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Varoitettiinko astronautteja kuulennoilla? UFO-tutkijoilta kova väite
03.06.2016 / klo 07:40 / viihde


Secure Team 10 -UFO-tutkijoiden ryhmä latasi YouTubeen kuvan Nasan kuulennoilta, jolla näkyy väitetysti avaruusalus, Mirror kertoo [lähde].

Ufo-tutkijoiden mukaan kyseessä saattoi olla vihamielinen alus. Ufo-tutkijoiden villeissä teorioissa on jo kauan spekuloitu sillä, miksei ihminen ole palannut kuuhun.


Suosittu teoria on, että avaruusolennot ottivat kuulentojen aikana yhteyttä astronautteihin ja kielsivät heitä palaamasta.

Alla video väitetystä avaruusaluksesta. Jos haluat säästää aikaa, klikkaa kohtaan 1:45. Videolla käsitellään myös muita erikoisia kuvia, jotka väitetysti ovat Apollo-kuulennoilta.
President Obama advises Americans to obtain emergency kits for upcoming disasters
Posted on June 2, 2016by The Extinction Protocol

June 2016EARTHCHANGES – President Obama called for every American to put together a disaster supply kit and evacuation plan because climate change is bringing “more powerful and more devastating” hurricanes to the U.S. – even though the U.S. hasn’t been hit with a major hurricane in more than a decade. Announcing the June 1 start of hurricane season, Obama warned Americans to prepare for imminent climate change-caused hurricanes:

“All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating. “One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”

Obama chastised Americans for their “complacency,” and told them to be ready to evacuate when the climate-canes hit: “And what we’ve been seeing is some public complacency slipping in; a large portion of people not having preparedness kits, not having evacuation plans. We’ve been stagnant a little bit with respect to the number of people, the percentage of people who respond to an evacuation order. All that has to pick up, because we want to make sure that, although it’s hard to prevent property damage, that we are doing everything we can to prevent loss of life.”

The president’s admonition is not just restricted to hurricanes. Major volcanoes have been recently rumbling in the U.S. Midwest, seismic unrest is growing in the Alaska region, Hawaii’s Mauna Loa (the largest volcano on the planet) appears to be awakening, the country’s major fault systems: The Cascadia Subduction Zone, San Andreas, and New Madrid appear overdue for quakes, and the Long Valley and Yellowstone supervolcanoes are still very much active.

There’s even an app to help Americans prepare for the destruction to come, Obama said: “If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, we’ve got an app for everything now. We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster.” Meanwhile, the U.S. has now gone a record 127 straight months without a major hurricane making landfall – and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting a “near normal” Atlantic hurricane season this year.

For the past ten-plus years, “normal” has meant no major hurricanes – even with the effects (if any) of climate change – so “near normal” suggests the U.S. will remain safe from climate-caused hurricane devastation. But, be prepared, because it is coming, Pres. Obama warns. –MRC TV, TEP
Varoitettiinko astronautteja kuulennoilla? UFO-tutkijoilta kova väite
03.06.2016 / klo 07:40 / viihde


Secure Team 10 -UFO-tutkijoiden ryhmä latasi YouTubeen kuvan Nasan kuulennoilta, jolla näkyy väitetysti avaruusalus, Mirror kertoo [lähde].

Ufo-tutkijoiden mukaan kyseessä saattoi olla vihamielinen alus. Ufo-tutkijoiden villeissä teorioissa on jo kauan spekuloitu sillä, miksei ihminen ole palannut kuuhun.


Suosittu teoria on, että avaruusolennot ottivat kuulentojen aikana yhteyttä astronautteihin ja kielsivät heitä palaamasta.

Alla video väitetystä avaruusaluksesta. Jos haluat säästää aikaa, klikkaa kohtaan 1:45. Videolla käsitellään myös muita erikoisia kuvia, jotka väitetysti ovat Apollo-kuulennoilta.

Kuulentoihin liittyvät hörhöilyt jaksavat naurattaa minua aina.

Bart Sibrelin "dokumenttielokuva" on yksi kuuluisimmista.

Tyyppi vainosi ja jahtasi Apollo-astronautteja. Mm. Buzz Aldrinia tämä kutsui valehtelijaksi ja pelkuriksi, no Aldrin veti äijää pataan. :)


The 400 million year old hammer

This curious artifact was discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934, the hammer appeared embedded inside a rock, and since its discovery, there have been many theories about its origin, and most importantly its incredible age. So how did the hammer end up embedded inside the rock? Well, for the hammer to finish inside the rock, it had to have been built before the rock was formed and that would be several of million years ago. After its discovery and due to all the questions the hammer raised, researchers decided to abandon the incredible discovery in the Somerwell Museum, in Texas.


According to studies of the Metallurgical Institute of Columbia the inside handle underwent the process of carbonization, the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. According to analysis, the head of the hammer consists of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine and 1 percent sulfur. Surprisingly researchers also found that the iron had undergone a process of purification and hardening, typical of metallurgy of the twentieth century. According to analysis, the rock encasing of the hammer was dated to the Ordovician era, more than 400 million years ago.

The portion of stone surrounding the hammer-head also presented abnormalities, seeming to have merged with some type of sheath covering the hammer. According to geologists, the slow process of petrification dates back hundreds of millions of years. This has led several ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists to a quick deduction of the context of the incredible discovery leading them to assume not only that there was a human civilization before the historical process of petrification in Texas, but that this ancient civilization already possessed the necessary technology for the fabrication of a hammer with modern features.

Evidence suggesting that the iron from the hammer might have originated from a meteorite is not a possibility according to researchers. The chemical analysis of the artifact also detected certain amounts of potassium, silicon, chlorine, calcium and sulfur. Thus, this composition contradicts the hypothesis postulated that the hammer-head belonged to the fragment of a meteorite, since the bodies of our solar system do not have that type of chemical composition.





Researchers also believe, that since the head of the hammer was found embedded into the rock, it suggest that the embedding process was performed under different atmospheric conditions to the current, different atmospheric pressure, more similar to those in the remote past.

Against the remote possibility that a meteorite with an extremely rare and bizarre chemical composition and exceptional morphology, got caught, in prehistoric times, onto a piece of wood just as the head of the discovered hammer imprisons its handle, some researchers and ancient astronaut theorists point toward the fact that our planet was inhabited in ancient times, by civilizations with advanced technical and technological capacity, of which today we only have legends, and items like this one who were trapped in rock. Unfortunately, some scientists do not agree with the theory that an ancient civilization created the hammer, and claim that it was only a metallurgical technique that had been eventually abandoned.

This extraordinary artifact belongs to the list of many other mysterious object that have been discovered across the globe, and just like the Russian “microchip” or the 300 million year old screw, this item has caused debate among researchers and historians who are divided in groups, supporting and denying the possibility that the human race is much older than previously thought.

Whether this artifact is indeed a hammer dating back hundreds of millions of years, is something that will fuel debate among supporters of the ancient astronaut theory and conventional archaeologists, who both have provided arguments explaining the origin and age of the hammer.

The 400 million year old hammer

This curious artifact was discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934, the hammer appeared embedded inside a rock, and since its discovery, there have been many theories about its origin, and most importantly its incredible age. So how did the hammer end up embedded inside the rock? Well, for the hammer to finish inside the rock, it had to have been built before the rock was formed and that would be several of million years ago. After its discovery and due to all the questions the hammer raised, researchers decided to abandon the incredible discovery in the Somerwell Museum, in Texas.


According to studies of the Metallurgical Institute of Columbia the inside handle underwent the process of carbonization, the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. According to analysis, the head of the hammer consists of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine and 1 percent sulfur. Surprisingly researchers also found that the iron had undergone a process of purification and hardening, typical of metallurgy of the twentieth century. According to analysis, the rock encasing of the hammer was dated to the Ordovician era, more than 400 million years ago.

The portion of stone surrounding the hammer-head also presented abnormalities, seeming to have merged with some type of sheath covering the hammer. According to geologists, the slow process of petrification dates back hundreds of millions of years. This has led several ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists to a quick deduction of the context of the incredible discovery leading them to assume not only that there was a human civilization before the historical process of petrification in Texas, but that this ancient civilization already possessed the necessary technology for the fabrication of a hammer with modern features.

Evidence suggesting that the iron from the hammer might have originated from a meteorite is not a possibility according to researchers. The chemical analysis of the artifact also detected certain amounts of potassium, silicon, chlorine, calcium and sulfur. Thus, this composition contradicts the hypothesis postulated that the hammer-head belonged to the fragment of a meteorite, since the bodies of our solar system do not have that type of chemical composition.





Researchers also believe, that since the head of the hammer was found embedded into the rock, it suggest that the embedding process was performed under different atmospheric conditions to the current, different atmospheric pressure, more similar to those in the remote past.

Against the remote possibility that a meteorite with an extremely rare and bizarre chemical composition and exceptional morphology, got caught, in prehistoric times, onto a piece of wood just as the head of the discovered hammer imprisons its handle, some researchers and ancient astronaut theorists point toward the fact that our planet was inhabited in ancient times, by civilizations with advanced technical and technological capacity, of which today we only have legends, and items like this one who were trapped in rock. Unfortunately, some scientists do not agree with the theory that an ancient civilization created the hammer, and claim that it was only a metallurgical technique that had been eventually abandoned.

This extraordinary artifact belongs to the list of many other mysterious object that have been discovered across the globe, and just like the Russian “microchip” or the 300 million year old screw, this item has caused debate among researchers and historians who are divided in groups, supporting and denying the possibility that the human race is much older than previously thought.

Whether this artifact is indeed a hammer dating back hundreds of millions of years, is something that will fuel debate among supporters of the ancient astronaut theory and conventional archaeologists, who both have provided arguments explaining the origin and age of the hammer.
Olen nähnyt kuvia tuosta aikaisemmin. Käsittämätön asia.

The 400 million year old hammer

This curious artifact was discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934, the hammer appeared embedded inside a rock, and since its discovery, there have been many theories about its origin, and most importantly its incredible age. So how did the hammer end up embedded inside the rock? Well, for the hammer to finish inside the rock, it had to have been built before the rock was formed and that would be several of million years ago. After its discovery and due to all the questions the hammer raised, researchers decided to abandon the incredible discovery in the Somerwell Museum, in Texas.


According to studies of the Metallurgical Institute of Columbia the inside handle underwent the process of carbonization, the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. According to analysis, the head of the hammer consists of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine and 1 percent sulfur. Surprisingly researchers also found that the iron had undergone a process of purification and hardening, typical of metallurgy of the twentieth century. According to analysis, the rock encasing of the hammer was dated to the Ordovician era, more than 400 million years ago.

The portion of stone surrounding the hammer-head also presented abnormalities, seeming to have merged with some type of sheath covering the hammer. According to geologists, the slow process of petrification dates back hundreds of millions of years. This has led several ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists to a quick deduction of the context of the incredible discovery leading them to assume not only that there was a human civilization before the historical process of petrification in Texas, but that this ancient civilization already possessed the necessary technology for the fabrication of a hammer with modern features.

Evidence suggesting that the iron from the hammer might have originated from a meteorite is not a possibility according to researchers. The chemical analysis of the artifact also detected certain amounts of potassium, silicon, chlorine, calcium and sulfur. Thus, this composition contradicts the hypothesis postulated that the hammer-head belonged to the fragment of a meteorite, since the bodies of our solar system do not have that type of chemical composition.





Researchers also believe, that since the head of the hammer was found embedded into the rock, it suggest that the embedding process was performed under different atmospheric conditions to the current, different atmospheric pressure, more similar to those in the remote past.

Against the remote possibility that a meteorite with an extremely rare and bizarre chemical composition and exceptional morphology, got caught, in prehistoric times, onto a piece of wood just as the head of the discovered hammer imprisons its handle, some researchers and ancient astronaut theorists point toward the fact that our planet was inhabited in ancient times, by civilizations with advanced technical and technological capacity, of which today we only have legends, and items like this one who were trapped in rock. Unfortunately, some scientists do not agree with the theory that an ancient civilization created the hammer, and claim that it was only a metallurgical technique that had been eventually abandoned.

This extraordinary artifact belongs to the list of many other mysterious object that have been discovered across the globe, and just like the Russian “microchip” or the 300 million year old screw, this item has caused debate among researchers and historians who are divided in groups, supporting and denying the possibility that the human race is much older than previously thought.

Whether this artifact is indeed a hammer dating back hundreds of millions of years, is something that will fuel debate among supporters of the ancient astronaut theory and conventional archaeologists, who both have provided arguments explaining the origin and age of the hammer.

Samassa maassa 60-70 luvulla kiviä keräilemässä olleet veljekset löysivät murikan jonka sisällä oli jotain. Ottivat kiven mukaan, avasivat sen ja huomasivat että oli auton sytytystulppa. Tarkemmin analysoituna T-fordin tulppa.
Eli ei ollut tuhansia vuosia vanha tulppa. Kivettymistä vain oli tapahtunut 40-vuodessa.

The 400 million year old hammer

This curious artifact was discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934, the hammer appeared embedded inside a rock, and since its discovery, there have been many theories about its origin, and most importantly its incredible age. So how did the hammer end up embedded inside the rock? Well, for the hammer to finish inside the rock, it had to have been built before the rock was formed and that would be several of million years ago. After its discovery and due to all the questions the hammer raised, researchers decided to abandon the incredible discovery in the Somerwell Museum, in Texas.


According to studies of the Metallurgical Institute of Columbia the inside handle underwent the process of carbonization, the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. According to analysis, the head of the hammer consists of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine and 1 percent sulfur. Surprisingly researchers also found that the iron had undergone a process of purification and hardening, typical of metallurgy of the twentieth century. According to analysis, the rock encasing of the hammer was dated to the Ordovician era, more than 400 million years ago.

The portion of stone surrounding the hammer-head also presented abnormalities, seeming to have merged with some type of sheath covering the hammer. According to geologists, the slow process of petrification dates back hundreds of millions of years. This has led several ufologists and ancient astronaut theorists to a quick deduction of the context of the incredible discovery leading them to assume not only that there was a human civilization before the historical process of petrification in Texas, but that this ancient civilization already possessed the necessary technology for the fabrication of a hammer with modern features.

Evidence suggesting that the iron from the hammer might have originated from a meteorite is not a possibility according to researchers. The chemical analysis of the artifact also detected certain amounts of potassium, silicon, chlorine, calcium and sulfur. Thus, this composition contradicts the hypothesis postulated that the hammer-head belonged to the fragment of a meteorite, since the bodies of our solar system do not have that type of chemical composition.





Researchers also believe, that since the head of the hammer was found embedded into the rock, it suggest that the embedding process was performed under different atmospheric conditions to the current, different atmospheric pressure, more similar to those in the remote past.

Against the remote possibility that a meteorite with an extremely rare and bizarre chemical composition and exceptional morphology, got caught, in prehistoric times, onto a piece of wood just as the head of the discovered hammer imprisons its handle, some researchers and ancient astronaut theorists point toward the fact that our planet was inhabited in ancient times, by civilizations with advanced technical and technological capacity, of which today we only have legends, and items like this one who were trapped in rock. Unfortunately, some scientists do not agree with the theory that an ancient civilization created the hammer, and claim that it was only a metallurgical technique that had been eventually abandoned.

This extraordinary artifact belongs to the list of many other mysterious object that have been discovered across the globe, and just like the Russian “microchip” or the 300 million year old screw, this item has caused debate among researchers and historians who are divided in groups, supporting and denying the possibility that the human race is much older than previously thought.

Whether this artifact is indeed a hammer dating back hundreds of millions of years, is something that will fuel debate among supporters of the ancient astronaut theory and conventional archaeologists, who both have provided arguments explaining the origin and age of the hammer.

katselin dokkarin Stonehengestä jossa kerrottin uusimman tekniikaalla saatuja tuloksia alueelta. Hieno juttu mutta näiden "viisaiden" tiedemiesten kertomukset 10K vuotta sitten tapahtuneista (heidän valistuneista arvauksista) pisti oikeestaan naurattamaan... en sen enpää jaksa edes niistä kirjoittaa mutta minusta hauskin satu on se että sen ajan ihmiset kaivoivat kalkkihiekka kallioon 12 metriä syviä kaivantoja ja tunneleita kun etsivät piikiviä maan alta hirven sarvilla...? :confused: Ja niitä on löydetty tietyltä alueelta 450 ..?

Mukavasti jätettiin käisttelemättä myös aihetta "mistä vit*sta ne stonehengen ja muut kivipaadet on sinne roudattu ja miten" ....Ja jos kerran ei metallityökaluja ollut käytössä niin varmaan hirvensarvi-työkaluilla nekin louhittiin irtikalliosta ja kantoivat reppuselässä hirvenahkahihnoilla ne 10-100 tn painoiset kivipaadet Stonehengeen..? (tietääkseni Walesissa on vastavaa kiveä)...sama koskee Ranskan menihri kiviipaaseja...

Nämä "professori-tason satusedät" kertovat aikuisille opiskelijoille (kuin myös suurelle yleisölle) huimia akateemisia satuja kun eivät tiedä itsekään mitä ja miten nää hommat on silloin tehty ja mikä on niiden tarkoitus ollut ja vain harva edes näitä kyseenalaistaa..ja jos kyseenalaistaa niin se leimataan hulluksi...? :confused:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Tää on kans hauska juttu. Tähteilijät löytävät 14,5 Mrd vuotta vanhan tähden ja sit alkaakin selittämiset ja yllättäen löytyykin se kuuluisa "margin of error" jolla voi kaiken selittää, koska eihän nyt millään voi avaruudesta löytyä jotain sellaista joka kumoaa bigbang-teorian ... eihän ...

Oldest Star Known Is 14.5 Billion Years Old, Very Close to Earth

NASA is revealing its findings on the oldest star we know of, so old that it precedes the universe. Obviously, no star can be older than the universe, as far as we know, but the maths suggests that this ancient star is some 14.5 billion years old.

The Big Bang happened 13.77 billion years ago. But there's a margin of error on the age of the star of plus or minus 0.8 billion years, so at the edge it marginally fits inside the timespan of the universe.

That's actually a big improvement over earlier measurements which said that the star was 16 billion years old.

In fact, that's exactly what prompted astronomers to look even closer at the star, HD 140283, and try to determine its age more accurately.

The discrepancy in the estimated age of the star and the estimated age of the universe means that there's an error somewhere, either in the way the age of universe is calculated (unlikely) or in the way the age of stars is calculated. Alternatively, it could mean the star is closer or further away than we thought.

"Maybe the cosmology is wrong, stellar physics is wrong, or the star's distance is wrong," Howard Bond, who lead the team of astronomers who studied the star, said. "So we set out to refine the distance."

Using the Hubble Space Telescope, the team was able to get a much more accurate estimate of the distance to the star, 190.1 light-years, and use that to provide a better age estimate.

HD 140283 has been studied for over a century. Scientists have known it to be quite old for over half a century when they determined that the star has a significant deficiency in heavy elements.

This is because at the time the star was formed, there were no heavy elements in the universe, these came later as stars grew and died.
Tää on kans hauska juttu. Tähteilijät löytävät 14,5 Mrd vuotta vanhan tähden ja sit alkaakin selittämiset ja yllättäen löytyykin se kuuluisa "margin of error" jolla voi kaiken selittää, koska eihän nyt millään voi avaruudesta löytyä jotain sellaista joka kumoaa bigbang-teorian ... eihän ...

Oldest Star Known Is 14.5 Billion Years Old, Very Close to Earth

NASA is revealing its findings on the oldest star we know of, so old that it precedes the universe. Obviously, no star can be older than the universe, as far as we know, but the maths suggests that this ancient star is some 14.5 billion years old.

The Big Bang happened 13.77 billion years ago. But there's a margin of error on the age of the star of plus or minus 0.8 billion years, so at the edge it marginally fits inside the timespan of the universe.

That's actually a big improvement over earlier measurements which said that the star was 16 billion years old.

In fact, that's exactly what prompted astronomers to look even closer at the star, HD 140283, and try to determine its age more accurately.

The discrepancy in the estimated age of the star and the estimated age of the universe means that there's an error somewhere, either in the way the age of universe is calculated (unlikely) or in the way the age of stars is calculated. Alternatively, it could mean the star is closer or further away than we thought.

"Maybe the cosmology is wrong, stellar physics is wrong, or the star's distance is wrong," Howard Bond, who lead the team of astronomers who studied the star, said. "So we set out to refine the distance."

Using the Hubble Space Telescope, the team was able to get a much more accurate estimate of the distance to the star, 190.1 light-years, and use that to provide a better age estimate.

HD 140283 has been studied for over a century. Scientists have known it to be quite old for over half a century when they determined that the star has a significant deficiency in heavy elements.

This is because at the time the star was formed, there were no heavy elements in the universe, these came later as stars grew and died.

No kun ei voida niin ei voida....sanoa että eivät tiedä vaikka luulevat tietävänsä menee arvostus ja asema jota pitää pönkittää tarinoilla ja saduilla joka tukee vanhoja satuja ja kertomuksia...:confused:

PA Coal Skull
One of the most recent, and best validated, case was that of Mr. Ed Conrad's skull in coal. In 1981, Mr. Ed Conrad of Shenandoah, discovered a large object between anthracite veins, which bore a dramatic resemblance to a large anthropoid skull. He arranged a meeting with the Smithsonian during which their specialist merely looked at it, and without any scientific testing at all, declared it a "concretion"- despite the fact that the the only authoritative manner of determining whether an object is bone is by examining its cellular structure.[1]

Later, Mr. Conrad dug into the skull, and found a sizeable cavity inside the "jaw". After that portion was broken off, he discovered that the interior contained a pair of hardened inclusions on what resembled a dental arch. Mr. Conrad took a photo and forwarded it to Wilton Krogman, author of "The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine" and one of the world's foremost human comparative anatomists. Krogman excitedly identified it as a premolar tooth, explaining that he could easily see that it possesses a pair of cusps.[2]

Further, on this and another specimen he found, he removed some granules from the rind of the object. Why? Bone contains minuscule Haversian canals and their presence is the conclusive evidence of bone, even if the bone had petrified. This scientific fact appears in the book, "Science in Archaeology," which states that neither age nor the petrification process can remove what are known as Haversian canals, an integral part of the cell structure of bone. Since the Haversian canals are actually passageways for nutrients to living bone, even the process of petrification cannot displace them because, as tiny tunnels, there was nothing there to begin with. Not surprisingly, Mr. Conrad's microscopic examination revealed the presence of "pinholes" in the thinnest pieces, virtually identical to cadaver bone at the same low magnification.[3]

Mr. Conrad then had the infrared scan interpreted by a surgeon/medical doctor in Northeastern Pennsylvania, who determined that "The scan identifies your material as compatible with either tooth or bone in origin".[4]

Per Mr. Conrad, further testing has been performed[1]:

1. American Medical Laboratories in Chantilly, Va., (considered the world's foremost medical lab), performed testing using Calculus Analysis by Crystallography and identified dried blood, protein and/or crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate.

2. Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., (considered the world's foremost facility for primate research), had what an official described as its most knowledgeable expert perform testing on one of my specimens. Dr. Jeremy Dahl identified the specimen as "fossilized bone."

As if this wasn't enough, a comprehensive analysis was conducted by a Taiwanese scientist Lin Liangtai, who states it is a human skull beyond doubt[5]:

The author has examined through microscopes more than 30 thin sections cut from “rocks” that Mr. Ed Conrad discovered and sent to the author. Without exception, they are all found to be fossils, including the subject “calvarium fossil”. The object is a Carboniferous human calvarium fossil for the following reasons:

(1) its computed-tomography images bear close resemlance to those of a calvarium;

(2) it contains fossilized osteocytes, Haversian canals, osteons, red blood cells and various blood vessels in the specimens and thin sections;

(3) it contains remains of neurons and neuroglial cells that exist only in the central nervous system;

(4) No other animal has an organ or body part that matches its inner/outer shape and size;

(5) Its inner cavity has a capacity of at least 1,025 cc.;

(6) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy, (City). Pennsylvania, where geological structure has been dated to be around 300 million years old. Some of the fossil’s blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once existed in a coal region.

In addition to the subject fossil, there are at least two other pieces of evidence for human existence in the Carboniferous age.

The evidence is overwhelming and conclusive- the object found is a human skull- one from approximately 280 million years ago.

Niin ... ihmisenhän piti olla vain pari miljoonaa vuotta vanha ....

PA Coal Skull
One of the most recent, and best validated, case was that of Mr. Ed Conrad's skull in coal. In 1981, Mr. Ed Conrad of Shenandoah, discovered a large object between anthracite veins, which bore a dramatic resemblance to a large anthropoid skull. He arranged a meeting with the Smithsonian during which their specialist merely looked at it, and without any scientific testing at all, declared it a "concretion"- despite the fact that the the only authoritative manner of determining whether an object is bone is by examining its cellular structure.[1]

Later, Mr. Conrad dug into the skull, and found a sizeable cavity inside the "jaw". After that portion was broken off, he discovered that the interior contained a pair of hardened inclusions on what resembled a dental arch. Mr. Conrad took a photo and forwarded it to Wilton Krogman, author of "The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine" and one of the world's foremost human comparative anatomists. Krogman excitedly identified it as a premolar tooth, explaining that he could easily see that it possesses a pair of cusps.[2]

Further, on this and another specimen he found, he removed some granules from the rind of the object. Why? Bone contains minuscule Haversian canals and their presence is the conclusive evidence of bone, even if the bone had petrified. This scientific fact appears in the book, "Science in Archaeology," which states that neither age nor the petrification process can remove what are known as Haversian canals, an integral part of the cell structure of bone. Since the Haversian canals are actually passageways for nutrients to living bone, even the process of petrification cannot displace them because, as tiny tunnels, there was nothing there to begin with. Not surprisingly, Mr. Conrad's microscopic examination revealed the presence of "pinholes" in the thinnest pieces, virtually identical to cadaver bone at the same low magnification.[3]

Mr. Conrad then had the infrared scan interpreted by a surgeon/medical doctor in Northeastern Pennsylvania, who determined that "The scan identifies your material as compatible with either tooth or bone in origin".[4]

Per Mr. Conrad, further testing has been performed[1]:

1. American Medical Laboratories in Chantilly, Va., (considered the world's foremost medical lab), performed testing using Calculus Analysis by Crystallography and identified dried blood, protein and/or crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate.

2. Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., (considered the world's foremost facility for primate research), had what an official described as its most knowledgeable expert perform testing on one of my specimens. Dr. Jeremy Dahl identified the specimen as "fossilized bone."

As if this wasn't enough, a comprehensive analysis was conducted by a Taiwanese scientist Lin Liangtai, who states it is a human skull beyond doubt[5]:

The author has examined through microscopes more than 30 thin sections cut from “rocks” that Mr. Ed Conrad discovered and sent to the author. Without exception, they are all found to be fossils, including the subject “calvarium fossil”. The object is a Carboniferous human calvarium fossil for the following reasons:

(1) its computed-tomography images bear close resemlance to those of a calvarium;

(2) it contains fossilized osteocytes, Haversian canals, osteons, red blood cells and various blood vessels in the specimens and thin sections;

(3) it contains remains of neurons and neuroglial cells that exist only in the central nervous system;

(4) No other animal has an organ or body part that matches its inner/outer shape and size;

(5) Its inner cavity has a capacity of at least 1,025 cc.;

(6) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy, (City). Pennsylvania, where geological structure has been dated to be around 300 million years old. Some of the fossil’s blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once existed in a coal region.

In addition to the subject fossil, there are at least two other pieces of evidence for human existence in the Carboniferous age.

The evidence is overwhelming and conclusive- the object found is a human skull- one from approximately 280 million years ago.

Niin ... ihmisenhän piti olla vain pari miljoonaa vuotta vanha ....

Milläs ilveellä ne muuten laskee noden luiden iän? Radiohiiliajoitus ei yllä kuin 60.000 vuoden taakse...? Onko kallossakin "vuosirenkaita?"

"Radiohiiliajoitusta käytetään muun muassa paleontologiassa ja arkeologiassa. Kymmenen puoliintumisajan jälkeen, noin
60 000 vuoden kohdalla, radiohiiltä on hyvin vähän jäljellä, eikä sitä vanhempia näytteitä voida määrittää tällä menetelmällä"
Viimeksi muokattu:
Milläs ilveellä ne muuten laskee noden luiden iän? Radiohiiliajoitus ei yllä kuin 100.000 vuoden taakse...?
Tällä ... ehkä?

(6) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy, (City). Pennsylvania, where geological structure has been dated to be around 300 million years old. Some of the fossil’s blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once existed in a coal region.
Tällä ... ehkä?

(6) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy, (City). Pennsylvania, where geological structure has been dated to be around 300 million years old. Some of the fossil’s blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once existed in a coal region.

jaa että ihan akateemisella asiaan perehtynnellä arviomitarilla mennään...?:rolleyes:

Niih ja joka puolella maailmaa saman tyylisiä riippustuksia eikä ees internettiä ollut? On ne kaislaveneet olleet nopeita ... :D

btw: Egypistä löytyi muumio josta löytyi kokalehden/kokaiini kemikaaleja..? Tätä on yritetty selittää milloin mitenkin mutta kukaan ei ole kyennyt löydön aitoutta kiistämään. On yrittetty mutta eipä vaan ole onnistuttu...vielä on mysteeri miten kokaiini on Egypttiin matkannut tuhansia vuosia sitten ..?