Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Mietityttää tuon ohjustutkan ja toisaalta FSB:nkö antennikomplektin tuhoaminen.

Tutkan muka pitäisi nähdä muistaakseni jalkapallo 8000km päästä. Vai oliko se 8000km:n jalkapallo metrin päästä. Kait se sitten näkee myös koneet ja ohjukset ainakin ylimalkaisesti?

Antennit -> satelliitit. Jos puuttuvaa tilannekuvaa ei saada edes avaruudesta? Satelliitti kyllä lähettäisi informaatiota jos joku ottaisi vastaan.

Haetaanko tässä A-50 koneita taas lähemmäksi linjaa vai vapaata ilmatilaa omalla puolella.
Norjahan osti 24 kpl Archereita, mutta perui kaupat, koska kehitysversiota ei koskaan saatu norjalaisten mukaan toimimaan tyydyttävästi. Tästä Saabille jääneestä 24 kappaleesta on toimitettu Ukrainan Archerit ja Britannian ostamat yksilöt.
Olispa mukava näin maallikonkin saada tietää, mitä olivat ne heikkoudet, miksi esim. Norja perui kaupat ja miksi ei muuallekkaan ole oikein mennyt kaupaksi.
Operational information as of 11:00 p.m. 25/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

The situation at the front remains tense, but controlled by the Defense Forces. Our soldiers continue to resolutely oppose the attempts of the Russian invaders to advance deep into the territory of Ukraine, and direct their efforts to disrupt the invaders' execution of their offensive plans.

Since the beginning of the day, there have been 110 combat clashes, the enemy has carried out five missile (using eight missiles) and 34 air strikes (49 anti-aircraft missiles), used 381 kamikaze drones on the territory of Ukraine. Also, the enemy fired 2,433 shots at the positions of our troops and settlements using various types of weapons.

Today, 13 combat clashes took place in the Kharkiv direction. The occupiers launched rocket attacks and hit Kharkov with guided air bombs. In total, the enemy hit civilian infrastructure and residential areas with three missile strikes using six missiles. Russian terrorists, in particular, hit a park of culture and recreation with a rocket. They carried out two discharges of CABs in the construction hypermarket, as a result of which a fire broke out in the building. As a result of the terrorist actions of the aggressor, the civilian population suffered. Unfortunately, there are dead, wounded and missing civilians.
At this time, in the Kharkiv direction, hostilities are still ongoing in the areas of Neskuchne and Staritsa settlements.

Previously, the losses of the enemy since the beginning of the day in this direction amounted to 100 people. One tank, two artillery systems and two vehicles were destroyed. Another artillery system and one vehicle were damaged.

In the Kupyansk direction, the number of combat clashes was 14. The defense forces successfully repelled enemy attacks in the areas of Sinkivka and Petropavlivka settlements. Fighting is still going on near Myasozharyvka, Druzhelyubivka and Nevsky. In addition, the Defense Forces conducted active actions here, and were successful.

Previously, the total losses of the enemy during the day in this direction amounted to 47 people. One enemy MTLB, two units of motor vehicles, the Murom-P surveillance station and two ammunition depots were destroyed, as well as two tanks and one infantry fighting vehicle were damaged.
In the Lyman direction, units of the Defense Forces repelled five attacks by Russian invaders in the areas of Terni, Torsky and Serebryansky forests. The situation is under control, losses of positions are not allowed.

In the Siverskyi direction, the number of enemy assaults during the evening increased to 13. The tense situation remains in the area of Belogorivka, where the enemy is trying to penetrate our defenses. At the same time, Ukrainian defenders took a number of measures to strengthen defensive positions.

In the Kramatorsk direction, the Russian aggressor attacked units of the Defense Forces 12 times in the direction of Chasovoy Yar, Ivanivskyi, and Klishchiivka. There was no success. At the moment, the battle continues in the Andriivka area. The situation is under control.
The enemy intensively attacked the Ukrainian defenders in the Pokrovsky direction. Here, during the day, sometimes with the support of aviation with the use of air defense systems, the aggressor carried out 23 assault actions and tried to increase significant fire control efforts along almost the entire line of contact. Intense fighting continues in the Novooleksandrivka area. The defense forces are taking measures to stabilize the situation.

Previous losses of the enemy in this direction amounted to almost 200 occupiers killed and wounded. One Su-25 enemy aircraft, three BMPs and three armored personnel carriers were destroyed. At the same time, three tanks of the occupiers, one armored personnel carrier, two mortars and three units of automobile equipment were damaged.
At the beginning of the day, the tense situation was also in the Kurakhiv direction. At this time, there are 14 combat clashes here. The invaders are trying to advance in the areas of Krasnohorivka, Paraskoviivka and Vodyane settlements. Defense forces are taking immediate measures to stabilize the situation and contain the overwhelming enemy.

Previous losses of the enemy in this direction amounted to: almost 90 occupiers killed and wounded. One BMP, one MTLB and three vehicles were destroyed. One tank was also damaged.

Operational information as of 11:00 p.m. 25/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

In the direction of Vremivsk, the enemy made one unsuccessful attempt to break through the defense of our troops in the direction of Staromayorsky. There was no success.

In the Orihiv direction, the enemy attacked three times and failed in the areas of Robotyny and Novoandriivka.

In the Dnieper direction, the occupiers unsuccessfully tried nine times to push our units away from Krynyk. During the fighting, the Russian invaders were not successful, and our positions were not lost.

Ukrainian soldiers inflict significant losses on the occupiers, actively use means of fire damage to the enemy's manpower and equipment. Measures are being taken to improve the tactical position in certain directions.

Let's beat the enemy and bring our Victory closer!
Glory to Ukraine!

Harkovan rintamalta hyviä uutisia:

Voimakkaita hyökkäyksiä ei enää ole ollut moneen päivään. Jäljelle jääneet örkit ovat jääneet avoimelle kentälle ansaan. Kun kuulevat dronejen ääniä niin piiloutuvat pusikkoihin.

Vähitellen Ukraina tuhoaa näitä joukkoja. Ja ne eivät ole mitään storm-Z vankilamobikkeja vaan hyvin koulutettuja GRU- tai erikoisjoukkoja.

Tämä tieto lämmittää sydäntä. Se on juuri sitä porukkaa, jotka saisi tappaa kaikki ja laittaa ruumiit kellumaan siihen Krimin kanavaan.
Ei ole ryssät viisastuneet yhtään reilun parin vuoden sotimisen jälkeen, edelleen ilmoittavat itse viestipalveluissaan missä luuraavat, Ukrainalle riittää lentää yksi drooni sinne varmistamaan asia näköhavainnolla ja tilata sitten kapallinen lentopommeja pikatoimituksena. Toivottavasti jäi tuo kilpeä näyttävä ryssä henkiin niin sillä on monelle tarinaa kerrottavana.

Sama tapahtuma kuin aiemmilla sivuilla mutta päivitettynä noilla lisätiedoilla.

Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 05/26/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [1/2]

Glory to Ukraine!
Eight hundred and twenty-third day of large-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

During the past day, 141 combat clashes took place.

According to detailed information, yesterday the enemy launched 10 missile strikes with 13 missiles, 40 airstrikes (in particular, using 56 anti-aircraft missiles), 1,001 kamikaze drone strikes (of which 994 were fpv) on the positions of our troops and populated areas. Also, the occupiers fired 3,604 shots from various types of weapons, 96 of them from MLRS. As a result of Russian terrorist attacks, unfortunately, there are dead and wounded among the civilian population.

Over the past day, the Air Force and the missile forces and the artillery of the Defense Forces hit two control points, three personnel concentration areas and the enemy's EW station.

In general, the total losses of the Russian invaders amounted to 1,110 people killed and wounded last day. The enemy also lost 12 tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, 24 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft missile system, a Su-25 aircraft, 11 unmanned air defense systems, 31 vehicles and seven units of special equipment.

Since the beginning of the current era on the fronts of the Russian-Ukrainian wars. 35 combat clashes took place. The invaders carried out 529 attacks on the positions of our troops and settlements. The enemy launched three airstrikes using three guided air bombs.

Also, on the night of May 26, 2024, the Russian occupiers launched a missile-air strike against Ukraine using 14 air-launched missiles and more than three dozen attack UAVs:
- 2 Kh-47M2 "Kinjal" aeroballistic missiles from MiG-31K aircraft (launched from the airspace of the Tambov region (Russian Federation);
- 12 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles from Tu-95 MS strategic aviation aircraft (launch area, Saratov region (Russian Federation);
- 31 strike UAVs of the "Shahed" type (launches - Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Yeisk (Russian Federation), Cape Chauda (TOT of Ukrainian Crimea).

As a result of the anti-aircraft battle, 12 Kh-101/Kh-555 cruise missiles and 31 Shahed-type attack UAVs were shot down by anti-aircraft missile units, fighter aircraft, EW means of the Air Force and mobile fire groups of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

Air targets were destroyed in the Mykolaiv, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava, Zaporizhzhya, Khmelnytskyi, Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia and Chernihiv regions.
In the Kharkiv direction, the threat of a breakthrough by the occupiers has been repelled, and stable defense has been ensured. Wherever the invaders continue their attacks, they suffer heavy losses. In particular, Ukrainian artillery and infantry units interact effectively. The Russian aggressor tried three times to storm the positions of our troops. Defense forces repelled two attacks in the direction of the villages of Liptsi and Ternova. At the same time, the enemy continues to try to advance from the area of the village of Lukyantsi - the battle continues. At the same time, our units continue measures to strengthen defense stability.
According to detailed information, yesterday the enemy lost 179 people in the Kharkiv direction. In addition, our soldiers destroyed a tank, an armored fighting vehicle, three artillery systems and six cars and special vehicles.

Since the beginning of the day, there have been six combat clashes in the Kupyansk direction. One attack was repulsed. Fighting continues in the districts of Synkivka, Novoyehorivka, Grekivka, Nevsky, and Druzhelyubivka. The situation is under control.
In the direction of Lyman, our soldiers repulsed the Russian invaders' attempt to advance towards Nevsky. Enemy losses are being refined.

The enemy did not conduct active operations in the Kramatorsk direction.

In the Pokrovsky direction, the intensity of hostilities is quite high - by this time, the enemy had already attacked the positions of our troops 14 times. Six attacks have been repulsed, and eight clashes, in the districts of Novooleksandrivka, Kalinovo, Sokol, and Nevelsky, are ongoing. The defense forces are taking measures to prevent the advance of the enemy.

In the Kurakhiv direction, Ukrainian soldiers have already repelled the attack of the occupiers in the Kostyantynivka area. The enemy is currently continuing offensive actions in the Krasnohorivka region. The situation is under the control of the Defense Forces.

Operational information as of 10:00 a.m. 05/26/2024 regarding the Russian invasion [2/2]

In the Vremivsk direction, near Rozdilny and Staromayorsky, two attempts by the occupiers to improve the tactical position failed.

In the Orihiv direction, the battle continues in the area of Mala Tokmachka.

In the Dnieper direction, on the bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnipro River, two enemy attacks were repulsed near the village of Krynki. Loss of positions is not allowed.

In the rest of the directions, the situation did not undergo significant changes.
The Defense Forces of Ukraine are taking all necessary measures to deter the enemy's offensive and further stabilize the situation.

Join the Defense Forces! Together we will win! Glory to Ukraine!

F-16 koulutuksesta, tämä erä siirtyy RAF:n peruskurssin jälkeen Ranskaan koulutukseen.
Näitä koulutuspaikkoja on useita kuten myös koulutuseriä, nämä miehet eivät varmaan ole niitä ensimmäisiä puikoissa Ukrainan taivaalla.

Olispa mukava näin maallikonkin saada tietää, mitä olivat ne heikkoudet, miksi esim. Norja perui kaupat ja miksi ei muuallekkaan ole oikein mennyt kaupaksi.
Muistaakseni Norja valitti, että alusta oli epästabiili ja laukauksen jälkeen putki jäi heilumaan. Muualle myyntiä on rajoittanut ainakin korkea hinta, dumpperi-alustan kompromissi tela-ajoneuvon ja kuorma-auton liikkuvuuden välillä ja pieni ammustäyttö.