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Emmää tiärä mutta luulisin nuiden arkeolookien tietävän että mitä ja millä:jaa että ihan akateemisella asiaan perehtynnellä arviomitarilla mennään...?
Emmää tiärä mutta luulisin nuiden arkeolookien tietävän että mitä ja millä:
The 400 million year old hammer
This curious artifact was discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934, the hammer appeared embedded inside a rock, and since its discovery, there have been many theories about its origin, and most importantly its incredible age. So how did the hammer end up embedded inside the rock? Well, for the hammer to finish inside the rock, it had to have been built before the rock was formed and that would be several of million years ago. After its discovery and due to all the questions the hammer raised, researchers decided to abandon the incredible discovery in the Somerwell Museum, in Texas.
According to studies of the Metallurgical Institute of Columbia the inside handle underwent the process of carbonization, the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. According to analysis, the head of the hammer consists of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine and 1 percent sulfur. Surprisingly researchers also found that the iron had undergone a process of purification and hardening, typical of metallurgy of the twentieth century. According to analysis, the rock encasing of the hammer was dated to the Ordovician era, more than 400 million years ago.
The portion of stone surrounding the hammer-head also presented abnormalities, seeming to have merged with some type of sheath covering the hammer. According to geologists, the slow process of petrification dates back hundreds of millions of years. This has led several ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists to a quick deduction of the context of the incredible discovery leading them to assume not only that there was a human civilization before the historical process of petrification in Texas, but that this ancient civilization already possessed the necessary technology for the fabrication of a hammer with modern features.
Evidence suggesting that the iron from the hammer might have originated from a meteorite is not a possibility according to researchers. The chemical analysis of the artifact also detected certain amounts of potassium, silicon, chlorine, calcium and sulfur. Thus, this composition contradicts the hypothesis postulated that the hammer-head belonged to the fragment of a meteorite, since the bodies of our solar system do not have that type of chemical composition.
Researchers also believe, that since the head of the hammer was found embedded into the rock, it suggest that the embedding process was performed under different atmospheric conditions to the current, different atmospheric pressure, more similar to those in the remote past.
Against the remote possibility that a meteorite with an extremely rare and bizarre chemical composition and exceptional morphology, got caught, in prehistoric times, onto a piece of wood just as the head of the discovered hammer imprisons its handle, some researchers and ancient astronaut theorists point toward the fact that our planet was inhabited in ancient times, by civilizations with advanced technical and technological capacity, of which today we only have legends, and items like this one who were trapped in rock. Unfortunately, some scientists do not agree with the theory that an ancient civilization created the hammer, and claim that it was only a metallurgical technique that had been eventually abandoned.
This extraordinary artifact belongs to the list of many other mysterious object that have been discovered across the globe, and just like the Russian “microchip” or the 300 million year old screw, this item has caused debate among researchers and historians who are divided in groups, supporting and denying the possibility that the human race is much older than previously thought.
Whether this artifact is indeed a hammer dating back hundreds of millions of years, is something that will fuel debate among supporters of the ancient astronaut theory and conventional archaeologists, who both have provided arguments explaining the origin and age of the hammer.
Se on varmaan siellä Columbiassa???Metallurgical Institute of Columbia, missä se on? Koetin löytää verkkohau'illa, mutta ei tärpännyt.
Todennäköisimpinä pidän kuitenkin että koko instituutti on kirjoittajan oman mielikuvituksen tuotosta.
Jahas ... kohta on taas se aika vuodesta.
The secrets of The Bilderberg Group
Strange Mysteries and Unexplained Stuff | Discover the mysteries of the world .|
Of all the New World Order conspiracy theories, this one sounds the most plausible. They are a real organization that meets once or, at most, twice a year, renting out entire floors of remote and expensive hotels. No one knows who the members are, except other members, of which there may be 20, or several hundred.
They are thought to be powerful financiers, businessmen, politicians, and generals, whose sole intent is to control the world’s economies, wars, politics, anything that helps them make money. Henry Kissinger is known to have been a member at one time. Tony Blair is rumored to be one. Both Bushes are rumored to be members, as is Vladimir Putin.Their bodyguards at these meetings are privately-hired mercenaries. The group was formed during the Cold War by Joseph Retinger, who was the CEO of the European Movement, a progressive organization designed with the aim of a single world government.
The EM was funded by the CIA, and its contacts were a who’s who of global governmental and military powers. Retinger believed that the world could be at peace if peace could be brokered among a small group of the world’s elite, leaving the public out of the equation.
The problem with Retinger’s idea is that the Bilderberg Group must have absolute power to pull this off, and if it has that much power, war can be brokered just as readily as peace. The theory claims that the Bilderberg Group marketed all the major wars of the last half a century, beginning with the Korean War, and including both Gulf Wars, and the War in Afghanistan.
The most convincing evidence against them is that they are known to have discussed, in 1955, the need for a tightly bound European Market. A year and a half later, the European Common Market was established by the Treaty of Rome.
Whenever the phrase “single world government” crops up, conspiracy theorists whip out the Revelation. The Revelation describes the Antichrist as not taking over the world by force, but by charm, as a politician. The theory now purports that one of the Bilderberg Group’s members is in fact possessed by Satan, who is slowly but surely drawing his plans against us. Reporters are not allowed into hotel premises while the Group meets, and have been threatened at gunpoint to leave.
Jon Ronson, a journalist of Channel 4 News, in the UK, sneaked past security and spied on one of these meetings at the summer retreat Bohemian Grove, during which he claims that a human effigy was burned beneath a statue of a 40 foot owl.
Bilderberg 2016
Countries with delegates attending:
Austria, Greece, Belgium, Hungary, Canada, Switzerland, Ireland, China, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, France, Turkey, Great Britain, and the United States of America
Back in the 1950s, when Bernhard sent out the invitations, it was to discuss “a number of problems facing western civilization”. These days, the Bilderberg Group prefers to call them “megatrends”. The megatrends on this year’s agenda include: “What next for Europe?”, “Ukraine”, “Intelligence sharing” and “Does privacy exist?
Angela Merkel osallistuu ministereidensä kanssa globalistien Bilderberg-kokoontumiseen
Bilderberg-konferenssi järjestetään Saksan Dresdenissä 9.-12. kesäkuuta.
07.06.2016 14:10, 1697 lukukertaa
Saksan liittokansleri Angela Merkel osallistuu neljän kabinettiministerinsä kanssa tällä viikolla järjestettävään Bilderbergin vuositapaamiseen.
Bilderberg ajaa globalismia ja Euroopan muuttamista USA:n kaltaiseksi liittovaltioksi, jossa päätösvalta keskitetään ja viedään ihmisten ulottumattomiin.
Merkelin lisäksi osallistuvat ulkoministeri Frank-Walter Steinmeier, talous- ja energiaministeri Sigmar Gabriel, erikoisasioiden liittovaltioministeri ja liittokanslerin viraston kansliapäällikkö Peter Altmaier sekä puolustusministeri Ursula von der Leyen.
Osallistuminen tuli ilmi, kun vasemmisto kysyi Saksan liittovaltion hallitukselta, ketkä valtionhallinnosta osallistuvat kokoukseen.
Vaikka kokous alkaa jo torstaina, julkisuuteen ei ole vielä annettu tietoa käsiteltävistä asioista, eikä osallistujalistaa.
Saksan vasemmiston varapuheenjohtajan Axel Troostin mielestä Bilderberg-kokoontumisten kaltaiset lobbaustilaisuudet ovat demokratian vastaisia, eikä hallituksen virkamiesten tulisi ottaa sellaisiin osaa.
Vasemmisto ei ole yksin vastustuksensa kanssa. Oikeistojulkaisu Compact tukee Bilderbergin vastaisia mielenosoituksia. Samoin tekee oikeistopuolue AfD.
Tehtävä suoritettu
Kiitoksia vain kaikille jäsenille mahtavista vuosita ja hienoista keskusteluista.
Mutta kuten otsikkokin kertoo on tehtävä suoritettu ja Tetran aika jättää foorumille hyvästit.
Samalla kun siirryn muualle ja näinollen tein pienen omavaltaisen muistion jonka olen jättänyt tiettyjen tahojen käsiin. Tämä "Tetran lista" sisältää erinäisimpiä asioita jotka koskevat sekä tästä foorumista ja sen käyttäjäkunnasta saatuja tietoja sekä muita tietoja jotka tulevat tietoisuuteenne myöhempänä ajankohtana. Se siis sisältää kaiken mitä Organisaatio teistä tietää sekä muiden soluttautujien yksityiskohtaiset tiedot aina taustaryhmien puhelinnumeroista kotiosoitteisiin.
Suomesta on tulossa paska valtio yhä suuremmissa määrin, mutta muutos tulee sisältä päin, joten soluttautukaa Järjestelmään ja tehkää työtä siitä käsin. Meilläkin Firmassa ja tietyissä määrin myös haalaripoikien keskuudessa on toisinajatteijoita jotka värväämällä saatte aikaan muutosta. Ennenkaikkea maanpuolustuksesta kiinnostuneita miehiä ja naisia ovat olleet ne liberalismin kannattajat jotka ovat saaneet aikaan mm. Yhdysvallat!
Siispä jatkakaa samaan malliin ja KRYPTATKAA ne järjestelmänne, me ei olla saatu kuin yksi auki ja sekin sillä että pystyttiin arvaamaan salasana!
Mutta kiitos ja kumarrus foorumin tietäjille!
Viva la Viva la Revolution! Viva la Free Finland!
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