Trump -psykoosi

No niin nythän se Presidentti Trump saa vihersosialistit ja liberaalit hulluiksi elleivät sitä ole ennen olleet.:)
President Trump actually is making us crazy

Tuossa ovat varmaan oikeassa. Hulluja on helpompi yllyttää ja trollata. Muistelin että jossain tutkimuksessa esitettiin faktana että toimittajissa on enemmän tuon tyyppisistä ongelmista kärsiviä.

Ehkä siihen ammattiin keräytyy eri tyyppisiä ihmisiä. Niitä jotka trollaavat itse ja myös trollautuvat helpommin.
Tampereen yliopistonkin kohdalla fakta taisi olla että toimittajaopiskelijoista 86% on punavihervasemmistolaisia.

Mikä on sellaisen toimittajan suhtautuminen Trumpiin? 99% todennäköisyydellä negatiivinen eikä se ikinä miksikään muuksi tule muuttumaan.

Mikäs on suhtautuminen Yhdysvaltoihin olipa presidenttinä mikä tahansa republikaani? 70% todennäköisyydellä negatiivinen?

Entä jos presidenttinä olisi edelleen Obama? 50% todennäköisyydellä negatiivinen?

Entä NATO-jäsenyyteen?
Sait ainakin suunnan mistä Suomalainen voi löytää ryssänhajua, onhan näitä Tawja, Erkki, kaasuputki Paavo, Esko pankinjohtaja,EU:n ulkoasioiden ja turvallisuuspolitiikan korkea edustaja Federica Mogherini kun haistelee tuolta suunnalta niin osumia tulee:p

Kiitos vain. Valitettavasti nenäkarvat ovat reagoineet myös sieltä Atlantin yli kantautuneiden tuoksujen takia.
Päivän suurin "ei-uutinen"?

Sitä jo ihmeteltiin, että missä Flynnin syytteet viipyvät. No, ilmeisesti aineisto syytteitä varten on valmis, mutta kulisseissa käydään kaupankäyntiä.

Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Bring Charges in Flynn Investigation

Flynn's son, Michael G. Flynn, who worked closely with his father, accompanied him during the campaign and briefly worked on the presidential transition, could be indicted separately or at the same time as his father, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.

If the elder Flynn is willing to cooperate with investigators in order to help his son, two of the sources said, it could also change his own fate, potentially limiting any legal consequences.

The pressure on Flynn is the latest signal that Mueller is moving at a rapid and steady pace in his investigation.
Päivän uutinen.

Trumppi ei osaa syöttää kaloja... Tämä on siis joku traditio japanissa

Kannattaa katsoa tämä jos ei muita jaksa lukea

Veronica Rocha
Breaking news for @CNN. Former @latimes reporter.

Justin Sink
I write about the White House for Bloomberg

Brian Fallon
@CNN Political Contributor & Sr Advisor at @PrioritiesUSA. Former spokesman for @HillaryClinton, @ChuckSchumer

Jennifer Jacobs
White House reporter for Bloomberg News.

Monica Alba
White House team Covered Hillary Clinton on the trail
Nyt on loppuhuipennus.
Tämä kannattaa kattoa kokonaan ja sitte verrata siihen ensimmäiseen laittamaani cnn videoon.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Natalialla on jotain kerrottavaa:

Trump Jr. Hinted at Review of Anti-Russia Law, Moscow Lawyer Says

A Russian lawyer who met with President Donald Trump’s oldest son last year says he indicated that a law targeting Russia could be re-examined if his father won the election and asked her for written evidence that illegal proceeds went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said in a two-and-a-half-hour interview in Moscow that she would tell these and other things to the Senate Judiciary Committee on condition that her answers be made public, something it hasn’t agreed to. She has received scores of questions from the committee, which is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Veselnitskaya said she’s also ready -- if asked -- to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Her June 9, 2016 encounter with Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort in New York plays a key role in allegations that the campaign worked with Russia to defeat Clinton.

Veselnitskaya said she went to the New York meeting to show Trump campaign officials that major Democratic donors had evaded U.S. taxes and to lobby against the so-called Magnitsky law that punishes Russian officials for the murder of a Russian tax accountant who accused the Kremlin of corruption.

If We Come to Power

“Looking ahead, if we come to power, we can return to this issue and think what to do about it,’’ Trump Jr. said of the 2012 law, she recalled. “I understand our side may have messed up, but it’ll take a long time to get to the bottom of it,” he added, according to her.

Veselnitskaya also said Trump Jr. requested financial documents showing that money that allegedly evaded U.S. taxes had gone to Clinton’s campaign. She didn’t have any and described the 20-minute meeting as a failure.

A lawyer for Trump Jr., Alan Futerfas, said the president’s son had no comment about the interview, the first time Veselnitskaya has offered details about what was discussed at Trump Tower in Manhattan. In the past, Trump Jr. has said that he had wasted his time seeing the lawyer because she provided no useful information.

The meeting took place after British publicist Rob Goldstone contacted Trump Jr. on behalf of Veselnitskaya to request it, describing her as a Russian government lawyer who had information and documents that would incriminate Clinton.

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,’’ Goldstone wrote in an email to Trump Jr.
Mutta jos et asu kansalaisena jenkkilässä, niin ilmoituksesta saa takas. Ainakin käytäntö on näin. :)
Niin, minä olen koko ajan kirjoittanut jenkkilälän kansalaisesta. Seuraa taaksepäin.
.niin minäkin. Jenkestä, joka EI ASU jenkkilän mantereella... Meillä on tuhansittain heitä..
Jostain syystä tämäkin on jäänyt täällä aktiivisilta ryssänhajun etsijöiltä tutkakatveeseen tai haittaako syysnuha haistelua:)

Feinstein: No evidence Trump campaign received 'dirt' on Clinton

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) says that she has seen no evidence so far that Trump's campaign received hacked Clinton campaign emails from Russia
Natalialla on jotain kerrottavaa:

Trump Jr. Hinted at Review of Anti-Russia Law, Moscow Lawyer Says

A Russian lawyer who met with President Donald Trump’s oldest son last year says he indicated that a law targeting Russia could be re-examined if his father won the election and asked her for written evidence that illegal proceeds went to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

The lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, said in a two-and-a-half-hour interview in Moscow that she would tell these and other things to the Senate Judiciary Committee on condition that her answers be made public, something it hasn’t agreed to. She has received scores of questions from the committee, which is investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Veselnitskaya said she’s also ready -- if asked -- to testify to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Her June 9, 2016 encounter with Donald Trump Jr., President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign manager Paul Manafort in New York plays a key role in allegations that the campaign worked with Russia to defeat Clinton.

Veselnitskaya said she went to the New York meeting to show Trump campaign officials that major Democratic donors had evaded U.S. taxes and to lobby against the so-called Magnitsky law that punishes Russian officials for the murder of a Russian tax accountant who accused the Kremlin of corruption.

If We Come to Power

“Looking ahead, if we come to power, we can return to this issue and think what to do about it,’’ Trump Jr. said of the 2012 law, she recalled. “I understand our side may have messed up, but it’ll take a long time to get to the bottom of it,” he added, according to her.

Veselnitskaya also said Trump Jr. requested financial documents showing that money that allegedly evaded U.S. taxes had gone to Clinton’s campaign. She didn’t have any and described the 20-minute meeting as a failure.

A lawyer for Trump Jr., Alan Futerfas, said the president’s son had no comment about the interview, the first time Veselnitskaya has offered details about what was discussed at Trump Tower in Manhattan. In the past, Trump Jr. has said that he had wasted his time seeing the lawyer because she provided no useful information.

The meeting took place after British publicist Rob Goldstone contacted Trump Jr. on behalf of Veselnitskaya to request it, describing her as a Russian government lawyer who had information and documents that would incriminate Clinton.

“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,’’ Goldstone wrote in an email to Trump Jr.

YLE tarttui samaan Bloombergin uutiseen.

Venäläinen juristi Natalia Veselnitskaja on kertonut tarkkoja tietoja tapaamisestaan Donald Trumpin lähipiirin kanssa vuoden 2016 Yhdysvaltain vaalikampanjan aikana. Asiasta kertoo talouslehti Bloomberg.

Veselnitskajan mukaan heinäkuun 9. päivän tapaamiseen osallistunut tuolloin presidenttiehdokas Donald Trumpin vanhin poika Donald Trump Jr. oli pyytänyt kirjallisia todisteita, jotka voisivat vahingoittaa demokraattiehdokas Hillary Clintonin kampanjaa.

Tapaamiseen osallistuivat Trump Jr.:n lisäksi Donald Trumpin vävy Jared Kushner sekä kampanjapäällikkö Paul Manafort.

Veselnitskaja oli saanut tapaamisen Trumpin lähipiirin kanssa kerrottuaan, että hänellä oli tietoja rikkaiden Ziffin veljesten antamasta jopa miljardin dollarin kampanja-avustuksesta Clintonille, joka olisi maksettu verot kiertäen. Veselnitskajalla ei kuitenkaan ollut tästä kirjallista materiaalia.

Juristin mukaan Trump Jr. oli luvannut, että jos republikaanit pääsevät valtaan, he voivat kumota ns. Magnitski-lain, joka rankaisi eräitä venäläisiä liikemiehiä. Lain nimi juonsi juurensa venäläisestä verovirkailijasta, joka kertoi saaneensa tietää Venäjän johdossa tapahtuneesta valtion varojen kavaltamisesta. Magnitski joutui vankilaan, missä hän kuoli vuonna 2009 ilmeisesti kidutettuna.

Veselnitskaja kertoi lehden haastattelussa olevansa valmis kertomaan tietonsa tapaamisesta Trumpin kampanjan Venäjä-yhteyksiä tutkiville komiteoille sillä ehdolla, että ne julkistetaan. Tähän eivät Yhdysvaltain viranomaiset ole suostuneet.

The New York Times -lehden mukaan Trump Jr. oli kertonut Venäjä-yhteyksiä tutkivalle senaatin komissiolle halunneensa tietoja, oliko Clinton sopiva presidentiksi. Tapaamisessa Veselnitskajan kanssa ei kuitenkaan saatu hyödyllisiä tietoja, hän kertoi.
Carter Pagen Moskovan vierailusta tihkuu lisätietoja, hän ei antanut kongressin tutkijoille sähköpostia jonka lähetti Trumpin kampanjalle Moskovasta kertoen tärkeistä keskusteluista Venäjän hallintoon kuuluvien kanssa.
Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to President Trump’s campaign whose visit to Moscow during the election has drawn scrutiny, sent an email to fellow Trump aides during his trip describing “a private conversation” with a senior Russian official who spoke favorably of the Republican candidate, according to records released late Monday by congressional investigators.

Page also wrote that he had been provided “incredible insights and outreach” by Russian lawmakers and “senior members” of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration during the trip.

The email appeared to contradict earlier statements by Page, who had said he had only exchanged brief greetings with the senior Russian official, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, after he delivered a speech at a Russian university.
Nainen näytti keskisormea Trumpin autosaattueelle ja sai potkut – Valkoisen talon valokuvaaja kuvaili uhmakasta pyöräilijää ”erityisen sinnikkääksi”
Kahden lapsen yksinhuoltajaäiti sai potkut, koska oli laittanut keskisormikuvan profiilikuvakseen sosiaaliseen mediaan.