Yksi antautunut venäläinen
I'll unbuckle it now, you wait
Don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of, we'll just drop you and that's it
Tell me everything
72nd Brigade
Keep going.
Go on, go on
How many people do you have
Right here, you were fucking leaving
How far are the posts
There was only one company
There's nothing there now.
So you got scared after the shelling and ran away.
Calm down, you came here yourself.
Just understand, if you're telling now
that you surrendered, we won't shoot you.
If you don't fucking say that, then...
Guys, don't do this, I came here voluntarily, personally
You'll cooperate
I'll tell you what I can, and I'll help you, guys.
Go on, go on, go on.
I don't know much myself.
Tell me what you know, man.
I've been here not long
How long have you been here?
Let me count. Yesterday, the day before and the day before that.
Four days since we were brought here.
What about your weapons?
We have only machine guns!