Trump -psykoosi

Nyt sitten liberaalivihervassarit aloitti terrorin ja hyökkäykset Trumpin perhettä vastaan kun alkaa paljastua totuus.
Donald Trump Jr.'s wife hospitalized after opening envelope with white powder
Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump, was hospitalized Monday after receiving a letter containing white powder that was later deemed to be non-hazardous, New York City police told Fox News.
President Trump‘s daughter-in-law opened the letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. just after 10 a.m. at the couple's Manhattan apartment. It's unclear what the "white powder" was, but authorities tested the substance and found it to be "non-hazardous."
Onko varma tieto tekijän poliittisesta suuntautumisesta?
Sehän ei ole mahdollista että tekijä olisi yksinkertaisesti sairas...
Eiköhän tuo Trumpin vastainen kamppania ole yksinkertaisesti sairasta, jos tapahtuu sitten mitätahansa mailmassa Trump on syyllinen, jos joku lukee tätäkin ketjua joskus kun pöly on laskeutunut niin kyllähän silloin tutkitaan mikä saa aikaan tälläisen joukkohysterian .
Jokohan näkyy Obaman jalat ja voidaan todeta hänen sanoin että politiikka on muuttunut "ilkeäksi ja pahaksi" ja sen sanoi itse syyllinen.
Senators flag 'unusual' Susan Rice email on Russia probe from Inauguration Day
Ex-national security adviser Susan Rice sent an “unusual email” to herself the day President Trump was sworn into office documenting former President Barack Obama's guidance at a high-level meeting about how law enforcement should investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, two Republican senators said Monday.
According to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham, the partially unclassified email was sent by Rice on Jan. 20, 2017 -- and appears to document a Jan. 5 meeting that included Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, then-Vice President Joe Biden and Rice.
In the email, Obama's national security adviser wrote: “President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’ The president stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”
Uutisia avaruuspolitiikan tiimoilta. Trump haluaa Nasan pois kansainväliseltä avaruusasemalta. Tarkoitus olisi lopettaa ISS:n amerikkalainen rahoitus vuoden 2025 jälkeen. Tämän jälkeen valtiollisen toimijan tilalle tulisi yksityinen sektori. On vielä epäselvää miten asiaan suhtautuvat kansainväliset yhteistyökumppanit Venäjä, Japani ja Euroopan avaruusjärjestö ESA. Trump haluaisi Nasan keskittyvän miehitettyihin kuulentoihin ja Mars-lentoon.

ISS:n taustaan muuten liittyy kiinteästi se, että 90-luvulla amerikkalaiset ajoivat korkean profiilin avaruusyhteistyötä Venäjän kanssa. Yksi tarkoitus oli pitää venäläiset raketti-insinöörit tyytyväisinä ja työskentelemässä oman maansa avaruusohjelman hyväksi. Pelkona oli, että talousvaikeuksissa tuolloin painiskellut Venäjä ei olisi pystynyt tarjoamaan mielekästä työtä ja ekspertit olisivat sitten tarjonneet asiantuntemustaan mm. Iranille ja Pohjois-Korealle.
Niin, voihan tekijä olla liberaalin median radikalisoima sairaskin.

Ismiytynyt? Eli taustalla olisi ismi-ismi. Kuulostaa karmealle taudille :eek:

Huomenna varmaan kerrotaan että kyseessä olikin pesupulverinäyte jota tuollainen hiukan fiinimpi rouvashenkilö ei vain tunnistanut. Niitä myrkkyjä kun yleensä käsittelee laiton kotiapulainen jostain persläpimaasta...
Nyt alkoi mitätointi ja asian vähättely kun joku testasi salaisenpalvelun suojaustoimia tarkoituksena hyökkäys jota liberaalivihervasemmisto on vuoden ajan yrittänyt saada jonkun tekemään ja nämä tietää että jos jotain yritetään niin kaikki tietävät kuka on manipulaattori.
Ei liity mitenkään Trumpiin mutta onhan tämä ollut yhtä lailla Clinton-ketju. 90-luvulta Notareal Oy:n kautta tunnettuutta hankkinut kansainvälinen veijari ja velikulta nimeltään Jukka-Pekka Mattila on vahvistamattoman tiedon mukaan hakeutunut kehitysapuhommiin. Jos on Clintonien säätiötä syytetty epämääräisistä hankkeista niin ei ne epäilyt tuolla rekrytoinnilla ainakaan hälvene...

"Lehtitietojen mukaan Mattila toimii nykyään Clinton-säätiön palveluksessa? kehitysapuhankkeissa jälleenrakennusprojektien konsultti- ja asiantuntijatehtävissä mm. Haitissa"
Monia muita yhteyksiä löytyy kuin Jukka-Pekka Mattila Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain liberaalivihervasemmiston välillä.

Mauno Koivisto oli Bushin Perheen ystävä ja G W Bush hyökkää yhdessä Obaman ja Clintonin kanssa Presidentti Trumppia vastaan kuten myös Suomalaiset vihervasemistolaiset tekevät.

Mauno Koivisto suojeli laman ajan talousrikollisia ja Neuvostoliiton ja Stasin vakoilijoita ja hänen suurin saavutus Venäjän hyväksi olikin Stasi listan piilottaminen SUPO`n kassakaappiin josta mitkään muu kuin Venäjän agentit voivat päästä siihen käsiksi.

Valkoiseen Taloon näyttää pyrkivän myös uusi lakia ja kansalaisten oikeuksia pilkkanapitävä Presidenttiehdokas jolle virkakoneisto ja salainenpalvelu on samanlainen vastustajien eliminointiin tarkoitettu väline kuin se oli Stalinillekin , Obaman paljon ylistetty perintö näyttääkin oleva Stalinin perintö.

Eric Holder for president? Bring it on! The ads write themselves

Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder raised eyebrows last week when he said that he may run for office, as in the Oval Office, and he’d make his final decision by the end of the year. Given the trail of abuse and misconduct he left in his wake at the Justice Department, the opposing ads pretty much write themselves.
His time in the Obama administration was plagued with corruption that left a stain on the Justice Department, and he resigned with a dark cloud of scandal hovering over him.
Holder is the first Cabinet appointee to be held in contempt of Congress for not turning over documents relating to the Department’s Fast and Furious scandal. The scandal permitted the sale of assault weapons to drug cartels in Mexico as a way to supposedly track them.

However, it was later discovered from internal communications that it was all just a front to win political points in the gun debate. Holder thought if the Obama administration could devise a dangerous enough situation, then they would be in a position to demand more gun laws.
While they were busy trying to score political points with assault weapons, people died. People like Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, who was killed with one of the almost 2,000 guns the Justice Department sold, but then failed to keep track of through the program.
Holder tarnished our Justice Department with reckless discrimination, questionable judgement and outright lawlessness.​
Holder’s Justice Department was also embroiled in an IRS political persecution scheme that purposely targeted conservative and Tea Party groups who applied for tax-exempt status. Their applications were stalled, sometimes for years, while IRS agents probed for additional information that was inappropriate and out of the ordinary. Last year, the IRS admitted to the wrongdoing in court and publicly apologized.
However, in 2015, the Obama Justice Department, headed by Holder until Loretta Lynch replaced him in April of that year, announced they would not prosecute anyone at the IRS for the scandal. Their reasoning? Apparently after investigating they said no evidence was uncovered “that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution.”
But of course there was no evidence, because the IRS destroyed countless hard drivescontaining the evidence. The apparent crime was bad enough, but Holder’s cover-up was even worse.
Recently, Holder, possibly getting his talking points in order for a potential presidential run, criticized the Trump administration for apologizing to conservative groups targeted by the IRS under President Obama. According to Holder, “That apology was unnecessary, unfounded and inconsistent, it seems to me, with the responsibilities that somebody who would seek to lead the Justice Department should have done.”
Maybe somebody should tell Mr. Holder the IRS already admitted they targeted conservatives, and Obama cronies can stop covering for them now. Former IRS official Lois Lerner publicly apologized and pleaded the Fifth Amendment when Congress brought her in for questioning.
She couldn’t be prosecuted though, because the IRS destroyed her emails with all of those hard drives. Nothing to see here, right Eric?
Also on Attorney General Holder’s watch, large companies could make settlement payouts to groups not affiliated with their cases. President Trump’s Justice Department put an end to this last year, as the payments were thought to help liberal organizations.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., released emails from the Justice Department last year which showed they had a say in who the money went to, and they may have once again discriminated against conservatives by ensuring conservative groups didn’t receive settlements.
Eric Holder has a history of scandal and corruption that will follow him into any public office that he pursues. He tarnished our Justice Department with reckless discrimination, questionable judgement and outright lawlessness.
However, if Holder wants to run, bring it on. He’s given Republicans all the campaign material they need.
90-luvulta Notareal Oy:n kautta tunnettuutta hankkinut kansainvälinen veijari ja velikulta nimeltään Jukka-Pekka Mattila

Muistankin tuon Oy:n nimen. Hieman huvitti silloin, ja emme ihan vilpittömästi uskoneet yhtiön selitystä että se on vain lyhenne. Ajattelimme tuon vanavedessä perustaa ja nimiset yhtiöt, olihan se 90-luvun loppu IT-buumin kulta-aikaa. En enää muista mistä olisivat muka lyhenteitä... vai olisko ne ollu .it loppusia sittenkin. evm.
DNI:n johtaja Daniel Coats varoitti senaatin kuulemisessa Venäjän aikoimuksista häiritä tämän vuoden kongressivaaleja sillä venäläisten mielestä 2016 presidentinvaaleissa taktiikka oli menestys. Coats myös varoitti kasvattamasta valtionvelkaa sillä se aiheuttaa vakavaa vaaraa maan taloudelliselle kansalliselle turvallisuudelle. Republikaanithan unohtivat aiemman kiihkeän budjetin alijäämän vieroksunnan päästyään valtaan.
The U.S. government’s top intelligence official said on Tuesday he expects Russia to continue using propaganda, false personas and other tactics to undermine the upcoming elections.

“There should be no doubt that Russia perceives its past efforts” to disrupt the 2016 presidential campaign “as a success,” and it “views the 2018 midterm elections” as another opportunity to conduct an attack, said Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats.

Coats also called on lawmakers to take actions to shrink the size of the national debt, which he said “represents a dire threat to our economic and national security.” Coats said he was concerned by a “fractious” partisan environment on Capitol Hill that “is threatening our ability to properly defend our nation.”

His remarks came at the beginning of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s annual hearing on worldwide threats to national security. His assessment was echoed by all five other intelligence agency heads present at the hearing, including CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who two weeks ago stated publicly he had “every expectation” that Russia will try to influence the coming elections.
Valkoisen talon mukaan viime viikolla eronneen Rob Porterin turvallisuusselvitys ei koskaan valmistunut joten heillä ei ollut tietoa hänen tekemistään pahoinpitelyistä. Tänään FBI:n johtaja Christopher Wray kertoi senaatissa FBI:n antaneen Valkoiselle talolle väliraportin Porterin turvallisuuselvityksestä maaliskuussa ja lopullisen raportin heinäkuussa. Valkoinen talo pyysi lisäselvityksen jonka FBI sai valmiiksi marraskuussa. Sotku tuntuu sakenevan ja jo viikonloppuna näkyi arveluita kansliapäällikkö Kellyn mahdollisesta erosta joten paine kasvaa.
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray on Tuesday contradicted the White House’s account of when the bureau informed officials about the status of a senior aide’s security clearance investigation.

White House officials said that they were first contacted in the summer by the FBI about senior aide Rob Porter’s clearance. They also said the investigation was never completed and they did not know the extent of the allegations. Porter stepped down last week following accusations of spousal abuse.

But Wray, testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the FBI submitted a partial report on his clearance in March and that the investigation was completed in July. Soon after, he said, the FBI received a request for a follow-up, which the bureau completed and provided in November. The FBI closed the file in January and then earlier this month, Wray said, the bureau received additional information and “we passed that on as well.”

“I am quite confident that in this instance, the FBI followed established” protocols, Wray said, speaking at the committee’s annual worldwide threats hearing.

His remarks come as the White House has sought to deflect criticism over its handling of Porter’s clearance, saying it relies on law enforcement and intelligence agencies to run the process.

Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, declined to comment on Porter’s case or those of other White House officials, including Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who have temporary security clearance but still have access to classified information.
Trumpin henkilökohtainen lakimies Michael Cohen lienee kaikkien aikojen mukavin asianajaja. Hän kertoi maksaneensa aikuisviihdenäyttelijä Stormy Danielsille 130000$ omista rahoistaan pitääkseen tämän hiljaisena suhteestaan Trumpiin.
Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, said on Tuesday that he had paid $130,000 out of his own pocket to a pornographic-film actress who had once claimed to have had an affair with Mr. Trump.

In the most detailed explanation of the 2016 payment made to the actress, Stephanie Clifford, Mr. Cohen, who worked as a counsel to the Trump Organization for more than a decade, said he was not reimbursed for the payment.

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Mr. Cohen said in a statement to The New York Times. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”

He declined to answer several follow-up questions, including whether Mr. Trump had been aware that Mr. Cohen made the payment, why he made the payment or whether he had made similar payments to other people over the years.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Trumpin henkilökohtainen lakimies Michael Cohen lienee kaikkien aikojen mukavin asianajaja. Hän kertoi maksaneensa aikuisviihdenäyttelijä Stormy Danielsille 130000$ omista rahoistaan pitääkseen tämän hiljaisena suhteestaan Trumpiin.

Kaikkihan sen tietää etteivät asianajajat ole niin rahan perään. Pääasia on että asiakkaan elämä soljuu rauhaisasti eteenpäin.
Kongressin hallinnon valvontakomitea on aloittanut tutkinnan tapaus Rob Porterista ja miksi hän käsitteli salaista aineistoa pitkään sen jälkeen kun FBI ilmoitti ettei mies läpäissyt turvallisuusselvitystä. Tutkinnan aloittamisesta kertoi komitean johtaja Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy, republikaani Etelä-Carolinasta joka haluaa kovistella FBI:tä asiasta.
The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Wednesday morning that the committee is investigating the White House’s employment of senior aide Rob Porter, after allegations emerged that Porter abused his two ex-wives.

Porter resigned last week as White House staff secretary, but Trump administration officials have been dogged by claims that they kept Porter on even after they were informed of the accusations.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on CNN’s “New Day” that his investigative committee began a probe Tuesday night into Porter and what the White House may have known about the domestic abuse allegations against the senior aide.

“You can call it official, you can call it unofficial,” Gowdy said. “I’m going to direct questions to the FBI that I expect them to answer. And if they don’t answer them, then they’re going to need to give me a really good reason.”

As The Washington Post reported Tuesday, the White House has struggled to contain a widening crisis over its handling of domestic violence allegations against Porter. Sworn testimony by FBI Director Christopher A. Wray directly contradicted what President Trump’s aides have said publicly about when the bureau informed White House officials about the status of Porter’s security-clearance investigation.
Viimeksi muokattu:
No lukaseppa se kirjoitus. On ihan sivistävää tutustua myös muiden ajatuksiin kuin vain niihin omiin.
Kyllä luin perus whatoaboutismia, jos jossain on rikottu lakeja toivottavasti asia tutkitaan.

Samaan aikaan Valkoinen talo tyhjenee, talousneuvonantaja George David Banks sai lähteä sillä hänkään ei läpäissyt turvallisuusselvitystä. Ehti kuitenkin pyöriä vuoden verran talossa. Jared Kushnerkaan ei ole läpäissyt turvallisuusselvitystä, milloinkohan tulee lähtö?
A senior official on the National Economic Council says he resigned on Tuesday after being informed that he would not receive a permanent security clearance, as the White House faces increasing scrutiny over the number of high-ranking officials allowed to work on interim clearances.

George David Banks, who had served since February 2017 as special assistant to the president for international energy and environmental policy, told POLITICO that he was informed by the White House counsel’s office Tuesday that his application for a permanent clearance would not be granted over his past marijuana use.

Mikä lienee Mike Pencen kanta Stormy Daniels-keissiin, aiemmin hän on väittänyt niitä perättömiksi. Trumpin asianajaja Cohen kuitenkin myönsi neidolle maksetun 130000$ vaikenemisesta. Lakimieshän kertoi maksaneensa rahat omasta pussista jota tuskin uskoo edes kovapäisin Trump-fani. Cohenin lausunto oli kylläkin muotoiltu lakimesmäisittäin siten että se ei sulkenut pois mahdollisuutta että maksaja olikin Trump.
Here's some of what Cohen said Tuesday:

In a private transaction in 2016, I used my own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford [Daniels's real name]. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly. The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.​
You might notice there is one main Trump-related entity that Cohen doesn't deny was “party to the transaction” or reimbursed Cohen, and that's Trump. It's also noteworthy that Cohen uses the word "facilitate" -- a word that seems to leave open to the possibility that the chain doesn't end at the use of "my own personal funds."

The big question is whether Cohen served as a conduit for anyone else -- especially Trump. Cohen emphasizes that he used his own personal funds to "facilitate" the payment, but he doesn't directly say that he wasn't reimbursed by anyone. Indeed, the word "facilitate" means to make something easy or less difficult, which could be read to describe serving as a middle man for such payments.