Trump -psykoosi

Kiinan tariffit tekivät paluun, reilu viikko sen jälkeen kuin valtionvarainministeri Mnuchin kertoi kauppasodan jääneen tauolle.
Trump hits China with broad limits on tech investment, moves forward with $50 billion in tariffs ahead of key trade meeting

The investment limits and tariffs are part of a broad crackdown aimed at limiting China’s ability to acquire U.S. technology.

The announcement comes less than 10 days after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the trade war with China was “on hold.” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is due to arrive in Beijing on Saturday for talks aimed at cooling trade tensions between the two countries.

Tariffs of 25 percent will be applied to Chinese imports containing important technologies, including those related to Beijing’s Made-in-China 2025 development program, the White House said. The final tariff list will be made public by June 15 with the new import taxes taking effect shortly thereafter.
USA:n talous vetää hyvin ja nyt maa on myös kilpailukykyisin talous:

Välivaaleja ajatellen tällä on merkitystä. It's the economy, stupid, pitää yhä paikkansa. Demokraattien etumatka mielipidekyselyissä on pienentynyt viime aikoina tasaisesti. Hyvin vetävä talous on yksi tekijä, toinen on demokraattien totaalinen jumittuminen Venäjään ja "impeach, impeach!" huuteluun. Kyselyt osoittaa yhä enenevissä määrin, että kansa ei tue näitä teemoja tai välitä niistä. Samaan aikaan Trumpin henkilökohtainen kannatus on hiljalleen noussut.

Mielenkiintoista seurata vieläkö demokraatit muuttavat kampanjointiteemojaan.
Ei liity Trumpiin tai hallintoonsa, mutta kampanjaan jos saa vielä hetkeksi palata.

Hillaryn terveyshuolia pidettiin tinahattujen juttuina, kunnes Clinton ylikuumeni ja hänellä keitti päässä 9/11 muistoseremoniassa.

Viime aikoina Clinton on esiintynyt julkisuudessa harvakseltaan ja kontrolloiduissa ympäristöissä. Moni on kiinnittänyt huomiota Clintonin lämpimään pukeutumiseen kesäisistä
lämpötiloista huolimatta. Uusien kuvien perusteella Hillaryyn on asennettu selkäpuolelle lisäosia:
Mueller tutkii Trumpin yritystä saada Jeff Sessions perumaan jääviytensä Venäjä- tutkinnan suhteen, samaan obstruction of justice -tutkintaan kuuluu myös Trumpin hyökkäykset Sessionsia vastaan Twitterissä jotta tämä eroaisi. Obstruction of justice -tutkintaan siis kuuluu Comeyn erottamisen lisäksi myös Sessionsin ja Trumpin väliset suhteet.
By the time Attorney General Jeff Sessions arrived at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for dinner one Saturday evening in March 2017, he had been receiving the presidential silent treatment for two days. Mr. Sessions had flown to Florida because Mr. Trump was refusing to take his calls about a pressing decision on his travel ban.

When they met, Mr. Trump was ready to talk — but not about the travel ban. His grievance was with Mr. Sessions: The president objected to his decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump, who had told aides that he needed a loyalist overseeing the inquiry, berated Mr. Sessions and told him he should reverse his decision, an unusual and potentially inappropriate request.

Mr. Sessions refused.

The confrontation, which has not been previously reported, is being investigated by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, as are the president’s public and private attacks on Mr. Sessions and efforts to get him to resign. Mr. Trump dwelled on the recusal for months, according to confidants and current and former administration officials who described his behavior toward the attorney general.

The special counsel’s interest demonstrates Mr. Sessions’s overlooked role as a key witness in the investigation into whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct the inquiry itself. It also suggests that the obstruction investigation is broader than it is widely understood to be — encompassing not only the president’s interactions with and firing of the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, but also his relationship with Mr. Sessions.

Investigators have pressed current and former White House officials about Mr. Trump’s treatment of Mr. Sessions and whether they believe the president was trying to impede the Russia investigation by pressuring him. The attorney general was also interviewed at length by Mr. Mueller’s investigators in January. And of the four dozen or so questions Mr. Mueller wants to ask Mr. Trump, eight relate to Mr. Sessions. Among them: What efforts did you make to try to get him to reverse his recusal?

Liittovaltion tutkijat saavat tänään haltuunsa n. miljoona tiedostoa kolmesta Michael Cohenilta viime kuussa takavarikoiduista puhelimesta.
Federal prosecutors investigating President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen are poised to receive on Wednesday one million files from three of his cellphones seized last month, according to a filing submitted to the court by special master Barbara Jones Tuesday night.

In her update to the court, Jones said investigators from the office of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York have already been given access to nearly 300,000 pieces of potential evidence seized from Cohen’s office and residences in an April raid.

Jones was appointed by U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood late last month to review the material seized after attorneys for Cohen and President Trump said many seized documents and communications could be protected by attorney-client privilege.

Jones, a retired judge who served on the federal bench for 16 years in the Southern District of New York, is a former organized-crime prosecutor who was chief assistant to Robert M. Morgenthau, the longtime Manhattan district attorney.

Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations as part of a probe looking at his efforts to suppress damaging stories about Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

In their initial request for a special master, Cohen’s attorneys said thousands of the seized documents might be covered by attorney-client privilege.

But in her update Tuesday to the court, Jones noted that so far only 252 items have been flagged by Cohen’s or Trump’s attorneys as privileged. She is set to make a recommendation about that material to the court by June 4.

Another 292,006 items that were not designated by Cohen or Trump as privileged or highly personal were turned over to prosecutors on May 23.

Jones is set to release another 1,025,063 items from three of Cohen’s phones on Wednesday, pending her final verification, according to the filing. Material from two other phones released to Jones this month have not yet been scheduled for release.

Jones also reported having received additional electronic data over the past two weeks, including “[e]lectronic data from a video recorder, two computers, and mobile storage devices” which “includes various video, electronic communications and documents as well as data typically associated with computer usage.”

Attorneys for Cohen, the government and the president will appear at a hearing on Wednesday morning to update Wood about the status of the transfer of the potential evidence.

At the hearing, Wood will also consider whether to allow Michael Avenatti, the attorney for adult-film star Stormy Daniels — who Cohen paid $130,000 in 2016 to remain silent about an alleged affair with Trump — to intervene in the proceedings.
Republikaanien kongressiedustaja Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy ja FOXNewsin vakionaama Andrew Napolitano molemmat tyrmäsivät Trumpin väitteet Spytgatesta. Gowdy arvio FBI:n toimineen täsmälleen sillä tavoin kuin sen kuuluukin ja Napolitano sanoi ettei vakoojasta Trumpin kampanjassa ole pienintäkään todistetta.
Two top Republican allies of President Donald Trump have thrown cold water on his claims that the Obama administration used a spy to infiltrate his 2016 presidential campaign, an unsubstantiated theory he and some conservative allies have dubbed "Spygate."

In an appearance on Fox News Tuesday evening, Rep. Trey Gowdy, who attended a classified briefing last week on Capitol Hill with top members of the Department of Justice and the FBI, said that the president should rest assured that the FBI was not "spying" on members of his campaign.

"I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got," Gowdy said.

Another staunch advocate of President Trump on cable TV, Judge Andrew Napolitano, also appeared on Fox and expressed agreement with Gowdy’s assessment that the president and Rudy are not accurate in saying that a spy infiltrated the Trump campaign.

"The allegations by Mayor Giuliani over the weekend, which would lead to us believe that the Trump people think that the FBI had an undercover agent who inveigled his way into the campaign and was there as a spy on the campaign seem to be baseless," Napolitano said. "There is no evidence for that whatsoever."

Further expanding on his comments in a follow-up interview on Wednesday morning, Gowdy said on CBS "This Morning" that Trump's lawyers "have an obligation to go share with him" what lawmakers learned in the meeting to help tamp down his continued promotion of "Spygate".

White House chief of staff John Kelly and President Trump's White House lawyer handling the Russia investigation helped broker last week's meetings with lawmakers regarding the classified information on an alleged informant who made contact with members of the Trump campaign. But the president as recently as Tuesday evening doubled down on the false claim that a spy found its way in the ranks of his campaign.

"How do you like the fact they had people infiltrating our campaign?" Trump asked a crowd at a campaign rally in Tennessee. "Can you imagine?"

But Gowdy Wednesday said that based on the information he was provided the true target of the FBI's investigative efforts was Russia's efforts to meddle in the 2016 election.

"I think the FBI, if they were at the table, would tell you Russia is the target and Russia's intentions toward our country were the target," Gowdy said. "The fact that two people were loosely connected with the Trump campaign may have been involved doesn't diminish fact that Russia was the target and not the campaign."
Omalla kohdalla Trumpin ja perheen "syyllisyydestä" tai itse asiassa yhteistyöstä tuli selkeä merkki silloin kun samat Pietarin Palkatut Putin Huo...Trollit, jotka levittivät disinformaatiota Ukrainasta ja MH17:sta yht'äkkiä kuin taikaiskusta ryhtyivät rummuttamaan Trumpin puolesta.

Silloin oli helppo tehdä johtopäätös...

Kyllä. Tuolla hetkellä Putinin/Trumpin puhemiesten likainen peli viimeistään paljastui. Kaikki epäilykset asiain tilasta hälvenivät.

Ja hyvin huomaa, että kun alkoi näyttää ettei Trump ehkä saakaan tuosta vaan rauhannobelia vaan pikemminkin saappaan täydeltä höyryävää syöksyripulia alkoi tällä ja monella muullakin foorumilla hirmuinen vyörytys jolla keskustelua kömpelösti ohjastettiin pois asiasta. Voihan se aina tietyssä tilanteessa toistuessaan olla sattumaakin, mutta mutta.

Ja joku saa ilmaiseksi, toinen maksaa 130k$ :ROFLMAO:
Hinnat kohillaan. o_O Luulis tolla hinnalla saavan jo erikoisuuksiakin, ainakin viikon 24/7 sessioon. En kyllä pelkästä kusielinten yhteenlätkytyksestä moista maksais.
Mikähän näistä on totta?

Kommunismi voittaa länsimaisen demokratian.

EU on vuosituhannen menestystarina.

EUn rajavalvonta.

Euro on ikuinen ja tuo hyvinvointia sekä talouden ennustettavuutta.

Obaman punainenlinja.

Hillary Clintonista tulee Pressa.

Trumpista ei voi tulla Pressaa

Trumppi joutuu eroamaan.

Lehtihenkilöt puhuvat totta
Muistiota pukkaa, ex-FBI:n varajohtaja Andrew McCabe kirjoitti muistion Comeyn erottamisesta ja se on päätynyt Muellerin haltuun. Muistion mukaan Trump pyysi Rod Rosensteinia käyttämään Venäjä-tutkintaa muistiossa jota käytettiin syynä Comeyn erottamiseen, Rosenstein kieltäytyi.
The former acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, wrote a confidential memo last spring recounting a conversation that offered significant behind-the-scenes details on the firing of Mr. McCabe’s predecessor, James B. Comey, according to several people familiar with the discussion.

Mr. Comey’s firing is a central focus of the special counsel’s investigation into whether President Trump tried to obstruct the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Mr. McCabe has turned over his memo to the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

In the document, whose contents have not been previously reported, Mr. McCabe described a conversation at the Justice Department with the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, in the chaotic days last May after Mr. Comey’s abrupt firing. Mr. Rosenstein played a key role in the dismissal, writing a memo that rebuked Mr. Comey over his handling of an investigation into Hillary Clinton.

But in the meeting at the Justice Department, Mr. Rosenstein added a new detail: He said the president had originally asked him to reference Russia in his memo, the people familiar with the conversation said. Mr. Rosenstein did not elaborate on what Mr. Trump had wanted him to say.

To Mr. McCabe, that seemed like possible evidence that Mr. Comey’s firing was actually related to the F.B.I.’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, and that Mr. Rosenstein helped provide a cover story by writing about the Clinton investigation.

One person who was briefed on Mr. Rosenstein’s conversation with the president said Mr. Trump had simply wanted Mr. Rosenstein to mention that he was not personally under investigation in the Russia inquiry. Mr. Rosenstein said it was unnecessary and did not include such a reference. Mr. Trump ultimately said it himself when announcing the firing.
Muistiota pukkaa, ex-FBI:n varajohtaja Andrew McCabe kirjoitti muistion Comeyn erottamisesta ja se on päätynyt Muellerin haltuun. Muistion mukaan Trump pyysi Rod Rosensteinia käyttämään Venäjä-tutkintaa muistiossa jota käytettiin syynä Comeyn erottamiseen, Rosenstein kieltäytyi.
Täysin luotettava muistio, varsinkin kun sen on kirjoittanut potkut saanut mies.
Muutoinkin näyttää siltä että trumpin vastaisia todisteita väsää sellaiset joiden motiivi ei kestä päivänvaloa?
New York Post revittelee Trump-Kardashian -tapaamista

  • Another Big Ass Summit = tässä leikitellään "ass" sanan merkityksillä: Suuren P*rseen ja Suuren Idiootin huipputapaaminen
  • Kim Thong Un pitches prez on priz reform = Kim-jolla-pikkupikkuhousut (Trump siis melkein jo tapasi Kim Jong-unin) esittelee vankilauudistuksia pressalle
  • Trump Meets Rump = Trump tapaa Takamuksen

Aika haaskaa sana-iloittelua :whistle:
New Yorker revittelee Trump-Kardashian -tapaamista

  • Another Big Ass Summit = tässä leikitellään "ass" sanan merkityksillä: Suuren P*rseen ja Suuren Idiootin huipputapaaminen
  • Kim Thong Un pitches prez on priz reform = Kim-jolla-pikkupikkuhousut (Trump siis melkein jo tapasi Kim Jong-unin) esittelee vankilauudistuksia pressalle
  • Trump Meets Rump = Trump tapaa Takamuksen

Aika haaskaa sana-iloittelua :whistle:
No täytyy sanoa, että Kim Kardashianista varmaan puolet kehon massasta on persettä:

Tuo alkaa jo näyttää viimeisimmilleen puhalletulta ilmapallolta.

Ja mitenkä tämä bimbo on puhumassa jostakin vankilauudistuksesta Presidentille?

Vähän niin kuin täällä päästettäisiin vanha kunnon Tuksu Salelle kertomaan mielipiteensä siitä kuinka Suomessa pitäisi vankila-asiat hoitaa.
Täysin luotettava muistio, varsinkin kun sen on kirjoittanut potkut saanut mies.
Muutoinkin näyttää siltä että trumpin vastaisia todisteita väsää sellaiset joiden motiivi ei kestä päivänvaloa?
Ilmeisesti bolshevikkeja kaikki tyynni: McCabe, Comey, Rosenstein, Müller... :mad:

Aika väsyneitä alkavat jo olla nämä pro-Trump -argumentit! Aika moni on jo ymmärtänyt, ettei Trumpin itsensä toimet kestä päivän valoa. Jos kaikki on tehty oikein eikä tarvetta salailuun ole, miksei yksinkertaisesti julkaise vaikka kampanja-ajan sähköpostikeskusteluja?
OT: mihin tämä kardashianin suosio perustuu? Eihän se enää edes pukeudu kumiin, jäljellä on vaan iso perse ja tavan tissit. Muutenkin ihmetelly tätä persettä, onko se joku kollektiivinen harha vai mitä helvettiä, että noin jäätävän kokoinen perse olis muuta kun iso perse. Tällöinhän kaikki älyllisesti vähäiset läskiperseet on jees? No ei helvetissä ole. Pieni perse pitää olla ja tissit keskikokoiset tai vähän isommat. Emmätajua tota ollenkaan.