Trump -psykoosi

Kiina edistää vapaata kauppaa tasan niin kauan kuin se sille sopii.

Aivan kuten se haluaa edistää toimittajien vapauksia länsimaissa joissa sekin sille sopii hyvin
mutta kiristää sensuuria rajojensa sisäpuolella.

Vapaa kauppa on hyväksi kaikille. Kiina kuuluu määritelmän mukaan myös siihen joukkoon.

Kiinan kanssa sen sijaan ongelma on ollut patenttirikkomukset ja muu teollisuusvakoilu. Patenttien kopiointi / ohittaminen on luonnollisesti sellaista yksipuolisesti hyödyttävää toimintaa, mikä ei käy laatuun. Sitä puolta olisi toivottavaa saada kuntoon.
Bolton on ilmeisesti siis ajanut heti pihalle kaksi valkoisen talon turvallisuusasiantuntijaa. Aloittiko mies siis eilen? Räväkkä alku. Muuta emme toki odottaneetkaan. Häntä ei ole pidetty helppona ja pehmeänä henkilönä.
Kongressin talouslaitos ennustaa että Trump kasvattaa USA:n velan 100% GDP:stä 2028 mennessä, jos suunta ei muutu (viimeksi oli siellä toisen maailmansodan takia).

If current laws governing taxes and spending generally remained unchanged, the federal budget deficit would grow substantially over the next few years, CBO projects, with accumulating deficits driving debt held by the public to nearly 100 percent of GDP by 2028. That amount would be far greater than the debt in any year since just after World War II.
Sarah Huckabee-Sandersin mielestä Trump voi halutessaan antaa potkut Muellerille eli hänen ei tarvitsisi käskeä apulaisoikeusministeri Rosensteinia erottamaan Muelleria. Todennäköisesti Trumpilla ei ole valtaa tehdä näin vaan hänen on delegoitava homma oikeusministeriöön kuten Nixon teki Archibald Coxin tapauksessa. Muellerin erottaminen ei kuitenkaan päättäisi tutkimuksia vaan vastuu tutkimuksesta siirtyisi FBI:lle ja oikeusministeriölle.
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders added a new level of uncertainty over the future of Robert Mueller when she seemed to suggest Tuesday that the president might have the power to fire the special counsel.

"I know a number of individuals in the legal community and including at the Department of Justice that he has the power to do so," she said, though it was not clear whether she might have meant that the president could direct the deputy attorney general to fire Mueller.

Stormy Daniels tekee yhteistyötä viranomaisten kanssa Trumpin lakimiehen Michael Cohenin tutkimuksessa.
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels is cooperating with federal investigators looking into a $130,000 payment she received from President Donald Trump's personal attorney, multiple sources familiar with the proceedings told NBC News.

The cooperation is in connection with a broader federal probe of the attorney, Michael Cohen, which triggered a raid on his office and hotel room on Monday.
Senaatin lakivaliokunnan vetäjä republikaani Chuck Grassley varoitteli Trumpia Muellerin erottamisesta ja kertoi erottamisen olevan itsemurha.

Sanoi Grassley vähän muutakin...

Grassley said Tuesday that Trump would benefit from keeping quiet on the Mueller investigation.

"The less the president said on this whole thing, the better off he would be," Grassley said. He also suggested that firing Mueller could play into the Democrats' hands in the 2018 midterm elections. "I think that maybe Mueller is coming to a dead end, as far as collusion of Trump with Russia in this election — and it looks like a dead end," Grassley said. "Maybe Mueller would appreciate being fired so he would have an excuse for getting out of it and the Democrats would have a good issue in this upcoming election."

Ei mitenkään yllättävää, ettei tuo päässyt WaPon juttuun asti. Josta päästään siihen, että kannattaako niitä WaPon juttuja linkitellä, koska lehti on niin vahvasti puolueellinen. Eri julkaisut on toki aina puolueellisia, mutta kun kokonaiskuvaa jo tarkoituksella hämärretään.

Trumpin tilanne käy tukalammaksi mitä lähemmäksi syksyn kongressivaalit tulevat, tänään kävi ilmi ettei puhemies Paul Ryan pyri jatkokaudelle. Republikaanit saattavat menettää kongressin demokraateille syksyllä eikä puhemiehen luikkiminen pois kongressista ainakaan nosta republikaanien luottamusta vaalivoitosta.
House Speaker Paul Ryan has told confidants that he will announce soon that he won't run for re-election in November, according to sources with knowledge of the conversations.

Why it matters: House Republicans were already in a very tough spot for the midterms, with many endangered members and the good chance that Democrats could win the majority.

One of Washington’s best-wired Republicans said:

“This is a Titanic, tectonic shift. … This is going to make every Republican donor believe the House can’t be held.” The announcement will help Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in his fundraising because “the Senate becomes the last bastion," the Republican said.
FBI:n etsintäluvassa Michael Cohenin toimistoon ja kotiin mainittiin keskustelut Trumpin ja Cohenin välillä liittyen Access Hollywood- nauhoitukseen sekä muut negatiiviseen julkisuuteen liittyvät asiat. Kiinnostus Trumpin ja Cohenin välisiin keskusteluihin tarkoittaa tutkimuksen liittyvän suoraan presidenttiin.
In their search warrant, federal investigators asked Cohen to turn over any communications the two men or campaign aides had about a 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape that captured Trump boasting about grabbing women’s body parts, according to a person familiar with the investigation. The recording surfaced weeks before the 2016 election. Investigators also sought communications Cohen had with Trump and campaign aides about “potential sources of negative publicity” in the lead-up to the election, the person said.

The warrant indicates that federal prosecutors may be examining interactions Trump might have had with his longtime attorney about tamping down unflattering stories as he sought to win the White House. At the time, Cohen was a top lawyer at the Trump Organization and not formally affiliated with the campaign.

The interest in Cohen’s communications with Trump suggests that the investigation is delving into the president’s actions, legal experts said. “If they’re specifically going after communications between the president and Cohen, it confirms the investigation does relate to the president in some way,” said Randall Eliason, who teaches white-collar criminal law at George Washington University Law School.

“In the process of asking for that, they have to demonstrate why it is likely evidence of a crime,” said Jennifer Rodgers, a former federal prosecutor who is executive director of Columbia Law School’s Center for the Advancement of Public Integrity.
Taas pulpahti pinnalle yksi hiljaiseksi maksaminen Trumpin kannalta ikävän uutisen tiimoilta, tällä kertaa maksun saaajana oli mies. The National Enquirer joka maksoi 150000$ Karen McDougalille pitääkseen tämän hiljaisena suhteestaan Trumpiin maksoi erään Trumpin omistaman rakennuksen ovimiehelle 30000$ pitääkseen tämän hiljaisena Trumpin siittämästä äpärästä. Trumpin avioliiton ulkopuolinen lapsi on 80-luvun lopulla syntynyt Trump Towerin työntekijälle. Michael Cohen myönsi sekaantuneensa tähänkin soppaan. Yksi syy siihen miksi Trump ei ole julkaissut verotietojaan saattaisi olla elatusmaksut.
NEW YORK (AP) — Eight months before the company that owns the National Enquirer paid $150,000 to a former Playboy Playmate who claimed she’d had an affair with Donald Trump, the tabloid’s parent made a $30,000 payment to a less famous individual: a former doorman at one of the real estate mogul’s New York City buildings.

As it did with the ex-Playmate, the Enquirer signed the ex-doorman to a contract that effectively prevented him from going public with a juicy tale that might hurt Trump’s campaign for president.

The payout to the former Playmate, Karen McDougal, stayed a secret until The Wall Street Journal published a story about it days before Election Day. Since then curiosity about that deal has spawned intense media coverage and, this week, helped prompt the FBI to raid the hotel room and offices of Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

The story of the ex-doorman, Dino Sajudin, hasn’t been told until now.

The Associated Press confirmed the details of the Enquirer’s payment through a review of a confidential contract and interviews with dozens of current and former employees of the Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. Sajudin got $30,000 in exchange for signing over the rights, “in perpetuity,” to a rumor he’d heard about Trump’s sex life — that the president had fathered a child with an employee at Trump World Tower, a skyscraper he owns near the United Nations. The contract subjected Sajudin to a $1 million penalty if he disclosed either the rumor or the terms of the deal to anyone.

Cohen, the longtime Trump attorney, acknowledged to the AP that he had discussed Sajudin’s story with the magazine when the tabloid was working on it. He said he was acting as a Trump spokesman when he did so and denied knowing anything beforehand about the Enquirer payment to the ex-doorman.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Trumpilla takki pyörii rajusti sillä nyt presidentti haluaakin viedä Yhdysvallat TPP-sopimukseen, Trump veti USA:n pois neuvotteluista heti virkakautensa alussa. Vaalikampanjassaan Trump piti sopimusta USA:n raiskaamisena.
President Trump suggested Thursday he might want to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a major reversal on the sprawling multination trade pact Trump yanked the United States out of right after taking office.

Rejoining the pact would be a major reversal as Trump escalates a trade conflict with China. The Pacific Rim trade deal was intended by the Obama administration as a way to counter China’s influence, but Trump criticized the pact as a candidate and pulled the United States out of the pact in early 2017.

Trump’s opposition to multi-nation trade pacts like TPP and the North American Free Trade Agreement was a central part of his campaign for president in 2016 and accounted for some of his appeal to working-class voters. He argued the deals were terribly negotiated and hurt U.S. workers and American manufacturing.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country,” Trump said in June 2016. “Just a continuing rape of our country. That’s what it is, too. It’s a harsh word — it’s a rape of our country. This is done by wealthy people that want to take advantage of us and that want to sign another partnership.”
Jos jenkit haluaa toimia Kiinan suhteen, niin tuo Obaman sitä varten valmistelema sopimus olisi kyllä järkevä toteuttaa.
Jo neljä National Security Councilin tyyppiä on lähtenyt John Boltonin tieltä.
Michael Cohenilla on ollut tapana nauhoittaa keskustelujaan, FBI mahdollisesti sai haltuunsa nauhoitteet ratsatessaan Cohenin.
President Trump’s personal attorney Michael D. Cohen sometimes taped conversations with associates, according to three people familiar with his practice, and allies of the president are worried that the recordings were seized by federal investigators in a raid of Cohen’s office and residences this week.

Cohen, who served for a decade as a lawyer at the Trump Organization and is a close confidant of Trump, was known to store the conversations using digital files and then replay them for colleagues, according to people who have interacted with him.

It is unknown whether Cohen taped conversations between himself and Trump. But two people familiar with Cohen’s practices said he recorded both business and political conversations. One associate said Trump knew of Cohen’s practice because the attorney would often play him recordings Cohen had made of his conversations with other top Trump advisers.

“It was his standard practice to do it,” this person said.
Comeyn ensi viikolla julkaistava kirja selvästi aiheuttaa Trumpissa pelkoa ja projektio on sen mukaista.

Comey kuvailee Trumpia kirjassaan näin:
“His face appeared slightly orange,” Comey writes, “with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles, and impressively coifed, bright blond hair, which upon close inspection looked to be all his.”
Taasko uusi kirja. Olen vähän odotellut, että mitenkä sen Wolffin kirjan kanssa oikein meni, kun täälläkin muutama taisi uhota lukevansa sen.

Faneilta taisi jäädä linkittämättä tämä pieni incidentti, kun Wolff heitettiin ulos MSNBC:n ohjelmasta 1.2.2018.

Washington Postin ja ABC:n kyselyssä 69% amerikkalaisista hyväksyy Muellerin tutkinnan Venäjä-kytköksistä ja 64% tutkinnan Trumpin bisneksistä. Kiinnostavin kysysmys oli kuitenkin kuinka merkittävä asia presidentin seksisuhteet ovat. Samaa kysyttiin myös 20 vuotta sitten jolloin republikaaneista 70% piti asiaa merkittävänä ja demokraateista 38% oli samaa mieltä. Nyt 25% republikaaneista pitää asiaa tärkeänä ja 75% demokraateista on samaa mieltä.
Opinions overall are fairly similar to two decades ago when Post and ABC polls found nearly half saying repeated misconduct was an important issue for President Bill Clinton.

But the partisan balance has flipped. The share of Republicans saying sexual misconduct by the president is an important issue has fallen from 70 percent under Clinton to 25 percent under Trump, while the issue has grown in importance among Democrats, from 38 percent under Clinton to 75 percent under Trump.