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Tämä menee jo vähän veistelyn puolelle, mutta halusin tämän hauskuuden ja ilon jakaa tännekin palstalle muiden foorumilaisten iloksi.
Luganskissa on pidetty talousfoorumi. Nuo Donbassin mielikuvitustasavallat ovat päättäneet saada taloutensa todelliseen nousuun. Talousfoorumissa yhtenä puhujana on ollut nyt sitten oikea talousguru...... Oma Janus Putkosemme.
En laita linkkiä DNI:n sivuille, kopsaan sen uutisen tähän.
Friday, September 1, 2017 - 16:28
The 2nd Economic Forum with the participation of representatives of Finland, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and the DPR took place in Lugansk at the Academic Music and Drama Theater on Oboronnaya.
The main goal of the forum, held within the framework of the Exhibition of the National Economy Achievements – 2017, is the creation of an interactive platform for developing solutions aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness and promoting foreign economic relations.
At the forum's opening there was held an exhibition of investment proposals and a plenary session From Restoration to Development. The agenda of the plenary session included the following topics: perspectives of attracting investments and strategic partners, competitive advantages of the food industry enterprises, restoration and development of economic ties and the arrival of Republican enterprises on the foreign market.
A participant of the Forum, Finnish Chief-Director Janus Putkonen outlined the Donbass Republics' economic potential and particularly emphasized the progress made since the states' establishment.
“What is most notable, the development has been done without western corporations and banks, under the tough war situation and economic blockade,” he said, calling the Donbass economic phenomenon “a true miracle.”
“Without local development, discipline, education and people's will to survive and thrive, all the efforts would be useless,” he stressed, pointing to the local contribution along with the Russian assistance.
According to Putkonen, at the moment “the most important task for Donbass in the policy towards the West is to make for them a good demonstration of economic power – to get them more and more interested in the Republics and their economics.”
In the opinion of the Finnish participant of the Economic Forum, the breakthrough to the global markets from the people's fortress of Donbass can be done through developing special state programs to take full advantage of the whole process.
“I strongly recommend Republics’ authorities to present effective and flexible start-up programs for new companies, offer support for fresh innovations to grow, and use the media and advertising experts in the process of creating new Donbass brands and trademarks,” he said.
DONi News Agency
Tuosta yltä voi lukea "ekonomisti" Putkosen viisauksia. Jos Putkonen on päässyt talousfoorumiin kertomaan Donbassin talousihmeestä ja antamaan suosituksia talouden kehittämisestä, niin piakkoin sinne on varmaan perusteilla taloustieteellinen tiedekunta ja yhdeksi professoriksi nimitetään sitten Putkonen.
Vakavampi puoli tässä huumoripläjäyksessä on tietysti se, että kertoo aika paljon "wannabe" valtiosta, jos sen uutistoiminnan johtoon nimitetään paikallista kieltä osaamaton ja ilman asianmukaista journalistin koulutusta kaveri. Ja sama kaveri pääsee asiantuntijaksi talousfoorumiin.