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Itäeurooppalainen emäntä, amerikkalaisilla mahdollisuuksilla, tulee semmosta. Stories&pgtype=HomepageA federal appeals court said Tuesday that Deutsche Bank must turn over detailed documents about President Trump’s finances to two congressional committees, a ruling that is almost certain to be appealed to the Supreme Court.
The decision was a victory for House Democrats as they investigate Mr. Trump and his businesses. It means that extensive information about Mr. Trump’s personal and business finances — which the president has spent years fighting to keep secret — has moved a step closer to becoming public.
Democratic-controlled congressional committees issued subpoenas to two banks — Deutsche Bank, long Mr. Trump’s biggest lender, and Capital One — this year for financial records related to the president, his companies and his family. Mr. Trump sued the banks to block them from complying.
Mr. Trump’s lawyer didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. The court’s ruling gave Mr. Trump seven days to appeal the decision.
Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trump’s main lender after a string of bankruptcies cost other banks hundreds of millions of dollars, and its files would most likely contain a rich trove of documents including details about how he made his money, who his partners have been, the terms of his extensive borrowings and other transactions.
Investigators for the two committees are hoping the materials will also shed light on any links he has had to foreign governments and whether he or his companies were involved in any illegal activity, such as money laundering for people overseas.
The ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit contained one caveat: The lower court must consider whether and how the banks disclose a limited set of sensitive personal information to Congress that would have no bearing on government investigations. That includes items such as checks that were written by Mr. Trump or his companies to cover employees’ medical expenses.
But, the court ruled, the presumption should be in favor of handing over more documents, not fewer. “Many documents facially appearing to reflect normal business dealings will therefore warrant disclosure for examination and analysis by skilled investigators assisting the committees to determine the effectiveness of current regulation and the possible need for improved legislation,” the court wrote.
The ruling concluded: “The committees’ interests in pursuing their constitutional legislative function is a far more significant public interest than whatever public interest inheres in avoiding the risk of a Chief Executive’s distraction arising from disclosure of documents reflecting his private financial transactions.”®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending
In two similar cases, the president has asked the Supreme Court to overrule lower courts and to block attempts to review his finances. Last month, the Supreme Court issued a temporary stay related to a subpoena that the House Oversight and Reform Committee issued in April, and Mr. Trump has already filed a petition seeking review of a request from prosecutors in Manhattan seeking information from his accounting firm, Mazars USA. Bowers, identified as a former Deutsche Bank executive who signed off on controversial loans to President Donald Trump, died last week after apparently taking his own life at 55.
According to Forensic News‘ Scott Stedman, “One source who has direct knowledge of the FBI’s investigation into Deutsche Bank said that federal investigators have asked about Bowers and documents he might have. Another source who has knowledge of Deutsche Bank’s internal structure said that Bowers would have been the gatekeeper for financial documents for the bank’s wealthiest customers.”
The news of Bowers’s death was initially shared late Tuesday afternoon by New York Times reporter David Enrich. The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner’s initial report attributes Bowers’s death to suicide by hanging. Bowers previously worked as Deutsche Bank’s head of their U.S. Private Wealth Management division. I—THE PRESIDENT’S MISCONDUCT The President Conditioned a White House Meeting and Military Aid to Ukraine on a Public Announcement of Investigations Beneficial to his Reelection Campaign
SECTION II. THE PRESIDENT’S OBSTRUCTION OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES’ IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY Nancy Pelosi announced on Thursday that the House of Representatives would begin drafting impeachment articles against President Trump, pushing ahead with a rapid timetable that could set the stage for a vote before Christmas to charge him with high crimes and misdemeanors.
Wrapping her announcement in the words of the Constitution and the nation’s founders, Ms. Pelosi said it had become clear over the course of two months of investigation that Mr. Trump had violated his oath of office by pressing a foreign power for help in the 2020 election. Allowing Mr. Trump to continue in office without remedy, she said, would come at “the peril of our republic.”
“His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution,” Ms. Pelosi said in a formal address lasting less than six minutes, delivered against a backdrop of American flags from the balcony outside her office in the Capitol. “Our democracy is what is at stake. The president leaves us no choice but to act because he is trying to corrupt, once again, the election for his own benefit.”
Voin kannattaa tai ainakin katsoa läpi sormien muslimien maahantulokiellon, meksikon muurin, pohjoiskorean neuvottelut, iranin sopimuksesta irtautumisen, vaatimukset nato-maiden puolustusbudjettiin, irtautumisen pariisin sopimuksesta,....
Mutta turkin hyökkäysen salliminen tuntuu typeryydeltä. Ja oman edun ajaminen ukrainan avulla on täysin tuomittavaa.
Homma ei tosiaan toimi niin että jos hoitaa kolme asiaa kunnolla niin saa luvan tehdä vastaavan määrän rikoksia.
Ei tosiaankaan ja samahan sen pitäisi olla Suomessakin. Minä veikkaan että Trump ei päädy jatkokaudelle.
Mutta Meksikon ns. "muuriin" ei liittyne rikoksia, ei ilmastosopimuksesta irtautumiseen, liittyykö tiettyjen paskastanien matkustusrajoituksiinkaan vaikka ne on tulkittu rauhanuskontoon liittyviksi, ei siinäkään rikosta että on haukkunut Merkeliä vapaamatkustajaksi, Pohjois-Korea - onko siellä lahjottu? Turkki, ei rikosta mutta moraaliahan voi kyseenalaistaa?
Sitäpaitsi Turkki on edelleen NATO-maa. Olisiko sen kanssa pitänyt alkaa sotia jostain paskastanin nurkasta. Suomessakin sen alueen edustajat näyttivät hyvin millaista väkeä ovat. Ovatkohan ne samat aiheuttamassa häiriöitä huomennakin?
Olihan tuo aika selvä jo viime kuussa että artiklaa tulee. Yhtä selvää lienee että senaatti päästää pälkähästä.Olen hieman yllättynyt siitä, että virkasyyte laitetaan vireille. En odottanut tätä. Taitaa kuitenkin käydä niin, että lopulta todetaan ettei perusteita viraltapanoon ole. Tarkemmin asiaa en ole seurannut, mutta niin näyttää Amerikan Yhdysvallat olevan yhä maailman voimakkain ja ainoa supervalta. Karavaani kulkee ja €urotrashit haukkuu (ennen kuin joku triggeröityy niin olen toki itsekin €urotrashia).
Mutta on olemassa asioita jotka ovat moraalisesti väärin vaikkakin laillista.Ihan kaikki mitä Trump on tehnyt ei tosiaan ole ollut rikollista![]()
Yhdysvalloissa maan oikeusministeriö on julkaissut(siirryt toiseen palveluun) kauan odotetun tutkimuksensa presidentti Donald Trumpin vastaisen Venäjä-tutkinnan oikeutuksesta.
Tutkimusta johtaneen Michael E. Horowitzin mukaan liittovaltion poliisi FBI ei aloittanut Venäjä-tutkintaa poliittisista syistä. FBI:lla oli oikeusministeriön raportin mukaan tarpeeksi todisteita aloittaa Trumpin vaalikampanjan Venäjä-kytköksien tutkiminen vuonna 2016.
Trump on useaan otteeseen syyttänyt Venäjä-tutkimusta poliittiseksi ajojahdiksi ja arvostellut FBI:ta politisoitumisesta.
Raportin kautta paljastui jälleen erikoinen yhteys, Christopher Steelellä ja Ivanka Trumpilla oli "henkilökohtainen" suhde. Steele jopa antoi Ivankalle lahjaksi sukunsa tartaanin (suvun oma kilttikangas). Jostain syystä Trump ei ole tullut tätä maininneeksi.![]()
Trumpin oma oikeusministeriö tyrmäsi hänen väitteensä FBI:n politisoitumisesta: "Venäjä-tutkintaa ei aloitettu poliittisista syistä"
Oikeusministeriö löysi kuitenkin Venäjä-tutkinnasta useita former MI6 officer Christopher Steele had a “personal” relationship with Ivanka Trump and gifted her a “family tartan from Scotland” as a present, the long-awaited report by US Department of Justice inspector general, Michael Horowitz, revealed on Monday.
Horowitz’s review of the FBI’s 2016 investigation into Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign and its links with Russia includes fresh details of Steele’s interactions with the FBI, and startling claims about his relationship with the Trumps dating back to the period before he wrote a controversial dossier on Trump.
The report did not mention Ivanka Trump by name but her identity was revealed by ABC News.
The report said that contrary to what Donald Trump has claimed on Twitter Steele was actually “favorably disposed” to the Trump family. It was “ridiculous” to suggest he was biased against the then Republican candidate or that his memos on collusion, written at the behest of the Washington-based research firm Fusion GPS, were in any way biased, Steele told federal investigators.
Steele said he had visited Ivanka Trump at Trump Tower and had been “friendly” with her for “some years”. He described their relationship as “personal”. The former British government spy had even given her a “family tartan from Scotland” as a present, the report quoted him as saying.
ABC also reported that Ivanka Trump even discussed work that Steele’s firm – Orbis Business Intelligence – might do for the Trump family business.
Raportin kautta paljastui jälleen erikoinen yhteys, Christopher Steelellä ja Ivanka Trumpilla oli "henkilökohtainen" suhde. Steele jopa antoi Ivankalle lahjaksi sukunsa tartaanin (suvun oma kilttikangas). Jostain syystä Trump ei ole tullut tätä maininneeksi.