Trump -psykoosi

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"Hauskaa läppää":

Trump kehui suomalaista metsänhoitoa.

Ei kelpaa. Tarinanhan pitää olla "Trump valehtelee" tai "Trump on tyhmä". Eikös?

Tulipas mieleen: Putinin metsissä FSC on varmaan hyvä. Miljoonia hehtaareja vihreiden mallin mukaan korruptiolla sertifioituna joita Suomeenkin yritetään tyrkyttää.

Eurooppalaisten tarpeiden perusteella demokraattisemmin suunniteltu PEFC on kuulemma huono ja erityisesti täällä Suomessa. Miksi? Tuntuu että samat piirit levittelevät sitä tarinaa kuin nyt ilkkuvat Trumpilla. Kyselkääpä jos ette minua usko, ottakaa selvää.

No mitä tuo nyt oli..

No mitä tähän sanoisi,joukkopsykoosi. Itsekin menin mukaan alkuun, sitten kyseenalaistava luonteni taas kiihtyi:
että jospa termien kanssa mennyt nyt sekaisin ja n.e.
Tottakai Trumpia pitää kritisoida kuten kaikkia poliitikoita vapaassa maailmassa. Ei tämä mikään Venäjä tai Hitlerin Saksa ole.
Mutta minusta Trump ei ole vaarallinen juuri siksi koska koko miestä yhtä hyvin voi impitsmentoida ja olla valitsematta, jos jotain löytyy..mutta teepa saman puttelle.

Mutta koirat haukkuu ja karavaani menee..
USAn finanssiministeril ilmoitti että venäläiset "Pronsyrjoimport" ja Global Vision Group laitettiin sanktiot yrityksestä:
DOGAEV, Andrey (a.k.a. DOGAYEV, Andrey; a.k.a. DOGAYEV, Andrey Yuryevich (Cyrillic: ДОГАЕВ, Андрей Юрьевич)); DOB 19 Dec 1955; POB Russia; Gender Male; Passport 72 9279533 (Russia) issued 27 Aug 2014 expires 27 Aug 2024; First Deputy Director of Promsyrioimport (individual) [SYRIA] (Linked To: PROMSYRIOIMPORT).
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Kongressin demokraatit aikovat tutkia rikkoiko Ivanka Trump lakia käyttäessään henkilökohtaista sähköpostia virallisissa tehtävissä. Ehkäpä isäpappa alkaa twiittailemaan Crooked Ivankasta.
The House Oversight Committee plans to investigate whether Ivanka Trump violated federal law by using a personal email account for government business, a Democratic staffer on the committee said Tuesday.

“We plan to continue our investigation of the Presidential Records Act and Federal Records Act, and we want to know if Ivanka complied with the law,” said the aide, who was not authorized to speak publicly.
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Valkoinen talo julkaisi presidentin lausunnon Khashoggin murhasta ja Saudi-Arabian kruununprinssin osallisuudesta siihen. Lausunnon mukaan kruununprinssi ehkä tiesi tai ehkä ei tiennyt. Eli ei aiheuta toimenpiteitä.

King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!

That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region. It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!
Suomi mainittu :ROFLMAO:

Mr. Trump bizarrely devotes the FIRST paragraph of his shameful statement on Saudi atrocities to accuse IRAN of every sort of malfeasance he can think of. Perhaps we’re also responsible for the California fires, because we didn’t help rake the forests— just like the Finns do?

— Javad Zarif (@JZarif)
Donald Trump vaatimattomaan tapaansa arveli että Time-lehden vuoden henkilö voi olla ainoastaan Donald Trump.
President Trump was asked by a reporter Tuesday about Time magazine’s Person of the Year issue, which comes out every December.

And he had one answer for who should be Person of the Year: “Trump.”

“I don’t know, that is up to Time magazine,” he said, noting that he had been given the distinction in 2016. "I can’t imagine anybody else other than Trump, can you imagine anybody else other than Trump?”

Senaatin ulkoasianvaliokunnan puhe- ja varapuhemies (republikaani ja demokraatti) käynnistivät tutkimuksen Saudi-Arabian kruununprinssin Mohammed bin Salmanin osallisuudesta toimittaja Jamal Khashoggin murhaan. Syynä on molempien puolueiden pettymys Trumpin pehmeyteen Saudi-Arabiaa kohtaan.
President Donald Trump cast doubt Tuesday on whether the U.S. could ever know the extent of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's involvement in the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. But now, Congress is demanding his administration provides an answer.

The top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., sent a letter to the White House Tuesday evening to officially trigger an investigation into whether the young crown prince ordered the plot.

The move sets up a showdown between Capitol Hill and the White House as members of both parties in Congress call on Trump to be tougher on Saudi Arabia.

"It is a delicate situation when we have a longtime ally that we've had for decades, but we have a crown prince that I believe ordered the killing of a journalist," Corker told ABC Chattanooga, Tennessee, affiliate WTVC.

Earlier Tuesday, Trump released a winding statement that called Khashoggi's murder inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last month a "terrible" crime, but it focused its ire on the Saudis' regional rival Iran and defended U.S. relations with the kingdom, a "steadfast partner" and "great ally."

"The language that was used it was as if they were writing a press release for the Saudi Arabians, not for the United States," Corker told WTVC.

The focus on the role of Prince Mohammed, also known by his initials "MBS," has emerged as the central question after the Saudis initially denied Khashoggi was killed, then denied responsibility, then blamed an accidental fistfight, before calling it a rogue operation and punishing the team that carried it out.

Members of Congress have consistently said that the crown prince, who has consolidated power behind the scenes with his aging father King Salman on the throne, must have been involved, especially because of the structure of the Saudi government. The CIA has reportedly reached the same assessment, although Trump denied that at the White House Tuesday.

"The CIA has looked at it, they've studied it a lot. They have nothing definitive. And the fact is maybe he did, maybe he didn't," Trump told reporters, adding, "We're staying with Saudi Arabia."
Some Democrats have called for a fundamental shift in U.S. relations with the Saudis, but the country is still mostly seen as an important U.S. partner on counter terrorism, combating Iranian influence, and stabilizing energy markets.

Still, Corker and Menendez's letter requests the administration conduct an investigation of MBS's role under the Global Magnitsky Act, a 2016 law the authorizes U.S. sanctions for human rights abuses or corruption. The law grants Congress the authority to order the administration to investigate an individual and make a determination within 120 days, although it doesn't obligate the administration to then sanction the person.

"In light of recent developments, including the Saudi government's acknowledgement that Saudi officials killed Mr. Khashoggi in its Istanbul consulate, we request that your determination specifically address whether Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman is responsible for Mr. Khashoggi's murder," the senators wrote.

Corker and Menendez sent a similar letter on Oct. 10, a little over a week after Khashoggi disappeared after entering the Saudi consulate, demanding a Global Magnitsky investigation into what happened. The result of that investigation was the administration's sanctions on 17 Saudi officials last Thursday.

But critics pointed out all 17 of those individuals had already been arrested by the Saudis, with 11 of them indicted the same day and five of whom the Saudis are seeking to execute. The U.S. sanctions did little to contrast the Saudi narrative that this team acted alone, although the administration continues to say it will conduct its own investigation to hold everyone responsible accountable.

Congress seems to have little faith in that, again pressuring the administration by triggering an investigation that could result in sanctions -- something that Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said Tuesday there is "strong bipartisan support ... including [against] appropriate members of the royal family."

One possible disruption in those plans, however, is that Corker, at times a vocal critic of Trump, is retiring and will leave his Senate seat in January. The expected incoming chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, is much more closely aligned with the president and could be far less critical of his policies.

Risch signed the first Global Magnitsky letter in October, but has not released a statement on Khashoggi's killing since then.
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Mitä opin tänään? No ainakin sen että paloittelusurma on ok, ei toimenpiteitä (eli ei paheksuta).

Myrkkysurma ei ole ok, salisburyn tössäröintiä sentään paheksuttiin.
Donald Trump vaatimattomaan tapaansa arveli että Time-lehden vuoden henkilö voi olla ainoastaan Donald Trump.

Ahneeksi on ryhtynyt kun tuli valituksi vuonna 2016, tuplatittelit ovat aika harvinaisia mutta onhan siellä Trumpille sopiva esikuva, Isä Aurinkoinen, 39 ja 42.
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Erittäin poikkeuksellisesti USA:n korkeimman oikeuden puheenjohtaja arvosteli suoraan istuvaa presidenttiä. John Roberts kertoi etteivät tuomarit ole jonkun tietyn presidentin tuomareita vaan itsenäisiä toimijoita, tämä oli kommenttina Trumpin puheista kuinka hän häviää oikeudessa aina kun vastassa on "Obaman tuomari". Robertsin mukaan presidentin käsitys tuomioistuimen roolista on täysin väärä. Robertsin korkeimpaan oikeuteen nimitti Bush jr.
In a direct rebuke to President Trump, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. defended the independence and integrity of the federal judiciary on Wednesday, issuing a statement responding to Mr. Trump’s criticism of a judge who had ruled against the administration’s asylum policy.

The chief justice seemed particularly offended by Mr. Trump’s assertion that Judge Jon S. Tigar, of the United States District Court in San Francisco, was “an Obama judge.”
Chief Justice Roberts said that was a profound misunderstanding of the judicial role.

“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges,” he said in a statement. “What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Chief Justice Roberts issued his statement in response to a request for comment from The Associated Press about Mr. Trump’s remarks on Tuesday concerning the asylum ruling, which ordered the administration to resume accepting asylum claims from migrants no matter where or how they entered the United States.

Mr. Trump had also lashed out against the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, based in San Francisco, calling it a lawless disgrace and threatening unspecified retaliation.
“That’s not law,” he said of the court’s rulings. “Every case that gets filed in the Ninth Circuit we get beaten.” Stories&pgtype=Homepage
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Eurooppalaiset tutkijat pudottivat pienen pommin:

President Donald Trump is succeeding in making China pay most of the cost of his trade war.

That’s the conclusion of a new paper from EconPol Europe, a network of researchers in the European Union. U.S. companies and consumers will only pay 4.5 percent more after the nation imposed 25 percent tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods, and the other 20.5 percent toll will fall on Chinese producers, according to authors Benedikt Zoller-Rydzek and Gabriel Felbermayr.


Jokin aika sitten oli uutisten joukkoon kirjoitettu sellainen yksityiskohta, että Trumpin veroleikkauksista huolimatta valtion verotulot kasvoivat 14miljardia...
Jokin aika sitten oli uutisten joukkoon kirjoitettu sellainen yksityiskohta, että Trumpin veroleikkauksista huolimatta valtion verotulot kasvoivat 14miljardia...

... joka oli +0,4% eli reippaasti alle inflaation. Verotulot laskivat n. 4,3% verrattuna edelliseen vuoteen.
Nominal revenue did increase, according to Treasury's fiscal year-end report, which shows that total federal tax revenue is up only $14 billion, or 0.4 percent, between FY 2018 and FY 2017. This revenue growth rate is the eighth lowest in the past 50 years, and the seven lower years either coincided with a recession or tax cuts/expiring tax increases enacted shortly after a recession.
However, this nominal increase is well below the rate of inflation – meaning that the value of revenue collection has actually declined in real terms.

By our estimate, total revenue over the time period in question has actually fallen by 1.5 percent in real (inflation-adjusted) terms. Measured relative to GDP – a sensible way to measure because a steady tax system would be expected to capture roughly the same share of the economy each year – we estimate revenue has fallen 4.3 percent. Finally, relative to the revenue increases that had been previously expected from population growth, inflation, wage growth, structural elements of the tax code, and other factors, tax revenue is down by 5.7 percent.
Trumpin mielestä maailmaa olisi pidettävä syyllisenä Khashoggin murhaan sillä maailma on säälimätön paikka.
Trump, in defiant remarks to reporters from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, defended his continued support for Mohammed in the face of a CIA assessment that the crown prince had ordered the killing.

“He denies it vehemently,” Trump said. He said his own conclusion was that “maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.”

“I hate the crime. . . . I hate the coverup. I will tell you this: The crown prince hates it more than I do,” Trump said.

Asked who should be held accountable for the death of Khashoggi, who was killed at the Saudi Consulate in Turkey, Trump refused to place blame.

“Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a very, very vicious place,” the president said.
Jerome Corsi neuvottelee yhteistyösopimuksesta Muellerin kanssa, hän on saamassa syytteet FBI:lle valehtelusta. Corsi liittyy Muellerin tutkimusten Wikileaks-haaraan yhdessä kaverinsa Roger Stonen kanssa. Corsi oli tärkeimpiä birther-salaliittoteorian levittäjiä sekä yritti todistella John Kerryn olleen pelkuri Vietnamin-sodassa ja hänen kunniamerkkien (Bronze star, Silver star) tulleen petoksen avulla.
Conservative writer and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, according to Corsi and another person with knowledge of the talks.

The talks with Corsi — an associate of both President Trump and GOP operative Roger Stone — could bring Mueller’s team closer to determining whether Trump or his advisers were linked to WikiLeaks’ release of hacked Democratic emails in 2016, a key part of his long-running inquiry.

Corsi provided research on Democratic figures during the campaign to Stone, a longtime Trump adviser. For months, the special counsel has been scrutinizing Stone’s activities in an effort to determine whether he coordinated with WikiLeaks. Stone and WikiLeaks have repeatedly denied any such coordination.

Stone has said that Corsi also has a relationship with Trump, built on their shared interest in the falsehood that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

Corsi confirmed the plea negotiations after they were first reported by The Washington Post Friday. “It’s true. Your story is accurate,” he said, declining to comment further except to say there may be further developments next week.

David Gray, an attorney for Corsi, declined to comment, as did a spokesman for Mueller. An attorney for Trump declined to comment.