Olipas nopeasti sinulta katsottu noi Mick Westin vanhemmat videot ja samalla kävit varmaan forum postauksetkit läpiKova yritys kaverilla. Debunkkaukseksi en silti kutsuisi

Mick West
I'm Mick West, a debunker, skeptic, writer, and former video game programmer. This is the official channel for videos relating to the debunking and other exp...

Lisätäämpä vielä tuon forum linkin, niin ei kulu aikaa sen etsimiseen
Explained: The Navy UFO Videos
Source: Today (April 27, 2020) the Navy officially released three videos of UFOs. They are called FLIR, GIMBAL and GOFAST. The internet immediately took this as meaning that aliens are real. But the videos are not actually new. They were internally...

Debunked: Pentagon has Evidence of "Off-World Vehicles Not Made on this Earth"
A recent New York Times article recaps the current state of public knowledge about the Military's investigations of airspace incursion by unidentified flying craft. Two lines sparked the most interest, both quotes from Eric Davis. Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a...

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