Trump -psykoosi

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Varapresidentti Mike Pencen mukaan Trumpin ja hänen hallinnon valheet perustellessaan muurin tarpeellisuutta eivät vähennä hallinnon uskottavuutta sillä faktoilla ei ole suurta merkitystä amerikkalaisille.
Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said that President Trump will use his first prime-time Oval Office address to detail what he described as "a real humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border."

But when pressed by ABC News on the multiple falsehoods recently spread by the president about the immigration debate in recent days, the vice president argued that it shouldn't undermine the administration's credibility in the eyes of the American public.

"Look, the American people aren't as concerned about the political debate as they are about what's really happening at the border," Pence told ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl in an interview for "Good Morning America."

Eighteen days into the partial government shutdown, Trump and other administration officials have made several false claims as they have sought to pressure Democrats to agree for billions in funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

On Friday, Trump falsely claimed that he has been contacted by "some" of the four living former presidents who told him they wished they'd built a border wall. Spokespersons for all four have since denied such communication ever occurred.

The White House has also claimed that in 2018 "nearly 4,000" suspected terrorists tried to cross into the U.S. through the southern border. But that claim has since been debunked citing figures straight from the administration. The Department of Homeland Security has since sought to clarify that DHS has instead "encountered more than 3,000 Special Interest Aliens" trying to enter via the southern border, which it described as "individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security threat."

"The passion you hear from President Trump is determination to take this case to the American people as he will tonight in his national broadcast from the Oval Office -- comes from the president's deep desire to protect the American people," Pence said when pressed on the falsehoods.

Pence did not say whether the president would declare a "national emergency" over border security, which he has said he has the authority to do if no agreement is reached with Democrats.

Trump has told congressional leaders that the government shutdown could go on for months -- even a year or longer -- if Congress doesn't approve funding for a border wall.

"The American people deserve to know that the situation on our southern border has become as 'The Washington Post' said a 'bona fide emergency,'" Pence said.

The Washington Post article Pence is referring to called the influx of migrant families -- and the difficulty Customs and Border Protection had dealing with the situation - "a bona fide emergency."

"Sixty-thousand people a month and for the first time on record, the vast majority of those are families, unaccompanied children and it simply is overwhelming the ability of our border patrol and customs agents to be able to address it," Pence said. "We need new resources. We need to build a wall. We need the Congress to come to the table and work with this president to address this crisis once and for all."

Pence argued Democrats' refusal to compromise shows they are ignoring the border situation, but in an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," Sen. Kamala Harris disputed that claim.

"It's just simply not true," Sen. Harris, D-Calif., said. "There was a bipartisan effort out of the United States Senate and the United States Congress to pass funding of the government and the president is holding it up because of his vanity project, which is this wall at taxpayers' expense and at the expense of hundreds of thousands of workers who are working every day without being paid. So it's just simply not true. It's an emergency of his own creation."

Harris said if Trump declares a national emergency, Democrats would likely mount an immediate legal challenge.

"I think that there's no question that we will litigate and there will be litigation," Harris said. "Those other branches of government and the courts and the press will put checks on this outrageous conduct of this administration. If he declares an emergency, I think that we will see again the checks and balances kick in particular through the courts."
faktoilla ei ole suurta merkitystä amerikkalaisille.

Valitettavaa mutta totta. Kirkkokansa on pienestä pitäen koulittu olemaan ajattelematta ja nielemään kaikki ylhäältä syötetty totena. Pitää uskoa silloinkin kun tietää toisen valehtelevan.
"Sulatusuuni" on tosiasia, eikä ihanteeni.

Ei ole, USA on hajaantumassa ei vain poliittisesti vaan myös etnisesti ja kultturisesti mikä ei todellakaan ole assimilaatiota painottavan 'melting pot' mallin mukaista ei kunnolla edes 'salad bowl' mallin mukaista jollei kulhoksi katsota raaka-aineita jotka pidetään tiukasti erillään omissa kaupunginosissaan tai kaupungeissa ja lipastojen kafeterioissa.. Joskus aiemmin USA teki ihmisistä ensisijaisesti amerikkalaisa toissijaisesti jotain muuta, nykyään USA tuntuu olevan lähinnä tilkkutäkki toinen toistaan sorretumpia marginaaliryhmiä joiden uhriasema oikeuttaa erityiskohteluun ja on johtanut ryhmien vapaaehtoiseen eristäytymiseen toisistaan tasa-arvon ja monimuotoisuuden nimissä. Mites ois esimerkiksi erilliset valmitumisseremoniat valkoiseille ja mustille opiskelijoille mikä on sulatusuunin arkipäivää AD 2019......
Paul Manafortin asianajajien huolimattomuus nytkäytti "Collusion"-väitettä uuteen vauhtiin. Juristit unohtivat peittää Manafortin oikeudelle toimittamista asiakirjoista kohdan jossa kerrotaan Manafortin valehdelleen kontakteistaan venäläiseen Konstantin Kilmikiin. Manafort Trumpin kampanjapäällikkönä toimitti Kilmnikille Trumpin presidenttikampanjan sisäiseen käyttöön teettämien mielipidetutkimusten tuloksia ja keskusteli Ukrainan tilanteesta tämän kanssa. Kaverukset tapasivat presidentinvaalikampanjan aikana Madridissa, tämä tieto sattui Manafortilta unohtumaan kuulusteluissa. Yhteistyö GRU-miehen kanssa vaalikampanjan aikana ei näytä erityisen hyvältä.
Paul Manafort shared 2016 presidential campaign polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik, a former employee whom the FBI has said has ties to Russian intelligence, according to a court filing.

The apparently inadvertent revelation indicates a pathway by which the Russians could have had access to Trump campaign data.

The former Trump campaign chairman on Tuesday denied in a filing from his defense team that he broke his plea deal by lying repeatedly to prosecutors working for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III about that and other issues.

In his rebuttal to the special counsel’s claims of dishonesty, Manafort exposed details of the dispute, much of which centers on his relationship with Kilimnik. The Russian citizen, who began working for Manafort’s consulting firm starting in 2005, has been charged with helping his former boss to obstruct Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference into the 2016 election. He is believed to be in Moscow.

The special counsel alleged Manafort “lied about sharing polling data with Mr. Kilimnik related to the 2016 presidential campaign,” according to the unredacted filing, and discussed Ukrainian politics with Kilimnik during that time.

“Manafort ‘conceded’ that he discussed or may have discussed a Ukraine peace plan with Mr. Kilimnik on more than one occasion,” his attorneys quote the special counsel as saying, and “’acknowledged’ that he and Mr. Kilimnik met while they were both in Madrid.”

In his filing, Manafort’s lawyers said any inconsistencies in those interviews were unintentional.

“Issues and communications related to Ukrainian political events simply were not at the forefront of Mr. Manafort’s mind during the period at issue and it is not surprising at all that Mr. Manafort was unable to recall specific details prior to having his recollection refreshed,” they wrote.

Mueller also said Manafort lied about contacting Trump administration officials after Trump took office. Manafort had told investigators he had no direct or indirect contact with White House officials since Trump’s inauguration, but Manafort had been in touch with officials as recently as the spring, according to the filing.

Manafort told a colleague in February — four months after he was indicted — that he was in contact with a senior administration official through that time, prosecutors said. And in a text message, he authorized another person to speak with a White House official on May 26, they alleged.

In Tuesday’s filing, Manafort’s attorneys said that person was “asking permission to use Mr. Manafort’s name as an introduction in the event the third-party met the President,” which “does not constitute outreach by Mr. Manafort to the President.”

They add that the other example of contact with administration officials “is hearsay purportedly offered by an undisclosed third party and the defense has not been provided with the statement.”

Defense attorneys wrote that Manafort’s months in solitary confinement at the Alexandria jail in Virginia have “taken a toll on his physical and mental health.”

“For several months Mr. Manafort has suffered from severe gout, at times confining him to a wheelchair,” the lawyers wrote. “He also suffers from depression and anxiety and, due to the facility’s visitation regulations, has had very little contact with his family.”

Prosecutors had accused Manafort of telling “multiple discernible lies” over the course of 12 interviews with investigators and two grand jury appearances since his guilty plea in September in Washington to conspiring to defraud the United States and conspiring to obstruct justice through his undisclosed lobbying for a pro-Russian politician in Ukraine.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has ordered the special counsel to respond and set a Jan. 25 hearing date to air the dispute.

In the Tuesday filing, Manafort’s lawyers said the disagreement can be dealt with through the sentencing process, because prosecutors have said they have no plans to file fresh charges.

The longtime Republican consultant already faces a possible maximum, 10-year prison sentence in his D.C. case under federal guidelines for conspiring to cheat the Internal Revenue Service, violate foreign-lobbying laws and tamper with witnesses. That time could come in addition to his punishment for separate convictions in Virginia on tax and bank fraud charges.

Manafort faces a tentative March 5 sentencing date in his federal case in D.C. If he is found to have breached the deal, he would lose any sentencing credits for acceptance of responsibility, prose The longtime lobbyist is set for sentencing Feb. 8 in Virginia before U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III of Alexandria .

Under the agreement with prosecutors in his D.C. case, Manafort also was ordered to forfeit an estimated $15 million he hid from the IRS, but was permitted to keep some property held with relatives. In return for his cooperation, he hoped to have prosecutors recommend leniency, possibly slicing years off his prison term.

Prosecutors said Manafort also lied about the circumstances of a $125,000 wire transfer in 2017.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Paul Manafortin asianajajien huolimattomuus nytkäytti "Collusion"-väitettä uuteen vauhtiin. Juristit unohtivat peittää Manafortin oikeudelle toimittamista asiakirjoista kohdan jossa kerrotaan Manafortin valehdelleen kontakteistaan venäläiseen Konstantin Kilmikiin. Manafort Trumpin kampanjapäällikkönä toimitti Kilmnikille Trumpin presidenttikampanjan sisäiseen käyttöön teettämien mielipidetutkimusten tuloksia ja keskusteli Ukrainan tilanteesta tämän kanssa. Kaverukset tapasivat presidentinvaalikampanjan aikana Madridissa, tämä tieto sattui Manafortilta unohtumaan kuulusteluissa. Yhteistyö GRU-miehen kanssa vaalikampanjan aikana ei näytä erityisen hyvältä.
”Kas vain”, sanoi collusion, ja kasvoi vain.
"USA on monikulttuurinen maa ja tulee olemaan, riippumatta siitä aiheuttaako se kärsimystä vai ei.
Olen hieman toistamieltä. USA on ollut monietninen maa jossa tulokkaat ovat omaksuneet maan kulttuurin. Maana hyvin yksikulttuurinen ja tietenkin tulokkaat ovat säilyttäneet omaa alkuperäistä kultuuriaan mausteena sekä vahvoilla muilla vaikutteilla(esim. hippi-, homokulttuurit jne.) mutta aina ensin amerikkalainen. Tämä on vaihtumassa enkä tiedä onko huonompaan/parempaan suuntaan ja onko loppujenlopuksi tulemassa monien pelkäämä sisällissota II.
Hyvä esimerkki lähinnä amatöörimaisesta puuhastelusta ja täydellisestä yhteistyökyvyn puutteesta sekä umpisurkeasta johtajuudesta. Jos presidenttinä olisi tekijämies niin muuria olisi jo pystyssä muutama sata mailia.
On siellä sitä muuria jo jonkin verran:
As of January 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of barriers in place.[3] The total length of the continental border is 1,954 miles (3,145 km).–United_States_barrier
Kenenköhän ohjekirjasta on luoda itse kriisi, haukkua edelliset presidentit kyvyttömiksi hoitaa se ja vaatia hätävaltuuksia kriisin hoitamiseksi?
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Kenenköhän ohjekirjasta on luoda itse kriisi, haukkua edelliset presidentit kyvyttömiksi hoitaa se ja vaatia hätävaltuuksia kriisin hoitamiseksi?

Eikö itse keksitystä kriisistä jota ei oikeasti koskaan ollutkaan ole helpoin selvitä voittajana? Muut keskittyvät lähinnä katselemaan haavi auki mitä h...tiä tuo huru-ukko taas touhuaa.
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Minä rakentaisin muurin lisäksi miinoitteet ja kantalinnoitteet rajalle.
29 Facts About the Border and Mexican Cartels You Need to Know
Breitbart/Brandon Darby8 Jan 20195,501

As the debate about the construction of a wall and other border security issues, here are 29 facts that you need to know. The topics came up during the most recent episode of “Coffee with Scott Adams.” Brandon Darby, the Managing Editor for Breitbart’s Border and Cartel Chronicles, sat down with the famed creator of the Dilbert comics to discuss the intricacies of border security.
1) No one is proposing a wall between all of Mexico and the U.S.—the U.S. southern border is approximately 2,000 miles. The discussion is about 1,000 miles of physical barriers in regions that are heavily controlled by drug cartels.
2) The Texas border is about 1,200 miles of the approximately 2,000 miles of the total southern border. Most of that border is the Rio Grande, a river which varies in intensity with respect to currents.
3) Mexico has numerous states under the direct influence of drug cartels that have standing armies with access to RPGs, armored vehicles, artillery, and explosives. Most of Mexico has military forces patrolling streets to deal with cartel paramilitary forces.
4) The most violent drug cartels operate south of the Texas border. Factions of Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel routinely allow their violence to spill over to the average person.
5) The border city of Tijuana has some of the highest murder statistics in all of Mexico. Despite record-setting figures, most of the victims tend to be tied to drug trafficking.
6) Border cities south of Texas like Reynosa, Tamaulipas, have much lower murder rates than Tijuana. Despite the difference, average citizens are often touched by cartels including shootouts, kidnappings, and other violent activities.
7) Most of the efforts by drug cartels to control migration happens South of the Texas border. Criminal organizations like the Reynosa faction of the Gulf Cartel profit more from human smuggling than drug trafficking.
8) The majority of tunnels are found on the Arizona and California borders. The tunnels are generally discovered in areas where there are population centers on both sides of the border and a wall or fence is already in place. Few have been found in Texas, where there is a river.
9) Most tunnels are discovered thanks to informants; law enforcement technology has rarely been successful in locating border tunnels.
10) Most of the border does not have a drug tunnel problem. They are typically found in Douglas and Nogales, Arizona, as well as Mexicali, San Diego/San Isidro, California.
11) Cartels spend a lot of money building a tunnel–only to be discovered shortly after.

12) Claims by Democrats about the low crime rates in El Paso are an example of walls working. In areas with considerable border barriers such as El Paso, the regional criminal groups turn more professional and shy away from illegal immigration to traffic harder drugs through ports of entry.
13) The presence of physical barriers in cities like El Paso has led to fewer people coming over the border to commit petty crimes or bring loads of drugs on their backs. The criminal organizations in the area shifted toward corrupting U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials to smuggle harder drugs.
14) A partially secured border is more deadly than an open or well-secured one. Previous administrations put barriers south of most cities in Arizona and California to funnel illicit traffic into areas that were easier to manage or too desolate to cross. This led to a spike in deaths since the desire of people to reach the U.S. pushes them to more remote and dangerous areas.
15) Human smuggling and illegal immigration will continue to be a problem until economic opportunities improve in Mexico and in Central America.
16) Mexican transnational criminal groups and their leaders have grown beyond the size and power of the American mafia from Prohibition Era and Al Capone. Cartels are integrated into the Mexican political culture and bureaucracy. Legalization would not stop them.
17) The decriminalization of marijuana and the production of higher quality plants in the U.S. versus Mexico had a series of unspoken consequences. After marijuana from Mexico was not able to compete with U.S.-grown plants, some cartels shifted their model more toward human smuggling–becoming a factor in the 2014 migrant crisis and the current one at the U.S. border.
18) After marijuana decriminalization in the U.S., cartels shifted to increase their cultivation of poppies and the production of black tar heroin. In order to compete with the Asian product, cartels use fentanyl–playing a role in the current opioid overdose epidemic.
19) The U.S. State Department influences how hard authorities crack down on cartels. U.S. agencies have been told to “measure their law enforcement priorities with the State Department’s diplomatic concerns.”
20) A cartel’s power in Mexico comes not from kingpins, but from politicians, financiers, lawyers, and money launderers. U.S. authorities and diplomats routinely focus on kingpins such as “El Chapo” and his lieutenants, but never go after the rest of the circle.
21) The state of Tamaulipas, directly south of Texas, has two former governors currently indicted for their alleged roles in helping cartels. One remains in Mexico, while the other is in U.S. custody awaiting trial.
22) U.S. diplomats are negotiating and playing along with the same Mexican politicians that protect cartels, in the interest of trade and diplomacy.
23) Certain factions of drug cartels have crossed the line into terrorism and should classified as such. The designation would change the way the U.S. alienates them from banks, financial resources, and politicians. Other cartels would be forced to tone down their actions or risk similar consequences.
24) Worries of Middle Eastern terrorists crossing the southwestern border are at times mitigated by cartel members who are informants for U.S. agencies that enjoy handsome incentives to turn people in.
25) The more likely scenario for terrorism deals with people flying into Canada and then entering the U.S. with visas. Most people on the terror watch list who try to enter the U.S. across the southern border are Somalis or Kurds.
26) Certain organizations like Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel present more of an imminent threat than foreign terrorists entering through the southern border.
27) Mexico’s ongoing cartel violence and drug war has led to more murders and disappearances than some international wars. Mexico has suffered more than 250,000 homicides and at least 30,000 disappearances since 2009.
28) Up to 70 percent of the women and girls from Central America who come through Mexico to the U.S. are sexually assaulted en route. Most women who leave Central America for the U.S. have the expectation of facing multiple abuses at the hands of cartel-connected human smugglers.
29) The State Department keeps U.S. law enforcement from being more aggressive against cartels. The State Department has everything to do with how law enforcement and intelligence agencies operate in Mexico–and any effort to secure the border without addressing the Department’s timidity in Mexico will likely fail or be less successful than it otherwise could be.
^Jos sama raha menisi johonkin muuhun kohteeseen, niin puhuttaisiin elvytyksestä. Työtä mainareille, terästyöntekijöille, hiilikaivoksille, kuljetusyrittäjille, maarakentajille. Raha jää kiertämään yhteiskuntaan ja luomaan vaurautta.
^Jos sama raha menisi johonkin muuhun kohteeseen, niin puhuttaisiin elvytyksestä. Työtä mainareille, terästyöntekijöille, hiilikaivoksille, kuljetusyrittäjille, maarakentajille. Raha jää kiertämään yhteiskuntaan ja luomaan vaurautta.

Rahasummat ovat sikäläisessä mittakaavassa jokseenkin mitättömiä. Periaatteestahan tässä väännetään. Kaikki ovat valmiita panostamaan rajaturvallisuuteen. Keinoista vain ollaan eri mieltä.
^Jos sama raha menisi johonkin muuhun kohteeseen, niin puhuttaisiin elvytyksestä. Työtä mainareille, terästyöntekijöille, hiilikaivoksille, kuljetusyrittäjille, maarakentajille. Raha jää kiertämään yhteiskuntaan ja luomaan vaurautta.
Tarkoitatko siis, että mikä olisi säästö, jos muuri vähentäisi huumekuolemia esim. tietyllä prosenttimäärillä? Mitä olen lukenut, niin suurin osa huumeista tuodaan tavara- ja henkilöliikenteessä laillisten rajapaikkojen yli ja kautta. Vain pieni osa tulee rajanylityspaikat välttäen huumekuriirin kantamana, saati että laittomat siirtolaiset toisivat niitä. Voisin siis arvata, että hyötysuhde olisi negatiivinen.

Oikea tapa olisi lisätä valvontaa, henkilökuntaa ja teknologiaa rajanylityspaikoilla, mutta siihen jo osoitettuakin rahaa Trumpin hallinto on ollut haluton tai saamaton käyttämään.
Onko kenelläkään analyysiä siitä, kuinka paljon rahaa muuri oikeasti säästää?

Lienee ihan uskottavasti todennettu että juuri huumekauppaan muurin vaikutus olisi nollatasoa. Ja yhtä ainutta terroristia ei Meksikosta tiedetä tulleen. Noilta momenteilta ei ainakaan säästöä synny. Siirtolaisuuteen voitaisiin jotain vaikutusta saada. Olisiko se sitten plussaa vai miinusta on toinen asia. Kokonaisuus on erittäin monimutkainen. Juuri sellainen johon populisti tarjoaa yksinkertaisen tempun parannukseksi. Ja lopuksi huomataan ettei mikään muuttunutkaan.
Viimeksi muokattu:
IL UUTISET tänään 9.1. klo 13.34 on kertonut seuraavaa:

USA:n nykyinen presidentti valehtelee. Usein. Keskiviikkona hän piti ensimmäisen, parhaaseen katseluaikaan lähetetyn puheensa virkahuoneestaan Valkoisesta talosta, eikä se ollut poikkeus.

Trump lateli puheessa syitä sille, miksi Meksikon rajalle pitäisi rakentaa muuri. Demokraattien ja Trumpin välillä on käynnissä vääntö siitä, mikä on paras tapa vahvistaa USA:n rajaturvallisuutta.

Laatulehtien Washington Postin ja New York Timesin faktantarkastajat tekivät verkossa työtä livenä oikaistakseen Trumpin harhaanjohtavia, valheellisia ja puolitosia väitteitä. Samoin tekivät monet tv-kanavat heti puheen jälkeen, kuten myös Trumpin suosikkikanava, republikaanimyönteinen Fox News.

Mitä tuohon lisäisi? Näyttää siltä. että on yhä vähemmän USA:n kansalaisia, jotka uskovat presidenttinsä puheisiin.
^Jos sama raha menisi johonkin muuhun kohteeseen, niin puhuttaisiin elvytyksestä. Työtä mainareille, terästyöntekijöille, hiilikaivoksille, kuljetusyrittäjille, maarakentajille. Raha jää kiertämään yhteiskuntaan ja luomaan vaurautta.
Jos Trump olisi valtiomies niin tuo summa kannattaisi upotettaa USA:n perusinfraan joka on hajoamisen partaalla ja tuosta olisi oikeasti hyötyä.