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Ha. No ei kai kaikkea tarvitse katsella Trump/Obama vaihtoehtoina. Itse en pidä kummastakaan

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Ha. No ei kai kaikkea tarvitse katsella Trump/Obama vaihtoehtoina. Itse en pidä kummastakaan
Edit. Sopimuksen tarkoitus oli varmasti hyvä. Lopputulos joidenkin mielestä ei
JCPOA:n keskeyttäminen tarkoittanee käytännössä uusia pakotteita joilla saadaan hieman lisää vipuvartta Iranin toimiin. Niiden merkitys tosin jäänee aika vähäiseksi jos muut allekirjoittajamaat pysyvät kiinni sopimuksessa. Olen täysin samaa mieltä siitä, että sopimuksen alkuperäinen tavoite on niin tärkeä että muita asioita ei kannattaisi sotkea tähän ollenkaan.
Terrorismista tai voimapolitiikasta en siis tiedä, mutta ohjukset liittyvät kuitenkin mielestäni melko olennaisesti tähän sopimukseen. Ne ovat tärkeä osa toimivaa ydinasepelotetta ja niiden kehitystä olisi pitänyt yrittää rajoittaa jo alusta lähtien. Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, abruptly resigned from his law firm, Greenberg Traurig, the firm announced on Thursday, then promptly undercut his recent statements defending the president.
Mr. Giuliani had taken a leave of absence last month from the firm, one of the nation’s largest, to represent Mr. Trump. But the firm said in a statement that he no longer worked there.
Firm partners had chafed over Mr. Giuliani’s public comments about payments that another of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, Michael D. Cohen, made to secure the silence of a pornographic film actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump. The president has denied her allegations.
Mr. Giuliani suggested that such payments were common at his firm, even without the knowledge of the clients. “That was money that was paid by his lawyer, the way I would do, out of his law firm funds,” he said on Fox News. He added, “Michael would take care of things like this like I take care of this with my clients.”
The New York Times asked Greenberg Traurig about those remarks early this week. Shortly after Mr. Giuliani’s resignation was announced, the firm responded. “We cannot speak for Mr. Giuliani with respect to what was intended by his remarks,” said a spokeswoman, Jill Perry. “Speaking for ourselves, we would not condone payments of the nature alleged to have been made or otherwise without the knowledge and direction of a client.”
Mr. Trump has publicly denied knowing about the payments as they were made. Mr. Giuliani said the president reimbursed Mr. Cohen for them, an arrangement he said was routine. Mr. Giuliani had to walk back many of his comments.
In the statement, Greenberg Traurig said that Mr. Giuliani had resigned effective Wednesday. “After recognizing that this work is all consuming and is lasting longer than initially anticipated, Rudy has determined it is best for him to resign,” said the firm’s chairman, Richard A. Rosenbaum.
Mr. Giuliani said in the statement that it “is in everyone’s best interest that I make it a permanent resignation” so he can focus on the special counsel’s investigation.
Lawyers at Greenberg Traurig are sensitive about their public image. In 2005, one of its lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, was implicated at the center of a wide-ranging corruption scandal that shook Washington.
Realismia's supreme leader revealed on Wednesday an unpublicized letter sent recently by President Trump to countries in the Middle East, raising questions about how Ayatollah Ali Khamenei came to know about private correspondence between the U.S. leader and his allies in the region.
The day after Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, Khamenei sent a tweet that claimed Trump had written a letter to leaders of Persian Gulf Arab states “a few days ago” that demanded they do more in the region. “I spent $7 trillion and you must do something in return,” the Iranian leader claimed the letter stated.
The comments appeared to be directed at Persian Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — close allies of the Trump administration and, alongside Israel, the most vocal outside critics of the agreement that Iran reached with the United States and five other nations in 2015.
Khamenei also mentioned the letter during an event earlier Wednesday at Farhangian University in Tehran.
“A couple of days ago, Trump wrote a letter to the leaders of the Arab world. We have that letter,” the ayatollah said. “In the letter, he says I have spent $7 trillion on you, you have to do [what I say]. You spent this money to rule over Iraq and Syria. You couldn’t. To hell with it. He says you should do it and says Iran 'should' do it, too.”
The letter has not been publicly acknowledged by the White House, and a spokesman for the National Security Council said it could not comment on presidential correspondence. However, a senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not have permission to discuss the matter publicly, said the Trump administration sent a letter to Persian Gulf Arab allies about two weeks ago.
The letter not only urged the U.S. allies to do more in the region's hot spots, such as Syria, but also sought a quick resolution to an ongoing dispute between a Saudi-led bloc and Qatar. The administration official said it was a formal follow-up to talks that Trump had with regional leaders over the past two months and aligned with his public comments on the issues.
Saudi Arabia, in turn, privately responded to the letter, the official said, and gently pushed back on the pressure. A spokeswoman for the Saudi Embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for comment.
It is not clear how Iran's supreme leader found out about the letter, the official said. Theodore Karasik, a senior adviser with Washington-based Gulf State Analytics, said it was “significant because the content tells the supreme leader what Iran is about to face from the U.S.” and suggested that the letter could have been passed on by a regional power such as Kuwait, Qatar, Oman or Jordan or even an outside power like Russia.
Trump has said publicly that gulf allies should do more in the region and not rely on the United States as much as they do. He has also brought up the $7 trillion figure multiple times — saying in February, for example, that the United States has spent “$7 trillion in the Middle East,” which he called “a mistake.”
The dollar figure is inaccurate: Trump is thought to be referring to a study from Brown University that included future costs not only for the wars in Iraq and Syria but also in Afghanistan and such expenses as veterans' care for nearly 40 more years.
Last month, Trump publicly criticized Middle Eastern countries that relied on U.S. support as French President Emmanuel Macron visited Washington. “Countries that are in the area, some of which are immensely wealthy, would not be there except for the United States and, to a lesser extent, France,” Trump said at the time at a news conference at the White House.
“They wouldn't be there except for the United States,” he added. “They wouldn't last a week. We are protecting them. They have to now step up and pay for what is happening.”
Though Trump did not mention any countries specifically, it was widely assumed that he was talking about the United Arab Emirates. Trump has called on gulf allies to pick up the burden in the Syrian conflict as the United States winds down its military presence. During a phone call with Saudi King Salman in December, Trump asked Saudi Arabia for $4 billion for the effort in Syria.
Khamenei decried Trump's April comments, calling them a “humiliation for Muslims” and saying they showed how “Muslims should stand firmly against the U.S. and other domineering powers’ bullying.”
Trump's remarks did stir discomfort among Persian Gulf allies, some of whom argued that his tone was disrespectful. Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a well-known UAE political commentator, was among those angered by the remarks. He retorted in a tweet that his country and others will survive after Trump is gone.
The leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE have aggressively pursued close relations with Trump, viewing his administration as a welcome change after President Barack Obama sought better ties with Iran. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are at odds with Iran over a number of issues, including Tehran's deep involvement in the Syrian conflict and claims that Iran has backed rebels in Yemen.
After Trump announced his decision to withdraw from the Iran deal on Tuesday, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington said the kingdom “fully supports the measures taken” by him, while the UAE's minister of state for foreign affairs said Trump's decision “is the correct one.”
Trump on businessmies, se haluaa rahoileen (USAn) myös vastinetta. Tämä ukaasihan on mennyt kaikille, niin EU, Nato, YK yms.
Israelissa pitää valtaa haukat joiden sotilaallinen vasara on tarkka ja painava. Vasaraa käyttävän silmissä vaan alkaa ongelmat tunnetusti näyttää nauloilta.Kyse on kai lopulta ensinnäkin siitä, onko Trump valmis koviin toimenpiteisiin, siis käytännössä todellisiin sotatoimiin, jos Iran ei suostu uuteen, huomattavasti tiukempaan sopimukseen. Toiseksi, uskooko Iranin johto Trumpin olevan tähän valmis. Kolmanneksi, mitä Israel tekee ja kuinka paljon USA ja Israel koordinoivat toimiaan.
Kolmanteen kohtaan kannattaa huomioida Israelin halu tehdä massiivinen ilmaisku Iraniin Obaman kaudella. Obaman hallinto suhtautui ideaan erittäin penseästi ja yleisesti tunnettu fakta on, että Obama ja Netanjahu eivät pitäneet toisistaan. Joidenkin lähteiden mukaan miehet eivät tulleet lainkaan toimeen.
Trumpin hallinto taas on varsin hyvää pataa Israelin kanssa ja ovat julkisesti tehneet selväksi vankkumattoman tukensa Israelille. Israelissa yleisesti, Likudin piirissä varsinkin, pidetään ennaltaehkäisevää iskua Iranin ydinohjelmaa (+ ohjusohjelmaa) vastaan kannatettavana, jopa hyvänä, ideana. Historiaakin löytyy:
Israelilla on myös varsin ymmärrettävä historiallinen syy reagoida voimakkaasti kansaansa kohdistuvaan joukkotuhon uhkaan.
Tämä Israelin vaikutus USA:n politiikkaan on Teheranissa pakko nyt ottaa huomioon.
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson told employees that the firm's top public policy official will retire following the revelation that the firm hired President Donald Trump's embattled personal attorney as a political consultant, a move Stephenson characterized as a "serious misjudgment."
"There is no other way to say it — AT&T hiring Michael Cohen as a political consultant was a big mistake," Stephenson told employees. CEO of Novartis apologized to employees for the company’s payments to President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.
“We made a mistake in entering into this engagement and, as a consequence, are being criticized by a world that expects more from us,” wrote Vasant Narasimhan, the Swiss drugmaker’s chief executive. Novartis shared the Thursday email, which was first reported by STAT, with POLITICO.
Paitsi että Trump on taipumasa lääkeyhtiöiden tahtoon sillä hän ei aio pakottaa lääkeyhtiöitä Mediacaren kautta ostettavien lääkkeiden hintaneuvotteluihin. Vaalikampanjassaan hän sanoi niiden jotka eivät kannata Medicaren hintaneuvotteluja olevan lääkeyhtiöiden taskussa.Ei tuo trumpin lahjonta taidaa olla kovin helppoa, kun tulos on tälläinen.
Kannattaa hillitä haukkumista ja lahjonta yrityksiä ettei tule meille vielä isompi lasku.
Trump haluaa yhdysvaltalaisille halvemmat lääkkeet Euroopan kustannuksella – vaikutukset voivat näkyä suomalaisten lääkelaskuissa
Vaatimus saattaa nostaa lääkkeiden julkisia listahintoja, mutta moni maa tinkii niistä jo nyt omissa neuvotteluissaan lääkeyhtiöiden kanssa. Trump will break another promise Friday afternoon when he unveils his plan for lowering the cost of prescription drugs, backing off his campaign trial pledge to use the government's power to negotiate them for Medicare.
And that means he's selling out to the drug companies, according to none other than Trump himself.
Here's what to expect from Trump's announcement, per The Post's Carolyn Y. Johnson:
The plan would seek to improve negotiation within the Medicare program, but not by using the government's clout to negotiate for Medicare as Trump has previously proposed. It would create unspecified incentives for lower list prices of drugs and would lower out-of-pocket spending by patients. ...The New York Times is also reporting that Trump won't call for Medicare to negotiate drug prices. In other words, it's a half-measure. We don't know exactly what Trump will propose, but it sounds as though it will come up well short of what he proposed on the campaign trail.
During his presidential campaign, Trump called for the government to use its clout to negotiate Medicare drug prices, but senior administration officials said he would not call for that change — which is stridently opposed by drug companies. The administration officials did not specify particular policies, but in his budget, Trump proposed changes to Medicare benefits. For example, the budget called for allowing prescription drug plans to have more flexibility to exclude drugs and strike better deals.
But Trump didn't just propose the change on the campaign trail; he said those who opposed it were in the pockets of the drug companies — a criticism that could now just as aptly be applied to him.
Katsotaan nyt ensin mitä trumppi todella tekee sillä noiden käyttämiesi lähteiden osumatarkkuus on ollut varsin huono etten sanoisi surkea, sillonkin mukana on runsaasti kohteliaisuutta.Paitsi että Trump on taipumasa lääkeyhtiöiden tahtoon sillä hän ei aio pakottaa lääkeyhtiöitä Mediacaren kautta ostettavien lääkkeiden hintaneuvotteluihin. Vaalikampanjassaan hän sanoi niiden jotka eivät kannata Medicaren hintaneuvotteluja olevan lääkeyhtiöiden taskussa.
Laitatko kattavan listan eri medioiden uutisten osumatarkkuudesta sillä itselläni ei sellaista ole.Katsotaan nyt ensin mitä trumppi todella tekee sillä noiden käyttämiesi lähteiden osumatarkkuus on ollut varsin huono etten sanoisi surkea, sillonkin mukana on runsaasti kohteliaisuutta.
Sinun suoltama WP onkin oikein kuuluisa Arwo Pohjasta ja OIKEISTA uutimista!Laitatko kattavan listan eri medioiden uutisten osumatarkkuudesta sillä itselläni ei sellaista ole.
Pahoittelen että en osaa käyttää OIKEITA uutislähteitä jotka ovat moraaliltaan riittävän korkealla tasolla. Vaadin kattavan listan hyväksytyistä ja AINA oikeassa olevista uutislähteistä.Sinun suoltama WP onkin oikein kuuluisa Arwo Pohjasta ja OIKEISTA uutimista!
Kaikki tuo mitä aj77 sanoo löytyy netistä, mainoksia myöten.
Trump esitteli strategiansa eikä siinä anneta Medicarelle valtaa neuvotella suoraan lääketehtaiden kanssa. Tämä siis tarkoittaa että Trump on omien sanojensa mukaan lääketehtaiden taskussa. Ja tämä tuomio ei riipu lähteestä vaan Trumpin omista puheista vaikkakin WP oli oikeassa tälläkin kertaa..Katsotaan nyt ensin mitä trumppi todella tekee sillä noiden käyttämiesi lähteiden osumatarkkuus on ollut varsin huono etten sanoisi surkea, sillonkin mukana on runsaasti kohteliaisuutta. plan will not include giving the federal Medicare program power to directly negotiate prices with drugmakers, they noted. Trump campaigned on the idea, which is vigorously opposed by the pharmaceutical industry.