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Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers. Arab states have sent Qatar a list of 13 demands it must meet if it wants them to lift their sanctions.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are asking the Gulf state to shut down its broadcaster, Al Jazeera.
They are also asking Qatar to reduce ties with Iran and close a Turkish military base - all within 10 days.
Qatar, which sought to raise its profile in recent years, denies funding terrorism and fostering instability.
It has been subjected to more than two weeks of unprecedented diplomatic and economic sanctions, in the worst political crisis among Gulf countries in decades.
According to the Associated Press news agency, which obtained a copy of the list, Qatar must also:
- Sever all ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is banned in other Arab states
- Refuse to naturalise citizens from the four countries and expel those currently on its territory, in what the countries describe as an effort to keep Qatar from meddling in their internal affairs
- Hand over all individuals who are wanted by the four countries for terrorism
- Stop funding any extremist entities that are designated as terrorist groups by the US
- Provide detailed information about opposition figures whom Qatar has funded, ostensibly in Saudi Arabia and the other nations
- Align itself politically, economically and otherwise with the Gulf Co-operation Council
- Stop funding other news outlets in addition to Al Jazeera, including Arabi21 and Middle East Eye
- Pay an unspecified sum in compensation
Jossei vaatimuksiin myönnytä niin uskaltaakohan arabiliittouma ottaa seuraavan askeleen ja siirtyä sotilaallisiin toimiin![]()
Korttien latomista pöytäänhän tuo on, kuka uskaltaa nostaa vielä yhden.Nyt uhkaillaan sanktioilla, ei sodalla. Tarvetta mihinkään ylimääräiseen ei ole.
Saa nähdä mitä sanktioita sieltä sitten tulee. Vastaus tulee varmaan piakkoin.Qatar says list of demands by Arab states not realistic
Vaatimus Al-Jazeeran sulkemisesta lienee lähinnä brändikateutta. OIF:n aikaan Al-Jazeeraa kuulemma pidettiin arabimaissa laajalti "liian amerikkalaismyönteisenä"...
Al Jazeera's long-time Berlin correspondent Aktham Suliman left in late 2012 "It wasn't just because the broadcaster seemed less interested in reports from Europe. Rather, Suliman had the feeling that he was no longer being allowed to work as an independent journalist. "Before the beginning of the Arab Spring, we were a voice for change," he says, "a platform for critics and political activists throughout the region. Now, Al-Jazeera has become a propaganda broadcaster." "Al-Jazeera takes a clear position in every country from which it reports -- not based on journalistic priorities, but rather on the interests of the Foreign Ministry of Qatar," he says. "In order to maintain my integrity as a reporter, I had to quit.""[2] [30] He writes, "The news channel Al Jazeera was committed to the truth. Now it is bent. It's about politics, not journalism. For the reporter that means: time to go. [...] The decline 2004-2011 was insidious, subliminal and very slow, but with a disastrous end."[31]
Walid Phares indicated that the Qatar-owned Al Jazeera television network became the “primary ideological and communication network” for the Muslim Brotherhood during the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Syria in 2011.[32] He noted that after democratic forces had initiated the rebellions, Al Jazeera played a “tremendous role”[32] in supporting the Islamist elements of the revolution.
Al Jazeera has lost former staff members over a number of reasons. Reporters and anchors, particularly in cities like London, Paris, Moscow, Beirut and Cairo have left Al-Jazeera.[2][33][34] Among the largest walk-offs, was that of 22 members of Al Jazeera's Egyptian bureau. The group announced their resignation on July 8, 2013, citing biased coverage of the ongoing Egyptian power redistribution in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Saudien vaatimusten toteuttaminen tarkoittaisi de facto Qatarin suvereniteetin loppua. Republican chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee has said the US Congress will hold up approval of arms sales to the Gulf as a result of the Saudi-led blockade of Qatar.
Senator Bob Corker said the nations of Gulf Cooperation Council had failed to take advantage of a summit with President Trump in May to overcome their differences and had “instead chosen to devolve into conflict”.
Corker continued: “For these reasons, before we provide any further clearances during the informal review period on sales of lethal military equipment to the GCC states, we need a better understanding of the path to resolve the current dispute and reunify the GCC.” in London, Ghobash said expulsion of Qatar from the Gulf Cooperation Council – often raised as a possible sanction – was “not the only sanction available”.
He added: “Their position today anyway is inconsistent with being members of the GCC because it is a common security and defence organisation. There are certain economic sanctions that we can take which are being considered right now.
“One possibility would be to impose conditions on our own trading partners and say you want to work with us then you have got to make a commercial choice.
“If Qatar was not willing to accept the demands, it is a case of ‘Goodbye Qatar’ we do not need you in our tent anymore,” he said.
Ghobash insisted that the UAE was trying with its allies to open a new chapter in the Middle East. “Yes we are making demands of Qatar, but it is very important to realise that we are imposing the same standards on ourselves. So if we are to ask for the monitoring of Qatari financial transactions and its funding of terrorism then we would be open to the same idea. This is not bullying. This is demanding a higher standard throughout the whole region.
“We have nothing to hide ourselves so we are willing to meet the same standards we are asking Qatar. The west has traditionally complained of a lack of financial transparency in the region, and there must be a huge amount that the west can do to monitor what is happening.”
He also warned: “We can escalate with more information, because we are not going to escalate militarily. That is not the way we are looking at things.”
He said he understood there was a risk that Qatar was being forced into a closer relationship with Iran. “We are asking Qatar to make a choice and we realise they may choose to take the route to Iran, and we are willing to accept the consequences of that.”
Qatar on saatava nurin ja luonnonvarat varastettua. Sitten Iraniin ja kaikki paskaks ja varat haltuun. Kuinka vammainen pitää olla, ettei nää, millaista paskassa rypemistä Saudit ja usa yhessä touhuaa?
Monesti politiikassa nähdään mm suomessa että sodat syttyy vain sen takia että 2 maan välille syntyy liikaa erimielisyyksiä mitkä voidaan sopia politiikalla.
Monesti vain unohdetaan se että sota on myös politiikkaa ja sota voi olla yksi työkalu tässä paketissa. Ongelma luodaan vasta sitten kun päätös sodasta on luotu jotta hyökkäkselle saadaan oikeutus kansalta.
Venäjällä ja lähi-idässä tämä ajattelumalli on vallinnut aina mitä länsimaisen poliitikon on vaikea ymmärtää. Kaikki eivät halua rauhaa ja rakkautta.
Putin voi esim nähdä että sota nostaa riittävästi hänen kannatustaan jolloin vallassapysyminen varmistuu tai voi siirtää vaaleja.
" Suomi tai Qatar ei välttämättä halua sotaa mutta sota voi haluta Qataria tai Suomea tulevaisuudessa"