Liikemies-Trumpin Venäjä-yhteyksiä:
First Trip to then-Soviet Union
Trump traveled to the Soviet Union with first wife Ivana to search for hotel sites for a possible joint-venture with Intourist, the Soviet government's tourism agency.
Second Trip to Now-Russia
Trump traveled to Moscow with proposal for luxury residential complex to be built on property owned by a U.S. tobacco company and publicly praised the city's potential.
Trump Applies for Russian Trademarks
Trump starts to seek trademarks in Russia for company names, including Trump Tower. CNN Money reported at least eight trademark applications were filed in Russia from 1996 to 2008.
Trump Meets Alexander Lebed in New York
Trump hosted retired Russian general and presidential aspirant Alexander Lebed at Trump Tower in New York.
Trump Eyes Moscow Trump Tower
Trump worked with New York's Bayrock Group to develop a Trump Tower in Moscow. A site was chosen, but the project did not go forward.
Trump's Children Travel to Moscow
Trump's children, Donald Jr and Ivanka, made a trip to Moscow. In 2008, Donald Jr stated this was one of six trips he made to Russia over a period of one and one-half years.
Putin taisi siirtyä Sobchakin hommista Jeltsinin alaisuuteen Moskovaan vuonna 1996, jolloin hänet nimitettiin Kiinteistöviraston lakiosaston johtoon. Pari vuotta myöhemmin mies oli jo noussut FSB:n johtajaksi ja vuosituhannen vaihtuessa Venäjän presidentiksi.
First Trip to then-Soviet Union
Trump traveled to the Soviet Union with first wife Ivana to search for hotel sites for a possible joint-venture with Intourist, the Soviet government's tourism agency.
Second Trip to Now-Russia
Trump traveled to Moscow with proposal for luxury residential complex to be built on property owned by a U.S. tobacco company and publicly praised the city's potential.
Trump Applies for Russian Trademarks
Trump starts to seek trademarks in Russia for company names, including Trump Tower. CNN Money reported at least eight trademark applications were filed in Russia from 1996 to 2008.
Trump Meets Alexander Lebed in New York
Trump hosted retired Russian general and presidential aspirant Alexander Lebed at Trump Tower in New York.
Trump Eyes Moscow Trump Tower
Trump worked with New York's Bayrock Group to develop a Trump Tower in Moscow. A site was chosen, but the project did not go forward.
Trump's Children Travel to Moscow
Trump's children, Donald Jr and Ivanka, made a trip to Moscow. In 2008, Donald Jr stated this was one of six trips he made to Russia over a period of one and one-half years.
Putin taisi siirtyä Sobchakin hommista Jeltsinin alaisuuteen Moskovaan vuonna 1996, jolloin hänet nimitettiin Kiinteistöviraston lakiosaston johtoon. Pari vuotta myöhemmin mies oli jo noussut FSB:n johtajaksi ja vuosituhannen vaihtuessa Venäjän presidentiksi.