UAV / UCAV / LAR (robotit) Uutiset ja jutut

  • Viestiketjun aloittaja Viestiketjun aloittaja Raveni
  • Aloitus PVM Aloitus PVM
Kyllä minä uskon, että parviteknologia tulee. Asiaa tutkitaan useissa maissa.

Niin minäkin. Mutta onko kenelläkään varaa hankkia sellaisia droneja isoja määriä? Se onkin sitten se tuhannan taalan kysymys. Nyt ei vastatoimia ole juuri lainkaan joten niillä halvoilla siviilidroneillakin voidaan toimia.

Entä jos parvi-AI olisi pääasiassa ohjelmistoasia? Sen jälkeen kun tietyt asiat osaava softa olisi kehitetty sitä käyttävä drone ei vaatisikaan niin paljon enemmän valmistuskustannuksia kuin voisi luulla (R&D pitää tietysti jonkun maksaa).

Ei varmasti ole.

Tuskin sitä parviteköälyä mikään 300 euron kotimikro pyörittää ja miten ne dronet juttelevat keskenään niin ettei ole muutamalla häirintälähettimellä koko parvi pois pelistä?

Jatkot uav ketjuun.

Riippuu tietysti mitä parvitekoälyllä tarkoitetaan, mutta kyllä se on softaa ja simppeleitä sensoreita hyvin pitkälle. Simppeleihin ratkaisuihin kännykän cpu on jo ylimitoitettu, niissäkin on laskentatehoa aivan älyttömästi. Parvitekoäly on yksinkertaisimmillaan tietoa missä kukin on ja seurata mukana. Kun drone tai parvi tekee itse päätöksiä miten toimia tapauksissa x y z, niin ollaan jo pitkällä autonomian puolella.

Lähietäisyydellä dronet voivat radioaaltojen sijaan kommunikoida keskenään vaikka laser- tai ir vilkuin tai vaikka ultraäänellä kuten eläimet. Häirintä alkaa olla vaikeaa ja viestintätekniikka yhä yksinkertaista.

Esim. tiedusteludrone lentää ennalta määrättyä reittiä tai määrätyn alueen sisällä kuviota, tuo onnistuu jo kaupallisiltakin droneilta. Laitetaan sille neljä siipimiestä räjähdelastissa mukaan seuraamaan perässä. Tiedusteludronen havaitessa jotain se alkaa lähettää siitä kuvaa komentokeskukseen jossa maali hyväksytään ja yksi itsetuhodrone irtoaa muodostelmasta tuhoamaan maalin. Ilmassa on yhtä aikaa näitä 1+4 parvia vaikka kymmenen, jokainen hoitaa 1x1km ruutua ja niitä pystytään kaikkia johtamaan yhdeltä läppäriltä. Tarvittaessa ne voidaan kaikki osoittaa siirtymään vaikka havaitun vihollispataljonaan ryhmitysalueelle ja sitten alkaakin rokki soimaan.

Tehokkaasti toimivan parviälyn ei tarvitse olla 100% autonomista, sen ei myöskään tarvitse tarkoittaa 500 dronen parvea. Pointti on että 1 ihminen pystyy valvomaan suurta aluetta ja johtamaan esimerkissä 40 pientä taistelukärkeä.
Israelilaisten näkemys kamikaze-droonista.

VIPER 300 V1 Attack
VIPER 300 - has been tailored with the latest advances in UAS technology. Meticulously crafted to meet the multifaceted needs of armored divisions, elite tactical teams, and specialized ground forces, it is ideal for both armored vehicles and tactical squads. Utilizing advanced AI, it excels in accurately identifying, tracking, and engaging threats, while minimizing collateral damage.
Israelilaisten näkemys kamikaze-droonista.

VIPER 300 V1 Attack

Tässä on vertailun vuoksi Switchblade 300:

Switchblade 300 on lennokki kun taas Viper 300 on nelikopteri mutta muuten konsepti on lähes identtinen. Teoriassa molemmat kannattaisi ehkä rakentaa samalle "alustalle"?
  • lähes sama laukaisuputki
  • sama ulosheittopanos
  • sama taistelukärki
  • sama akku
  • sama radiolinkki
  • sama kamera
  • sama kauko-ohjain eri softalla
Lennokin ja nelikopterin rungot ovat tietysti täysin erilaisia samoin kuin niiden lentotietokoneet (flight controller). Käyttöperiaatteissakin lienee pakostakin eroa: nelikopterilla voi leijua paikoillaan tai lentää vaikka takaperin kun taas lennokki sakkaa ilman riittävää ilmanopeutta. Lennokin etuna on parempi taloudellisuus: samalla hyötykuormalla saadaan pidempi toimintamatka ja -aika.
Pari vanhempaa artikkeli lähinnä Anduril firmasta sekä sen droneista. Autonomia ja AI mainittu useammankin kerran.

Anduril Is About To Give An AI Brain Transplant To Area-I’s Drones​

Tiesin, että Altius 600M droneja on toimitettu Ukrainaan mutta uutta oli, että Ghost droneja on ollut siellä miltei alusta asti. Veikkaisin, että käyttäjät löytyy SBU/GUR:sta.
Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine nearly two years ago, on Feb. 24, 2022, leading to bitter fighting and devastating losses for both sides.

Anduril founder Palmer Luckey had already sketched out a few of the company’s innovations in Ukraine in a talk with reporters at company headquarters in November.

He said the company’s Ghost drones “are in Ukraine and have been there since near the very, very start,” while the company’s airborne-fired Altius drone “represents a component of what we’ve been sending there.”

“Anduril has had people in country frequently helping Ukrainians learn how to use these systems and learning from some of the Russian efforts to thwart our systems,” according to Luckey.

He said he started talking to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “before the war” to potentially help secure Ukraine’s eastern border.

“I have an affinity for the guy.”

Pitkähkö video taisteluharjoituksesta, jossa käytetään erilaisia ilmassa tai maassa kulkevia droneja/robotteja. Osa UGV:stä on aseistettu. Helikopterin näköinen drone on Anduril Ghost-X. Videolla ei ole minkäänlaista kommentointia.
Yhdysvaltain armeijan 82. ilmadivisioonan sotilaat kokeilevat uusia laitteita ihmisen ja koneen integroimiseksi (taistelurobotit) kaupunkiharjoituksessa Fort Irwinissä, Kaliforniassa.
Etelänaapurin THeMIS amerikkalaisten testattavana.
The THeMIS UGV at the US Army’s Expeditionary Warrior Experiment
Milrem Robotics, Europe’s leading robotics and autonomous systems developer, has successfully concluded its participation in the US Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE).

The event, conducted in February in Fort Moore, USA, focussed on experimenting with new technology in realistic operational settings.

In cooperation and partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and at the invitation of the Dutch Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) unit it allowed Milrem Robotics to present the capabilities of weaponized THeMIS Combat Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV).

Equipped with Milrem’s Intelligent Functions Kits (MIFIK) the UGVs also successfully partook in autonomous functions experiments on various terrain and environments.

Hanwha's Arion-SMET Successfully Completes the Foreign Comparative Test with US Military
Hanwha Aerospace’s unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), the Arion-SMET, has successfully completed the Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) with the US Army and Marine Corps in Hawaii.

As Hanwha Defense USA is planning to participate in the US Army’s Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (SMET) Incremental II, this accomplishment marks a significant milestone for the robotic vehicle, positioning it as a potential contender in the global UGV market.

Check out the cutting-edge technologies of the Arion-SMET.

📌Arion-SMET FCT Highlights

00:23 Where has the FCT held?
00:33 Operator Training
00:51 Tether Operation
00:57 Soldier Following
01:03 Waypoint Navigation
01:09 Exploratory Maneuver
01:22 What is the Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT)?
02:06 What is the strength of the Arion-SMET?
Etelänaapurin THeMIS amerikkalaisten testattavana.
The THeMIS UGV at the US Army’s Expeditionary Warrior Experiment

Hanwha's Arion-SMET Successfully Completes the Foreign Comparative Test with US Military

Mielenkiintoiset renkaat tuossa UGV:ssa.

Yhdysvalloissa satsataan robotteihin ja tekoälyyn.

Mietin vaan että kauanko kestää ennen kuin ensimmäinen robottikomppania on palveluksessa. Siis aseistetut humanoidirobotit. Humanoidien etu moniin muihin robottityyppehin verrattuna on se että pystyvät toimimaan meille ihmisille rakennetussa maailmassa.

Yhdysvalloissa satsataan robotteihin ja tekoälyyn.

Mietin vaan että kauanko kestää ennen kuin ensimmäinen robottikomppania on palveluksessa. Siis aseistetut humanoidirobotit. Humanoidien etu moniin muihin robottityyppehin verrattuna on se että pystyvät toimimaan meille ihmisille rakennetussa maailmassa.
Viikonloppuna luin venäläisten jv-hyökkäystavasta missä ensimmäisessä aallossa menee huonosti varusteltua tykinruokaa ja myöhemmin seuraa paremmin varusteltuja sotilaita. Luulisi että joskus tulevaisuudessa ainakin tällaisissa tapauksissa missä hengenlähtö on todennäköistä tätä tykinruokaa korvattaisiin roboteilla. Miinoitettujen alueiden läpi kuljettaessa robotti ensimmäiseksi yms.
Juttua ukrainan dronepommien tuottajasta. Pudotettava AT kranaatti 14usd per kpl.

Hieman toisenlaista ei kaupallista tuotantoa.

"Kurt" and company. The laboratory of homemade bombs does not wait for the decisions of the authorities​

Kurt is the commander of a separate small unit of Kurt & Company. He has been in the war since 2014. The previous military specialty is a sniper. But now, in addition to rifles, both he and the guys from the unit are mastering many other types of weapons - drones with dumps, FPV drones, ATMs (anti-tank rocket systems), Swedish Karl Gustav grenade launchers, and all available Soviet weapons are of course modified to meet the needs of modern war and are also used. Everything is for the effective destruction of the enemy.

Only in March 2024, the unit eliminated 41 occupiers, wounded 45, destroyed 8 field warehouses with ammunition, destroyed or damaged 4 units of vehicles, destroyed a 120-mm mortar, destroyed BTR-8, and so on - EWs, antennas, warehouses with provisions and ammunition.

"The future is behind drones. I especially feel this because I have a lot of sniper experience, and now we are drone snipers. Drones with all these grenades and dumps we can replace soldiers. Drones can be bought in the store, and you can't buy a soldier in the store. We don't need three million soldiers, we need three million drones. Three million drones will save the lives of a million of our soldiers," Kurt says.

He notes that Western partners give Ukraine ammunition, but only in an amount that allows to deter the enemy, and to win, you need to win ten times more.

Laboratory of Death​

Drones need bombs for airfreys. FPV drones also require explosives and fragmentation elements to defeat. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have not yet established a massive industrial production of these ammunition. So the UAV units do everything with their own hands. Kurt and once with the head of production on the call sign "Van Gogh" showed their "pyrotechnic laboratory" and the ammunition they make for dropping from drones.

Van Gogh in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for mobilization from 2022. Before that, he worked as an assistant driver on the railway for ten years, and was engaged in sports cars. I dreamed of competing. "But he made his own adjustments for 22 years," he notes.

All the "pyrotechnic tricks" "Van Gogh" has already learned here. "So to speak, in practice. It was scary at first. But he's already used to it," he says with a smile, dusting off the detonator from the Soviet RGM anti-personnel grenade, which is rather unreliable because of his age.

"We have waste-free production here," conducts the "Kurt" tour. - We make new ones from defective ammunition here."

They use defective grenades and misfire shells (this is called "abortion" in military slang), unreliable Soviet RGM grenades, trophy cassettes from "Hurricanes", "abortion" VOGs, "abortion" shells and mines, cartridges of various calibers, shots to hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, and so on.

Meanwhile, Van Gogh breaks another Mk-19 grenade to the American automatic grenade launcher with a pipe.

"If Americans saw, they would go crazy," Kurt comments with a smile.

"We need to reduce this mechanism. There's a very cunning system here. Ammunition becomes a combat platoon only after it has left the MK-19 barrel channel and gained 12,000 revolutions. And we do it manually. We transfer the factory fuse to the position we need. Fix with glue. That's all," Van Gogh continues.

"Kurt" also talks about the modification of mines:

"A mine that didn't come out of the mortar. I gave a misfire. We call it "daborted". We don't throw it away. We take it, take a turned adapter with a thread for the Soviet RPG-7, wind the marching engine from the powder charge, and send it to the enemy. That's it. And very rarely there are not ruptures of such ammunition," he says.

According to "Kurt," the unit drops about a thousand ammunition on the heads of the occupiers during the month.

"If you take grenades, and I will not name the number of groups that work on "Maviks" in my unit, then they drop about a thousand such ammunition per month. And these are just my groups that are in my unit," the commander says.

Why drones and not sniping?

For five years of his military career, Kurt fought as a professional sniper. But the technologies of war are changing. "Snipers are now mostly starting to replace drones. How is it more effective? We do not risk the shooter, who is one of the most expensive fighters in training. We don't risk expensive weapons. And the drone can do the same job, and sometimes even better," Kurt believes.

"Sniping is still on time, but more in urban conditions," Kurt believes. He gives a recent example when 58-year-old Ukrainian Vyacheslav Kovalsky liquidated a Russian occupier at a distance of 3800 meters, setting a world record.

And Kurt itself in 2020 was in 1st place in Ukraine and 3rd in the world with a 2162 meter accurate shot from a Barrett rifle. But in modern conditions of war in the fields and landings, snipers are much more difficult to work.

"If you go somewhere on the open and you are noticed from a drone. Ninety percent that you're 200th. Because everything will fly on you...", Kurt seriously adds.

According to him, from a good shelter, a sniper can repel the assault, stop even the offensive of an entire unit.

Critical problems and moods​

According to Kurt, several critical problems have now formed on the front line: lack of ammunition, Ukrainian or Western production, lack of people due to losses, as well as exhaustion of personnel of combat units.

"We lack small, artillery lacks big. There is a lack of ammunition for the production of dumps for drones – mines, grenades, VOGs. And, of course, we waste a lot of invaluable time and human resources to produce all this BC. This is unacceptable! 10 years to fight with such an enemy as the Russian Federation, and not to establish its own production," Kurt does not hide its irritation.

He sharply criticizes the decisions of the authorities, which, in his opinion, led to the existing "shell hunger" and a shortage of people at the front.

"Well, why is this happening? The boys are the best, and they are foolish," the military is outraged.

Kurt, like many at the front, is annoyed by the helplessness of the authorities, which cannot not only eradicate corruption, but even resolve the issue of adopting a number of laws necessary in wartime, in particular on mobilization and weapons.

"Well, what are we talking about? We cannot sign the gun law. They are afraid that we will come and buy. And we no longer need the gun law, we have it. That's all here... We have weapons in the country... We are like Pakistan, do you understand?" the unit commander laughs.

Kurt's phrases are indicative of understanding the general moods of the morally and physically exhausted military on the front line, who have to keep the front in conditions of a critical shortage of ammunition and people.

What to do with the production of BC for drones?

On February 6, 2024, a new kind of troops was created as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the Forces of Unmanned Systems. It is anticipated that it will use air, sea surface and underwater, and ground-based unmanned and robotic systems. It is clear that this requires a developed ammunition manufacturing industry.

"Kurt" knows about the creation of a new kind of troops, but, in his opinion, it is too early to rejoice at the front line because "they create a lot, but do little."

The Kurt team heard about the industrial production of ammunition for airdrops, but they did not receive such products throughout the war.

"It is necessary to organize mass production. You can from those mobilized who do not want to go here to the front line. Let them do BC production. This can be done, in reality, in basements. If 100 such productions are made, and 20 people each, then these people will fill us with ammunition. Instead of making them with pens. Because of course, we spend a lot of time producing BC. And time is a resource. There will be people, there will be weapons and BC, and we will stop the second army of the world," Kurt puts an end to it.

The filling of the kamikaze drone. Cumulative charge from RPG and plastid imposed on it to enhance the effect of explosion

Van Gogh shows the range of drone dumps it manufactures.
From mines and grenades, the military takes out the OKFOL explosive mixture and makes the plastic with explosive more force.

Van Gogh tools, with which he disassembles and assembles BC in the "bomb laboratory".
Metal production waste was sent by volunteers as damage elements for homemade bombs.

Linkin takana muutama kuva lisää.

A combat unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as part of the 28th Ombr

Viimeksi muokattu:
Rheinmetall Mission Master CXT – Fire Support, an autonomous counter-UAS solution
Rheinmetall is proud to present the Mission Master CXT – Fire Support, equipped with Dillon dual M134D miniguns. This innovative and reliable countermeasure is specially designed to defeat small unmanned aerial systems (UAS). It can fire an impressive 6,000 rounds per minute and defeat drone targets day and night.

Drone Technology in Ukraine - Automation, Lethality & The (Scary) Development Race
Drones have been a major feature of the fighting in Ukraine since well before the 2022 invasion - but they have been set apart from other major systems by just how quickly the technology and tactics behind them have evolved.

In this episode, I look at why drones in Ukraine are becoming more dangerous, at the same time as they are becoming much, much more common.


Caveats, Comments and Corrections:

All normal caveats and disclaimers apply

In particular – I would like to note as always that this material has been created for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive examination of the topic in question and should not be relied upon to inform financial or other similar decisions, judgements or evaluations.

I also note that while I describe 10km as a long range for an FPV strike - this is from the point of view of the war as a whole. And FPV strikes significantly beyond the 10km mark have been reported and claimed.

Readings and Sources (temporarily shortened list as I am in transit):

Institute for Science and International Security report on Lancet-3

Lushenko, Paul (LTC, PhD) - The Cult of the Drone: At the two-year mark, UAVs have changed the face of war in Ukraine – but not outcomes

Illustrative report on COTS sourcing of thermal drones

Reporting on Russian use of Repeater drones

Reporting on Ukraine producing flight controllers

S J Freedberg Jr - The Revolution That Wasn't: how AI drones have fizzled in Ukraine (so far)

Reporting on Lancet and its autonomy:

Reporting on FPV production:

Featured image of Lancet attack on UA MiG-29

Image source for UA troops setting up antenna

Featured article on refinery strikes

And the improvised aircraft drone strike

That NZ supermarket meal planning AI I mentioned:

00:00:00 — Opening Words
00:00:40 — What Am I Talking About?
00:01:11 — Caveats And Content
00:01:55 — The New Drone Ecosystem
00:05:00 — The Drones Get Better
00:06:26 — Sensors And Night Ops
00:10:43 — Range And The Value Of Reach
00:19:20 — Targeting & AI
00:27:38 — Lethality
00:39:44 — Countermeasures
00:48:43 — Production
00:57:47 — Implications And Projections
01:10:58 — Channel Update
Vastaan tähän viestiin Ukraina ketjusta:

Vuonna 2019 suunnitellut jenkkidroonit eivät selviydy Ukrainassa EW-häirinnästä johtuen. Ei sinällään yllätä ja hyvä että näitä on testattu. Seuraava dronesukupolvi tullee olemaan sitten parempi. Mielenkiintoista olisi tietää Suomen hankkimien Parrottien toiminta..

Silicon Valley company Skydio has sent hundreds of its most capable UAVs to Ukraine to help fight the Russians, but the technology has not performed well.

Skydio's drones kept going off course and being lost due to Russian electronic warfare systems. The company has gone back to developing and building a new fleet.

US-made UAVs tend to be expensive, faulty and complicated to repair, say drone company executives. Quote from Skydio Chief Executive Adam Bry: "The general reputation for every class of U.S. drone in Ukraine is that they don’t work as well as other systems."

Executives at US drone companies say they did not expect electronic warfare to unfold in Ukraine. In the case of Skydio, their UAV was developed in 2019 to meet the communication standards set by the US military.

US-made drones are fragile and unable to overcome Russian jamming and GPS jamming technologies. Sometimes, they failed to take off, complete a mission, or come back. US-made UAVs are often unable to fly the declared distances or carry significant payloads.

> Executives at US drone companies say they did not expect electronic warfare to unfold in Ukraine.

Sotilaskäyttöön tehdyt dronen valmistajat ovat yllättyneitä että käytetään häirintää?

Toisaalta ei yllätä yhtään, että sodan pitkittyessä Ukrainan omat kyvyt rakentaa halvempia droneja on paljon paremmat kuin näillä USA:n piendronevalmistajilla.

Asia on sitten erikseen raskaammissa, erittäin kalleissa droneissa ja liidokeissa, varmasti niistä löytyy USA:nkin päästä kyvykkyyksiä joita Ukraina ei voi tehdä.