New World Order

Ex-vapaamuurarin hämärä kuolema

Lähes kaksikymmentä vuotta vapaamuurariliikkeessä vaikuttanut Oululainen Juhani Julin erosi vapaamuurareista kolme vuotta ennen kuolemaansa. Hän alkoi pitää vapaamuurariutta väärää jumalaa palvelevana uskonnollisena liikkeenä sen jälkeen, kun hän oli kokenut hengellisen herätyksen.

Julin kävi viimeiset kolme vuotta tiivistä kirjeenvaihtoa piispojen ja muiden kirkonmiesten kanssa sähköpostitse ja vaati heitä irrottautumaan vapaamuurariliikkestä. Tämä johtui siitä kun Julin tiesi, että yli 33-asteen vapaamuurarien jumala on Lucifer jne. Julin ei kuitenkaan saanut kirkonjohdosta minkäänlaista vastausta.

Myöhemmin 2011 vuoden keväällä Julin löydettiin kuolleena pihamaalle kaatuneen mönkijän alta puolilta päivin. Lääkärit pitävät todennäköisenä, että varsinaisena kuolinsyynä on äkillinen sairauskohtaus, joka on sattunut ennen moottoriajoneuvon kaatumista.

Tapaturmainen kuolema tällaisten kohuun johtaneiden tempausten jälkeen kuullostaa vähintäänkin epäillyttävältä. Mutta se on selvää, että suomen illuminati pitää siitä huolen, että Julinin hämärää kuolemaa ei kukaan poliisi ala tutkimaan henkirikoksena. Sillä toki myös poliisipiirin korkein johto suomessa koostuu jälleen vapaamuurareista poliisiylijohtaja Mikko Paateroa myöten
Hejsan kirjoitti:
Ex-vapaamuurarin hämärä kuolema

Lähes kaksikymmentä vuotta vapaamuurariliikkeessä vaikuttanut Oululainen Juhani Julin erosi vapaamuurareista kolme vuotta ennen kuolemaansa. Hän alkoi pitää vapaamuurariutta väärää jumalaa palvelevana uskonnollisena liikkeenä sen jälkeen, kun hän oli kokenut hengellisen herätyksen.

Julin kävi viimeiset kolme vuotta tiivistä kirjeenvaihtoa piispojen ja muiden kirkonmiesten kanssa sähköpostitse ja vaati heitä irrottautumaan vapaamuurariliikkestä. Tämä johtui siitä kun Julin tiesi, että yli 33-asteen vapaamuurarien jumala on Lucifer jne. Julin ei kuitenkaan saanut kirkonjohdosta minkäänlaista vastausta.

Myöhemmin 2011 vuoden keväällä Julin löydettiin kuolleena pihamaalle kaatuneen mönkijän alta puolilta päivin. Lääkärit pitävät todennäköisenä, että varsinaisena kuolinsyynä on äkillinen sairauskohtaus, joka on sattunut ennen moottoriajoneuvon kaatumista.

Tapaturmainen kuolema tällaisten kohuun johtaneiden tempausten jälkeen kuullostaa vähintäänkin epäillyttävältä. Mutta se on selvää, että suomen illuminati pitää siitä huolen, että Julinin hämärää kuolemaa ei kukaan poliisi ala tutkimaan henkirikoksena. Sillä toki myös poliisipiirin korkein johto suomessa koostuu jälleen vapaamuurareista poliisiylijohtaja Mikko Paateroa myöten

Muodikkaasti kysyen: miten tämä liittyy mihinkään?
Jos kerta piispat ja simeonit, rovastit ja kanttorit kuuluvat ko. klubiin niin mitä johtopäätöksiä siitä äkkinäinen kirkkoon kuuluva tapauskova voisi vetasta? Olen kotvan hahmotellut erästä vetoa liittyen kirkkoon kuulumiseen. Saa nähdä saavutanko siinä sellaisen TAHTOTILAN, joka johtaa johonkin. luki ex vapaamuurari.....

(ehdotus vaan tietysti)

tässä ketjussa ei nyt ole minkään oikean maailman järkeä. puhdasta tapalinkittäjän ja hänen fellow travellereiden jutskia (olisin voinut sasanan "jutska" sijasta käyttää muita rankempia, mutta eipä tarvi)

ja tähän saan paljon palautetta, kun 20-65 vuotiaat kakarat haluavat hörhöillä.

NWO on kertakaikkiaan jutska joka ei noin normimaailmaan oikein kuulu. kyse ei ole sananvapaudesta, koska NWO-saitteja on aivan tarpeen tyydyttämiseksi. sitä ei vaan joka paikassa tarvi katella
adam7 kirjoitti:

(ehdotus vaan tietysti)

tässä ketjussa ei nyt ole minkään oikean maailman järkeä. puhdasta tapalinkittäjän ja hänen fellow travellereiden jutskia (olisin voinut sasanan "jutska" sijasta käyttää muita rankempia, mutta eipä tarvi)

ja tähän saan paljon palautetta, kun 20-65 vuotiaat kakarat haluavat hörhöillä.

NWO on kertakaikkiaan jutska joka ei noin normimaailmaan oikein kuulu. kyse ei ole sananvapaudesta, koska NWO-saitteja on aivan tarpeen tyydyttämiseksi. sitä ei vaan joka paikassa tarvi katella
Älä sitten avaa NWO ketjua enään
baikal kirjoitti:
Jos kerta piispat ja simeonit, rovastit ja kanttorit kuuluvat ko. klubiin niin mitä johtopäätöksiä siitä äkkinäinen kirkkoon kuuluva tapauskova voisi vetasta? Olen kotvan hahmotellut erästä vetoa liittyen kirkkoon kuulumiseen. Saa nähdä saavutanko siinä sellaisen TAHTOTILAN, joka johtaa johonkin.

Minä jo erosin kirkosta vuosia sitten, kun huomasin heidän tulkintansa Raamatusta aivan pelleilyksi

En kerta kaikkiaan ymmärrä miten voidaan hyväksyä homoliitot ja mahdollisesti vielä tuleva lasten adoptointi
Radar kirjoitti:
baikal kirjoitti:
Jos kerta piispat ja simeonit, rovastit ja kanttorit kuuluvat ko. klubiin niin mitä johtopäätöksiä siitä äkkinäinen kirkkoon kuuluva tapauskova voisi vetasta? Olen kotvan hahmotellut erästä vetoa liittyen kirkkoon kuulumiseen. Saa nähdä saavutanko siinä sellaisen TAHTOTILAN, joka johtaa johonkin.

Minä jo erosin kirkosta vuosia sitten, kun huomasin heidän tulkintansa Raamatusta aivan pelleilyksi

En kerta kaikkiaan ymmärrä miten voidaan hyväksyä homoliitot ja mahdollisesti vielä tuleva lasten adoptointi

Sama juttu täältäkin.

Erosin kirkosta pari vuotta sitten...syy = homoliitot ja homopapit ja ne halua tämä avioliito, ne halua tehdä sen neutraali.

Mun kantama siinä on avioliito on miehen ja naisen välillä. loppukäsitelty

Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, End Time Signs, Prophecy, News
End Times Prophecy News and Articles
Bob Ware (8 March 2011) “Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama and 2011 in 49th column of Genesis 1:1 Pyramid”
2041 is the Greek gematria of ‘antichrist’ in 1 John 4:3. 1795 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. The mathematical center of the gematria of Genesis 1:1 is 1351. The ‘Center of Gravity’ stone of the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ is blue stone number 1501 which is also red stone number 1201. All of these stone numbers (including blue stone 2011) fall in the 49th diagonal column of the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’.

There are 28 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1. There are 28 inclusive stones from red stone 2041 to blue stone 2011.

Blue stone numbers 121 and 192 also fall in this same 49th column. 121 is the 5th Star of David number (121 = 11 x 11). The 121st day of 2011 will be May 1st (5.01). 501 is the Hebrew gematria of ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. The 192nd day of 2011 will be July 11th (7.11).

It would appear that the antichrist will be revealed in 2011.


William Antichrist??
The crest of prince charles

On March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that he and his two sons William and Harry, had been the first people to be voluntarily implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right hands, allegedly for security purposes

Revelation 13
The Beast from the Sea
2. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.
3. I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;
4.they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?”
5. There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.

Daniel 7
Daniel’s Dream of Four Beasts
8.“While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully.




Is that the cross from the Knights Templar on William & Charles' chest? With out a doubt it is!! The Knights Templar are the same group that the Freemasons evolved from and where their "secret knowledge" came from. He is the 1,000th knight of the Garter since Edward III appointed the Black Prince as the first one in 1348. He joined in 2008 making this the 660th year of the Garder since it's inception.

To further prove that Diana was part of the master plan all along and used as a birthing chamber for the Anti-Christ I will give you some quotes from her and her family:
The morning of her wedding quote in Secret tapes revealed on NBC:
"I was very, very deathly calm, deathly, deathly calm. I felt as though I was...a lamb to the slaughter. And I knew it, but I couldn't do anything about it."

While Diana was carrying William in her womb:
"the public side was very different obviously from the private side. The public side, they wanted a fairy princess to come, touch them and everything would turn into gold and all their worries would be forgotten. Little did they realize that the, the individual who's crucifying herself inside, because she didn't think she was good enough."

Interesting choice of words there....

Prince Charles - 666 at work again

The newspaper also published a letter, allegedly written by Diana 10 months before her death, saying someone was planning a car accident "in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry."

Prince Charles married Camila exactly 66,666 hours after Princess Diana's death, or should we say, murdered at the pagan sacrificial site of Pont de Alma. I have verified this number that I found on an Internet forum so the information is correct.

This is an interesting theory about the Roman Empire and Biblical numbering:

11 - The subversion and undoing of 10; a flawed addition to that perfect order. 11 - As mentioned above under "Archived News," the Antichrist/Prince is known as the 11th Horn. That is to say, he arises after the original 10 western European countries of the ancient Roman Empire [today known as the European Union]. Greece was accepted as the tenth country to join the E.U. in 1981. The Scripture in Daniel chapters 7 thru 12 explicitly mention that there will be one "Little Horn" [or Prince as he is called in 9:26] who arises AFTER these 10 horns [countries], who is also diverse from them, as he has "eyes like a man." He is diverse, or different from them because they are countries, he is a man. Interestingly, Prince William was born right after the original 10 E.U. countries were inducted, Greece being the 10th, in 1981 making William, the future British King, born in 1982, the "11th Horn," who the Scriptures prophesy is the future Antichrist.

MOST of the following times are calculated from the birth of Prince William to the respective event:

2222 days old when WWW (world wide web) was announced to the public! The official birth of WWW.......William Windsor of Wales
3333 days old when the WWW debuted -
3 yrs 3 mos 3 days when William started Kindergarden -

5555 days old on his mother's funeral, 5550 days at Mother's death

666 days to Mayan prophecy day (Dec 21, 2012), on Feb 24, 2011 and William and Kate made their first official public engagement.

[I will try to explain this next section in a later blog and how the number 14 relates and what it represents]
14yrs 14 days old when Dolly the clone was born (Dolly lived 6.616 yrs)
11141 days old on 2012 Dec 21...aka Dooms Day/Mayan Calendar day...
Exactly 30 days or 1 month before this he will be 11,111 days old!! Call me crazy but I don't think this is a coincidence..
5555.5 (mother's funeral) times 2. We get 11,111
44 days old or 1 mo 14 days he was christened/baptized (Aug 4 1982)....This is also the 216th day of the year 6x6x6

8 yrs 8 mo 8 days he made his first public appearance on St. David's Day (May 1st)
Note: the start of the Olympic Games in Beijing on 8/8/08 was packed FULL of Illuminati symbolism in the opening ceremonies!!
Prince William's cousin Beatrice, was born on 8/8/88

9999 days Fort Hood Texas shootings kill 13 people
11111 days on 11.21.12?

Erilaisia Antichrists?

False prophet, Why is the cross in the picture inverted like a Satanic Cross?

This Bent Crucifix is "... a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."


Look at the back of this 1963 Vatican coin. Isn't that the prostitute with a golden cup as how she is described in the book of Revelation.

The Most Powerful Man In The World?

The "Black" Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General
Because, if it’s ever known that the Jesuits killed our first Roman Catholic President, if the Roman Catholics of Northeastern America ever find that out, and ever believe it, the Jesuits are finished here. This country is the keystone to implementing the temporal power of the Pope around the world. If this country would expel the Jesuits, and we get back our national sovereignty, and we started to be self-governing once again, we would have our liberty, and the Jesuits would be out, and we would begin to experience REAL financial prosperity, and real living. The "Black" Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation." (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

May 13, 1914 - Fatima Vision
May 13, 1941 - Stalin divides Russia into 7 districts in preparation for war
May 13,1981 - Pope's attempted assassination
May 13, 2000 - Third secret partially revealed. Relates to Popes shooting on May 13, 1981
May 13, 2000 Pope alludes to the Beast rising out of the sea in Revelation. The Beast has 7 heads.
May 13, 2000 Putin divides Russia into 7 districts in preparation for-?

The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade—all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything going around in Columbia. Columbia has a concordat with the Pope. A concordat is a treaty with the Pope. Hitler had a concordat. Mussolini had a concordat. Franco had a concordat. They want to set up a concordat here, which was the reason for Reagan formally recognizing the sovereign state of Vatican City in 1984. The greatest traitor we ever had was Ronald Reagan. The "Black" Pope Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General

Number of the beast
Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666. The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number. The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual. Chapter 11 Internal Controls


The following is a list of overwhelming evidence which supports the theory that Prince Charles is the biblical antichrist. Although at first glance, this claim may seem ridiculous, the facts speak for themselves. You owe it to yourself and your family to read this entire document before coming to a decision. What else can I say - You've been warned!

Revelations 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six". According to onomastics (the study of names) "Charles" literally means "man", in fact the words "Charles" and "man" are interchangeable. So Revelations 13:18 could be interpreted as saying "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a CHARLES; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." The antichrist is also described in Daniel 9:26 as 'the prince that shall come'. If Charles is the antichrist then the term 'prince' can be taken literally.

According to Hebrew gematria his name adds up to 666 in both English and Hebrew (i.e., "Charles Prince of Wales" or "nasich Charles me Wales" - the values 1-9 are assigned to the first 9 letters of the alphabet, 10-90 for the next 9 letters, and 100-400 for the last four letters, (they only have 22 characters in the alphabet.) Using this system of math, and applying it to the first 22 characters of the English alphabet, (the last 4 letters equate to zero), we can calculate names in English just as you can calculate names in Hebrew.

Riddle of the Seven Kings, (the 3rd riddle): In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 17, Verses 10-11, it says, "There are seven kings. Five were, one is and one is to be. The Beast is the eighth and of the seven." There were seven emperors of the Holy Roman Empire named Charles, (check the World Book Encyclopedia). Prince Charles' lineage chart shows that he is descended, through his father, from the fifth emperor of the Holy Roman Empire named Charles, of the House of Hapsburg. Prince Charles is the eighth and, (by his lineage), he is also of the seven (SEE HIS LINEAGE CHART -

Since the antichrist will attempt to impersonate the messiah, he will have to claim to be a descendant of King David of the house of Judah. It would be virtually impossible for any Jew alive today to prove that they were descended from King David. However, the same cannot be said for Prince Charles. In "The Illustrious Lineage of the Royal House Of Britain" (First Published in 1902 by The Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., London, England), the authors easily trace his lineage back to David and beyond. The College of Heralds (London) has also traced Prince Charles to be the 145th direct descendant of King David. This claim was also made in May of last year in a documentary on Israeli television. Charles also claims descent from Islam's false prophet Mohammed. (SEE HIS LINEAGE CHART -

Prince Charles' coat of arms and crest was designed for him by the British College of Heraldry, using a system of guidelines over 500 years old. It contains ALL the Biblical symbols of the Antichrist. It has a dog supported by a roaring lion and a unicorn, (called a wild beast with a straight horn, a wild oxen, or 'little horn'). Psalms 22:19-21 describes these animals, with a prayer for deliverance... "Ps 22:19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me. 20 Deliver my foul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. 21 Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. " (SEE HIS COAT OF ARMS -

Revelations 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. The composite beast of Revelation 13:2, with the head of a lion, body of a leopard and feet of a bear is symbolic for other people--but not for Prince Charles. It is on his Coat of Arms. It represents the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. These are the animal symbols for France, the leopard; Germany, the Bear; and England, the lion. These nations represented the western arm of the Holy Roman Empire. His Coat of Arms contains ten heraldic beasts, which is a first for the British Monarchy. All previous British Monarchs had either three or six, but none have ever had ten.

Revelations 13:2 also says, "And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority." The dragon is "symbolic" to others, but not to Prince Charles. He has a red dragon on his coat of arms. It comes from the flag of Wales, and it is in this title, Prince of Wales, that Charles is heir-apparent to the throne of Great Britain. At his coronation (investiture as Prince of Wales) in 1969, he sat on a chair with a large red dragon emblazoned on it. During the ceremony, his mother Queen Elizabeth II said, "This dragon gives you your power, your throne and your own authority." His response to her was, "I am now your Liege-man, and worthy of your earthly worship." Liege is an old English word meaning "Lord". "I am now your Lord-man, and worthy of your earthly worship." Another reference to the red dragon is in Revelations 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. Prince Charles is the ONLY person in the world to whom "And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority" can literally be applied to!

Another symbol on Prince Charles' Coat of Arms is that of The Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, worldwide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles. According to "The 'Morals and Dogma' of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry" written by Albert Pike (Grand Commander, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, July 14, 1889) Lucifer is the GOD of Freemasonry (see page 321 of the 1942 edition). On page 819 you will find just one example of why there are many people in Freemasonry who believe that it is natural to be a Christian and a Mason. Masonry intentionally misleads the low degree initiates and hides the truth that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, except to those in the 30th and higher degrees. "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are on display there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them." Further proof of Lucifer worshipping amongst Freemason can be seen in how they measure the year. For instance the year 1998 (up until September) is according to freemasonry the year 5997 AL (that is 5997 anno Lucifer).

The chain on the unicorn is loose, all previous coats of arms show it attached (see II Thessalonians 2:6). Inner motto reads "Evil on him who thinks evil". Lower motto reads "I serve", "Service is something that you give to people, particularly if they want you to - but sometimes if they don't"

Revelation 13:16 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads." On March 6th, 1996 on CNN, Prince Charles showed the world that he and his two sons William and Harry, had been the first people to be voluntarily implanted with a microchip (traceable biochip) in their right hands, allegedly for security purposes.

On June 26th 1994, Charles announced that when he becomes king he will relinquish the monarch's role as head of the Church of England. He said he would rather be seen as "defender of the faiths," rather than "defender of the faith." "I happen to believe that the Catholic subjects of the sovereign are as important [as the Protestants], not to mention the Islamic, Hindu and Zoroastrian," he told the independent Television network. There are currently at least two biographies available on Charles that describe his desire to unite all the world's religions 'in order for peace' (see Daniel 11:37).

Various reports have appeared in London and Arab newspapers over the last few years, claiming that Charles has converted to Islam. This supposedly took place when he met with the mufti of Cyprus Shaykh Nazim Adil (in 1993). Now while there's no actual evidence to prove that he has converted to Islam, there is no evidence to prove that he hasn't. In fact his lecture delivered in February 1994 at Oxford extolling the virtues of Islam, his frequent visits to Islamic holy places, his dedication of a South London mosque, outfitted in traditional Sunnah attire; and his 1993 trip to see the Quran of Sayiddina `Uthman (in Tashkent, Uzbekistan) with Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, only lend credence to the claim. Of course, this is just the sort of tactic to expect from the antichrist. That is to say, if he were to openly come out and say that he had converted to Islam, this would make many Jews wary of him. Whereas, if he were to spread rumors that he was a Muslim and not publicly deny them, then he could get Muslims on side whilst not alienating Jews.

On June 2nd 1953, with the knights of the garter carrying and holding the canopy over her head, Elizabeth II was anointed and crowned as "Queen of thy people Israel". Both Prince Charles and his mother believe that the throne upon which the queen was crowned, the famous coronation chair at Westminster Abbey in London, is the rightful throne of King David. One of the reasons for this is because up until recently it contained a 336 pound stone known as Jacob's Pillar (also referred to as Jacob's head-rest, the stone of Scone, or the stone of destiny). For more information on the significance of this stone see Genesis 28:18. Legend has it that Jeremiah transported it to Ireland where it was used as a coronation stone. It was then brought to Scotland where it was used for a millenium to crown Scottish Kings. In 1296, Edward I stole the stone and took it to England, where it was placed in Westminster Abbey, and used since 1308 for English coronations. On St Andrews Day, 30th November 1996, on Queen Elizabeth's orders, the stone was taken back to Scotland and installed in Edinburgh Castle. I (as do many people) believe that this stone will be used to crown the antichrist (posing as the messiah). (See also Ezekiel 21:27, Genesis 49:10, Daniel 9:24, and Ezekiel 37:22).

The Pont de l'Alma tunnel, the site where Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed were assassinated has great occultic significance. The site is ancient, dating back to the time of the Merovingian kings (ca. 500 - 751 AD), and before. In pre-Christian times, the Pont de l'Alma was an underground chamber and used as a pagan sacrificial site. The Founder of the Merovingian dynasty was Merovaeus, said to be descended from the union of a sea creature and a French queen. Merovaeus followed the pagan cult of Diana. In Middle English, "soul" (Alma) has as etymology "descended from the sea." "Pont," has as a Latin root "pontifex," meaning a Roman high priest. (See also pons, pontis -- bridge; passage.) " One translation of Pont de l'Alma would be "bridge of the soul." If Charles is the antichrist, then I wonder what Diana would have had to say (had she lived) when he declares himself the messiah, and how many people would've taken her opinion into consideration before believing his claims!

Many blasphemous European royalty including Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II claim to be of the Blood line of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. According to the lie, Jesus didn't die on the cross and rise from the dead. Instead they claim he married Mary Magdalene and fathered a number of children. This bloodline is referred to as the "Holy Grail", with those possessing it believing themselves the rightful heirs to the throne of Jerusalem. They believe that a new king of "the holy seed of David" will preside over the "Masonic kingdom" of Israel and the world. Prince Charles' link to the non-existent bloodline of Christ is through the Merovingian Kings of France. He is allegedly descended from the Merovingian Hildegarde. Princess Diana's Bloodline can also be traced back to the Merovingians. This is why Prince Philip selected her.

If the above examples aren't enough to convince you then here are a few more facts to take into consideration ...

- Prince Charles is heir to the highest ranking office on earth to be attained solely by birthright.

- Israel became a state in 1948. Prince Charles was born in 1948.

- In 1992 (just before the full unification in 1993) Charles applied to the EU (European Union) to be made King of Europe. He was turned down by European parliament, but has since developed enormous support among European royalty and the moneyed elite.

- Prince Charles' own business forum web site is at His World Business Forum comprises 200 of the world's top corporate leaders and consolidates 26% of the world's wealth. Charles is literally able to steer the environmental ethics & business agendas of the world's most powerful multinational companies. The holdings of the House of Windsor constitute enormous wealth including the Archer-Daniel's-Midland company (they are stockholders with controlling interest) which controls 75% of the world's grain. In times of famine, the royal family will literally be able to control who eats and who starves.

- Prince Charles considers himself to be psychic and believes in guidance from the spirit realm. The Queen (also involved in spiritism) and Prince Philip both believe that Charles, "is the Chosen One - placed in line for the throne through a divine, preordained plan."

- In 1977, Charles went to Ghana, Africa where he claimed to have had a mystical experience. The news reports quoted him as saying that it was like, "St. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus."

- One of Prince Charles' key men is the Canadian Maurice Strong. Strong is a top Illuminati operative and head of many world organizations. He has been under secretary of the UN for many years. He headed up the Rio Summit, World Conservation Bank, World Economic Forum, UN Commission on Global governance. He is also chairman of the Earth Council and the World Resources Institute and has been a top player in Planetary Citizens, the World Future Society, Aspen Institute, Business Council for Sustainable Development, Lindisfarne Association, World Federation of United Nations Associations, the Club of Rome, and about 30 other major organizations to name but a few of his powerful connections.

- To give you some idea of Charles' influence: He is behind three of the most important documents of this decade, the UN's Global Security Program (he personally initiated the United Nations Global Security Program), the 7 Year Oslo Accord, and the Rio Summit's `Agenda 21'. Up until recently he headed the United World Colleges, he is credited with instigating alternative medicine, and with the success of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro.

- According to an article which appeared in the London Times on July 15th, 1998, titled "The Charles And Tony Show" many Britons are becoming concerned about Prince Charles' meddling in the daily political affairs of the Tony Blair government. To quote the article "Charles' involvement is causing considerable controversy in certain British quarters, who claim that he is over-stepping the bounds, of publicly allowable behavior, by a member of the Royal Family, in daily political events.

- In the early 1990's representatives of Israel and the Palestinians were invited to a secret meeting in London, during which it was decided to try secret negotiations in Oslo, Norway. The Israelis were represented by Yitzchak Rabin, and the Palestinians were represented by King Hussein of Jordan (both 33rd degree masons). The third party at that meeting was Lord Victor Mischcon (also a 33rd degree mason), and personal attorney for Prince Charles.

- Prince Charles attended the funeral of Yitzchak Rabin. Within two hours after the funeral, according to the Jerusalem Post, Prince Charles was in Prime Minister Shimon Peres' office "insisting" that he attend a meeting at the Orient House, (in the Palestinian sector of Jerusalem), to begin negotiations to give back the Golan Heights to Syria. (IMPORTANT: SEE

- An article appeared in the Sunday Mirror on August 31 1997 (only hours before Princess Diana was assassinated). It was titled "Queen To Strip Harrods of Its Royal Quest" (by Andrew Golden). To quote the article "Prince Philip, in particular, has made no secret as to how he feels about his daughter-in-law's latest man, referring to Dodi as an `oily bed-hopper." "He's been banging on about his contempt for Dodi and how he is undesirable as a future stepfather to William and Harry. Diana has been told in no uncertain terms about the consequences should she continue the relationship with the Fayed boy. Options must include possible exile, although that would be very difficult as when all is said and done, she is the mother of the future King of England."

- According to Prince Charles "I am sure that many people consider that the United Kingdom is in an ideal geographical and historical position to act as an interpreter and mediator between the United States and Europe."

- In 1991, as his son William was undergoing emergency surgery for a near-fatal head wound, "Prince Charles left the hospital to go to Covent Garden Opera House, where he was to host a party of European Community officials.

- To truly understand Charles, it is important to understand his father, Prince Philip. Philip is a eugenicist who wants reduce the population of this planet from a current level of about 5.3 billions persons, to much less than 1 billion within the next two generations. To quote Prince Philip "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." And Philip is off to a flying start. He is the head of the World Wildlife Fund (Worldwide Fund for Nature) an organization whose policies are not only responsible for the extinction of many species of animals but also for the deaths of literally millions of sub-Saharan Africans. Although Philip Pretends to be a champion on endangered species, in January 1961, a few months before he would launch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Prince Philip went on a royal tour of India where he not only shot and killed an Indian tiger (check news archives for the photo) but also an exceedingly rare Indian rhinoceros. Only 250 were then left in the world, but that didn't stop Philip from shooting it. The dead rhino's terrified calf managed to escape but probably died later as it was so young. In a May 18th, 1990 address to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Prince Philip asserted: ``it is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the so-called pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians, the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a great deal morerealistic in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual monotheistic philosophies of the revealed religions.'' (Like father, like son!)

- Prince Charles may seem like a wimp, however he is quite athletic, an expert horseman, a qualified jet fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force,a qualified helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy, and a senior military officer in all three branches of armed services.

- Some of the rumors to have dogged Charles over the years include homosexuality, adultery, occultic practices and spiritualist worship.

- - No one else on Earth has the religious, political, financial, historic,and other ties that Charles has!

- Prince Charles media exposure has exceeded that of any other man in history!

- Only the true antichrist can fulfill every biblical prophecy (WITHOUT EXCEPTION) related to the antichrist. Daniel 9:26-27 clearly states that he antichrist must be a prominent ruler, (presumably a prince of Roman lineage)!

- If Charles is the antichrist then he should receive a fatal head wound, sometime in the near future. A fatal head wound from which he will miraculously recover!

There are many more so called coincidences, but don't take my word for it, read your bible, go to your library, lookup old newspapers, and keep an eye on the so-called Royal family. Still not convinced, then read 2Thessalonians 2:9-2:12 ...

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
For those of you who can't accept the idea that the United States has occultic roots should consider the following street layout of Washington D.C. and its meanings.


The Sign of Satanist/Setinist
Occultists Worship Numbers


1. Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity." (Westcott, p. 37). It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two's and threes, because they believe in the principle of "intensification", i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.

2. Six (6) is the next sacred number, representing the number of the soul of man (Westcott, p. 66). This shows the omnipotent power of God, as this belief parallels Revelation 13:18, where God assigns 666 to man and to the beast. Six is also believed to be "all-sufficient". This parallels

Biblical teaching, which states that man's great sin is pride in himself.

3. Seven (7) is a sacred number. Van Buren calls 7 "one of the most sacred of all the numbers...the Invisible Centre, the Spirit of everything". (p. 39) Since multiplication of seven creates an even more powerful sacred number, we should not be surprised that 3x7, or 21, is considered powerful .

Thus, when Adam Weishaupt formed the Masters of the Illuminati, he arranged the timing of the event by arranging the numbers in a manner which would add to powerful numbers. He chose May 1, because May, month #5, added to the first day, equals 6. Weishaupt chose 1776, because the four numbers of this year add up to 21 (1+7+7+6 = 21). Further, the number 6 + 21 = 27, another number of power, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3x9. This date was very carefully chosen by Weishaupt; he believed the greatest Plan is doomed to failure if it is not carried out in the most numerically advantageous time.

4. Nine (9) is sacred because it is the "first cube of an odd number (3)", (Van Buren, p.40-41)

The triple nine (999) is utilized to represent 666, because it is simply the inversion of 666.

5. Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order, and their actions impacted humanity greatly. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year.

6. Thirteen (13) is deemed sacred. It was also no accident that Hitler chose the year 1939 to begin World War II, because 39 is formed by the multiplication of 13x3. Thus, you can see how human history has been shaped by the occult belief in the power of numbers. We have provided much detail as to how history has been shaped by this belief in the power of numbers. You can get this information in our Cutting Edge Radio Program dated May 9, 1992, entitled, "33 33 33 = 666 New Age Numerology".


9+1+1=11 Twin Towers =11 Flight 11

On Tuesday, September 11, (9/11) 2001 the world watched in horror as two planes, one each crashed into the two World Trade Centers. Moments later, one crashes into part of the Pentagon. What you are about to read is from years of research from this author and others into the Satanic / Illuminati / Freemason influence that is in control of these United States as well as other nations on this Earth. It is this research that has allowed myself as well as others to recognize this event for what it really is and who's behind it. This disaster from beginning to end is riddled with several occurrences of the occult worlds fanaticism with numerology. In this case the numbers are 9, 11 and 77.

Whether or not you choose to accept the information in this article, at least understand this. Your life is regulated and controlled by mathematics. Both in a physical world as well as spiritual. There are 7 days in a week, 12 months to a year, 365 days to a year, 60 minutes in a hour and 24 hours to a day. Your work schedule is regulated by the numbers. The cosmos is even controlled by the numbers. God gave us 10 commandants. One of those commandments is to observe the 7th day of rest. There are many references to Gods numerology in the bible as well as Satan's. Even the mark of the beast will be 666.

Those of us who believe in God and keep his commandments are bound to some numerical ritual. Those who believe in Satan and choose to worship him are bound by numerical rituals.

Is it coincidence that Anton LeVey the founder of the church of satan chose the number 11 when he created The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth ? The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth Was it also a coincidence he chose the number 9 when he created the The Nine Satanic Sins or the The Nine Satanic Statements. I think not.

What is unknown by most is that the World Trade Center disaster isn't the only tragedy that has this Illuminati's / Masonic / Satanic signature as you will soon see. First lets look at the occults fanaticism with numerology and what these numbers represent. There are many numbers the occult use but 3,7,9,11,13,18,28,33,39,77 and 666 or any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Freemasons and the Illuminati.

Tuesday : This day was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans named this day after their war-god Mars

September - From the word septem (seven). It was the 7th month in the old Roman calendar
Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within Our Own Government

Number 3:

Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity." (Westcott, p. 37). It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two's and threes, because they believe in the principle of "intensification", i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666. Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 6:

Six (6) is the next sacred number, representing the number of the soul of man (Westcott, p. 66). This shows the omnipotent power of God, as this belief parallels Revelation 13:18, where God assigns 666 to man and to the beast. Six is also believed to be "all-sufficient". Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 7:

Seven (7) is a sacred number. Van Buren calls 7 "one of the most sacred of all the numbers...the Invisible Centre, the Spirit of everything". (p. 39) Since multiplication of seven creates an even more powerful sacred number, we should not be surprised that 3x7, or 21, is considered powerful. Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 9

Nine (9) is sacred because it is the "first cube of an odd number (3)", (Van Buren, p.40-41) The triple nine (999) is utilized to represent 666, because it is simply the inversion of 666. Occultists Worship Numbers

Royal Arch Masonry is obsessed with bridge symbolism (Princess Diana was murdered under a covered bridge) to the same extent that the Masonic grade of Ninth degree is up to it's neck in decapitation ritual. (Masonic Assassination, by Michael Anthony Hoffman, Library of Congress Cat. Card # 78-57277)

(Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast , neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years

Number 11:

In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. (LUCIFER tried/wanted to be equal to God) Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number. People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown. They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities. Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, (system of the Anti-Christ) is gifted as the "Light-Bearer". (One of the names of Lucifer) see also cutting edges article on 11 MASSIVE TERRORISM AGAINST AMERICAN CITIES!

Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance. In 1933, Adolf Hitler and President Franklin Roosevelt came to power. Both these men were committed to the establishment of the New World Order, and their actions impacted humanity greatly. It was also in 1933 that the First Humanist Manifesto was issued. Do you see how Satan manipulated world history to produce three New World Order events in 1933? Thus, a powerful 333 served as a framework for world events in that year. Occultists Worship Numbers

11 - The subversion and undoing of 10; a flawed addition to that perfect order. 11 - As mentioned above under "Archived News," the Antichrist/Prince is known as the 11th Horn. That is to say, he arises after the original 10 western European countries of the ancient Roman Empire [today known as the European Union]. Greece was accepted as the tenth country to join the E.U. in 1981. The Scripture in Daniel chapters 7 thru 12 explicitly mention that there will be one "Little Horn" [or Prince as he is called in 9:26] who arises AFTER these 10 horns [countries], who is also diverse from them, as he has "eyes like a man." He is diverse, or different from them because they are countries, he is a man. Interestingly, Prince William was born right after the original 10 E.U. countries were inducted, Greece being the 10th, in 1981 making William, the future British King, born in 1982, the "11th Horn," who the Scriptures prophesy is the future Antichrist.

The Astrological sign of Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Zodiac. We are since August 11, 1999 in the "Age of Aquarius" [New Christ] which ended the 2,000 year reign of Pisces [True Christ]. During Christ's death on the cross, there was a Solar Eclipse which signified the beginning of Pisces. The August 11th Solar Eclipse which occurred at precisely 11:11 [over Cornwall, UK] marked the end of that age and the beginning of the New Aquarian Age, which is often referred to as simply the New Age. Whenever you hear this term "New Age," it is to signify the era in which we now live in...the Age of the Antichrist. To truly understand, you have to go back to the very beginning, when Lucifer himself was still a powerful Holy Angel.

Lucifer was 1 of 2 Morning Stars that governed the earth. [Job 38:7] These 2 Morning Stars have a Kabbalistic number of 11. Yet while they were yet together, they were the Holy Number 22, Perfection, each the 2 Eyes of God, the Twins, which is even reflected in the 22 card Major Arcana of the Tarot. 22 = The Holy Number of God's "Begotten" Perfection [which can be seen in the "Word of God" the Hebrew alphabet having 22 letters, 22 Paths on the Kabbalistic "Tree of Life," major arcana, etc]. These same 2 "TWIN SUNS" [Sons: Jeshua and Lucifer] led Pre-Adamic Mankind in worship of the Father God who dwelt on top Mount Zion in the center of the world, "in the Mount of the congregation of the North." [Isaiah 14]. KING ARTHUR IS THE ANTICHRIST

Number 13:

E.W. Bullinger writes: "As to the significance of thirteen, all are aware that it has come down to us as a number of ill-omen. Many superstitions cluster around it, and various explanations are current concerning them. "Unfortunately, those who go backwards to find a reason seldom go back far enough. The popular explanations do not, so far as we are aware, go further back than the Apostles. But we must go back to the first occurrence of the number thirteen in order to discover the key to its significance. It occurs first in Gen. xiv. 4, where we read 'Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED.' "Hence every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea." (Bullinger, E.W. Number in Scripture, Kregel Publications, (c)1967, p. 205). Is it any coincidence that the Masons consider this to be the most Masonically Correct Number? It should also be noted that there are 33 titles in the Old Testament for the antichrist, while there are 13 in the New Testament? (according to an article by Chuck Missler of Koinoia House ( For more on the number 13 see 13 and 33: The Freemason's Signature A must read!! see also : Thirteen: The Number of Rebellion Also 13 is the number of death and rebirth, death and reincarnation, sacrifice, the Phoenix, the Christ (perfected soul imprisoned in matter), and the transition from the old to the new. Apollo Mission's Masonic Symbols
Thirteen (13) is deemed sacred. It was also no accident that Hitler chose the year 1939 to begin World War II, because 39 is formed by the multiplication of 13x3. Thus, you can see how human history has been shaped by the occult belief in the power of numbers. We have provided much detail as to how history has been shaped by this belief in the power of numbers. You can get this information in our Cutting Edge Radio Program dated May 9, 1992, entitled, "33 33 33 = 666 New Age Numerology". Occultists Worship Numbers

Number 18:
6+6+6=18. More research to be done on 18.

Number 28:
The number 28 is one of the correspondences of Solomon in kabbalistic numerology; the Solomonic name assigned to 28 is "Beale."

Number 33:
Albert Pike created the 33rd degree of Masonry. Confessed LUCIFERIAN and founder of the K.K.K. The Ku Klux Klan is an organization which prided itself ( and still does) in the torture and murder of men for the color of their skin. This is Demonic in itself. So we have a confessed LUCIFERIAN (666) who created the 33rd degree of masonry and founded the KKK. K is the eleventh number of the Alphabet. In other words the KKK can be represented as 11, 11, 11. 11+11+11=33. The same occult numbers of the World Trade Center attack is represented here by a confessed Luciferian.

Number 39:
Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention. More research is to be done on this number.

Who were our fathers that framed the Constitution? I suppose the "thirty-nine" who signed the original instrument may be fairly called our fathers who framed that part of the present government. It is almost exactly true to say they framed it, and it is altogether true to say they fairly represented the opinion and sentiment of the whole nation at that time. Their names, being familiar to nearly all, and accessible to quite all, need not now be repeated. I take these "thirty-nine," for the present, as being "our fathers who framed the government under which we live." What is the question which, according to the text, those fathers understood "just as well, and even better, than we do now"? (Abraham Lincoln, "Cooper Institute Address," 27 February 1860) Cooper Institute Address

Number 77:

The obvious of course is 11x7=77

Our esteemed colleague Kansan1225 points out: 77, the mark of the revenge of Lamech. Lamech was a descendant of Cain, the first murderer, and father of Tubal-Cain, an important hero of the CLuMs (ancestor of Hiram Abiff). The Bible says the following about the mark of the revenge of Lamech: "And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, 'Hear my voice: ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.'" (Genesis 4: 23-24)

Number 666:

Also represented as 999.

We all know this number is to be the identifying number of the Anti-Christ. Satan, Lucifer, light bearer, prince of darkness, etc, etc......
Parempi kuva missä on enemmän tekstiä. Prince Charels Coat


Also, the coat of arms seems fishy to me... Charles has a dragon that was contained and William's dragon is set free... hmmm... Google the coat of arms and compare yourself. Revelation is all over these symbols



I have no clue if this is accurate, but there are thousands of sites that claim Prince Williams is the Antichrist. He may not even know it... Interesting nevertheless... From the little research I have done, I found this information above... Coincidence?
Obama - Yes We Can = Thank You Satan

Kuin Obama sano "yes we can" niin se on "thank you satan" väärinpäin

Obama - Let Me Express = Serve Satan

Ja toinen "Let me express" on väärinpäin "Serve satan"
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