Maks siteeraa WP:ia tiedustelutiedoista ryssän rauhankeskusteluissa. Ei rauhaa sadassa päivässä, eikä edes tänä vuonna.
European intelligence received a document with Russian proposals for possible peace talks, — WP
The document was ready a week before the US-Russia meeting on February 18:
– Trump's plan to achieve peace in 100 days is unrealistic.
– There can be no peace in Ukraine until 2026.
– If the West does not recognize the territories seized by Russia, the war may start again.
– Ukraine must abandon NATO.
– It is necessary to completely change the government in Kyiv, because it is impossible to change it from within.
– Russia wants to create a buffer zone on the border with the Bryansk and Belgorod regions.
– It is also proposed to make the south of Ukraine — including Odesa — a demilitarized zone.
– Peacekeepers, even from outside Europe, are not needed — they will be under the influence of the West.