UAP/UFO/Tunnistamattomat valot sekä muut lentävät ammeet ja ämpärit taivaalla


En tiedä liittyykö tämä aiheeseen. En tiedä onko tämä vakavasti otettavaa. En väitä enkä vihjaa että olisi, mutten myöskään että olisi. Minulla ei ole omaa mielipidettä eikä mitään tietoa tai ymmärrystä asiasta.

Lisäksi koen osan hehkuttamisesta ärsyttäväksi.

Pidän kuitenkin mahdollisena, että joku palstalainen saattaa olla asiasta kiinnostunut tai ymmärtää sitä omaa nollatasoani paremmin.


En tiedä liittyykö tämä aiheeseen. En tiedä onko tämä vakavasti otettavaa. En väitä enkä vihjaa että olisi, mutten myöskään että olisi. Minulla ei ole omaa mielipidettä eikä mitään tietoa tai ymmärrystä asiasta.

Lisäksi koen osan hehkuttamisesta ärsyttäväksi.

Pidän kuitenkin mahdollisena, että joku palstalainen saattaa olla asiasta kiinnostunut tai ymmärtää sitä omaa nollatasoani paremmin.

Tuskin toimii, niin pienet voimat kyseessä että kaikkia mahdollisia häiriötekijöitä on todella todella hankala ottaa huomioon.
" In 2018, the TU Dresden research team presented a conference paper summarizing the results from the most recent experiments on their upgraded test rig, which seemed to show that their measured thrust was a result of experimental error from insufficiently shielded components interacting with the earth's magnetic field.[91] In their experiments, they measured thrust values consistent with previous experiments, and the thrust reversed appropriately when the thruster was rotated by 180°. However, the team also measured thrust perpendicular to the expected direction when the thruster was rotated by 90°, and did not measure a reduction in thrust when an attenuator was used to reduce the power that actually entered the resonant cavity by a factor of 10,000, which they said "clearly indicates that the "thrust" is not coming from the EMDrive but from some electromagnetic interaction." They concluded that "magnetic interaction from not sufficiently shielded cables or thrusters are a major factor that needs to be taken into account for proper μN thrust measurements for these type of devices," and they plan on conducting future tests at higher power and at different frequencies, and with improved shielding and cavity geometry."
Jos em-drive tulokset eivät ole mittausvirhe, niin sen tuottama voima on niin mitätön että ihmisen ilmaan nostoon tarvittaisiin tehoa gigawatti (vastaa Loviisan ydinvoimalan kahden reaktorin yhteenlaskettua tehoa).
Jos em-drive tulokset eivät ole mittausvirhe, niin sen tuottama voima on niin mitätön että ihmisen ilmaan nostoon tarvittaisiin tehoa gigawatti (vastaa Loviisan ydinvoimalan kahden reaktorin yhteenlaskettua tehoa).
Fotoniraketti taitaa olla tehokkaampi? Eli em-driveä parempi ratkaisu olisi pistää samantehoinen laser paistamaan taaksepäin avaruusaluksesta. Noin niin kuin tuon tuloksen mittakaavan suhteellistamiseksi.
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Sama mikä itsellenikin tuli heti mieleen.

Ding ding ding, these are illumination rounds likely fired from mortars. I was field artillery when I was in the service and recognized them instantly. All that time spent editing spooky music into a video and they couldn't even google some likely explanations for what these were before instantly jumping to 'UFO'. You can literally see the parachutes.
Sama mikä itsellenikin tuli heti mieleen.

Ding ding ding, these are illumination rounds likely fired from mortars. I was field artillery when I was in the service and recognized them instantly. All that time spent editing spooky music into a video and they couldn't even google some likely explanations for what these were before instantly jumping to 'UFO'. You can literally see the parachutes.

Here are 2 of the 6 photos that I took one night (on or about 7 Feb, 2010) while at our office in the MLG compound on Camp Leatherneck Afg. I know that ALL of my friends on FB that were with us saw the same thing. They were up there long enough that people were leaving.

They were up there for a long time without moving. They went away for a while and then came back. They didn't move or blink or make any noise. They looked like they were really high up but there was nothing to base that on. Pretty cool event.

Now that I have seen it on TV it is super cool that we were able to witness it.

1. I was in my office in teh MLG Compound on Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan.
2. One of the Marines in the Company came into the office to tell us about the lights.
3. At first we thought maybe flares or weather balloons but they didn't change alt. or fade out or fall.
4. As my attachments show there were 7 equally spaced lights in the sky that did not appear to move or change.
5. Very interested to see the lights, so many people saw them and didn't even stop to look at them. There was a lot going on during the day but nothing to distract us during the sighting.
6. I hate to say it but after maybe 45 minutes we just went back inside to work.

I have 4 more pics they are sharper but since I was moving they make the light appear as if they were moving. The two I attached are pretty clear.
Jos pitäisi veikata miksi ne vajoat hitaasti tai "leijuvat" olisi laaksoista nouseva lämmin ilma.

Katso vain loppuun saakka. He kuurmoottavat valoja, ja lopussa on päiväkamera kuvaa, myös kun ne lähtevät liikkeelle ja katoavat.

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