Trump -psykoosi

Trump armahti Dick Cheneyn kansliapäällikkö Lewis "Scooter" Libbyn jonka tuomion Bush jo aikoinaan muutti ehdolliseksi. Libby tuomitiin aikoinaan väärästä, valasta, valehtelusta FBI:lle ja oikeudenkäytön estämisestä. Trump on vaahdonnut vuodoista ja nyt hän armahtaa vuotajan.
President Trump on Friday issued a pardon to Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a former chief of staff to Vice President Richard B. Cheney who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with the leak of a CIA officer’s identity.

“I don’t know Mr. Libby,” Trump said in a statement, “but for years I have heard that he has been treated unfairly. Hopefully, this full pardon will help rectify a very sad portion of his life.”
Comeyn ensi viikolla julkaistava kirja selvästi aiheuttaa Trumpissa pelkoa ja projektio on sen mukaista.
Comeyn kirja sekä viimeaikaiset ulostulot ovat kyllä olleet sellaisia, että niistä tulee mieleen opportunismi (rahastetaan sensaatiohakuisella kirjalla) ja demokraattien äärisiiven elkeet. Esim. tämä CNN:n sitaatti on aika paha ja aiheuttanee Trumpille sydämentykytystä ja twiittisormen kihelmöintiä:
Michael Cohenin järjestämiä vaitiolosopimuksia tuntuu putkahtelevan esiin. Tänään republikaanisen puolueen varainhoidon kakkosmies ja Trumpin tukija Elliot Brody erosi puoluevirastaan kun tuli ilmi hänen maksaneen 1,6 milj. $ Playboymallille jonka oli pannut raskaaksi. Michael Cohen tietenkin järjesti sopimuksen.
A top GOP fundraiser and prominent backer of President Trump stepped down from his Republican National Committee post Friday after revelations that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen arranged a $1.6 million settlement with a former Playboy model the donor had impregnated.

Los Angeles-based investor Elliott Broidy, who has been a top fundraiser for Trump and the party, issued a statement Friday acknowledging that he “had a consensual relationship” with the woman, who got pregnant. He said he retained Cohen after the Trump lawyer told Broidy he had been contacted by the woman’s attorney.

“It is unfortunate that this personal matter between two consenting adults is the subject of national discussion just because of Michael Cohen’s involvement,” Broidy said in the statement.

In the wake of the revelation of the deal Friday afternoon, Broidy stepped down from his post as RNC deputy national finance chairman, according to two people familiar with the situation who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity. RNC officials did not immediately return calls for comment.
Comeyn kirja sekä viimeaikaiset ulostulot ovat kyllä olleet sellaisia, että niistä tulee mieleen opportunismi (rahastetaan sensaatiohakuisella kirjalla) ja demokraattien äärisiiven elkeet. Esim. tämä CNN:n sitaatti on aika paha ja aiheuttanee Trumpille sydämentykytystä ja twiittisormen kihelmöintiä:

Toisaalta, Comeyn yllättävä ulostulo ennen vaaleja Clintonin email-asiassa vaikutti minusta kyllä jo tuolloin "selustan varmistamiselta" eli viime tingassa haluttiin varmistaa ettei FBItä voitaisi syyttää ainakaan Clintonin puolella olemisesta ja juuri tästä oli hänen mukaansa kysymys. Trumpin voittomarginaali oli niin pieni että se saattoi hyvinkin olla ratkaiseva.
Comeyn puheet siitä että "jälkiviisaasti hän olisi toiminut toisin" [oletettavasti ettei Trump voita], eivät ole sen sijaan hänelle kunniaksi.
Trump pitää Michael Coheniin kohdistuvaa tutkintaa vaarallisempana kuin Muellerin tutkimusta. Ilmeisesti Cohenin piilottamat luurangot ahdistavat presidenttiä.
President Trump’s advisers have concluded that a wide-ranging corruption investigation into his personal lawyer poses a greater and more imminent threat to the president than even the special counsel’s investigation, according to several people close to Mr. Trump.

As his lawyers went to court in New York on Friday to try to block prosecutors from reading files that were seized from the personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, this week, Mr. Trump found himself increasingly isolated in mounting a response. He continued to struggle to hire a new criminal lawyer, and some of his own aides were reluctant to advise him about a response for fear of being dragged into a criminal investigation themselves.

The raids on Mr. Cohen came as part of a monthslong federal investigation based in New York, court records show, and were sweeping in their breadth. In addition to searching his home, office and hotel room, F.B.I. agents seized material from Mr. Cohen’s cellphones, tablet, laptop and safe deposit box, according to people briefed on the warrants. Prosecutors revealed in court documents that they had already secretly obtained many of Mr. Cohen’s emails.

Mr. Trump called Mr. Cohen on Friday to “check in,” according to two people briefed on the call. Depending on what else was discussed, the call could be problematic, as lawyers typically advise their clients against discussing investigations.
Eli FBI """laajentaa""" Venäjä tutkimuksia ja muuten vaan tekee ratsian lakimiestä vastaan ja sitten alkaa vuotamaan kiusallisia yksityisasioita julkisuuteen jos ne koskevat poliittisia vastustajiaan?
Mitähän saivat länsiliittouman ohjusiskut lopulta aikaan, Syyriassahan alkoi valtaisa kaluston siirto Trumpin twiitattua että sellainen on tulossa. Varoittiko tahallaan, vai onko vain niin tyhmä kuin saapas kuin miltä se jatkuva twiittivirta hänestä kuvan antaa? Kukaan republikaani ei kuitenkaan uskalla miestä julkisesti mistään moittia, vaikka selän takana ollaan valmiit sanomaan suorat sanat.

"Paha ja v*tun tyhmä Forrest Gump, ja tämä oli se positiivinen osuus" :camo:
Mitähän saivat länsiliittouman ohjusiskut lopulta aikaan, Syyriassahan alkoi valtaisa kaluston siirto Trumpin twiitattua että sellainen on tulossa. Varoittiko tahallaan, vai onko vain niin tyhmä kuin saapas kuin miltä se jatkuva twiittivirta hänestä kuvan antaa? Kukaan republikaani ei kuitenkaan uskalla miestä julkisesti mistään moittia, vaikka selän takana ollaan valmiit sanomaan suorat sanat.

"Paha ja v*tun tyhmä Forrest Gump, ja tämä oli se positiivinen osuus" :camo:
Trumphan vaalikampanjassaan piti sotilaallisista suunnitelmista etukäteen kertomista idiooottimaisena.
They announced four months ago, three months ago, we're going into Mosul. We're going to get the leaders of ISIS because they're living in Mosul. Guess what? Twelve minutes later, the leaders, they left. They're not stupid. They left.

Whatever happened -- remember the great generals? It was called the element of surprise, the element of surprise. So, now we're bogged down in Mosul. The enemy is much tougher than they thought. They have had a lot of time to get ready. They're using human shields all over the place. It's a horrible, horrible situation that's going on.

Why did we have to tell them we're going in? Why didn't we go in and then tell the public a week later, congratulations, we just got the leadership, we didn't lose many people?
Steele-muistion keskeisiin väitteisiin kuului Michael Cohenin käynti Prahassa tapaamassa venäläisiä loppukesästä 2016, Cohenin mukaan näin ei tapahtunut. Muellerin tutkinnan sanotaan selvittäneen Cohenin todella käyneen Prahassa mainittuuna aikaan. Jos Cohenin käynti Prahassa varmistuu ollaan maanpetoksen äärellä.
McClatchy reported on Friday evening that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team has evidence of a trip by President Trump’s personal lawyer to Prague in the late summer of 2016. Overseas travel to non-Russian countries might strike some observers as an incremental — if not unimportant — development in Mueller’s probe. That is not the case. Confirmation that Cohen visited Prague could be quite significant.

A trip to Prague by Cohen was included in the dossier of reports written by former British intelligence official Christopher Steele. Those reports, paid for by an attorney working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, included a broad array of raw intelligence, much of which has not been corroborated and much of which would probably defy easy corroboration, focusing on internal political discussions in the Kremlin.

Cohen’s visiting Prague, though, is concrete. Over the course of three of the dossier’s 17 reports, the claim is outlined — but we hasten to note that these allegations have not been confirmed by The Washington Post.

It suggests that Cohen took over management of the relationship with Russia after campaign chairman Paul Manafort was fired from the campaign in August (because of questions about his relationship with a political party in Ukraine). Cohen is said to have met secretly with people in Prague — possibly at the Russian Center for Science and Culture — in the last week of August or the first of September. He allegedly met with representatives of the Russian government, possibly including officials of the Presidential Administration Legal Department; Oleg Solodukhin (who works with the Russian Center for Science and Culture); or Konstantin Kosachev, head of the foreign relations committee in the upper house of parliament. A planned meeting in Moscow, the dossier alleges, was considered too risky, given that a topic of conversation was how to divert attention from Manafort’s links to Russia and a trip to Moscow by Carter Page in July. Another topic of conversation, according to the dossier: allegedly paying off “Romanian hackers” who had been targeting the Clinton campaign.
Mitähän saivat länsiliittouman ohjusiskut lopulta aikaan, Syyriassahan alkoi valtaisa kaluston siirto Trumpin twiitattua että sellainen on tulossa. Varoittiko tahallaan, vai onko vain niin tyhmä kuin saapas kuin miltä se jatkuva twiittivirta hänestä kuvan antaa?

Olisiko se pysynyt muutenkaan salassa?

Toisaalta, varoittelusta syntyy liikettä.
Liikettä seurataan.

Toki Trump voi olla idiootti.
Tai vakaa nero.
Michael Cohen yritti perjantaina oikeudessa saada estettyä osan häneltä ratsatusta materiaalista kulkeutuminen tutkijoille. Homma kusi komeasti sillä tuomari määräsi Cohenin toimittamaan maanataiaamuun mennessä listan kaikista asiakkaistaan jotta tuomari voi tutkia mahdollisesti salattavan materiaalin. Jos/kun Cohen toimittaa listan maanataina tuomarille se tulee julkiseksi, Cohenin asiakaskunta lienee riemuissaan julkisuudesta.
Lawyers for President Donald Trump and his longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen went to court Friday trying to stop federal prosecutors from getting at private material — but wound up with a judge ordering them to disclose Cohen’s client list in public.

U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood on Friday ordered attorneys for Cohen to hand over a list of Cohen’s law clients and proof of their relationship by 10 a.m. Monday, so she can decide whether materials seized from Cohen’s office by federal law enforcement agents last week should be protected by attorney-client privilege.

That list will be a public record, Wood said, because the identities of an attorney’s clients are not subject to attorney-client privilege unless the mere name itself would reveal the kind of advice sought or given.

Wood’s order raises the possibility of further embarrassing disclosures involving Cohen, who is already at the center of a legal dispute involving adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, who is suing the president to void a nondisclosure agreement negotiated by Cohen concerning a sexual encounter Daniels says she had with Trump in 2006.
Tuo ylläoleva liittyy tähän. Käytännössä Yhdysvaltain oikeuslaitos totesi ettei Michael Cohen ole oikeasti asianajaja. Tällä on kohtalaisen järisyttävät seuraukset jos menee läpi.

US Attorney’s office to Michael Cohen: You’re hardly a lawyer
The president's personal attorney is now under criminal investigation
Cohen ei asianajajana ole todellakaan raskasta sarjaa sillä hän on valmistunut Thomas M. Cooley Law Schoolista josta Wikipedia kertoo seuraavaa: The school was recently ranked the worst law school in the country by Above the Law.
Trump päätti sekaantua Michael Cohenin tutkintaan pyytämällä tuomarilta lakimiestensä välityksellä nähdä Cohenilta ratsatun materiaalin ennen kuin se kulkeutuu tutkijoille. Selvästi Trumpilla on vetelät housuissa Cohenin tutkinnan suhteen.
President Trump asked a federal judge Sunday night to allow him to review documents that FBI agents seized from the office of his longtime lawyer before criminal investigators have a chance to see the material.

The request underscores the high stakes in an ongoing legal fight in federal court in New York, where Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, is also fighting to get a chance to review material seized as part of a criminal investigation of his business dealings.

Trump’s request, in the form of a letter from other lawyers representing him, could further complicate a hearing set for Monday afternoon. During that session, lawyers for Cohen are expected to tell the judge overseeing the case how many legal clients he has and how many seized documents he thinks might be covered by attorney-client privilege.

In a letter to U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood on Sunday night, other lawyers working on Trump’s behalf argue that the president should have a chance to review the material ahead of investigators.

The eight-page letter written by Trump’s lawyer, Joanna Hendon, accuses the Justice Department of acting in “an aggressive, intrusive, and unorthodox manner” in an attempt to “eliminate the president’s right to a full assertion of every privilege argument available to him.”

The FBI executed search warrants last week on Cohen’s office, home, security deposit box and hotel room. It is unusual, but not unprecedented, for agents to search a lawyer’s records, and there is a policy in place designed to shield information covered by the attorney-client privilege.

That procedure involves having a “taint team” of prosecutors outside the investigation review all the material and separate what is covered by the privilege. A lawyer’s communications with a client are not covered by the privilege if those discussions do not involve legal advice, or were used to further a crime or fraud.

Under the procedure, the taint team would turn over to the case investigators all the material that is relevant and not covered by attorney-client privilege.

“The president objects to the government’s proposal to use a ‘taint team’ of prosecutors from the very office that is investigating this matter to conduct the initial privilege review of documents seized from the President’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen,’’ Hendon’s letter said.

She added that “the president respectfully requests” that the judge issue an order barring the taint team from conducting an initial review of the seized material and require the government to turn over a copy of that material to Cohen’s lawyers.

Michael Cohenin asianajajat yrittävät perustella häneltä viedyn materiaalin salaamista tutkijoilta sillä perusteella että julkisessa keskustelussa on epäilyjä kongressin ja Muellerin tutkimusten puolueellisuudesta. Asianajajat jättävät kuitenkin mainitsematta että Cohenin asiakas presidentti Trump on äänekkäin näiden epäilyjen esittäjä.
That filing also includes Cohen’s fundamental rationale for objecting to the use of any government attorneys in reviewing the seized material.

“As the Court is surely aware, there is a growing public debate about whether criminal and congressional investigations by the government are being undertaken impartially, free of any political bias or partisan motivation. It is in this climate that the Government executed an unprecedented search warrant — instead of using its less onerous subpoena power — upon the personal attorney of the President of the United States.”​
This is a remarkable argument.

It’s true that there is public debate about whether the government investigation of Trump and his allies is impartial. But it’s also true that this debate is largely a function of Trump himself having fostered it.

Before he took office, Trump lashed out at U.S. intelligence agencies, accusing them of leaking reports about the existence of the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. His first trip after inauguration was to the CIA in an apparent effort to rebuild his relationship with the agency, but, in the intervening months, he has consistently accused the Justice Department and the FBI of partisan bias — with very little evidence to back up the claim.

With the aid of Fox News Channel hosts such as Sean Hannity, Trump has played a key role in heightening skepticism of the FBI’s impartiality in its investigation of the president and his allies. The network seizes on nebulous or often minor criticism and uses it to build a shaky case against the investigation. Then there’s a feedback loop between Fox News and the president, in which he promotes the network’s arguments against the FBI investigation and the investigation by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and Fox News, in turn, reports on the president’s response.

The “growing public debate,” in other words, is largely a function of Cohen’s primary client, Donald Trump, thanks to his outsize platform as president of the United States. Cohen’s attorneys are arguing that the FBI is viewed as biased against Cohen and Trump and indirectly citing as evidence the arguments that Trump has been making.
Viimeksi muokattu:
USA:n YK-suurlähettiläs Nikki Haley ilmoitti eilen uusista Venäjä-sanktioista jotka esiteltäisiin maanantaina, mutta tänään Trump pisti ne jäihin venäläisten vihastuttua asiasta.
President Trump on Monday put the brakes on a preliminary plan to impose additional economic sanctions on Russia, walking back a Sunday announcement by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley that the Kremlin had swiftly denounced as “international economic raiding.”

Preparations to punish Russia anew for its support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government over the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria caused consternation at the White House. Haley said on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that sanctions on Russian companies behind the equipment related to Assad’s alleged chemical weapons attack would be announced Monday by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

But as officials in Moscow condemned the planned sanctions as overly punitive, Trump conferred with his national security advisers later Sunday and told them he was upset the sanctions were being officially rolled out because he was not yet comfortable executing them, according to several people familiar with the plan.

Administration officials said the economic sanctions were under serious consideration, along with other measures that could be taken against Russia, but said Trump had not given final authorization to implement them. Administration officials said Monday it was unlikely Trump would approve any additional sanctions without another triggering event by Russia, describing the strategy as being in a holding pattern.

Sometime after Haley’s comments on CBS, the Trump administration notified the Russian Embassy in Washington that the sanctions were not in fact coming, a Russian Foreign Ministry official said Monday.
“We are considering additional sanctions on Russia and a decision will be made in the near future.”

Privately, another White House official said Haley got ahead of herself and made “an error that needs to be mopped up.”

But other administration officials expressed skepticism that Haley had merely misspoken. They said Haley is one of the most disciplined and cautious members of the Cabinet, especially when it comes to her public appearances. She regularly checks in with Trump personally to go over her planned statements before she sits for television interviews.

Haley issued no clarifying statement on Sunday after news organizations, including The Washington Post, reported prominently that the new sanctions would be announced Monday based on her comments to CBS.
Michael Cohenin oikeusmanööverissä selvisi tänään että hänellä oli kolme asiakasta joista kaksi Trump ja Elliot Brody oli jo tiedossa, Brody on herra joka maksoi 1,6 milj.$ Playboytytölle. Kolmatta asiakasta Cohenin asianajajat eivät halunneet nimetä sillä hän ei halunnut tulla yhdistetyksi Coheniin, mutta tuomari määräsi toisin. Asiakkaan nimi sai yleisön haukkomaan henkeään, Sean Hannity.
President Donald Trump's personal attorney has been forced to reveal that one of his clients is Fox News host Sean Hannity, CBS News' Jeff Pegues confirmed Monday. Lawyers for Michael Cohen argued in court on Monday that they could not identify Hannity because he asked that his name not be disclosed in connection with an FBI seizure of Cohen's files. But Judge Kimba Wood made one of the lawyers identify him in open court.

After Wood demanded Cohen's team reveal the name of the client, an audible gasp went out in the courtroom when Hannity's name was announced, Pegues said.

The hearing in a New York City courtroom stems from a surprise raid this month on Cohen's home and office.

The search sought information on a variety of matters, including a $130,000 payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels, who alleges she had sex with a married Trump in 2006. Daniels was in the courtroom on Monday for the arguments.

President Donald Trump's personal attorney has been forced to reveal that one of his clients is Fox News host Sean Hannity, CBS News' Jeff Pegues confirmed Monday. Lawyers for Michael Cohen argued in court on Monday that they could not identify Hannity because he asked that his name not be disclosed in connection with an FBI seizure of Cohen's files. But Judge Kimba Wood made one of the lawyers identify him in open court.

After Wood demanded Cohen's team reveal the name of the client, an audible gasp went out in the courtroom when Hannity's name was announced, Pegues said.

The hearing in a New York City courtroom stems from a surprise raid this month on Cohen's home and office.

The search sought information on a variety of matters, including a $130,000 payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels, who alleges she had sex with a married Trump in 2006. Daniels was in the courtroom on Monday for the arguments.

Cohen only had three clients for whom Cohen's work involved direct legal advice or dispute resolution. In a letter filed with the court last Monday, Cohen's lawyers said that Cohen had a solo law practice and had at least 10 clients during this time. For seven, the letter said, the work "appears to be providing strategic advice and business consulting, for which privilege would not attach." And none of those seven files were likely to have information relevant to what was being sought by the search warrant, his lawyers note.

But, for at least those three other clients, during 2017-2018, Cohen was performing "more traditional legal tasks," the letter said. All three are individuals. One is Donald Trump. The second is Elliot Brody, who, according to the Wall Street Journal, hired Cohen to negotiate $1.6 million in payments to a former Playboy model who said Broidy had impregnated her. Cohen's lawyers then wrote of Hannity, "The third legal client directed Mr. Cohen not to reveal the identity publicly."