UAP/UFO/Tunnistamattomat valot sekä muut lentävät ammeet ja ämpärit taivaalla

Kova yritys kaverilla. Debunkkaukseksi en silti kutsuisi
Olipas nopeasti sinulta katsottu noi Mick Westin vanhemmat videot ja samalla kävit varmaan forum postauksetkit läpi ;) (y)

Lisätäämpä vielä tuon forum linkin, niin ei kulu aikaa sen etsimiseen

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Olipas nopeasti sinulta katsottu noi Mick Westin vanhemmat videot ja samalla kävit varmaan forum postauksetkit läpi ;) (y)

Lisätäämpä vielä tuon forum linkin, niin ei kulu aikaa sen etsimiseen


Sehän on fanaattinen kaveri.
Ei ufo mutta kummitus. Liekö asunnossa tapahtunut henkirikos joskus menneisyydessä? Tietenkään poliisi ei tuollaista vaihtoehtoa edes viitsi pohtia.
tai siitten paineiskuja putkistossa, esim vialllinen termostaatti. Äänekästä, mutta kovin tylsää... hyvä tarina kummiskin.
Keksimään ja keksimään. Kai hän pääsee käsiksi jonkinlaiseen salaiseen materiaaliin.

Ei pääse. Sen enempää kuin Clintonitkaan. Dr.Steven Green taisi olla ihan päivällisellä Clintonien luona ja ne olivat kiinnostuneita kaivamaan totuuden esiin ja tästä disclouserista, mutta vetäyivät siitä. Eivät kuulemma uskaltaneet ja halunneet Kenedyn kohtaloa
The Pentagon is forming a new task force to investigate UFOs that have been observed by US military aircraft, according to two defense officials.

Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist will help oversee the task force, which is expected to be officially unveiled in the next few days, according to the officials. Previous efforts to look into what the Pentagon dubs unidentified aerial phenomena were led by the US Navy as many of the documented encounters involved their aircraft.

The Department of Defense did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Members of Congress and Pentagon officials have long expressed concerns about the appearance of the unidentified aircraft that have flown over US military bases, posing a risk to military jets. There is no consensus on their origin with some believing they may be drones potentially operated by earthly adversaries seeking to gather intelligence rather than extraterrestrials.

In March, astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, who spent years working as a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program and is now a defense contractor, gave a classified briefing to the Defense Department on what he called “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.” In other words, spaceships.

The US department of Defense has formed a new body to investigate what it calls “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) to monitor reported sightings of what most people call UFOs.

The move is likely to spark wide interest in alien hunters worldwide looking for signs that humanity is not alone in the universe, although the dry language of the Pentagon’s announcement of the new group belied its intent as watchers of the sky for potential first contact.

The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) was created by the deputy defense secretary, David Norquist, on 4 August, strengthening an already existing effort that since 2018 has been under the purview of the Office of Naval Intelligence.