Mediahan lyö Trumpia kuin vierasta sikaa, mutta sitten toisaalta pintaa raaputtamalla löytyy tällaistakin:Se oli joulukuuta 2016 kun Trumpin valinnasta kaikkein hullaantuneimmat alkoivat puhua että Trump on niin hullu, on nappula, ja aloittaa varmasti sotia ja on suuri uhka maailmanrauhalle. Eivätkä edes kuulemma saaneet nukuttua vaan piti mennä terapiaan. Jotkut hullaantuneimmat menivät heti vaalituloksen selvittyä. Mikä on totuus? Onko hän edes uhka?
Council on Foreign Relationsin analyysi: Trumpin ulkopolitiikka on ollut parempaa miltä se näyttää.
Trump's Foreign Policies Are Better Than They Seem
President Donald J. Trump’s actions have often been rash, ignorant, and chaotic. Yet some of his individual foreign policies are substantially better than his opponents assert.
Demokraateille koitunee ongelmia siitä, että USA:n taloudella menee paremmin kuin pitkiin aikoihin ja taantuman todennäköisyyttä 2020 vaaleihin mennessä pidetään vähäisenä. Ja mikä varsinkin demokraattien kannalta mielenkiintoinen huomio: nyt USA:ssa nimenomaan pienituloisten tulot ovat kasvaneet.
Democrats are running into Trump's economic buzzsaw
Wall Street economists and forecasting models don't see more than a one-in-three chance of an economic downturn next year. There's even a reasonable scenario of an economic upturn.
But this is the part of the forecast that should really worry Democratic campaign strategists: "Solid growth should mean another year of above-trend job gains. We expect the unemployment rate to fall to levels last seen during the Korean War, bringing a further pickup in wage growth to 3.5 percent.
if you're a president who promised to make America great again, and the unemployment rate falls to its lowest level since the early 1950s, it arguably looks like you're making American great again.
Pete Buttigieg said at the last Democratic debate, "In an economy where even when the Dow Jones is looking good, far too many Americans have to fight like hell just to hold on to what they've got."
The problem with such an approach is that even though Democrats are loathe to admit it, this is an expansion that's finally helping a broad swath of Americans. Wages are actually growing fastest at the bottom right now, not at the top, and that reality is playing a big role in keeping the expansion on track. Nor should Democrats dismiss the low jobless rate. It's not some phony number. For instance: Employment for prime-age workers has now completely recovered from the 2008 financial crisis even though many economists fretted it never would. To many Americans, the Trump economy is going to seem a lot better than the Obama economy.