Pohtivat jo taannoin oikeasti miehen heittämistä ulos:
Fired acting FBI director says talks were held about removing Trump
Tuossa mennään jo maanpetossyytettä hipoen. Toivottavsti McCabella on tarpeeksi poliittista pääomaa.
The Hill:ssä kirjoitus entiseltä FBI agentilta, joka ei paljoa armoa anna.
But wait, there’s painfully more. According to the “60 Minutes” reporter, McCabe verified a
months-old New York Times story based on an anonymous source (most likely former FBI general counsel James Baker) that discussions were held among McCabe, Rosenstein and other senior Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials about removing the president via the Constitution’s 25th Amendment.
McCabe reportedly will assert during his “60 Minutes” interview that Rosenstein, in all seriousness, wanted to record the president, without his knowledge, to gather information material to the president’s capacity to perform his duties. Rosenstein, you see, was upset — according to McCabe — that the president had fired Comey. This, despite the fact that Rosenstein authored the
memorandum justifying and recommending Comey’s firing. Makes perfect sense, right?
Let’s be clear: Apart from the attorney general as a member of the president’s cabinet, the rest of the DOJ and, especially, the FBI have zero role in determining the applicability of the 25th Amendment. This reads like constitutional amateur hour.
The mere presence of an FBI acting director in such a meeting, let alone his active participation, is a monumental misuse of position, betrayal of the trust of the American people, and humiliating embarrassment to the dedicated rank and file of the FBI.
McCabe, like his equally duplicitous mentor and
fellow book peddler Comey, apparently hopes to portray himself as a solitary moral bulwark against a corrupt, compromised president. He hopes further that we avert our eyes from his
family ties to opposition party politics and big money, his abuse of FBI policies, attorney general guidelines and the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court, and his choice to lie to internal FBI investigators to protect himself.
His is a self-referential morality. It infected the FBI like a virus for a time and did its damage. But the bureau will heal because it is a noble ideal larger than any flawed leader.
Perhaps McCabe and Comey could yet sanctify their book lucre by donating all proceeds to an existing scholarship fund for children of FBI agents who died in the line of duty. Agents who died in the pursuit of a higher morality. Who died in the pursuit of truth.
Or would they consider that to be obstruction of personal enrichment?
Jaa niin tuo muuri? Sitä on rakennettu jo puolet, presidentti Bill Clintonin ajoista lähtien. Olisihan se tyhmää jättää kesken.