Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Asiayhteys itsessään vakava, mutta enpä tiedä itkeä vai nauraa, mistä näitä "tutkijoita" sikiää🤣... ja iltapäivälehdet pitää huolen näkyvyydestä... Niin klikkauksia riittää lehdille😂

"Tanskan kansainvälisten tutkimusten instituutin tutkijan Flemming Splidsboel Hansenin mukaan Venäjä on valloittanut kuudessa kuukaudessa yhden promillen Ukrainan alueesta.

Jos ne jatkavat samaan tahtiin, kestää 500 vuotta ennen kuin ne ovat vallanneet koko maan, Hansen kertoi VG:lle.

– Näemme Venäjän hyökkäyksen ja se luultavasti kiihtyy lähipäivinä ja -viikkoina. Tärkeintä on, että amerikkalaiset aseet saapuisivat mahdollisimman pian, tutkija sanoi.

Venäjä on viime aikoina vallannut lisää alueita Ukrainan itäosissa.

– Mutta Venäjä on valloittanut 600 neliökilometriä maata kuudessa kuukaudessa. Se vastaa yhtä tuhannesosaa Ukrainan alueesta, Hansen jatkoi."
30 kuukaudessa, eli vain yksi päivässä. Aika vähän.
Muistan ryssän taistelupanssarivaunujen uustuotannon olevan 20 kuukaudessa.

Eli vuodessa uustuotanto 240 taistelupanssarivaunua ja 360 rynnäkkövaunua. Tuohon päälle sitten BTR, yms... niin ryssä pystyy siltikin tuottamaan kokonaisen panssaridivisioonan kaluston vuodessa senkin jälkeen, kun ne varastot alkaa olla syötynä.

Joten tämä alleviivaa sitä, että vaikka ryssältä menis ne kaikki varastot tässä sodassa nollilleen, se ei ole mikään peruste puolustusasioissa rentoutumiselle, kun 10 vuodessa sitten siellä on itärajan takana rakennettu 10 panssaridivisioonaa.
Stanimir Dobrev julkaisi viikon 17/2024 datan reilusti myöhässä (eilen) ja kun viikon 18/2024 data julkaistaan oikeaan aikaan, ne ovat näin peräkkäin:

Russian gasoline production the week of 29th of April - 5th of May decreased somewhat to 780 600 tons and diesel remained unchanged at 1 662 800 tons.

In 2023 during the week of 1st-7th of May gasoline production was 774 500 tons and diesel production was 1 544 100 tons.




Gasoline prices for Ai-92 rose slightly from 50,86 rubles to 50,87 rubles per liter.

For Ai-95 remained unchanged at 55,70 rubles and for Ai-98 prices rose from 69,22 rubles to 69,37 rubles.

Gasoline production dropped to levels in line with the maintenance last year but diesel production remained the same.

I have no idea what gives the MinEnergy the confidence to lift the ban on gasoline exports.

Link to the prior week:


Tässä sama Rosstat data mutta pidemmältä aikaväliltä:







Aikaisemmin tänään oli kommentteja, että jalostamoiskujen vaikutuksia ei kannata liioitella ja osa tästä jalostusmäärän vaihtelusta johtuu normaalista kysynnän vaihtelusta.

Molemmat ovat totta, mutta epäilen että joku vaikutus niillä on ollut: tuskin käppyrät näyttävät tältä vain koska ryssä on päättänyt että juuri nyt ei haluta / kannata jalostaa suurempaa määrää bensiiniä ja dieseliä per viikko. Vaikea myös uskoa että he huvin ja urheilun vuoksi ostavat bensiiniä ja dieseliä Valko-Venäjältä ja Kazakstanista.

Lisäksi kommentoitiin sitä että vuonna 2024 ei välttämättä nähdä perinteisiä vuosihuoltoja vaan ne voidaan hoitaa joko "hissukseen pikku hiljaa" eli ilman yhtä suurta seisokkia tai sitten jättää kokonaan tekemättä, koska jos ne on tehty viime vuonna, niin ei ole välttämättä pakko tehdä tänä vuonna. Molemmat ovat hyvin mahdollisia, varsinkin huoltojen jättämättä tekeminen. Kenties on luottoa että laitteet kestävät, enemmän tai vähemmän ja jos jotain hajoaa, se korjataan sitten siinä vaiheessa.


MUOKKAUS: lainaan myös tämän Stanimir Dobrevin ryssän jalostetun polttoaineen vientiä käsittelevän tuoreen ketjun:

Russian authorities may lift the ban on the export of gasoline from May to the end of June.

They consider the market saturated with gasoline and this will lift prices for refineries which I am guessing is a key reason for this measure.

The plan is to then again enforce the restriction during July-August which will coincide with the maintenance period.

This may mean that the May maintenance period from 2023 may be pushed this year to that period.

Also that will coincide with peak demand.

I personally don't think they have that much gasoline in storage to let oil companies resume exports. The total gasoline stockpile last I eyeballed it at the start of April was only 1 850 000 tons. The current stockpile should be similar.

This wouldn't be enough to satisfy both exports of gasoline for 7-8 weeks, domestic demand and to cope with more refinery outages which are in no way ruled out at this point. Stockpiles of certain types of gasoline will be put under severe stress.

My issue is that only 2 weeks ago they were discussing lowering eco standards, importing from 2 countries and similar measures. The last 2 weeks of production were overall on par with demand. That's not enough to change the situation with the stockpile.

We have a figure for demand for a week in March at 794 000 tons per week.

Either that was an anomaly or Russian oil companies really want higher prices that much.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Ramzan Kadyrov kertoi Putinin virkaanastujaisten jälkeen että Venäjän pitää kasvattaa painetta ja valloittaa kuukauden sisään Harkova ja Odessa. Tämän jälkeen Zelensky pitäisi laittaa vankilaan ja pakottaa allekirjoittamaan kaikki paperit jotka ovat tarpeen Venäjän valtion, kansalaisten ja venäjänkielisten ukrainalaisten turvallisuuden takaamiseksi.
Eikö tuonkin Putinin karvanaamakaverin joutaisi kasvattaa painetta lähinnä oman haiman/ maksan poksahdukseen saakka oman kansansa vapauden, turvallisuuden ja tulevaisuuden takaamiseksi ? Ryyppää kunnolla terveytensä pois ja kansa kiittää. Ihan Win-win tiianne

Viime yön ohjus- ja droneisku oli tosiaan suuri, lisäsin sen listalleni jossa ovat talven 2023/2024 "merkittävimmät monipuolisen ohjuskattauksen sisältäneet iskut":



Kh-101/Kh-555 risteilyohjuksia käytettiin pitkästä aikaa yli 40 kpl - tämä on merkittävän suuri määrä jos verrataan näihin aikaisempiin "merkittäviin ohjusiskuihin". 22.3.2024 laukaistiin 40 kpl, mutta muissa iskuissa ei ole käytetty näin suurta määrää tätä ohjustyyppiä (poislukien uuden vuoden tienoon hyvin suuret iskut). Talven ja kevään aikana näitä on käytetty vaihtelevia määriä, mutta hyvin harvoin näin suurta määrää, tyypillisemmin alle 30 kpl, usein jopa selvästi alle.

Toisaalta Shahed-136/131 dronejen määrä on pienehkö. Luulisi että saturaation nimissä näitä haluttaisiin käyttää suuri määrä tai ainakin selvästi suurempi kuin mitä käyttivät viime yönä.

Muita ohjustyyppejä käytettiin yksi tai kaksi tai neljä kappaletta eli muodostivat häviävän pienen osan tässä suuremmassa kokonaisuudessa.
Google päivitti kuviaan yhdestä paikasta ja tämänhetkinen laskettava luku väheni vielä 242 kappaleella.

High_marsed julkaisi myös ketjun jossa oli tarkempi tarkastelu eri tykkien määristä Lesnoi Gorodok nimisessä varastotukikohdassa:

Russia has severely depleted one of their largest towed artillery storage bases. In updated images it is visible that they have removed about 60% of the stored guns and half of the remaining guns might be unusable. Data and IDs below.

The updated Google Earth image is very clear, which helps a lot with identifying the guns. The IDs for 2024 are probably very accurate, but I am still not totally confident in my identififcations in the pre war footage.


(en lainaa tätä taulukkoa seuraavia muutamaa viestiä, koska niissä vertaillaan satelliittikuvia keskenään eli käytännössä todistetaan numeroiden paikkaansapitävyys - ne voi käydä lukemassa twitterissä jos kiinnostavat - lainaan niitä seuraavat kommentoivat viestit alle)

As you can see half of the remaining guns are 122mm M-30 which was one of the main artillery pieces of the red army during WW2. They are likely mostly useless today, since they probably shouldn't use modern ammunition, although Russia might have some old ammunition in storage.

Additionally it is possible that some of the remaining guns are not usable, since they have been in storage for a long time, although it is not possible to accurately asses the effects of that in the satelite footage. Cannibalization is also possible.

If I had to make a prediction I would guess that likely most of the remaining D-30s, MT-12 and D-1/D-20 will be removed during 2024 and leave behind about 400 units mostly consisting of M-30s that wont be removed at all.

I havent yet found a reliable way to tell D-1 and D-20 apart, since they look very similar on sat images. The size difference can only easily be spoted if they are next to each other (image artillery Museum St. Petersburg), since the measuring tools a very inaccurate.

Additionally it is possible that there are other models in storage, which are stored in the same position and have similar ascpect ratios, such as M1937 (ML-20) and the M1938 (M10).

There were also ~200 mortars and ~200 SPGs at the base which have all been removed already, except for a very low number of 2S1.

There is also a large pile of scrap and wheels, which could indicate that they are cannibalizing some of the guns and only take the "good" parts, although this is just speculation.


HUOM: nämä numerot eivät täsmää aikaisemmin tässä ketjussa julkaistun Jompy-nimisen satelliittikuvia tutkivan twitter-tilin numeroiden kanssa. Jompy ja high_marsed ovat tehneet yhteistyötä eri projekteissa, mukaanlukien vishun_military ja Covert Cabal julkaisut.

Jompyn mukaan Lesnoi Gorodok -tukikohdassa oli 27.5.2020 päivättyjen satelliittikuvien mukaan 907 kpl D-30 mallin tykkejä, mutta high_marsed sanoo määräksi 827 kpl.

Jompyn mukaan 9.10.2022 mennessä näiden tykkien määrä oli kutistunut 492 kpl verran eli tukikohdassa oli tuolloin jäljellä 415 kpl näitä tykkejä.

High_marsed mukaan D-30 tykkejä olisi jäljellä 173 kpl 26.3.2024.

Unohdetaan hetkeksi Jompy ja high_marsed numeroiden erot ja keskitytään vain high_marsed kertomiin D-30 tykkien määriin. Oletetaan että 24.2.2022 tukikohdassa olisi ollut sama määrä tykkejä kuin mitä 27.5.2020 eli 827 kpl.

Oletetaan että tukikohdan tyhjentäminen alkoi tällä päivämäärällä ja on jatkunut siitä asti vakiona.

24.2.2022 - 26.3.2024 aikaväli on 761 päivää ja high_marsed mukaan tukikohdan D-30 tykkien määrä olisi kutistunut 654 kpl verran. Tämä tarkoittaisi keskiarvoisesti 0,8594 tykkiä per päivä eli noin 25,78 per kuukausi.

Näillä oletuksilla, miten kauan kestää että jäljellä olevat 173 kpl D-30 tykkejä on aktivoitu?

26.3.2024 + 173 / 0,8594 = 13.10.2024

Entä tukikohdan kalusto yleisesti, poislukien M-30 tykit?

26.3.2024 + 410 / (1108 / 761) = 1.1.2025

Tässä tehdään tietysti monta oletusta joten kyseessä on hyvin karkea kokeilu, ei mikään ehdoton totuus. Silti, näin nähtynä D-30 tykit loppuvat tästä varastotukikohdasta ennen kuin vuosi 2024 loppuu - todennäköisesti reilusti aikaisemmin.
Viimeksi muokattu:
Kuulostaa lupaavalta (artikkeli julkaistu 8.5.2024):

“The EU has reached a deal to seize profits from Russia’s frozen assets to fund weapons and aid for Ukraine within months. EU senior diplomats meeting on Wednesday agreed a compromise on using the estimated €4.4bn windfall profits to aid Ukraine”

“EU member states decided that 90% of the windfall profits would go on weapons for Ukraine and remaining 10% on non-lethal aid, a split designed to assuage countries including Ireland, Austria and Hungary”

EU reaches deal on using profits from Russia’s frozen assets for Ukraine​

10% of the windfall profits will fund non-lethal aid to assuage EU member states that do not wish to fund arms

Jennifer Rankin in Brussels
Wed 8 May 2024
17.48 CEST

The EU has reached a deal to seize profits from Russia’s frozen assets to fund weapons and aid for Ukraine within months.

EU senior diplomats meeting on Wednesday agreed a compromise on using the estimated €4.4bn windfall profits to aid Ukraine, smoothing over a dispute about taxation and management costs in Belgium, the country where most of the frozen assets are held.

Euroclear, a clearing house in Brussels, holds €191bn of the €260bn of Russian Central Bank assets that were immobilised by western governments in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. In February the clearing house reported €4.4bn interest on the Russian funds and forecast that the Belgian government would reap €1.085bn in taxes.

The final amount for Ukraine has yet to be confirmed, but should be available in July.

The EU – wary of the legal ramifications of seizing the entire cache of Russian assets – decided it could give the profits to Ukraine, after concluding Moscow had no legal right to these funds. But finding a deal has been complicated by divisions about how to spend the money, Euroclear’s management fees and Belgium’s 25% tax on corporate profits.

Belgium has now said it is “prepared to consider” a voluntary plan to transfer the collected taxes to Ukraine from 2025, according to diplomatic sources. The Belgian climbdown was first reported by Politico.

The Belgian state is already contributing aid to buy weapons for Ukraine, but other EU countries argued the Russian windfall should be additional to – not instead of – Belgium’s regular Ukraine aid. One EU diplomat had described the profits as “a windfall tax for Belgium” and said: “It is a little unfair because nobody else has Russian money to pay for their aid for Ukraine.”

Meeting on Wednesday, the diplomats also whittled Euroclear’s management fee to 0.3%, down from the original 3% proposed.

EU member states decided that 90% of the windfall profits would go on weapons for Ukraine and remaining 10% on non-lethal aid, a split designed to assuage countries including Ireland, Austria and Hungary that cannot or do not wish to fund arms.

“EU ambassadors agreed in principle on measures concerning extraordinary revenues stemming from Russia’s immobilised assets,” tweeted Belgium’s EU presidency Twitter account. “The money will serve to support #Ukraine‘s recovery and military defence in the context of the Russian aggression.”

Welcoming the agreement, the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, tweeted: “There could be no stronger symbol and no greater use for that money than to make Ukraine and all of Europe a safer place to live.”

The EU deal opens the door to a broader discussion in the G7 about using Russia’s frozen billions of assets, but many European nations, including Germany and France, are wary of a US plan to take charge of the assets, fearing a violation of international law.

Separately on Wednesday EU ambassadors began talks on plans to restrict the flow of Russian liquified natural gas (LNG) via Europe, as part of a 14th round of sanctions against the Kremlin’s ability to wage war.

The European Commission wants to impose restrictions on the transhipment of LNG in the EU to stop Russia exporting the highly lucrative gas to non-EU countries via EU ports. The EU also wants to ban new investment, goods and services to build LNG terminals in the Russian Arctic. The proposals, however, stop short of a ban on Russian LNG, which unlike most pipeline gas has continued to be imported into the EU.

EU diplomats hope to get agreement on the latest sanctions before the European elections and certainly ahead of 1 July, when the Russia-friendly Hungarian government takes over the bloc’s rotating presidency.

Kaks hitonmoista FAFO tarinaa on viime päivinä tullu esiin. Pahoittelut jos näistä jompikumpi tai molemmat on käsitelty edellisellä viidellä sivulla.
Eli. Yhdysvaltain armeijan alipuseeri pari vuotta seurustelu venäläisen naisen kanssa. Molemmat eli Etelä-Koreassa siihen aikaan ja tää nainen kutsu välillä tätä yhdysvaltalaista aviomiehekseen, välillä taas haukku tyypillisellä amerikkalaisia tarkoittavalla haukkumasanalla. Tämä alipupseeri on muuten täysin Magamies, eli tykkää Venäjästä. Miehen asemapaikkan siis oli Etelä-Korea ja muija oli kai tanssimassa siellä klubeilla. No nää kuitenkin eros toisistaan ja mies meni sitten ilman armeijan lupaa Venäjälle korjaamaan asioita. Joutui pidätetyksi ja nyt on sellissä siellä.
An American military man arrested in Russia was detained following a complaint from his girlfriend about theft and beating. She posted it on Tiktok, where she affectionately called him “my pindos”Details of the relationship between US Army soldier Gordon Black, arrested in Vladivostok, and his girlfriend Alexandra Vashchuk, whom Black came to visit from South Korea, have surfaced. Vashchuk complained about Black to the police - the American allegedly stole 200 thousand rubles from her and beat her, writes the SHOT channel. Black is charged with theft causing significant damage (clause “c” of Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), this article threatens imprisonment for up to five years.Radio Liberty journalists found Vashchuk’s accounts on social networks, where the girl said that she had lived in South Korea for five years. There they met Sergeant Black. How exactly is unknown, but the American has appeared in Vashchuk’s videos since at least 2021. In some videos, she ironically calls Black her husband. In another video - “Pindos”.Black's mother Melody Jones told American media that her son flew to Vladivostok specifically to meet with Vashchuk. The military man wanted to make peace with the girl after a quarrel. She was deported from South Korea, so Black had to go to Russia.The Agency notes that Black is not the first person Vashchuk reported to the police. Journalists found information about Vashchuk’s statements in leaks: in 2009 and 2015, the girl complained to the police about her mother - about death threats and beatings. In 2016, Waschuk reported to the police that her neighbor crashed his car into another car in the yard of the house.The circumstances of combat instructor Black's trip to the Russian Federation are currently being investigated by the US Army. He decided to go to Russia on his own, taking advantage of the redeployment from Korea to Texas and despite the ban on such trips.How STUPID do you have to be to go to russia?
Toinen. Hersonilainen petturi. Pakeni siis Venäjälle kun Herson vapautettiin. Valittelee nyt kun Hersonissa oli kaikki paremmin ja Venäjällä ei ole mitään vapauksia ja mikään ei toimi(kaikki kai järjestyy edelleen vanhan totuuden mukaan). Jos olisi kyky mennä ajassa taaksepäin niin palaisi.
...and about how she wishes she could come back.

Here's a long drink of v@tnik tears, for you #NAFO fellas! 🍺

So, here's a collaborator from Kherson - I'm not going to name her, because I don't want to give her additional publicity. But she escaped to russia with other collaborators when Kherson was liberated.

And now here, below, you can hear her describing her new life in russia.

I can't be troubled with translating FORTY MINUTES OF WHINING, but I'll give you the highlights. 😎

Most important of all, she says that...
🔴 She wants very much to come back (this is at 21:35 in the video), and if there was a chance to reverse time, then she would wish that the SVO never started.

🔴 She knows that people in russia will say that she is ungrateful, and that she was given 'this and that', but its not their life that was shaken 'like this' (she makes actions), it was her life.

🔴 She says further that in russia you can't even talk about problems (now that's a surprise 😎) - everyone is forced to say, 'Everything is fine, everything is fine.'

The rest of the video is basically about how much more miserable and inconvenient life is in russia. Here are some excerpts, below:

She whines that...
😭 In Kherson they were not rich people, but in russia they are like beggars.

😭 In Kherson there was a big house, a big garden, summer house, a garage - and in russia they have none of these things.

More areas in which she says russia does not compare with Ukraine...

Tools and appliances:
😭 In Ukraine, she had all sorts of tools and appliances - screwdrivers, a glue gun, juicers - and in russia there is nothing.
In russia, you can't get anything in local stores, and when you buy online in shops like Ozone and Wildberries everything is very expensive - very much more so than she remembers from when she was in Ukraine.

Public transport:
😭 She used to live on the outskirts of Kherson, and the transport system was good, but in russia they live far from the city and the transport is horrible.
You have to spend the whole day if you plan to go anywhere. The bus only comes once or twice in the day, so you wait for it, and so going anywhere takes your whole day.

In Ukraine she knew in which cafe to eat 'in order to feel good' (her exact words), and in russia she buys something to eat and it's so uninspiring that she falls asleep over it, and life in general is so uninspiring that she can't think properly.

Computer chairs (!) - yes, she's really whining about computer chairs:
😭 In Kherson you can go to the city and buy any computer chair you like and every model is available, of every sort.
And in russia you go to a shop, and you have a choice between two models of chairs. That's it. Of course it's not like that in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but it's like that in her city.

And she says that she'll never have all the comforts again that she had in Ukraine...
...the sofas, the cupboards, the sports equipment (her exact words).

Things just cost too much and she earns too little. She would have to scrimp and save for years to attain even an echo of her lifestyle in Ukraine.

A personal note:
On a personal level, I find her manner of speaking and expressions VERY irritating. It took will to listen to her for forty minutes.

I trust people here will appreciate my sacrifices in bringing you this 'cheerful' message from inside russia. 😎
Viimeksi muokattu:
Ennustajan puheilla on taas käyty ja tällä kertaa sota päättyy syksyn lopulla, sodan loppu tarkoittaa myös historian käännekohtaa johtuen astrologisista sykleistä. Kesä tulee olemaan vaikea venäläissotilaille sillä pimein hetki on ennen sarastusta. Presidentille vaikein aika on voiton jälkeen sillä hän on työskennellyt väsymättömästi sodan aikana ja voiton jälkeen iskee väsymys.

Esoteric spoke about her vision of the date of completion of the special operation​

The progress of Russia’s military special operation in Ukraine is analyzed not only by military experts and analysts; psychics and esotericists also have their own vision of the situation. MK talked about this and much more with one of the spiritual practitioners, who considers the situation not only from an esoteric point of view, but also from the point of view of analyzing current political news on this topic.

“Personally, I expect the special operation to be completed somewhere by the end of autumn,” says esotericist and parapsychologist Miroslava Bush. – I see this, not based on the analysis of any military strategies - I expect this, since zodiacally this will be the end of the Year of the Dragon, and the Year of the Dragon is the final one in the 12-year cycle. Therefore, the end of the special operation, that is, the turning point in the history of the whole world, should happen by the end of the year - become such a final point in order to enter a new stage next year. And despite numerous statements by Western politicians that Ukraine “will now gather its strength to go on the offensive next year,” next year it will be too late. Everything should be completed this year. How it will end – I think this is clear to everyone, but I will repeat: by achieving the goals we have set. In general, it seems to me that we should definitely receive this gift for the New Year.

– Do you see any negotiations with the Kyiv regime?

– I can’t say when they will be. But they will, since the Kyiv regime has nowhere to go. And Western countries have already begun to talk about negotiations. The United States is already hinting: it’s time... True, the Americans are simultaneously supplying Ukraine with missiles, but this is their “contradictory” policy. Since we are talking about the completion of the special operation by the end of autumn (or by the end of the year), negotiations could also take place somewhere in the same period.

Summer will, of course, be difficult for our soldiers. On the one hand, the weather conditions are favorable, but on the other hand, as they say, “the darkest time of the day is before dawn.” Therefore, summer will be a very difficult period. Our soldiers need to gain courage, strength, patience, and everything will definitely work out.

– What will happen next with the help of the West and the United States for the Kyiv regime?

– Last year I said that Ukraine would be abandoned. So, in general, that’s what happened: last year, Kyiv’s allies began to partially break their promises to him. This continues this year. In general, I would compare the image of the United States to a “sly fox”: “Well, we will help you, but we will help you somehow so that we feel good, and you don’t care how...”.

There will continue to be growing divisions between some NATO allies, between NATO and the US, and between the US President and the American people. And against the backdrop of this split, aid to Ukraine will decrease. Accordingly, they will still help, but this help will become less and less significant, since their resources are still not unlimited. Judging by the statements of the United States, they are increasingly inclined to believe that “there should be negotiations”... This is not even a “fox” policy, but a “cunning boa constrictor”: they will try to get out of this situation with maximum benefit for themselves and minimal losses.

The “allies” will help Ukraine less and less, and I think that by winter this help will become even less. And then a new round will come: “Let’s restore Ukraine...”, but again a lot will be promised, but little will be done.

We also asked what time, in her opinion, could be called the most difficult for our President.

– Perhaps it will seem to many that the most difficult time for our President is now, since a special operation is underway, we must strengthen our economy in the face of Western sanctions, but, in fact, the most difficult time will come after the Victory. Because now the head of state is as collected and concentrated as possible, all his internal resources are concentrated on winning, making our country better, more powerful. And while a person is solving these huge tasks facing him, when he has this huge responsibility, he is as collected as possible, he does not notice fatigue. And when the struggle ends with Victory, a psychologically difficult time will come - after a short period of jubilation, the realization that you have achieved your goals, you may feel a little tired and want to “exhale”...