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Ilman muuta, mutta ei taida Ukrainakaan olla edes lähellä tuota, jos puheet kuluneista putkista ja videot alkeellisesta tuliasematoiminnasta pitävät paikkansa.Toki tässä pitää muistaa sekin että parempi 1 murkula maalissa kuin 10 pitkin peltoa.
Day 663: Dec 18
Today, there are a lot of updates from the Kurakhove direction.
Kurakhove is one of the five main directions of the Russian winter offensives. The configuration of the front line here is the following. Ukrainians rely on 3 strongholds, namely, Krasnohorivka, Marinka, and Vuhledar in the northern and southern parts of the region, and extensive minefields and strongpoints in the fields in the eastern part of the region. Novomykhailivka is the only settlement located in the middle of the vast fields, which is why it serves as the main supply hub of the Ukrainian positions there.
As you remember, over the course of the previous year and also at the beginning of this year, Russian forces tried to penetrate Ukrainian defenses and reach Kurakhove from the south. After conducting multiple failed offensives from all possible sides, the Russian commanders likely concluded that Vuhledar is a too formidable obstacle and started shifting their focus toward Novomykhailivka.
If we look at the topographic map, the reasons for such a decision quickly become apparent. As you can see, by attacking from the south, Russians would be attacking several lines of Ukrainian defenses along the hills, while by attacking from the east, Russians could theoretically move along these hills, avoiding difficulties associated with differences in elevation. That is why, for the last 8 months, Russians have been slowly demining the fields around Novomykhailivka.
The goal of Russian forces was to gradually clear the fields and attack Novomykhailivka from 3 sides. The biggest success Russians achieved south of the settlement. The reason is twofold. First of all, Russian forces rely here on 3 settlements, which allows them to be more mobile, increasing the success rate of the missions. Secondly, Ukrainians did not have formidable strongpoints here because of the topography of the region.
In contrast, if we look at the situation north of the settlement, we can see that Russians took little to no ground because of the powerful Ukrainian strongpoint. In fact, Ukrainian fighters here are still holding off Russian forces and not allowing to take Novomykhailivka in a pocket. Nonetheless, despite the fact that only half of the plan was completed and Novomykhailivka was not encircled, Russian forces decided to launch the storming operation.
The first Russian attack came from the east. A column consisting of several tanks and armored fighting vehicles advanced from Slavne and tried to establish control over a system of trenches at the intersection of the roads. Russian sources claimed that the attack was successful, and Russian forces were preparing to enter the settlement itself. Ukrainian sources, in turn, claimed that they managed to repel the Russian attack and posted footage of the demolished Russian assault unit.
It seems like Russian forces indeed failed to advance from the east because after that, they started attacking from the south. Ukrainian sources reported that a column of Russian forces advanced from Solodke and initiated a fight for the graveyard. Combat footage shows how Ukrainian fighters are attacking Russian forces inside the trenches, suggesting that the Russian attack was successful. The freshest updates from Ukrainian sources suggest that Ukrainian airborne forces conducted a counterattack and returned control over this region. So far, there is no visual confirmation of the success, however, it is not unlikely.
In order to undermine the Russian offensive capabilities and reduce the chances of Russian forces entering the southern part of the settlement, Ukrainians intensified counterbattery operations. Ukrainian fighters from the 72nd mechanized brigade showed how they found and destroyed a Russian “Pion”. The same day, they also detected and destroyed a “Gvozdika”. Reduced artillery support in this region will not allow Russians to suppress Ukrainian fire and undermine Ukrainian defense to the same extent, making the Russian assaults riskier.
Overall, the situation in this region is quite challenging. Despite the fact that Russians reached the outskirts of the village, the claims of the collapse of the Ukrainian defense are premature, as Ukrainians successfully repelled the Russian attacks from the east and never allowed Russians to even get within reach from the north.
Britannia tulee lähiviikkoina tekemään jonkun 10-vuotisen turvallisuussopimuksen Ukrainan kanssa.
Ei ole kyllä ihan itsellekään selvinnyt, että kuka se koordinoi Euroopassa tätä aseapua ? Onko se EU:n tai Naton valvonnassa ? Vai toimiiko kuikin maa ihan omillaan, kuten vähän vaikuttaa. Semmoiselta sekoilulta tämä ainakin näyttää. Kaikki kuitenkin huutavat yhteen ääneen, että Ukrainaa ei saa jättää yksin ja aseita tarvitaan, mutta mitään ei tapahdu. Toivoisin että kaikki on maskirovkaa mutta nuo uutiset antaa epäillä vähän toista.
OT: Saakos tuolla whistleblower huojennusta?Yleensä näitä alkaa pomppia esille kun käsitys lopullisesta voitosta alkaa kirkastua. Termi rotat jättää uppoavan laivan kuvaa tilannetta parhaiten.
Tuntuu, että osalla porukkaa on taas perinteinen "ranteet-auki" fiilis, että oksat pois.Tuota oon miettinyt, jospa Ukraine ei oo tehnyt sitä suurta liikekannallepanoa juuri tuon takia, on satsattu oman asetuotannon ylös ajoon.
Tuntuu, että osalla porukkaa on taas perinteinen "ranteet-auki" fiilis, että oksat pois.
Muistetaan taas muutama asia, jälleen kerran.
- venäjän armeijan suorituskyvyllinen huippu saavutettiin ehkä keväällä 2022. Sen jälkeen erikoisjoukkoja ja sopimussotilaita on korvattu lähinnä mobikeilla ja muilla pakkovärvätyillä.
- Syksyllä 2022 tehdyn LKP:n jälkeen, venäjä on saanut rintamalle arvioiden mukaan vain noin 80 000 sotilasta. Ja siitä kun laskee, niin se on reilu 200 päivässä. Ja kun nyt putin&co uhoaa, että sota jatkuu vuosia, eikä kotia ole tulemista ennen kuin sota loppuu, niin kuka tuonne lähtee enään vapaehtoisena? Ei kukaan. Samaan aikaan "ei vapaehtoisten" joukkojen kerääminen vaikeutuu päivä päivältä.
- Parhaimpienkin arvioiden mukaan, venäjä pysytyy kunnostamaan seuraavan kahden vuoden aikana noin 2000 tankkia. Ja kun tuosta laskee, niin sehän on vain noin 3 vanhaa tankkia päivässä. Samaan aikaa uudistuotanto on ehkä 0.2-0.5 uutta tankkia päivässä.
- Ukraina on tuhonnut valtavan määrän venäläisiä tykkejä, jonka lisäksi pitää ottaa myös huomoon se, että venäjä on ampunut jo yli 10 miljoonaa tykistön ammusta tässä sodassa. Ja kun tähän lisää sen, että venäläisen tykin putki kestää ehkä 1000 laukausta, jotta tarkkuus säilyy. Ja kun tästä taas laskee, niin sehän tarkoittaa että venäjän joukot ovat kuluttaneet loppuun lähes 10 000 putkea.
- venäjän kalustollinen huippu saavutetiin ehkä syksyllä 2022, jonka jälkeen venäjän kalustotappiot ovat räjähtäneet käsiin ja päivä päivältä rintamalla on vähemmän joukkoja ja vähemmän kalustoa. Samaan aikaan korvaava kalusto on huomattavasti vanhempaa ja heikkokuntoisempaa.
- Myöskään venäjän ilmavoimat eivät ole varsinaisesti loistaneet viimeaikoina. Eikä ole mitään merkkiä siitä, että niiden kyky toimia olisi ainakaan paranemassa.
Eli, nykyisellä sodan intensiteetillä, mitä venäjä on pitänyt päällä noin 3-4 kuukautta, venäjällä menee noin viikko korvata ne tappiot, mitä päivässä kertyy. Minkään sortin reserviä ei synny, jota tarvittaisiin jos jonkin sortin läpimurto saadaan. Toki Ukrainallakin on omat isot ongelmat ja haasteet, mutta sen suorituskyky on parantunut varsin huomattavasti vuodesta 2022, jolloin venäjä oli taas vahvimmillaan.
Joten, tilanne lienee kokonaisuudessa se, että voimat alkaa olemaa aikalailla tasan. Kumpikaan osapuoli ei pysty juuri nyt mihinkään suurempaan läpimurtoon, mutta eiköhän vaaka on kumminkin kallistumassa Ukrainan eduksi pitkässä juoksussa. Toki tämä vaatii sen, että länsi jatkaa Ukrainen tukemista.
En ainakaan itse näe mitään merkkiä siitä, että venäjän tilanne olisi taas paranemassa. Uusi LKP ei ratkaise lopulta mitään, kun varsinainen ongelma on heikko johtaminen, pula osaajista, sekä modernista kalustosta. Myöskään siirtyminen sotatalouteen ei ratkaise näitä ongelmia, jos teollisuus ja talous ei ole kunnossa.
Voi olla myös semmoinen tilanne tällä hetkellä, että ryssä on nähnyt tilaisuutensa koittaneen ja pistää vielä viimeisen all-inin tähän puskuun, nyt kun Ukrainalta luultavasti puuttuu ammusta ja kalustoa. Ryssä yrittää saada itselleen nyt parhaimmat mahdolliset asemat omasta mielestään mahdollisiin rauhanneuvotteluihin, joita se voisi alkaa ehdottelemaan tämän hyökkäyksen jälkeen.Hyvä tiivistys! Tässä lisää.
TerroRuzzia on jo hävinnyt.
Paljon murhaamista ja tuhoa ryssä saa aikaan vielä parin vuoden ajan, mutta kello käy. Ja se käy Ukrainan ja lännen hyväksi joka saralla.
Zenäjä on tuhonnut tulevaisuutensa kaikin puolin vuosiksi, jopa vuosikymmeniksi:
-talouden romahdus
-demografinen / väestön romahdus
-ulkomaankaupan / viennin romahdus
-ulkosuhteiden ja luottamuksen romahdus
-teknologian ja teollisuuden romahdus
-infrastruktuurin romahdus
-koulutuksen romahdus
-terveydenhoidon romahdus
= "Perfect storm"![]() Russian army is now the most combat-ready in the world, and Russian military equipment during a special military operation showed its superiority over the West. This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu at an expanded board of the department.
The minister summed up the interim results of the special operation, spoke about the losses of Kiev, which exceeded 383 thousand people killed and wounded, and outlined the priorities of the military department for the next year - first of all continue the operation “until the tasks are completely completed.”
TASS collected the main theses of Shoigu.
On the superiority of the Russian army
"The Russian Armed Forces are capable of adequately and promptly responding to the actions of any modern enemy. More than 650 thousand military personnel received combat experience. Today, the Russian armyis the most trained and combat-ready in the world, having advanced weapons that have been tested in combat conditions.”
“Modern Russian equipment has undergone rigorous testing under the conditions of a special operation and has shown its superiority over similar models from NATO countries.”
“Despite the sanctions, we produce more high-tech weapons than NATO countries.”
On the results of the special military operation
Russian troops liberated a territory five times larger than that occupied by the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics before the start of the special military operation. The Russian Federation includes four regions with an area of more than 83 thousand square meters. km with a population of about 5 million people.
The Sea of Azov became an inland sea of Russia, a land corridor to Crimea appeared, and railway communication with Donbass was restored.
About the losses of Kyiv
During the so-called counter-offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces never crossed the "tactical defense zone" Russian troops and suffered colossal losses.
They lost 159 thousand people killed and wounded, 121 aircraft and 23 helicopters, 766 tanks, including 37 Leopard, and 2,348 armored vehicles , including 50 Bradley: “Apparently, that’s why we still don’t see American Abrams on the battlefield.”
In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, Kyiv lost more than 383 thousand people, 14 thousand tanks and armored vehicles, 8.5 thousand guns and multiple launch rocket systems, more than 800 aircraft and helicopters.
Foreign mercenaries who fight on the side of Kyiv, "for the most part liquidated": "Over 5.8 thousand were destroyed. militants." “On the territory of Ukraine, 103 war criminals who showed particular cruelty were eliminated. Retribution will overtake everyone."
About Western support for Kyiv
Ukraine received $203 billion from external sponsors - $30 billion more than its GDP. “In fact, this is a bankrupt country, since a significant part of these funds are loans subject to repayment.”
54 countries have announced military assistance to Ukraine, but 15 actually supply weapons and equipment. In total, Kiev received 5.22 thousand tanks and armored vehicles , over 3 thousand artillery systems, 23 thousand drones and 115 aircraft and helicopters.
NATO military personnel directly manage air defense systems, multiple launch rocket systems and operational-tactical missile systems in Ukraine. They prepare military operations and train Ukrainian soldiers. In addition, 410 NATO satellites operate in the interests of Kyiv.
On the rearmament of the Russian army
"Unprecedented steps have been taken to rearm the army and navy, as well as social support for military personnel." Russian defense enterprises switched to round-the-clock operation and quadrupled their capacity.
Since February 2022 the production of tanks has increased by 5.6 times, armored vehicles - by 3.5-3.6 times, drones - by 16.8 times, and artillery ammunition - by 17.5.
The defense industry has modernized over 100 types of weapons and equipment, and is also creating new ones in the shortest possible time: “Weapons that were developed and tested under normal conditions for 5-8 years are now brought to mass production within 4-7 months. This hasn’t happened since the Great Patriotic War.”
Ground forces received 1.53 thousand new and modernized tanks, more than 2.5 thousand infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, space forces - 237 aircraft and helicopters, Russian Navy - 8 ships, 4 attack submarines, as well as a strategic nuclear submarine.
About fortification
The Russian military has solved large-scale fortification problems. Along the line of combat contact, in particular,7 thousand km of minefields have been created: “Today, the mining depth is up to 600 m.”
About the lessons of special operations
The Russian military seriously changed the tactics of combined arms combat, creating assault units and unmanned aircraft units, and also “reconsidered approaches” to to the formation of reserves: “As a result, each army has its own reserve regiment.”
In addition, the Russian military "began to use air defense systems in a comprehensive manner" and successfully use precision weapons.
About military medicine
Russian military doctors have achieved great results - more than 98% of the wounded recover. The mortality rate in hospitals is less than 0.5% and continues to decline: “This is the lowest rate in the history of military medicine.”
About the heroism of the military
320 thousand participants in the special military operation received state awards, 272 were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.
About the influx of volunteers
More than 1.5 thousand people daily apply for military service; since the beginning of the year, about 490 thousand contract military personnel have been recruited and volunteers. “The number of foreign volunteers has increased 7 times.”
On social security for the military
Participants in a special military operation receive from 210 thousand rubles per month and more, depending on the position and the performance of combat missions. “All due payments are made on time. The issue of payments is kept under special control, and if any deviations are identified, measures are taken immediately.”
To provide housing for the participants of the special operation allocated 40 billion rubles.
Certificates of combat veterans have already been received by 458 thousand people. All fighters “brought in to assist the armed forces,” including from private military companies, receive veteran’s certificates in a timely manner: “In the last month alone, 50 thousand such certificates have been issued.”
About recruiting the army
"All plans for recruiting the army and navy <...> completed in full." Their number has been increased to 1.15 million military personnel, two combined arms armies and a mixed aviation corps, 50 formations and military units have been formed.
“In proportion to external threats, the size of the armed forces will be increased in the future to 1.5 million military personnel.”
About Syria and Karabakh
“Russian troop groups continue to be the main guarantor of maintaining peace in Syria and Karabakh.” They must ensure stability in these regions next year.
About priorities for 2024
“The priority tasks for the next year are to continue the special military operation until the tasks determined by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief are fully completed.”
In the Strategic Missile Forces the work on placing the Sarmat complex on combat duty must be completed. The Navy plans to receive 4 submarines, including the strategic "Prince Pozharsky", and 11 surface ships.
In addition, it is planned to increase the production of the Kinzhal complexes. and "Zircon", and the supply of missiles and ammunition will be increased by 1.8 times.
The number of contract soldiers by the end of 2024 should increase to 745 thousand people.
Ihan sama ajatus ollut mielessä. Koska ryssän tilanne on nyt se, että se on joko täydellinen LKP tai sitten ei mitään. Ja oisko nyt tilanne kääntymässä siihen, että LKP:tä ei uskalleta tehdä. Ja koska ryssän on käytänössä rakennettava koko armeija uudelleen, niin rintamalla olevilla joukoilla pusketaan niin pitkälle kuin päästää, jotta on jotain mistä neuvotella. Samalla näistä mobikkijoukoista päästään eroon, jotta ne eivät muodosta minkää sortin sisäistä uhkaa.Voi olla myös semmoinen tilanne tällä hetkellä, että ryssä on nähnyt tilaisuutensa koittaneen ja pistää vielä viimeisen all-inin tähän puskuun, nyt kun Ukrainalta luultavasti puuttuu ammusta ja kalustoa. Ryssä yrittää saada itselleen nyt parhaimmat mahdolliset asemat omasta mielestään mahdollisiin rauhanneuvotteluihin, joita se voisi alkaa ehdottelemaan tämän hyökkäyksen jälkeen.