Taas Venäjällä on käyty ennustajan puheilla. Povari Galina kertoo ettei ydinsota ole tulossa sillä vain Jumala voi tuoda tämän epäonnen maailmalle. Ukrainan sodassa Venäjä valtaa jatkuvasti lisää alueita kunnes se vihdoin tuhoaa maailman pahuuden ja tämä tapahtuu lähitulevaisuudessa.
Bidenin presidenttiyden loputtua paratiisi saapuu, omenapuut kukkivat kaikkialla ja kupolit peittyvät kultaan. Tietenkin samalla Venäjä nousee ja ottaa johtoaseman maailmassa. Galinan mukaan Putin on hyvin viisas mies joka tekee kaikensa maan hyvinvoinnin takaamiseksii.
Bidenin presidenttiyden loputtua paratiisi saapuu, omenapuut kukkivat kaikkialla ja kupolit peittyvät kultaan. Tietenkin samalla Venäjä nousee ja ottaa johtoaseman maailmassa. Galinan mukaan Putin on hyvin viisas mies joka tekee kaikensa maan hyvinvoinnin takaamiseksii.
https://www.mk.ru/politics/2024/07/...obshhila-o-rezkikh-peremenakh-v-zone-svo.html"Everything Will Soon Turn Upside Down": Psychic Reports Drastic Changes in SVO Zone
Western countries do not stop supplying Ukraine with new weapons. Despite the fact that even our main enemies seem to understand that peace cannot be achieved this way. Psychic Galina Yanko predicts drastic changes in the SVO zone in Ukraine. When they will happen, she told MK correspondents.
- Now everyone is predicting the beginning of the Third World War, - says the psychic. - It feels like the provocations that our enemies are organizing in Ukraine are testing our patience. But our military has long shown that no provocations can break them. We see successes in the SVO zone every day: more and more territories are being liberated. And this will continue until we finally break the world evil. And this will happen in the foreseeable future.
– There will be no nuclear war, which everyone is talking about, – Galina believes. – Only God can send his misfortunes upon people. And he will do it. Those who are now trying with all their might to ignite a global conflict will suffer. And people do not need to worry: I do not see a nuclear war. As long as the same troubles that we are seeing now continue to happen all over the world. They will continue in many parts of the world until the leadership of America changes. As soon as the current US president leaves office, everything will turn upside down. Drastic changes will also happen in Ukraine soon: we just have to wait a little bit. Everyone will understand once and for all: Russia cannot be defeated on the battlefield.
– When the American president leaves office, paradise will come: apple trees will bloom everywhere, domes will be covered with gold, and a peaceful time will come, – Yanko assures. – Russia will begin to flourish. I see that our country will take a leading position. We will be reckoned with and respected. And no one will dare to challenge us anymore – our enemies will fear us like fire. Peace in Russia will be very long and strong.
Yanko encourages everyone to visit churches and holy places more often.
“We need to pray more, and then everything will be fine,” the psychic continues. “Our president, Vladimir Putin, is a very wise man. He will do everything in his power to ensure that our country prospers. We, I repeat, need to pray hard.”