Tässä on laajempi juttu. Patria voitti teknologiansiirron takia, sekä vastasi ällistyttävän nopeasti kysymyksiin. Eikä tuputtanut tuotetta liikaa.

Patria came to stay in Japan | Patria
– However, the US government and companies have become reluctant to transfer technology to Japan, especially recently. Patria, on the other hand, is prepared to do so, which was a contributing factor to Japan’s choice of new vehicle.
Japanissa tapa ostaa tipoittainFor instance, Yoneshima says that representatives of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force were positively surprised by Patria’s reaction time to questions during the tender process. Not even the six–seven hour time difference between Japan and Finland hindered the smooth flow of information.
– If the Japanese sent us questions in the evening, we tackled them right away when the working day began in Finland. Then the answers were waiting for them when they woke up to a new working day, says Markus Louhivuori, Global Key Account Director at Patria.
In addition to vehicles, Japan is interested in Patria’s underwater systems as well as intelligence and surveillance systems.
Twitterhuhun mukaan Mitsubishin tuote oli yhtä kelpo, mutta tuotantoekonomioiden vertailu olisi paljastanut sen tulevan kalliimmaksi.it’s typical of Japanese agreements that purchases are made in small amounts over a long period of time. It’s important to keep this in mind. For instance, if the Japanese decide to buy 100 vehicles, they might make ten separate agreements for them over ten consecutive years. In other countries, such procurements would most likely be made with one or two agreements.