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How safe is your 2016 summer holiday? New MAP shows MOST DANGEROUS destinations in Europe
AS hundreds of Britons rush to book their holiday for 2016, a number of tourist destinations across Europe and North Africa have been listed as being at HIGH RISK - the latest Foreign Office advice can help you decide where to go.
PUBLISHED: 05:36, Thu, May 26, 2016 | UPDATED: 07:30, Thu, May 26, 2016
2016 holiday advice has been released allowing you to make the best judgement
Going on holiday has never seemed as risky as it is now - whether it's the journey to the destination, or the country itself.
Knowing where is safe to go on holiday as a British citizen, and where could have associated risks, is important.
Express.co.uk has trawled through government advice to bring you the best, up-to-date guide to where is safe to holiday this summer.
While many are choosing to holiday in Spain or France, sticking close to home, there are some places the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) advises has 'no or limited known terrorist activity'.
Safe holiday destinations: Terror threat levels across Europe for 2016
If travel agents are to be believed, most people in Britain are booking a holiday to Spain this summer.
But do they know the government has put the country on a high terror warning? This means there is a high level of known terrorist activity in the country.
On the FCO website, it reads: "The Spanish authorities take measures to protect visitors, but you should be vigilant and follow the instructions of the local authorities."
The government travel advice website went on to explain that in 2015, Spanish police disrupted a number of groups suspected of recruiting individuals to travel to Syria and Iraq. Some of them expressed an intention to carry out attacks in Europe.
It revealed further police operations have taken place in 2016 and Spanish authorities believe that a number of Spanish nationals have successfully travelled to Syria and Iraq.
And it's not just Spain feeling the threat - our neighbour France is also on high alert thanks to the threat from terrorists.
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The FCO write: "Due to ongoing threats to France by Islamist terrorist groups, and recent French military intervention against Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), the French government has warned the public to be extra vigilant and has reinforced its own domestic and overseas security measures."
As with all public places - at home and abroad - the advice for tourists is to be vigilant in public places and follow the advice of local authorities.
Anyone thinking of holidaying in Turkey, Belgium, Germany or Russia should also be vigilant as they too have been placed at a high terror threat level.
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While Greece has been on many Britons' to-visit list for decades with its glorious white sand beaches and incredible local food, it's now deemed to have a general threat of terror to tourists.
The government advice suggests visitors to Greece should 'be vigilant and regularly review their security measures'.
The FCO website goes on to list the most recent attacks involving explosives and automatic weapons. These were against Greek institutions, shopping malls, media interests, diplomatic targets and the police.
It talks about three attacks in 2013 and three in 2014 in which weapons were used and people harmed.
British nationals aren’t normally considered a specific target, but attacks could happen in places visited by foreigners.
Cyprus, Italy and Sweden are also listed as having a 'general' threat. A general threat from terrorism means there is some level of known terrorist activity.
Croatia - a popular choice for youngsters wanting to soak up the sunshine and culture - has an 'underlying' threat from terrorism.
Portugal, Belarus, Ireland and Monaco are all banded under that same umbrella, although the FCO claims there is 'a low level of known terrorist activity'.
There are places however that are still safe to travel to in Europe, the countries deemed to have 'limited' terrorist activity - thus proving to be safest for Brits abroad - include the Czech Republic, Iceland and Latvia.
Estonia - neighbours with Latvia and Russia - has a low terror threat. The FCO say: "There is a low threat from terrorism, but you should be aware of the global risk of indiscriminate terrorist attacks, which could be in public areas, including those frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers."
If you're looking for a little more sunshine, why not try Liechtenstein. Wedged between Switzerland and Austria, it's famous for its medieval castles, alpine chalets and villages linked by a network of trails.
Similarly, the Republic of San Marino in North Italy (a microstate) is deemed to have an equally low terror threat.
Lined with narrow cobblestone streets and oodles of historic architecture, it's not too dissimilar to the joys of Italy.
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