Neuvostoajat tuntuvat palaavan pikkuhiljaa Venäjälle. Juomavalmistajien liiton mukaan appelsiinimehujen tuotanto on vaikeuksissa raaka-aineiden hankintaongelmien vuoksi. Syynä pakotteet joiden merkitystä voimistaa ongelmat Brasilian ja Floridan appelsiinituotannossa.
https://www.mk.ru/economics/2023/08...o-riske-ischeznoveniya-apelsinovogo-soka.htmlRussians warned about the risk of disappearance of orange juice
In Russia, the problem with raw materials for orange juice has become acute. The authorities need to consider measures of state support for manufacturers, said the head of the Union of Producers of Juices, Water and Drinks (Soyuznapitki) Maxim Novikov.
Brazil is the largest exporter of orange juice, but stocks there are at their lowest level in 12 years. This happened against the backdrop of a reduction in production in American Florida. The situation may also be exacerbated by Atlantic hurricanes.
"The current situation is multifactorial and continues. It is necessary to consider in advance possible support measures for domestic producers of orange juice," Novikov said.
According to him, the problems have been there in recent years, but now they have become even more aggravated. There is a risk of a rise in the cost of raw materials and interruptions in the supply of juice to Russia. In addition, the supply of raw materials from unfriendly countries is difficult.
The industry is in favor of maintaining a zero duty rate on concentrated orange juice, as well as a reduction to zero duty on the orange cage used in the production of orange drinks. This will reduce risks, balance trade policy and provide consumers with products.