Trumpin siirtymätiimiä lähellä oleva henkilö kommentoi Politicolle, ettei "kukaan Trumpia lähellä oleva ehdottaisi, että on hyvä idea hyökätä John Lewisiä vastaan Twitterissä".
Politico -verkkolehden mukaan Trumpin virkaanastujaisia boikotoivien määrä uhkaa tapauksen johdosta kasvaa. Tähän mennessä 14 kongressiedustajaa on ilmoittanut boikotoivansa Trumpin 20. tammikuuta järjestettäviä virkaanastujaisia.
John Lewis sekä muutamat muut demokraattiedustajat tekivät saman boikottitempun (ja jokseenkin samoin perustein) myös 2001 Bush juniorin virkaanastujaisissa. Lewis jäikin nyt sitten kiinni valheesta, että Trumpin boikotointi olisi ensimmäinen kerta hänen edustajanurallaan.
SURPRISE! John Lewis Didn't Attend George W. Bush's Inauguration Either
A war of words has erupted between Georgia Congressman John Lewis and President-elect Donald Trump. At issue are comments Lewis made during an interview with NBC News.
"I don't see this President-elect as a legitimate president," said Lewis in an interview that aired on Sunday. "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected."
"I don't plan on attending the inauguration," Lewis added. "It'll be the first one that I miss."
While Lewis' comments have drawn heat from both the right and the left, this isn't the first time the Georgia congressman has called a president illegitimate. As a matter of fact, Lewis made similar comments about the last Republican president, George W. Bush.
In 2001, The Washington Post reported:
Some members of the Black Caucus decided to boycott Inauguration Day; John Lewis, for instance, spent the day in his Atlanta district. He thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in because he doesn't believe Bush is the true elected president.
The Washington Post's reporting contradicts Congressman Lewis' statement that this would be the first inauguration that he's ever missed.