Respected Leader
Ukrainan ilmavoimien tiedottaja Yuri Ignat sanoo että toisen A-50 / A-50U koneen pudottamisen jälkeen ryssä ei käyttänyt näitä koneita useaan päivään:
"After the shooting down of the second Russian A-50, Russia did not observe the use of such aircraft for several days", - Yuri Ignat
Toinen pudotus tapahtui 23.2.2024 joten "usea päivä" tuon jälkeen voisi tarkoittaa 24.2.2024, 25.2.2024 ja kenties 26.2.2024.
Huomionarvoista että tämä ei johtanut rajusti kasvaneisiin hävittäjäkoneiden pudotuksiin vaan esim. Su-34 kone kerrottiin pudotetuksi 21.2.2024 ja sen jälkeen seuraavat kaksi vasta tänään eli 27.2.2024.
Tässä lähde aikaisemmassa viestissä kerrotulle Yuri Ignat / Yurii Ihnat väitteelle (Pravda Ukraine artikkeli julkaistu 27.2.2024):
Another successful Ukrainian counteroffensive. #Ukraine's air force report Russia hasn't deployed any Beriev A-50 airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft in several days - after Ukraine downed a 2nd A-50 plane on Feb 23.
Russians have not deployed A-50 aircraft for several days
The Russians have not deployed any Beriev A-50 airborne early warning and control (AWACS) aircraft in several days, after Ukraine's Defence Forces downed the second such aircraft on 23 February near the Sea of Azov.
Source: Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force, on air during the national joint 24/7 newscast
Quote: "The frequency of A-50 operations has decreased. They have simply been out of action for several days. They haven't decided to send more and more aircraft.
They only have a few of these planes in their fleet. One was damaged in Belarus, you know. I don't know what its repair status is. They may have salvaged parts from one plane to repair another, which is a common practice worldwide. And then there are the two [we] destroyed. The enemy is already weighing up the risks and benefits of continuing to use these AWACS aircraft.
It may have long-range radar detection capabilities, but it also needs to get closer [to our air defences] to scan for signals deep inside Ukrainian territory."
Details: Ihnat noted that Russian tactical aircraft also dropped guided bombs on Avdiivka, exposing them to air defences. As a result, they suffered significant losses (seven aircraft were downed in a week).
- On 23 February, the Defence Forces of Ukraine downed a second Russian A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft.