Ukrainan konflikti/sota

Katso liite: 97799kuulostaa kivalta, kunnes tajuaa, että kahdeksannes siitä yli tuhannesta ukosta päivässä on 200 sankaria.. Kovaa osumaa tulee kyllä. Ja tosiasia on, että zenäjälä on täysin absoluuttinen paha, paskiaisia, epäihmisiä, epäkuolleita örkkejä, kun ei kiinnosta, vaikka ukkoja kuolee kuin kärpäsiä.. pthyi, idi na kxyi poccki turak.
Kuolleita ei toki noin monta onneksi koska luku sisältää kuolleet + haavoittuneet. Mutta tuolla tahdilla myös Ukrainalla on ykköskymmenissä kuolleet per päivä (koko rintamalla).
Ei taas tätä 😆 mutta sovitaan niin. Ukraina nimenomaan ilmoittaa kaatuneina nuo lukunsa.

Ihan sodan alussa kun porukka ihmetteli noita lukuja, niin silloin ukrainalaiset ilmoittivat, että kyseinen luku sisältää sekä vakavasti haavottuneita että kaatuneet. En tiedä onko sen jälkeen ilmoitettu jotain muuta mutta tuo varmasti selittää, miksi niin edelleen ajatellaan.

Mulle on ihan sama sisältäkö molempia vai ei.
Ei taas tätä 😆 mutta sovitaan niin. Ukraina nimenomaan ilmoittaa kaatuneina nuo lukunsa.
Se virallinen termi taitaa olla likvidoitu, ainakin jossain vaiheessa. Tulkinnan varaa tuossa on ja seikkoja jotka puhuu sen puolesta, että kyseessä on kaatuneet+haavoittuneet tai pelkästään kaatuneet. Joka tapauksessa kumpikaan vaihtoehto ei pidä absoluuttisesti paikkansa, koska Ukraina ei pääse todentamaa rintaman takaisten iskujen uhreja.

Stoltenberg vetoa maihin että Ukrainalle sallittaisi takaisin iskuja hyökkäviä örkejä vastaan.
On järjetöntä kieltä iskuja ukrainalaisilta. Uhrilta kielletään puolustusta, sanat ei riittää😡
Ukraina on saamassa jossain vaiheessa jotakin Boxerin varianttia Saksalta.

Apparently, Ukraine will receive an unknown number of GTK Boxer from Germany at an unspecified time. The Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany announced this in an interview with BILD.

Interestingly, he spoke of a vehicle called “AITO” or “EITO”, based on a GTK Boxer. I am not aware of any variant or mission module that is called that way, and none of the people I asked could give me an answer. If anyone has a tip, please go ahead!

If Ukraine receives the APC variant, another long-term wish will be fulfilled for Ukraine. More than a year ago, @Makeiev announced that negotiations were underway with the German government regarding the GTK Boxer.

PS: Ukraine already receives 36 RCH 155 (self-propelled howitzer based on a GTK Boxer) from Germany and no, he did not mean these. He already mentioned them before and said the AITO/EITO armoured vehicles are being delivered on top.
Ei vaan Zelensky mainitsi asian kevättalvella/talvella, nimenomaan kaatuneet + haavoittuneet. Jätän tähän koska en jaksa etsiä aiheesta, twiittasin kyllä siitä tai ainakin kommentoin sitä aikanaan.
Tuossa esim BBCn uutisointi helmikuun 25. tappioluvuista.

In terms of Russian losses, Mr Zelensky said 180,000 Russian soldiers have been killed and tens of thousands more injured.
Sodan hinta tuntuu Putinilla nousseen tärkeäksi, tänään hän kertoi puolustusteollisuuden pomoille kuinka tärkeää on käyttää jokainen rupla mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Vovan mukaan voitto sodasta on taattu kunhan aseistuksessa Venäjä pysyy askeleen edellä vihollista.

Putin called the work of the defense complex “one step ahead” of the enemy a guarantee of victory​

Russia must always be one step ahead of the enemy in terms of weapons, then victory will be guaranteed. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this on May 25 during a meeting with heads of defense enterprises in Korolev, Moscow Region.

“I would like to emphasize this again, we must always be one step ahead. We must stay ahead of the enemy all the time, and then victory will be guaranteed,” the president said.

He pointed out that the effectiveness of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation increases manifold if they are ahead of the enemy by at least half a step.

Putin also set the task of focusing on building an efficient military economy.

“It is still important today to build an effective economy for the armed forces. We all understand that with such expenses, the economy of the armed forces, which is part of the economy of the entire country, must be built accordingly,” the president said.

He also clarified that it is important to use the resources of the defense industry more effectively - to provide an opportunity for further development, expansion and production, and some of the most effective models, according to the president, need to be put into service on an accelerated basis.

The President of Russia on Saturday, May 25, arrived in Korolev, Moscow Region, to inspect production facilities of military-industrial complex (DIC) enterprises and meet with their leaders. The meeting is taking place at the site of JSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation (KTRV).

At the meeting, the head of state also stated the importance of increasing supplies for the army . Such weapons and technologies include unmanned aircraft and ground systems, high-precision weapons, electronic warfare systems and counter-battery systems. These are various types of communications for stable and continuous control and other nomenclature.

The president also said that the volume of ammunition production in Russia has increased 14 times in two years, and drones - four times.

Earlier, on May 15, Putin held the first meeting on the development of the defense industry since the formation of the new government . At it, the head of state called for ensuring the needs of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation during the special operation. He also warned that defense enterprises must be ready at any time to switch to the production of civilian products, and demanded that the Russian economy not be distorted towards defense.

Before this, on May 14, the new head of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Andrei Belousov, said that the head of state had given him the task of integrating the army’s economy into the corresponding industry common to the entire country. Belousov recalled that defense spending has already exceeded 6.7% of the Russian Federation’s GDP and every ruble here should bring maximum effect, so costs need to be optimized.

The special operation to protect Donbass , the start of which Putin announced on February 24, 2022, continues. The decision was made against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the region due to shelling by the Ukrainian military.
🔱Operational information as of 8:30 p.m. 25/05/2024 regarding the Russian invasion.

❗️The main summary:

🔵 The occupiers do not stop attacking Ukrainian positions along almost the entire front line. During the day, the enemy launched four terrorist attacks on Kharkiv with rockets and guided aerial bombs. The Russian invaders hit the central park and dense residential buildings with rockets, and hit a hypermarket with two KABs. In total, the enemy launched three missile strikes, using six missiles (type to be determined) and two guided aerial bombs.

🔵The total number of used anti-aircraft guns in the positions of Ukrainian units and civil infrastructure since the beginning of the day amounts to about 40 units. Also, by this time, the total number of enemy offensive and assault actions had already increased to 99.

🔵 In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian invaders continue to carry out assault actions. Ukrainian soldiers successfully repelled six enemy attacks, four are still ongoing.

🔵 The occupiers do not stop trying to put pressure on the defensive lines of the Ukrainian defenders in the Kupyansk direction. They are unsuccessfully trying to improve their tactical position in Myasozharivka and Novoyehorivka districts. In total, the number of assaults in this direction increased to 14. Half of them were successfully repelled by units of the Defense Forces, seven are still ongoing.

🔵In the Lyman direction, the enemy carried out five attacks during the day, one of which is still ongoing.

🔵 In the Siversky direction, the Russian aggressor continues his attempts to storm the positions of Ukrainian defenders in the area of Belogorivka and Verkhnokamyansk. The number of clashes since the beginning of the day has increased to nine. Four attacks were successfully repelled by our soldiers, five are still ongoing.

🔵 In the Kramatorsk direction, Russian terrorists continue to carry out assaults near Klishchiivka, Novy, Ivanovsky and Andriivka. Since the beginning of the day, 11 combat clashes have already taken place here, one of which is still ongoing.

🔵The Pokrovsky direction remains the hottest point of the entire front line. At this time, the number of enemy attacks here has increased to 23. The occupiers are trying to push through our defenses with the support of attack aircraft. Ukrainian soldiers are holding busy lines and inflicting significant losses on the enemy. Our defenders successfully destroyed another SU-25 of the Russian aggressor in this direction.❗

🔵 In the Kurakhiv direction, the number of clashes increased to 14. Eight enemy attacks were repelled, four are still ongoing.

🔵On the Orihiv direction, the enemy tried three times to carry out assault actions near Robotyny and Novoadriivka. There was no success.

🔵In the Dnieper direction, on the bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper, the occupiers increased the number of attacks to nine, but as before, all these attempts to suppress our units in the Krynok area were in vain.

🔵 In the rest of the directions, the situation has not undergone significant changes.

Soldiers of the Defense Forces - brave defenders of Ukraine!
Let's win together! ✊
Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Hyvin näyttää Ukrainan käytössä kehitys versiot toimivan ja pitävät kalustoa parhaimpana mitä lännestä on tähän tarkoitukseen toimitettu. Jos ei vielä siinä vaiheessa olleet nykyisellä tasolla kun norjalaiset tekivät kauppoja ei tarkoita, että nyt tilanne olisi enää sama kuin vuosia aiemmin.
Totta kai, tykki on ihan OK siihen tehtävään, johon se on suunniteltu. Ukraina on saanut näitä lahjoituksena ja varmasti ovat käyttökelpoisia siellä. Kokonaan toinen asia on, kannattaisiko niitä ostaa markkinahintaan...