Trump -psykoosi

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Trump yrittää palkata aikoinaan Bill Clintonia viraltapanossa puolustanutta asianajajaa Emmet T. Floodia. Flood työskenteli myös Valkoisessa talossa kun isäntänä oli Bush "Tyhmempi".
President Trump is in discussions with a veteran Washington lawyer who represented Bill Clinton during the impeachment process about joining the White House to help deal with the special counsel inquiry, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The lawyer, Emmet T. Flood, met with Mr. Trump in the Oval Office this past week to discuss the possibility, according to the people. No final decision has been made, according to two of the people.

Should Mr. Flood come on board, the two people said, his main duties would be a day-to-day role helping the president navigate his dealings with the Justice Department.
Stormy Daniels antoi haastattelun CBS:n 60 Minutes-ohjelmalle ja presidentti tuskin pystyy estämään haastattelun julkaisemista vaikka hänen juristinsa ilmeisesti yrittävät sitä. Juristien pitäisi pystyä osoittamaan haastattelun aiheuttavan korjaamatonta vahinkoa USA:lle, vertauksen käytettiin Pentagon papers -tapausta jossa tämän osoittaminen ei onnistunut.

Pentagon papers oli 70-luvun alun asiakirjavuoto Vietnamin sodasta joka sai Nixonin raivoihinsa ja kostonhimossaan pani "putkimiehet" hommiin joiden tekemät murrot yms. johtivat vuotajan syytteiden hylkäämiseen.
President Trump is probably powerless to stop “60 Minutes” from airing an interview with the porn star who claims to have had an affair with him, according to legal experts.

After BuzzFeed reported on Sunday that Trump's lawyers might try to block CBS from broadcasting Stormy Daniels's interview with Anderson Cooper, Daniels told The Washington Post that “we will see what happens” to the segment.

Lata Nott, executive director of the Newseum Institute's First Amendment Center, said the president's lawyers would have to convince a court that “whatever is about to be aired would cause immediate, irreparable harm to the U.S. If the Pentagon Papers didn't meet that standard, can't imagine that this '60 Minutes' segment with Stormy Daniels would.”
Eu harkitsee vastatulleja tietyille tuotteille.Se on oikein.
Bourbon.Alkoholihaittoja. Levis farkut. Kuuminta hottia vuonna 91.
Maapähkinävoi josta 75% purkista on puhdasta valkoista sokeria ja loput muita myrkkyjä. Haittavero on aiheellinen. Sitäpaitsi bourbon ja levikset saattavat saada brandihyötyä korkeammasta hinnasta. Täällä ei vaan ole kohta ketään jolla vara ostaa.
Stormy Daniels ottaa kaiken mahdollisen julkisuuden irti suhteestaan Trumpiin ja tarjoutui maksamaan takaisin saamansa 130000$ sopimuksen purkamiseksi sekä vetämään pois haasteensa. Tarjous on voimassa huomiseen puoleenpäivään. CNN:n haastattelussa viihdetaiteilija kertoi julkisuuden olleen hänelle taloudellisesti kannattavaa.
Stormy Daniels, the porn actress who claims she was paid $130,000 in 2016 to keep quiet about a decade-old affair with Donald Trump, has offered to return the money in exchange for being released from the agreement.

In a letter Monday to Trump’s personal lawyers, Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, said she would wire the money by Friday if the president agreed to dissolve the October 2016 hush-money settlement. Daniels also offered to drop a lawsuit filed March 6 in which she claims the agreement is invalid because Trump never signed it.

Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, gave Trump’s lawyers until 12:01 p.m. Tuesday to accept or reject the deal.
Yes, I'm more in demand, and like I said in the "Rolling Stone" interview, if someone came up to you and said, "Hey, you know that job you've been doing forever, how bout next week I pay you quadruple, show me one person who is going to say no.
Stormy Daniels ottaa kaiken mahdollisen julkisuuden irti suhteestaan Trumpiin ja tarjoutui maksamaan takaisin saamansa 130000$ sopimuksen purkamiseksi sekä vetämään pois haasteensa. Tarjous on voimassa huomiseen puoleenpäivään. CNN:n haastattelussa viihdetaiteilija kertoi julkisuuden olleen hänelle taloudellisesti kannattavaa.

Yhden sortin Susan Ruusunen ja uuniperuna -tarina. :p
Ulkoministeri Rex Tillerson sai potkut, CIA:n johtaja Mike Pompeo korvaa hänet. Samalla CIA saa historian ensimmäisen naisjohtajan apulaisjohtaja Gina Haspelin noustessa Pompeon tilalle.
President Trump has ousted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and plans to nominate CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace him as the nation’s top diplomat, orchestrating a major change to his national security team amid delicate negotiations with North Korea, White House officials said Tuesday.

Trump last Friday asked Tillerson to step aside, and the embattled diplomat cut short his trip to Africa on Monday to return to Washington.

Pompeo will replace him at the State Department, and Gina Haspel — the deputy director at the CIA — will succeed him at the CIA, becoming the first woman to run the spy agency, if confirmed.
Huipulla tuulee ja porukkaa vaihtuu todella tiheään tahtiin.
Tillerson teki ison virheen sanoessaan Skripalin murhayrityksen takana olevan selvästi Venäjä ja teon olleen törkeä.
The poisoning of an ex-Russian spy and his daughter with a military-grade nerve agent in the U.K. is “a really egregious act” that appears to have “clearly” come from Russia, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said hours before being replaced.

Tillerson also expressed bewilderment that another country would deliberately target people in public, using a dangerous substance in a foreign country.

“It's almost beyond comprehension that a state, an organized state, would do something like that,” he said while traveling aboard a U.S. airplane during a trip to Africa.
Tillerson sai potkut seuraavana päivänä, kun julkisesti kytki Venäjään Salisburyn hermomyrkkymurhaan. Tilalle Pompeo, tiukka haukka. Tästä on ollut lehdissä arvauksia, että Trump siivoaa tolkun ihmiset porukoistaan, ja laitaa Full MAGA jengiä tilalle. Kelly seuraava?

Myös pikkukalat saavat kyytiå...

Ihmettelikö kukaan alunperin, miksi Exxonin pääjohtaja Tillerson alunperin tuli ulkoministeriksi?

Exxonilla oli yhteisprojekteja Putinin kanssa. Projektit olisivat hyödyttänyt Exxonia vajaalla triljoonalla dollarilla (aika monta nollaa). Mutta Obaman sanktiot tulivat tielle. Venäjä halusi Tillersonin ulkoministeriksi. Tavoitteena oli poistaa sanktiot, ainakin Exxonin osalta ja saada yhteishankkeet vetämään.

No, tämä ei onnistunut, joten tietyssä mielessä Tillersson on jo kohta vuoden ollut "viraton".

Oli siis vain ajan kysymys, milloin Tillersonin pesti päättyy.

Rex Tillerson's confirmation hearing is today — here's how his company, ExxonMobil, could benefit from a Trump presidency

Exxon Mobil Seeks U.S. Sanctions Waiver for Oil Project in Russia

Rysky: "Uusi CIA:n johtaja Gina Haspel on pitkän CIA-uransa aikana muun muassa johtanut Thaimaassa sijainnutta salaista vankilaa, jossa vankeja kidutettiin järjestelmällisesti."

Summanen: "#Tillerson sai Afrikan kiertueella perjantaina klo 02:30 aamuyöllä puhelun, josta ei voinut kertoa. Sen jälkeen poikkeuksellisen kovat Venäjä-kommentit ja nyt #Trump erotti. Potkut jo perjantaina."
Pompeo tapasi tammikuussa Naryshkinin (SVR) ja Bortnikovin (FSB). Myös GRU:n pomo oli Washingtonissa, mutta ei ole vielä täysin selvää, tapasiko hän Pompeon.

Trump ei halunnut syyttää Venäjää Skripalin myrkytyksestä.
Kongressin tiedusteluvaliokunnan republikaanit julkaisivat eilen oman versionsa tutkimusten tuloksista ja heidän mukaansa ei ole mitään todisteita edes siitä että Venäjä pyrki auttamaan Trumpia. Valiokunnan republikaanijäsen Thomas Rooney joutui haastattelussa myöntämään valiokunnan tutkimuksen menettäneen kaiken uskottavuutensa.
Rep. Thomas J. Rooney (Fla.) went on CNN on Monday night with the intention of defending a draft report written by his fellow Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee — who announced earlier in the day that they had found no evidence that President Trump’s campaign had conspired with Russia and did not think Russia had even tried to help Trump get elected.

The report has been disowned by Democrats on the panel, who say it ignores evidence of collusion, contradicts CIA and FBI assessments, and undermines a special counsel’s ongoing investigation of whether Trump’s team worked with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

So it could have used Rooney’s defense.

But as CNN’s Erin Burnett repeatedly challenged him to defend the report, the congressman not only contradicted his panel’s Republican chairman but also said that partisan infighting had caused the year-long investigation to lose “all credibility.”

Huhun mukaan syy miksi Trumpin juristit yrittävät estää 60 minutesin Stormy Daniels haastattelun on siinä ilmi tuleva Trumpin mieltymys tulla naisen alistamaksi.
But Daniels apparently says something different. I’m told that in her 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper Daniels suggests that Trump, how to say this, likes it when women aren’t nice to him, treat him in perhaps denigrating ways.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Valkoisen talon sekoilut jatkuvat sillä Rex Tillerson onkin edelleen ulkoministeri. Hän toimii tehtävässä tämän kuun loppuun. Erikoinen sattumus oli alivaltiosihteeri Steve Goldsteinin erottaminen pari tuntia sen kun hän oli julkaissut lausunnon jonka mukaan Tillersonin aikomus oli jatkaa hommassaan eikä ministeri tiennyt syytä potkuilleen.
After being fired by the president this morning, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that he will remain at his post until March 31st and hand all responsibilities of the office to his deputy by the end of the day.

"Effective at the end of the day, I'm delegating all responsibilities of the office of the secretary to deputy secretary of state [John] Sullivan," Tillerson said. "My commission as secretary of state will terminate at midnight March 31st."

In the immediate aftermath of the President's Donald Trump's surprise decision to fire Rex Tillerson, the White House and State Department appeared to be at odds over a basic question: Who is currently the secretary of state?

Despite his very public dismissal, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told ABC News earlier Tuesday that Tillerson would remain as Secretary "during a transition period."

Over at the State Department, a senior State Department official, when asked to confirm that Tillerson is still serving as secretary, said the press office was checking. Tillerson has since clarified that he is staying until the end of March.

Trump announced this morning via Twitter that he was replacing Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

Upon learning of Tillerson's termination, Under Secretary of State for Diplomacy and Public Affairs Steve Goldstein released a statement saying the secretary "had every intention of staying," that he was "unaware of the reason" for his firing, and that he had not spoken to the president.

Hours later, the White House fired Goldstein as well.

Valkoisesta talosta potkut saanut Trumpin avustaja John McEntee salaisen palvelun tutkinnan alla vakavista talousrikoksista.
President Donald Trump's longtime personal aide John McEntee has been fired and is under investigation by the Secret Service for serious financial crimes, according to two federal law enforcement officials.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Trump oli oikeassa ainakin siinä, kun lupasi että "I will make your heads spin".
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