmiuden" ja estää tulevien hyökkäys Pohjois-Koreasta, Valkoinen talo sanoi maanantaina.

The United States gave strong backing to plans by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to punish North Korea for sinking one of its naval ships, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement. Yhdysvallat antoi vahvan tukensa suunnitelmien mukaan Etelä-Korean presidentti Lee Myung-bak rangaista Pohjois-Korean upposi yksi sen sota-alusten, Valkoisen talon tiedottaja Robert Gibbs sanoi julkilausuman.

The White House urged North Korea to apologize and change its behavior, he said. Valkoinen talo kehotti Pohjois-Koreaa anteeksi ja muuttaa käyttäytymistään, hän sanoi.

"We endorse President Lee's demand that North Korea immediately apologize and punish those responsible for the attack, and, most importantly, stop its belligerent and threatening behavior," Gibbs said. "Tuemme presidentti Lee vaatia, että Pohjois-Korea heti anteeksi ja rankaisemaan vastuussa hyökkäyksestä, ja, mikä tärkeintä, pysäyttää sen sotaisaa ja uhkaavaa käyttäytymistä, Gibbs sanoi.

"US support for South Korea's defense is unequivocal, and the president has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Republic of Korea counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression," he said. "Yhdysvaltain tuki Etelä-Korean puolustus on yksiselitteinen, ja presidentti on ohjannut hänen sotilaskomentajien koordinoimaan tiiviisti niiden Korean tasavallan vastaavien viranomaisten kanssa varmistaakseen valmius ja estää tulevaisuudessa aggression", hän sanoi.

Obama and Lee have agreed to meet at the G20 summit in Canada next month, he said. Obama ja Lee ovat sopineet tapaavansa G20-huippukokouksessa Kanadassa ensi kuussa, hän sanoi.

Late last week, a team of international investigators accused North Korea of torpedoing the Cheonan corvette in March, killing 46 sailors in one of the deadliest clashes between the two since the 1950-53 Korean War . Myöhään viime viikolla joukko kansainvälisiä tutkijoita syytetään Pohjois-Korea on torpedoinut Cheonan korvetti maaliskuussa tappaa 46 purjehtijoiden yksi tappavimmista yhteenottojen välillä, sillä 50-53 Korean sodan.

Lee said on Monday South Korea would bring the issue before the UN, whose past sanctions have damaged the already ruined North Korean economy. Lee sanoi maanantaina Etelä-Korea saattaa kysymys ennen YK: n, jonka ohi pakotteet ovat vahingoittuneet jo pilalla Pohjois-Korean talouden.

The United States still has about 28,000 troops in South Korea to provide military support. Yhdysvallat on edelleen noin 28000 sotilasta Etelä-Korea antaa sotilaallista tukea.

The two Koreas , still technically at war, have more than 1 million troops near their border. Koreoiden, silti teknisesti sodassa, on yli 1 miljoonaa sotilasta lähelle niiden rajaa.

"We will build on an already strong foundation of excellent cooperation between our militaries and explore further enhancements to our joint posture on the Peninsula as part of our ongoing dialogue," Gibbs said. "Tulemme hyödyntämään jo vahva perusta erinomaisesta yhteistyöstä meidän armeijat ja tutkia uusia parannuksia yhteisessä ryhti niemimaalla osana jatkuvaa vuoropuhelua", Gibbs sanoi.

Gibbs said the United States supported Lee's plans to bring the issue to the United Nations Security Council and would work with allies to "reduce the threat that North Korea poses to regional stability." Gibbs sanoi Yhdysvaltojen tukemana Lee suunnitelmia tuoda asian YK: n turvallisuusneuvosto ja toimisi liittolaisten "vähentää uhkaa, että Pohjois-Korea aiheuttaa alueellista vakautta."

Obama had also directed US agencies to evaluate existing policies toward North Korea. Obama oli myös suunnattu Yhdysvaltojen viranomaiset arvioimaan nykyisten politiikkojen kohti Pohjois-Korea.

"This review is aimed at ensuring that we have adequate measures in place and to identify areas where adjustments would be appropriate," he said. "Tämä tarkastelu on tarkoitus varmistaa, että meillä on riittävät toimenpiteet käyttöön ja tunnistaa alueet, joilla muutoksia olisi sopiva", hän sanoi.

(Editing by Doina Chiacu) (Leikkaus: Doina Chiacu)
The team of South Korean and foreign investigators found traces of explosives used in torpedoes on several parts of the sunken ship as well as pieces of composite metal used in such weapons, South Korea's Yonhap news agency said quoting a senior government official.

South Korean officials have not officially accused the North but made little secret of their belief Pyongyang deliberately torpedoed the 1,200-tonne corvette Cheonan in March near their disputed border in retaliation of a naval firefight last year.

The metallic debris and chemical residue appear to be consistent with a type of torpedo made in Germany, indicating the North may have been trying to disguise its involvement by avoiding arms made by allies China and Russia, Yonhap quoted the official as saying.

North Korea has denied involvement and accused South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's government of trying to use the incident for political gains ahead of local elections in June. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6460FC20100507

Jaa, en tiennytkään että PKlla on saksalaisia aseita.
Hairysteed kirjoitti:
ctg kirjoitti:
Jaa, en tiennytkään että PKlla on saksalaisia aseita.

Virallinen tutkimusraportti kertoi torpedon mallin olevan Pohjois-Koreassa valmistettu CHT-02D. Toisaalta Die deutsche Torpedoindustrie on 70-luvulta lähtien myynyt varmaan kahteenkymmeneen maahan samantyylisiä malleja. En pitäisi mitenkään ihmeellisenä jos niiden teknologiaa kulkeutunut epävirallisia kanavia Pohjois-Koreaankin.